The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 284 Chapter 293294 Another little bug? The Immortal-Devouring Demon Art was completed, and t

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng frowned slightly.

Lin Changsheng has been to the Soul Seizing Place, and he also knows what it looks like inside.

Even if he enters it in the later stage of Nascent Soul, he will definitely be in danger.

Do you need to take this risk to hunt down Zhao Fuhu?

After much hesitation, Lin Changsheng still did not risk entering.

"Zhao Fuhu will probably die if he enters it!"

Without saying a word, Lin Changsheng turned around and left.

He has more important things to do, which is to obtain the Poseidon Tower.

This treasure is a treasure at the level of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure, and its power cannot be underestimated.

There is no need to delay your own important events for Zhao Fuhu.

Lin Changsheng was not idle when he rushed to the Demonic Sea. He opened Su Changkong's storage bag and looked for it.

This greedy and ambitious man definitely has a lot of treasures in his storage bag.

As soon as he opened it, Lin Changsheng was so shaken by countless spirit stones that he could hardly open his eyes.

There are three small mountains of spiritual stones piled up inside, with as many as two to three hundred thousand pieces.

In addition to the Sky Sword and the Seven-Colored Divine Buddha Bead in Su Changkong's hand, there are dozens of high-grade magic weapons, including many immortal arts.

Lin Changsheng will no longer be bored on the road. He can study the Immortal Art while traveling.

The place where souls are captured.

In an abyss of tens of thousands of feet, in an empty and ancient main hall, a huge three-foot-long coffin was placed on a high white jade platform in the center of the hall, with a middle-aged man with an elegant face lying on it.

"Damn it, another little bug came in. I must not let him ruin my important event again!"

The elegant middle-aged man muttered, and an incarnation of his soul left his body.

His injuries have almost recovered, and his soul can leave the body.

He must not let the little bug that entered the soul-stealing land delay his recovery from his injuries.

So I planned to leave my body and kill this little bug directly.

After Zhao Fuhu entered the land of soul seizing, he fell into a coma. When he woke up again, he found that he was on a beach with turbulent sea water around him.

"I, I'm not dead?"

Zhao Fuhu touched his whole body and found that he was unscathed.

I tried running the mana and it was not affected at all.

However, there is no spiritual energy here, and every ray of mana he consumes cannot be replenished.

"No wonder it's called the Land of Soul Seizing. It seems that this place really has no spiritual energy at all. If all the mana is used up, I will become an ordinary person and I have to find a way to leave."

Zhao Fuhu secretly thought, and then began to rummage around for storage bags.

It turned out that my storage bag was missing.

There are some elixirs here that can replenish spiritual energy.

Even if your own mana is exhausted, you can still get some supplement from the elixir.

So these pills are very important to him.

What's more important is that the Yin Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Yang Book is also included, so the storage bag must not be lost.

"Why is the storage bag missing?"

Zhao Fuhu began to search around the beach.

"Quick, look, another unfortunate egg has fallen in here!"

"Yes! He is still a young man, and it seems that his cultivation level is not very strong, but hunting some sea monsters shouldn't be a problem! We don't have to work so hard!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

In the distance, a group of people spotted Zhao Fuhu and quickly surrounded him.

"There are actually people here?"

Zhao Fuhu was also very surprised when he saw twenty or thirty people coming quickly.

However, these people are all mortals, without any magic power in their bodies, and their highest level of strength is no more than a martial arts master.

These people did not pose a threat at all in Zhao Fuhu's eyes.

"Everyone, I accidentally entered this place by mistake. Is there a way to leave?"

Zhao Fuhu didn't want to be trapped here for the rest of his life, so he asked, hoping to get some useful information from these people.

"Leave this place? Don't even think about it. If we could leave, how could we be trapped here for the rest of our lives? You are not the first monk to fall into the soul-stealing land. Why not help us hunt down you before your magic power is exhausted? How about a few sirens? As a reward, we will take you into the tribe to live!"

A captain from the Yuntu tribe spoke up.

Hearing this, Zhao Fuhu looked unwilling, "Impossible, how could there be no exit here? You can't lie to me. If Lin Changsheng can get out, I can get out too!"

Zhao Fuhu shouted angrily unwillingly.

Then he discovered that his storage bag was hanging on a man's waist, and he immediately became even more suspicious of these people.

"Give me back the storage bag!"

Zhao Fuhu's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

"You said this is yours?"

