The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 270 Chapter 278279 The three great immortal arts are completed, Zhang Aoxue’s plea, the Tian

After Liao Bugui left, dozens of female disciples and Lin Changsheng were left alone.

Most of these female disciples came here willingly, and their faces were somewhat blushing at this moment.


Lin Changsheng couldn't help coughing twice when he saw the strange expressions on these female disciples.

"Everyone, I have no other intention in calling you here this time. I just want to see you dance with the sword. The one who dances best will also receive a flawless Nascent Soul Pill!"

Lin Changsheng explained his original intention, which immediately made many female disciples somewhat disappointed. It turned out to be just a sword dance? Thought it was——

"Junior brother, do you still remember us?"

Xin Yun'er took a step forward and said, hoping to establish a good relationship with Lin Changsheng and obtain more training resources in the future.

"Of course I remember, when I was an outer disciple in Liuyunxian, I had to call you senior sister!"

Lin Changsheng did not forget his roots. He had indeed met Xin Yun'er and Li Muyun several times in the past.

"It's a pity that now that you have achieved enlightenment and have been promoted to the Nascent Soul Great Monk, we are still far behind. Please take more care of me in the future!"

Xin Yuner said with a smile.

Even a man will inevitably be tempted by her pretty appearance.

But Lin Changsheng smiled and didn't say much. He did have interactions with the two women, but they didn't have a deep friendship.

You won't take care of the other person just because of a few words.

Then let them start dancing with the sword.

Sword Shadow Towering Experience Points +1!

Sword Shadow Towering Experience Points +1!

As the girls danced their swords, the sword shadow's experience value increased crazily.

Looking at these charming and graceful figures, Lin Changsheng almost fell in love with them.

Fortunately, he had strong willpower, so he withdrew his gaze and lit the arrow on the side with flames.

The experience value of Ten Thousand Thunder Burning God Archery +1!

The experience value of Ten Thousand Thunder Burning God Archery +1!

In a burst of crackling sound, the experience value of Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Archery surged wildly.

The experience value increased even faster than that of Sword Shadow Taotian, and it was completed within a short while.

"All we need is Sword Shadow Taotian and Dragon God Tianzun Holy Body!"

Lin Changsheng then watched the women dancing swords while crossing the fake dragon in his hands.

Constantly improving the proficiency of the two immortal arts.

It is indeed a great pleasure to watch women dancing swords. No wonder ancient kings liked to watch it.

Among the girls, Lin Changsheng could tell at a glance that she was the most outstanding swordsman.

This person is none other than Aya Ayane, the talented and charming girl of Liuyunxian Sect.

This woman speaks very little, but her talent is very high. She has been promoted to the early stage of Jindan.

call out--

Lin Changsheng directly shot a flawless Nascent Soul Pill and headed towards Ling Caiyin.

Ayane immediately stretched out her fingers to catch the elixir.

Look at the rich spiritual energy emanating from the pill, plus the pill patterns running on it.

One look at it and you can tell that this elixir is extraordinary.

"The Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill?"

Ayakain was also shocked when she saw this elixir.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng was so willing to give these pills to her?

This is the magical elixir that can create a flawless Nascent Soul!

When the girls saw Ling Caiyin being given pills by Lin Changsheng, they immediately started dancing even harder.

[The sword shadow is overwhelming and perfect! 】

[Dragon God Tianzun’s holy body is complete! 】

Half an hour later, the two great immortal arts were completed.

Except for Ayana, who received the Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill, none of the other female disciples received it.

But Lin Changsheng would not let their efforts go in vain, so he rewarded each of them with fifty spiritual stones.

The girls also left with happy faces.

The reward of fifty spirit stones was quite a lot for them. After all, many disciples only had three spirit stones a month.

Half an hour of sword dancing for Lin Changsheng was more spiritual stones than the sect issued in a year.

"Senior! A famous female disciple said she is from the Yin Yang Dao Sect and is here to see you!"

Liao Bugui, who had just left not long ago, came back again.

"A female disciple of the Yin Yang Dao Sect?"

Lin Changsheng thought for a while and then let her in.

Unexpectedly, the person who came in was Zhang Aoxue who was seriously injured.

This woman is a talented female disciple of the Yin Yang Dao Sect, and Lin Changsheng also knows her.

Back then, this woman and Concubine Yu Ling spent some time with him in the Soul-Seizing Land.

Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured at this moment.

"Lin, Brother Lin! My master respects them, they-"

After Zhang Aoxue saw Lin Changsheng, she immediately knelt down crying and crying.

If she hadn't been protected by a senior brother and pretended to be dead, she might have died.

After hearing this, Lin Changsheng was a little confused, what happened?

"Junior sister Zhang, what happened? What happened to your master and the others?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

Although I had already guessed a little bit, I still didn't want to believe it.

