The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 281 Using the Nascent Soul cultivation base to fight against the powerful gods.

"Get away!"

Su Changkong roared angrily, and the surging Yuan Power in his body exploded, instantly breaking away from the constraints of the formation eye.

At the same time, a palm strike struck at the soul that was slashed with the sword.


The beheaded soul was instantly knocked away by Su Changkong's palm.

Although these souls have the realm of becoming gods, they still have magic power condensed in their bodies, so there is still a big gap between them and the real powerful ones who can transform into gods.

Su Changkong was seen pushing back the enemy behind with one move, stepping on the ground with one foot, and directly bursting out the Yuanli field.

Within the field of Yuanli, the speed of all souls was greatly reduced, and the attacks seemed to have stopped in mid-air, becoming extremely slow.

The Yuanli domain of a strong person in the transformation stage can easily break the teleportation of the Nascent Soul.

Not to mention these souls, they are almost unable to move forward under the suppression of the Yuanli Domain.

Without the obstruction of these souls, Su Changkong could concentrate on studying the method of breaking the formation.

Su Changkong also has a lot of experience and is involved in formations. Although he cannot lay out such a powerful formation, he also knows how to break it.

In every formation, there will be a life gate, so that those who enter the formation have a glimmer of hope to escape.

Otherwise, if there is no life gate, wouldn't it mean that the person who set up the formation would not be able to leave alive even if he entered it?

In addition to leaving from the Shengmen, the formation can only be broken by destroying the formation.

Now it is impossible for Su Changkong to find the Shengmen and leave. The only thing he can do is to destroy the formation.

The most direct way to destroy the formation is to destroy the formation disk.

Once the formation plate is destroyed, the formation will naturally collapse.

"In the transformation stage, you have already mastered the power of the domain?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised when he saw Su Changkong's burst of Yuan Power.

The gap between Nascent Soul and Transformation God is simply too big. In addition to the differences in mana, body, and spiritual consciousness, the Transformation Soul stage actually also masters the power of the field?

This surprised Lin Changsheng. It seemed that killing a powerful person who transformed into a god was not such an easy task.

"Su Changkong, let me play with you!"

Lin Changsheng naturally could not give Su Changkong too much time to think alone, so he directly entered the formation with the intention of distracting Su Changkong.

"You are very brave! Then I will send you on your way!"

When Su Changkong saw that Lin Changsheng dared to enter the formation to confront him, his heart suddenly burned with anger.

He wished he could tear Lin Changsheng into pieces. Now that he was in front of him, he naturally had no intention of delving into the formation anymore.

I saw that the energy in his body surged, and he was already ready to take action.

As for Lin Changsheng, after entering the formation, he did not dare to be careless at all. After all, he was facing a powerful person in the transformation stage.

As soon as he entered the formation, Lin Changsheng used the Holy Body of Dragon God Tianzun.


Just listen to the sound of a dragon roaring through the sky.

After the divine dragon traveled around the world, it submerged into Lin Changsheng's body. Lin Changsheng's physical body immediately surged, directly breaking through Haojue, and was promoted to the spirit-transformation stage physical body.

Seeing such a scene, Su Changkong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Changsheng's physical strengthening method could actually help him break through to a greater realm?

What kind of ruling is this? How come he never heard of it?

The matter was not over yet. After using the strengthening method, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Tongtian Lingbao.

As soon as this treasure came out, Su Changkong's eyes widened.

"Tong, Tongtian Lingbao?"

Su Changkong was shocked, how could Lin Changsheng have a magical treasure in his hand?

This is a treasure that has never appeared in the Land of Immortal Relics!

It is rumored that it can only exist in the Immortal Burial Domain. Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng actually has one in his hand at this moment?

Why didn't you see him use it last time?

Seeing this treasure, Su Changkong's eyes glowed with greed. If he owned this treasure, who in the entire Immortal Heritage Land would dare not to surrender to him?

"It seems that your boy has gained quite a fortune. When I kill you, all these treasures will belong to me!"

Su Changkong said coldly, and then blasted out a palm, directly killing Lin Changsheng.

While blasting the palm seals, the Yuanli domain also spread out, trying to restrain Lin Changsheng and prevent him from escaping.

However, the Yuanli field had no effect on Lin Changsheng.

Because Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness is also at the level of the God Transformation stage.

Therefore, the Yuanli field does not have much suppressive effect on it.

This field of Yuanli is a barrier formed by the pressure of divine consciousness.

All creatures below the stage of transformation into gods cannot escape the suppression of this realm.

But Lin Changsheng was an anomaly, and the suppression in the field of Yuan Power had no effect on Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng had previously fought against Jiang Yuyan, who had broken through to the Divine Transformation Realm, so he knew how powerful the cultivation of the Divine Transformation Realm was.

At this moment, he has no intention of confronting Su Changkong head-on. He is here to distract Su Changkong. As long as his Yuan Power is weak, he will no longer be able to release the Yuan Power Domain.

At that time, thousands of souls will be able to move freely, and it will no longer be difficult to trap and kill him.

Lin Changsheng used the Sky Capture Cloud Technique to fly a hundred meters away, directly avoiding Su Changkong's palm attack.


The palm prints struck the formation barrier, and there was a violent roar. However, the formation only caused a ripple, and then there was no movement.


After Lin Changsheng dodged the blow, he immediately swung his sword and slashed out. The tyrannical force of the sword exploded, and he slashed at Su Changkong with thousands of swords.

Thousands of shadows of the sword gleamed on top of each other, one wave overshadowing the other, surging towards Su Changkong like a tsunami.

"Little tricks!"

Su Changkong made a disdainful sound, flew forward and punched out.

Since the field of Yuanli is useless to Lin Changsheng, then I will capture him with my own hands, blast his body to pieces, and see how he can avoid it?

Bang bang bang——

The tyrannical Yuanli fist light and thousands of sword light instantly blasted together, and there were bursts of roars.

I saw that the power of the sword light was no match for the fist light, and they were shattered one after another.

Some sword lights struck the ground, killing the mountains, rocks and trees until they collapsed.

Caused extremely destructive power.

But this kind of lethality is negligible to Su Changkong who is in the god transformation stage.

"The power of this sword is so extraordinary?"

On the surface, Su Changkong smashed the sword light all the way to Lin Changsheng with overwhelming force.

But only he knew what Su Changkong was thinking.

At this moment, he discovered that Lin Changsheng's sword gleams were not simple. Each wave was stronger than the last wave. The sword rays were numerous and numerous, which made him feel a little surprised.

It would be impossible for an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator to withstand a single blow from the powerful God-Transformer.

Not to mention that the Nascent Soul cultivator’s attack surprised the powerful God-Transformer.

Only Lin Changsheng, a monster, could do this.

After all, the magic weapon in his hand is a magical treasure.


Finally, Su Changkong's domineering fist light shattered all the sword light and killed Lin Changsheng directly.

Not to be outdone, Lin Changsheng also punched out with a punch.

The fist is surrounded by flames, and there is a dragon shadow accompanying it. This fist is the Flame Dragon Sky-shattering Fist.


The two fist lights collided violently in mid-air, and the loud explosion was clearly heard by the surrounding Jinfu Sect disciples who had just left.

They all looked up to the sky. (End of chapter)

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