The man was a little surprised, but this storage bag was of no use to them. After all, they didn't have the consciousness to open it.

So he threw it to Zhao Fuhu.

However, after Zhao Fuhu took it, he found that he could not open it. He suddenly felt bad and suspected that these people had tampered with his storage bag.

"What's going on? You can't use your spiritual consciousness anymore?"

Zhao Fuhu was shocked, wouldn't it mean that he couldn't even use the pills in the storage bag?

"I don't believe there is no way out of this place. If you don't tell me everything, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Zhao Fuhu was already ill and sought medical treatment at this time. If these people didn't tell him how to leave, he would not be merciful.

After all, he still has mana in him, and he must find an exit before his mana is exhausted.

Otherwise, once his mana is exhausted, he will really have no choice but to wait for death.

Too late——

The power of thunder and lightning in Zhao Fuhu's body circulated, and the sky became dense with dark clouds, and streaks of silver danced in the sky.

"Immortal, Immortal Master, we really don't know how to leave!"

A man from the Yuntu tribe responded.

I thought that this young man didn't have much cultivation, but now he was able to mobilize the sky thunder, which showed that his strength was extraordinary.

"Don't know? Then just die!"

Zhao Fuhu punched out, and the power of thunder and lightning wrapped around him, killing all the more than 20 people in front of him.

Only a thin man was left, who was so frightened that he peed and fell to the ground.

"Do you know how to leave?"

Zhao Fuhu asked.

"I, I don't know either, but our tribe leader knows that some people have entered this place in the past, but later I heard that they left!"

The man was so frightened that he told Zhao Fuhu everything he knew.

"Take me to your tribe and let your leader meet me!"

Zhao Fuhu scolded that he would not talk about fairness with these mortals.

This person had already been frightened by Zhao Fuhu's cruel methods, and immediately led Zhao Fuhu towards the Yuntu tribe.

After arriving at the Yuntu tribe, Tumu, the leader of the Yuntu tribe, personally received Zhao Fuhu.

There is only one leader of the Yuntu tribe now, and that is Tumu. In the past, Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng had both died.

When Tumu learned that Zhao Fuhu had killed members of their tribe, he was immediately furious.

Naturally, he would not tell Zhao Fuhu how to leave. He would only tell him to enter the Flame Hill and find the exit.

He planned to let Zhao Fuhu fend for himself in it.

【Swallowing Immortals and Demons is complete! 】

While Zhao Fuhu was still looking for an exit from the Soul-Seizing Land, Lin Changsheng was already drinking water while studying the Immortal Art, and soon mastered the Immortal-Devouring Demon Art to perfection.

The Art of Swallowing Immortals and Demons has been simplified to the point where you can increase your proficiency by drinking water, and it will naturally reach perfection very quickly.

[The entrance to the Netherworld of Ten Thousand Ghosts! 】

[Step into the sea of ​​corpses and step into the sky! 】

[Introduction to Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand! 】

A moment after completing the Immortal-Devouring Art, Lin Changsheng also studied the three Immortal Art books obtained from Su Changkong's storage bag to the beginning.

This Ten Thousand Ghosts Nether Slash should be a great magic skill that Su Changkong acquired after destroying the Tiangui Sect, but it is a pity that Su Changkong thought too highly of himself and did not practice it.

The Corpse Sea Sky Step should have been obtained from the Corpse King Sect, but unexpectedly, it was an advantage for Lin Changsheng.

As for Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand, it is the top palm-handling martial arts of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

It's a pity that Su Changkong was obsessed with swordsmanship and didn't study very hard, so he didn't achieve anything.

On the contrary, because Lin Changsheng has a body, whether it is boxing, palm, or body-lighting and body-strengthening techniques, he is fully developed.

Lin Changsheng specialized in every kind of martial arts to the extreme.

The only shortcoming may be the kicking technique, but Lin Changsheng doesn't like to use the kicking technique, otherwise it would only take a minute for him to learn it.

[The Thousand Ghosts Nether Slash has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Corpse Sea Step to the Sky has been detected. Do you want to spend 5500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng's most indispensable thing was spiritual stones, so he naturally chose to simplify them all.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Ten Thousand Ghosts and Netherworld Slash begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. Ten Thousand Ghosts and Netherworld Slash == slaying ghosts with a sword! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Sea of ​​Corpse Steps to the Sky begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Corpse Sea Steps to the Sky == Corpses! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Qianliuyun Buddha's Hands begins. The simplification is completed during simplification, Qianliuyun Buddha's Hands == touching the head! 】

"Slash ghosts with a knife? Stomp on corpses? Touch heads?"