After all, Zhang Aoxue’s master is the master of Yin Yang Dao Sect! How could something happen?

"My master and all my fellow disciples were intercepted and killed by demonic people on their way back to the sect. They all died. I also ask Brother Lin to avenge my master, uncle and fellow disciples——"

After Zhang Aoxue said this, she immediately kowtowed to Lin Changsheng.

After hearing this, Lin Changsheng clenched his palms together.

The rich mana in the body began to surge uncontrollably, causing the corners of his clothes to move automatically without wind.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that the demonic invasion of the Southern Territory would only invade some small forces first, but he did not expect that they would attack the major immortal sects so quickly.

"You're a remnant of the devil. You've been invading our southern region over and over again. You just don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Changsheng said angrily.

It's just time to use these demonic forces to test the power of the three great immortal arts.

"Where have everyone in the Demonic Way gone now?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"When they left, I heard that they were going to surround the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect and the Golden Fu Sect!"

Zhang Aoxue told the truth everything she knew.

"How do they manage to surround and kill two major sects at the same time?"

Lin Changsheng was curious. After all, the major immortal sects were not weak in strength.

"The leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect said that their ancestors also sent out to intercept and kill the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, so they can attack at the same time!"

Zhang Aoxue responded.

"Even the ancestors are dispatched? It seems that they are bound to win the Southern Territory this time!"

The anger in Lin Changsheng's heart could no longer be contained.

"Sect Master Liao, use the sect's best elixir to treat Junior Sister Zhang. I'll go out!"

Lin Changsheng dropped a word and left directly through the air.

If the devil is not eradicated, there will be no peace in the Southern Territory.

Then you can't blame yourself.

The devil wants to die, how can he fail to fulfill his wish?

After Lin Changsheng left, he rushed directly to the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect to return to the sect.

On the way, Lin Changsheng released all the seven thousand miles of spiritual consciousness.

After chasing for thousands of miles, I felt violent mana fluctuations coming from the front.

"Great monk Nascent Soul?"

Lin Changsheng sensed the existence of a Nascent Soul cultivator by virtue of his powerful mana fluctuations.

Suddenly the pace accelerated a bit.

After all, there is no chance of winning against the great monks of Nascent Soul in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Even some great Nascent Soul cultivators are able to kill mid-stage Nascent Soul with one move.

This is the gap between the two realms.

"Xiaobai, help me!"

Although Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to sense the existence of the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the distance of seven thousand miles could not be reached in an instant.

So I told Xiaobai that I hope Xiaobai can use space teleportation so that he can arrive instantly.

Otherwise, if they had arrived a few seconds later, Ling Yue and others might have been in danger of their lives.

Xiaobai also knew that Lin Changsheng was anxious, so he immediately spit out a ball of light and enveloped Lin Changsheng. In the next moment, he directly traveled across seven thousand miles and was directly teleported not far from the battlefield.

Now Xiaobai's cultivation has recovered a lot, and the distance and number of teleportations have increased accordingly.

The distance of seven thousand miles may be very far for the Immortal Heritage Land.

But in the Immortal Burial Realm, there are some secret space techniques that can be teleported hundreds of thousands of miles away.

By the time Lin Changsheng arrived here, the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect had already suffered 7,788 casualties.

Only Ling Yue and Yu Lingfei were still alive.

However, the two of them were not feeling well and had been severely injured.

Opposite the Moon Covering Immortal Sect, there was an old woman shrouded in a black robe.

The wrinkles on his face make people get goosebumps just by looking at them.


The Demon Ancestor made a hoarse sound and slapped his palm towards the place where Ling Yue and Yu Lingfei were.

The tyrannical Nascent Soul cultivator came under pressure, and Ling Yue, who was seriously injured, could no longer fight.

But even if she dies, Ling Yue doesn't intend to let the devil flourish.

He immediately planned to self-destruct his cultivation and die, so that he could die together with the ancestor of the demon.


Lin Changsheng simply scolded angrily and immediately clapped his palm to face the attack of the Demon Ancestor.

"Lin Changsheng?"

Hearing this, Concubine Yu Ling looked back with excitement.

Lin Changsheng was seen as if a god descended to earth, golden light flashed all over his body, and powerful palm prints flew out from in front of him.


The two palm prints collided violently in mid-air, and there was an explosion.

The aftermath of the two's magic power directly knocked Ling Yue and Yu Lingfei away.

Before Concubine Yu Ling could say a word to Lin Changsheng, she was immediately shocked by the aftermath of the palm print and fell into a coma.

Ling Yue also vomited blood and flew backwards. It was obvious that her inner palace was severely damaged.


The young man on the other side was able to catch her attack with one palm, which immediately surprised the Demon Ancestor.

"Are you Lin Changsheng?"

