The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 283: Beheaded, Zhao Fuhu fled into the land of soul-stealing [Please subscribe! 】

Su Changkong, who was severely injured, immediately withdrew from the realm of Yuanli, and thousands of souls regained their ability to move.

Under the control of Lin Changsheng, they rushed towards Su Changkong together.

Among them are souls in the transformation stage, with powerful strength.

"No, it's impossible. I am a strong person in the transformation stage. How can I lose to you?"

Su Changkong roared heart-breakingly and sacrificed all the colorful divine Buddha beads to resist the attacks of thousands of souls.

Bang bang bang——

The attacks of countless souls landed on the colorful divine Buddha beads, making roaring sounds, but they could not hurt Su Changkong in the slightest.

The colorful divine Buddha beads were like seven mountains, surrounding Su Changkong, making it difficult for thousands of souls to move forward.

However, this colorful divine Buddha bead can defend the left and right sides, but cannot defend the upper and lower sides. There are still two big gaps.

Under Lin Changsheng's control, many souls attacked Su Changkong from above.

Su Changkong counterattacked, killing the souls that came towards him one by one.

However, the fallen souls gathered together again and became a more powerful soul.

Therefore, although Su Changkong killed fewer and fewer people, the power of his soul became stronger and stronger.

In the end, six souls from the early stage of divine transformation were condensed, and there was even one soul from the middle stage of divine transformation.

This made Su Changkong feel desperate.

Under the siege of many souls, even though Su Changkong was protected by the colorful divine Buddha beads, he was defeated step by step and suffered more and more injuries.


Seeing that the time was right, Lin Changsheng charged up and struck out with his sword.

The powerful sword light turned into a giant blade in the sky and slashed towards Su Changkong.

"This sect is not willing to accept it——"

Su Changkong roared angrily. Under the siege of thousands of souls, he was at the end of his strength.

At this moment, he was even more unable to parry Lin Changsheng's charged attack.


The sword light fell on Su Changkong and killed him directly to the ground.

Amid the violent explosions, the earth trembled, and a huge ravine a hundred feet long and ten feet wide appeared on the ground.

Su Changkong fell in the deep pit between the knives. There was a huge knife wound in front of him, a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his energy was exhausted.

He never imagined that he would still be defeated by Lin Changsheng with his cultivation at the Divine Transformation stage.

This kid is really a monster, a monster.

He was able to cross a huge realm to fight with him, but in the end he ended up being defeated miserably.

"Quick, look, Su, has Su Changkong been defeated?"

"What? Su Changkong was defeated? Impossible!"

"It seems true that Lin Changsheng actually used his Nascent Soul cultivation to kill a powerful person who transformed into a god? This is incredible!"

"Is this probably the number one person in the Land of Immortal Relics? In the past, the geniuses could only compete with the Nascent Soul with the cultivation of the Golden Core, but Lin Changsheng actually managed to compete with the Transformation God with the cultivation of the Nascent Soul."

In the distance, the disciples of Jinfu Sect who had just escaped not far away saw Su Changkong falling from the sky and were shocked.

They originally thought that Lin Changsheng would be shocked and killed by Su Changkong, but they did not expect that in the end, he would miraculously turn around.

"He actually did it?"

Even Elder Chen couldn't help but marvel at Lin Changsheng, it felt so incredible.

In a deep pit.

Su Changkong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't stop the injuries all over his body. His blood continued to flow and his breath became weaker and weaker.

"Let's hit the road!"

Lin Changsheng waved his sword light and penetrated Su Changkong's heart directly, killing him with one move.


The next moment, a golden figure flew out from the center of Su Changkong's eyebrows. This figure no longer looked like a vague "big" character, but showed some outlines.

He looked like a smaller version of Su Changkong who looked younger.

This is the form in which the Nascent Soul passes through to the Soul. When it enters the Void Refining Stage, the Soul will completely evolve into the Soul, which will be exactly the same as the original body.


Lin Changsheng immediately waved the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and put Su Changkong's Nascent Soul into the space of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

At this time, with Su Changkong's death, all the energy around his body was transferred by the formation, turning into streams of spiritual energy and pouring into Lin Changsheng's body.

"The energy of the divine transformation stage is so surging?"

Lin Changsheng frantically circulated the spiritual energy that came out of the Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Refining Formation, and was quite surprised.

The spiritual energy provided by Su Changkong after his death was enough for Lin Changsheng to reach the peak of the late Nascent Soul stage, just shy of entering the stage of divine transformation.

"It's time to deal with Zhao Fuhu!"

Two hours later, Lin Changsheng opened his eyes and said after refining the spiritual energy after Su Changkong's death.

Although Zhao Fuhu only has a golden elixir cultivation level, he has good talent. If he is not killed, it will be a big disaster when he grows up in the future.

Lin Changsheng put away the million soul flags, canceled the formation, put away all the spiritual veins and soul flags in the ground, and then spread out his spiritual consciousness.

Seven Thousand Miles of Divine Sense soon captured the range of Zhao Fuhu.

"Escaped three thousand miles?"

Lin Changsheng sneered, it seemed that Zhao Fuhu really wanted to survive.

But offending Lin Changsheng would not let him survive.

Lin Changsheng quickly drew a picture in front of him, golden light flashing, preparing to use the teleportation formation to chase Zhao Fuhu.

"Su Changkong has died, you don't need to run away anymore!"

Before leaving, Lin Changsheng left a few words, asking everyone from the Jinfu Sect to return to their sect.

This made many monks of Jinfu Sect look at each other with disbelief.

Lin Changsheng actually trapped and killed Su Changkong in the formation?

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care whether these people believed it or not. As soon as the space teleportation formation was completed, he stepped into it and disappeared instantly.

When Lin Changsheng appeared again, he had arrived in a mountain forest.

But Zhao Fuhu was still running away with all his strength.

When he saw Lin Changsheng suddenly appearing in front of him, he was shocked.

Su Changkong died so quickly?

If Su Changkong hadn't died, how could Lin Changsheng have come here?

"Su, has Sect Leader Su fallen?"

Zhao Fuhu still couldn't believe it and asked in surprise.

Even the powerful God Transformation expert was no match for Lin Changsheng. From this point of view, he had no way to survive.

Fortunately, he had a backup plan.

"You miss him so much, I will send you to see him right now!"

Lin Changsheng's magic power was circulating in his palm, intending to kill Zhao Fuhu with one move.

"Lin Changsheng, don't you think this place looks familiar?"

Zhao Fuhu had expected this a long time ago, so the direction of his escape was not aimless. This was the place where Lin Changsheng accidentally fell to seize the soul.

Once you enter this place, the mana in your body will be continuously drained, and you will eventually become an ordinary person.

This place was not discovered by Zhao Fuhu, but he learned about it from Yu Lingfei's junior sister Fu Qingyu.

So this place became Zhao Fuhu's only hope for survival.

He bet that Lin Changsheng would not dare to enter this place again.

Even if he is lucky enough to escape from it alive, the danger inside is definitely not small.

"The place where souls are captured?"

Lin Changsheng found that the surrounding environment was indeed somewhat familiar.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Changsheng remembered that this was the place where he fell into the Soul-Seizing Land?

In front, Zhao Fuhu was already standing at the entrance of the Soul Seizing Land, looking at Lin Changsheng with a sneer.

"Lin Changsheng, if you want to kill me, come to the Soul Seizing Land to find me!"

After the words fell, Zhao Fuhu jumped directly into the land of soul seizing. (End of chapter)

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