The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 271 The opportunity of the divine Buddha beads and the Nine Infants Talisman [Please order!


After the Demon Ancestor died, a golden little person flew out from the center of his eyebrows, which was the Nascent Soul of the Demon Ancestor.

Nascent Soul's teleportation speed is extremely fast, and it is difficult to catch it without special means.

But Lin Changsheng actually had the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in his hand. He waved the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in his hand and absorbed the Heavenly Demon Ancestor's Nascent Soul into it.

"I wonder if there is anything good in the storage bag of this demon ancestor?"

Lin Changsheng put the body of the Demon Ancestor into the storage bag and put the storage bag away.

However, there was no time to check at this moment, so he immediately went to check the injuries of Concubine Yu Ling and Ling Yue below.

At this moment, Concubine Yu Ling had fallen into a coma, and Ling Yue had also suffered internal injuries, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding.

If he had come a step later, both of them would have died.

"Save my concubine quickly, I have been seriously injured and my magic power is weak!"

Ling Yue said anxiously after seeing Lin Changsheng killing the Demon Ancestor.

Concubine Yu Ling was a great talent of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect. If she died like this, it would definitely be a great loss to the sect.

Lin Changsheng immediately injected a ray of magic power into Concubine Yu Ling's body to stabilize her heart.

It was found that she was just knocked unconscious by the aftermath of the powerful mana, and was not seriously injured.

Lin Changsheng used magic power to warm her up for a while, and Concubine Yuling slowly woke up.

"Where is the Demon Ancestor? Are you okay?"

After Yu Lingfei woke up, she immediately looked around, fearing that the ancestor of the demon was still there.

This person's cultivation level is simply too terrifying. Even if Ling Yue used the Ten Thousand Hearts Suppressing Technique and relied on the power of many elders, she could not fight against him.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng arrived in time to save her and Ling Yue, otherwise they might have died.

"I have already killed you. Just hope you are okay! Everyone from the Heavenly Demon Sect has already gone to surround and kill the Jinfu Sect. I have to rush there immediately!"

After Lin Changsheng saw Concubine Yu Ling regaining consciousness, he immediately had no intention of staying any longer.

Although Ling Yue was also traumatized, she was a strong person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so there was no problem in healing her wounds by herself.

"Okay! I'll trouble you then! I've been severely injured and there's nothing I can do!"

Ling Yue looked at Lin Changsheng and said.

Now the safety of the Southern Territory really depends on Lin Changsheng.

If she hadn't been dedicated to protecting Lin Changsheng's growth, the Southern Territory might not have the ability to turn things around now.

Fortunately, they still have hope in Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng nodded, jumped up, and then left through the air.

The two women looked at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure, and they were both thoughtful.

"This is the fourth time I have been rescued by Lin Changsheng!"

Concubine Yu Ling thought to herself that after saying goodbye to the soul-stealing place, she would never have the chance to see Lin Changsheng again in the future.

However, she didn't expect that things would be so clever, and Lin Changsheng saved her many times.

"The original decision was indeed the right one!"

Ling Yue looked at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure and thought to herself.

When Lin Changsheng stole the holy land spiritual energy of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, Ling Yue could have killed Lin Changsheng, but she let him go.

For the sake of all sentient beings in the Southern Territory, I hope Lin Changsheng can become normal again.

And now, this day has finally arrived.

Without Lin Changsheng, Southern Territory would definitely not be able to turn things around now and would fall into the hands of the devil.

Five thousand miles away from Liuyun Immortal Sect, in a cave.

A bloody figure was running a technique to restore his own mana.

After a long time, fresh and tender skin began to slowly grow around the figure.

This person was Su Changkong who was rescued by Jiang Yuyan from Lin Changsheng.

After cultivating, Su Changkong's magic power has been restored to some extent. Not only has his level not dropped, but it has actually improved.

"Ancestor, I will never let you die in vain!"

Su Changkong waved his hand and took out the colorful divine beads.

At this time, Master Ling Yun has been enlightened for thousands of years, and he is just one step away from achieving full enlightenment and gaining this great opportunity.

However, before Master Ling Yun could fully understand, the sect had already suffered a disaster.

Master Ling Yun had to leave seclusion.

As soon as I got out of seclusion, I didn't expect that it would cost my life.

When Su Changkong's spiritual consciousness entered the inner space of the colorful divine Buddha beads, six balls of brilliance instantly poured into his mind.

These six balls of brilliance were Master Ling Yun's enlightenment experience, which he left in the seven-colored divine beads. He hoped that Su Changkong could fulfill his last wish, and by giving the last divine beads to enlightenment, he would obtain a good fortune.

This good fortune can help the Yuanying monk to advance to the realm of god transformation.

"Lin Changsheng, just wait for me. When I step into the realm of divine transformation, it will be your death!"

After absorbing the six Buddha beads, Su Changkong said with a ferocious expression.

He felt that it would not take long to realize the last Buddhist bead.

When the time comes, he must take back everything that Lin Changsheng took away from him.

The pain you feel today will be repaid tenfold and a hundredfold in the future.

Twenty thousand miles away from the Liuyun Immortal Sect, Jiang Yuyan led the Demon Dao people to pursue the Jinfu Sect.

"You demon people are so brave, you dare to break into the hinterland of our southern region?"

Jinfu Sect Zhao Cheng scolded angrily. He thought that the demonic way to invade the southern region would only be sneaky, but he didn't expect that this time he would dare to intercept their Jinfu Sect so blatantly?

"You are about to die, and you still dare to speak arrogant words? Today is the day your Jinfu Sect will fall!"

Behind Jiang Yuyan, Wan Wushuang sneered.

If they hadn't held the Immortal Ascension Conference, they really wouldn't have had such a chance.

Let all the major forces in the southern region gather together with the Liuyun Immortal Sect, causing other regions to be occupied by their demonic ways.

Now as long as the four major Immortal Sects are destroyed, the Southern Territory is basically in control.

"What an arrogant tone. If you are here today, don't even think about leaving!"

Zhao Cheng of the Jin Fu Sect was also impatient. After finishing his words, he directly sacrificed his spiritual treasure Nine Infants Tian Fu Lu.

This spiritual treasure is like an imperial edict, golden all over. After it is unfolded, it has various incomprehensible divine patterns written on it, and rays of light can be seen flashing out from the talisman.

"Go, Jiuying Sleeping God!"

Zhao Cheng struck out with a palm, and the various runes on the talisman immediately rushed towards Jiang Yuyan.

Finally, a large array of golden talismans formed around her, shining with bursts of light.

It was like being enveloped by a huge golden and bronze bell.


Wan Wushuang was a little worried. If this formation really trapped her master, could Fu Junyue be Zhao Cheng's opponent?

Ding Changhai has not been seen yet, and it is not known what he did.

If the plan to unify the southern region was ruined, Ding Changhai would be blamed.

How could Wan Wushuang know that Ding Changhai had died in the strange abyss.

If Ding Changhai hadn't coveted the ice jade bed, he wouldn't have died.

"You want to trap me even in a small formation?"

Jiang Yuyan made a disdainful sound, then waved his arm, and the powerful Nascent Soul cultivator's mana burst out instantly.


Amidst the roar, the golden talisman formation was instantly defeated, and countless runes flew out.

"Yuan, Nascent Soul Great Monk? You have actually been promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk?"

Zhao Cheng's pupils widened when he saw this.

No wonder Jiang Yuyan dared to be so arrogant and led everyone from the Demonic Way to intercept and kill his Jin Fu Sect.

It turns out that Jiang Yuyan has been promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk? (End of chapter)

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