The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 280 Su Changkong was trapped, Zhuge Buping died, and Zhao Fuhu escaped

"Just feel the power of the great formation!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

This secret method of space teleportation is really easy to use. After reaching the level, you don’t need to carve large formations on both sides to teleport. As long as the place covered by your spiritual consciousness, you can open the space door to teleport.

Of course, this can be used temporarily, but if it is used for traveling, it will consume too much mana.

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, thousands of souls emerged from the ground and began to surround Zhuge Buping and Su Changkong.

Among these souls, those with low strength are only in the Qi training stage, but those with high strength are at the Nascent Soul monk level.

Because Jiang Yuyan and the Nascent Soul of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor were among them.

Zhuge Buping could still deal with some low-strength souls, but against powerful souls, Zhuge Buping could only hide behind Su Changkong.

Compared to Su Changkong, these souls were nothing to worry about.

With one palm print, hundreds of souls were directly killed.

In his opinion, killing all these souls was just a matter of raising his hand.

Want to surround yourself with these souls? Simply wishful thinking.

However, the next moment, Su Changkong immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because these broken souls actually came together again, their cultivation became even more powerful than at the beginning.


Su Changkong was extremely surprised. Not only would these souls not be shattered if he killed them, he would actually make these souls stronger and stronger?

How powerful a soul can be created through the last fusion?

However, Su Changkong couldn't help but kill these souls. They were buzzing around him like poisonous bees, stinging you from time to time, which made Su Changkong very annoyed.

We can only smash them one by one.

After many times of fragmentation and fusion, the power of tens of thousands of souls finally condensed into hundreds of late-stage Nascent Soul souls, which continued to attack Su Changkong.

Facing the attacks from these late-stage Nascent Soul souls, they were already threatening Su Changkong. Although it was not painful, he would still be injured if he was careless.

Zhuge Buping was even worse. He was so frightened that he hid in a corner and shivered.

These late Nascent Soul souls are not something he can fight against.

However, in this great formation of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals, one cannot live in peace by hiding. Within a moment, Zhuge Buping was found by a soul.

Suddenly a claw was swung out, and the whole space made a whistling sound.

"Sect master, save me——"

Zhuge Buping shouted in horror.

I thought that by following the sect leader, I would be able to be popular and drink spicy food, but I didn't expect that my life would be in danger even before I became arrogant for a long time.


When Su Changkong saw that Zhuge Buping was in trouble, he immediately yelled angrily and swung out a palm. The force of the palm seal struck, directly smashing the soul of the late Nascent Soul in front of him, and killing the soul that attacked Zhuge Buping.

However, the broken souls were fused together again and evolved into a soul in the early stages of becoming a god.

This made Su Changkong frown.

It seems that if the fight continues like this, these souls in the late Nascent Soul stage will eventually turn into souls in the God Transformation stage, and he may die here by then.

It's better to break the formation now.

However, this formation is extremely mysterious, and it is not easy to decipher it.

Su Changkong blasted away at the formation barrier in the sky with a palm.


The tyrannical palm print fell on the formation barrier, and there was a violent roar. The next moment, the light curtain only caused a ripple, but there was no other movement.

It can be seen how strong this formation is, and it is almost impossible to break it with brute force.

"Sect Master, what should we do?"

Zhuge Buping said worriedly.

If he had known this would happen, he should not have followed Su Changkong.

When he looked around, Zhao Fuhu's figure had long disappeared. What a beast this kid was. He actually left them and ran away?

Zhao Fuhu was not stupid. If he didn't escape, he might be killed by Lin Changsheng.

While Lin Changsheng's attention was on Su Changkong, he fled away in a flash.

The green hills you have left are there, so you don’t have to worry about not having enough wood to burn them.

Moreover, the Yin Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Code of Fire is also in the hands of Zhao Fuhu. If he refines this code to perfection, he can greatly enhance his own strength.

Even if you don't rely on Su Changkong, you will be able to live a good life in the future.

If Su Changkong wins, everyone will naturally be happy.

If he failed, he would be left with an absolute dead end, so it would be better to escape now.

"If you persist, we will break this formation first!"

Su Changkong said a word and continued to blast the formation.

But Zhuge Buping didn't have the ability to fight against the soul, and after a while he called Su Changkong for rescue.

Su Changkong rescued him at first, but in the end Su Changkong realized that he couldn't go on like this.

Even if he is in the stage of becoming a god, his energy will be exhausted if he continues to consume it like this, so he simply no longer cares about Zhuge Buping's life and death.

In the end, Zhuge Buping was torn apart by his soul amidst the screams and died on the spot.

A stream of spiritual energy surged out from the formation's eyes and was absorbed by Lin Changsheng.

It was precisely because of this change that Su Changkong's attention was attracted, and he seemed to have found a way to break the formation.

Seeing that Su Changkong had discovered something, Lin Changsheng immediately diverted his attention and said, "Su Changkong, you are really worse than a beast! You didn't even care about your own sect's genius and allowed him to die miserably!

"It's just survival of the fittest. When we get out, we'll see if you can still be so arrogant!"

Su Changkong scolded angrily, and then the Yuan Power gathered in the palm prints, and he blasted towards the center of the formation with one palm.

The palm print had no effect whatsoever on the formation's eyes. It only caused a little ripple and then disappeared without a trace.

"This is the exit! You still want to trap me, it's just wishful thinking!"

Su Changkong seemed to have found a way to leave the formation, and Lin Changsheng frowned slightly when he saw this.

This made Su Changkong even more certain that this was the export.

However, when he entered the eye of the formation, he found that something was wrong. A huge suction force hit him, and the energy in his body was losing crazily.

"What, what's going on?"

Su Changkong was shocked. He had been fooled by Lin Changsheng. This was not an exit at all, but a door to death.

Su Changkong's crazy loss of Yuan Power was absorbed by Lin Changsheng one by one. This door of death is the place where all things are absorbed.

Whether it is mana or elemental power, it will be absorbed.

The only thing that can leave is the gas. It is absolutely impossible for the physical body to leave.

"Let's see if you can leave alive today!"

Lin Changsheng just acted deliberately for Su Changkong to see, and he just wanted him to be fooled.

The only flaw in this formation is the two formations underground.

If any part is broken, the formation can be broken.

But it is not easy to enter the underground. First, you must pass the soul level, and secondly, you must pass the flame level.

Because this formation still retains the power of the flames from the original Divine Flame Spirit Transformation Formation.

Only if you can pass these two levels will you have the opportunity to come into contact with the two major formations underground.


Lin Changsheng controlled his soul and attacked Su Changkong again.

At this moment, a soul had condensed into the cultivation level of the God Transformation Realm, and it slashed towards Su Changkong's waist with a knife to kill the wronged soul. (End of chapter)

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