The Demon Ancestor asked in surprise after seeing Lin Changsheng, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

It seems to be like a poisonous snake, making the hairs stand on end of those who look at it.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor has long heard that a great genius has emerged from the Southern Territory, with amazing talent in cultivation, and he has already become a Nascent Soul cultivator at a young age.

It's probably this person.

"Old witch, I didn't expect that you are ugly but have good eyesight! You can actually recognize me?"

Lin Changsheng mocked.

He has no intention of letting this person go today, and will definitely kill him here.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng directly took out the newly fused low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Wushuang Divine Blade.

As soon as the bronze long knife came out, the pupils of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor could not help but dilate a little.

"This, is this the Tongtian Lingbao?"

The Demon Ancestor was immediately shocked when he saw the cyan blade in Lin Changsheng's hand.

After all, in this land of immortal relics, it would be good if a high-grade spiritual treasure could appear. Who would have expected that a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure would appear?

This is a treasure that can only be found in the Immortal Realm!

Even the treasures in the hands of some powerful gods are nothing more than this.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng, who was not yet in the late Nascent Soul stage, would actually have a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure in his hand.

This can definitely greatly increase his combat power.

"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, just kowtow and admit your mistake. Maybe I will leave you a complete body!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, "It is absolutely impossible to let her go. There is no problem in keeping a whole corpse for refining."


The Demon Ancestor's expression was a little distorted and he looked very ferocious.

Although the opponent has the Tongtian Lingbao in hand, she does not have no trump cards.

The Demon Ancestor waved his hand, and a guqin as black as ink appeared in front of him.

This guqin only has six strings, and black mist is emitting from it. At a glance, you can tell that it is infected with evil spirits, and it is a magic piano.

"This piano is called the Heavenly Demonic Qin. The strings are entangled with the meridians of the deep-sea demon fish. It is impossible for anyone below the stage of becoming a god to block the attack of the piano sound. Boy, suffer the death!"

The Demon Ancestor said with confidence.

Because Lin Changsheng was no more than a Nascent Soul cultivator, how could he block the attack of Tianmoqin?

Although Tianmoqin's attack can only occur once every ten years, it is enough to kill the opponent with shock at this moment.

"The clown!"

Lin Changsheng made a sound of disdain, and then waved the Qingyou sword light in his hand, directly slashing out thousands of sword lights to kill the ancestor of the demon.

This sword light is like ocean waves, one after another.

Ding Nong——

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor also instantly fluctuated the Heavenly Demon Qin, and the sound of the Heavenly Demon Qin was extremely penetrating, directly shattering the sword light that was killing Lin Changsheng in front, and then the sound wave directly impacted Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

The Demon Ancestor originally thought that he could shatter Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness with one blow and kill him.

However, Lin Changsheng acted as if nothing was wrong, and the Qianjie Sword Wave still surged towards the Heavenly Demon Ancestor with great turbulence.

"No, it's impossible. You are only in the late Nascent Soul stage, how can you withstand the attack of my Heavenly Demon Qin?"

The Demon Ancestor was immediately shocked.

This is her only trump card, but it is useless to Lin Changsheng at this moment. Doesn't that mean that she will be defeated by Lin Changsheng?

This is something that the Demon Ancestor cannot accept.

Bang bang bang——

The blades of sword light covered each other one after another, and surged forward, so that the ancestor of the demon could only wave the demon harp to resist.

The Tianmo Qin is a middle-grade spiritual treasure, extremely strong.

No matter how much the sword blasted it, it was not even broken into pieces.

However, the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon with sword light in front could barely parry, but the sword light from behind directly killed her and sent her flying backwards.

Countless sword lights passed through her body, causing blood to splash.

Except for Tianmoqin protecting her heart and head, Lin Changsheng might have killed her with one move.

This is the difference between the Tongtian Lingbao and the middle-grade Lingbao.

Although both of their cultivation levels are at the same level.

But with different weapons in their hands, they showed a crushing force.

"Want to escape?"

After knocking back the Demon Ancestor with one move, he saw that the Demon Ancestor was about to turn around and run away.

Lin Changsheng immediately exploded his divine consciousness in the transformation stage, suppressing it until it was unable to move.

"Transformation, divine consciousness? No wonder, no wonder Tianmo Qin is useless to you——"

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor seemed to have thought of why the Heavenly Demon Qin lost its effect.

It turned out that Lin Changsheng's consciousness had reached the stage of divine transformation, so the music of the piano naturally had no effect on him.


Lin Changsheng used the Sky Capturing Cloud Skill to reach behind the Heavenly Demon Ancestor and cut off his head with a single blow.

The bright red blood splashed, and a generation of ancestors died.

Lin Changsheng was worried that the Heavenly Demon Ancestor would use the Blood Demon Disintegration Technique.

Once this method is formed, it will be difficult for Lin Changsheng to kill him. ·

So it’s a killer move as soon as you take action! (End of chapter)

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