Seeing the simplified results, Lin Changsheng felt a little weird, but he was very satisfied because these were not difficult.

So Lin Changsheng first summoned Su Changkong's soul.

As soon as this guy came out, he glared at Lin Changsheng, and it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Lin Changsheng.

"Lin Changsheng, don't be arrogant. After you die, we can regain our freedom!"

Su Changkong said unyieldingly, it seems that he has become one with the other souls inside, and now they are all headed by Su Changkong.

After all, his cultivation is the strongest.

In Su Changkong's view, Lin Changsheng cannot live forever forever. As long as Lin Changsheng dies, the restriction in the Ten Thousand Soul Flag space will be lifted, and then they can be reborn.

However, Lin Changsheng is not afraid of their rebellion. As long as they are in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, he can torture them however he wants.

If they disobey for one day, they will be tortured for ten days. If they disobey for ten days, they will be tortured for a hundred days. Lin Changsheng has time to torture them.

Just like Qi Hui at the beginning, isn't he obedient to Lin Changsheng now?

A dog will not be obedient if it is not beaten, and a ghost will not be honest if it is not trained!

"Still want to be free again?"

Lin Changsheng sneered, waved his hand again, took out Su Changkong's body, and trampled it under his feet.

The experience value of Corpse Sea Steps is +1!

The experience value of Corpse Sea Steps is +1!

I saw that the experience value of Corpse Sea Treading Step was constantly increasing.

However, when Su Changkong's soul saw this scene, his whole body trembled with anger.

This kid is simply insulting a ghost!

He was already dead, and Lin Changsheng still wanted to insult his body?

"You, you beast——"

Su Changkong could only curse angrily.

However, what greeted him was a sharp sword light.

Lin Changsheng swung out his sword and split Su Changkong in half.

The experience value of Ten Thousand Ghosts and Netherworld Killing is +1!

The experience value of Ten Thousand Ghosts Nether Slash increased rapidly in the next moment.

However, just killing one soul seems to improve a bit slowly.

So Lin Changsheng summoned the souls of dozens of people including Jiang Yuyan, Jiu Wushang, and Nie Buping.

With one strike, the experience value of Ten Thousand Ghosts Nether Slash was directly increased by dozens of points.

In this way, while stepping on Su Changkong's body with his feet and slashing the soul with his right hand, he can practice the two great immortal techniques at the same time.

"The left hand cannot be idle either!"

Lin Changsheng saw that his left hand had nothing to do, so he summoned Yun Chan and asked her to squat beside him, so that he could touch her head.

Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand experience value +1!

Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand experience value +1!

The experience value of Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand can also be increased, killing three birds with one stone.

"Lin Changsheng, you beast, you must die a happy death!"

Su Changkong was constantly being torn apart by the light of Lin Changsheng's sword, and he still cursed with fear in his heart.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care at all and scolded himself for not being able to lose half of his body. The pain of being killed continuously was real.

[Sea of ​​Corpses Steps to the Sky to Perfection! 】

【Qianliuyun Buddha's hand is perfect! 】

[The killing of all ghosts and ghosts is complete! 】

Three hours later, the three great immortal arts were finally completed.

The souls summoned by Lin Changsheng had lost their initial hostility, and most of them fell to their knees and begged for mercy.

Even Su Changkong was in agony, looking at Lin Changsheng with a slightly evasive look.

"Go in first! I'll play with you later!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and recalled all the souls back to the Ten Thousand Soul Flags space.

Because the three great immortal arts are complete, the next step is fusion.

He didn't want his direct secret to be discovered by these souls.

[The completion of Ten Thousand Ghosts and Netherworld Slash has been detected. Is it integrated with Sword Shadow Taotian? 】

[It has been detected that the Corpse Sea Steps to the Sky is perfect. Is it integrated with the Sky Capturing Cloud Skill? 】

[The perfection of Qianliuyun Buddha's hand was detected. Is it integrated with the Thousand Corpse Golden Buddha Seal? 】

As soon as the three great immortal skills were completed, a fusion prompt came out from the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively merged them all one by one.

[Ten Thousand Ghosts and Netherworld Slash (Perfection), Sword Shadow Towering to Heaven (Perfection), Fusion Begins... Fusion in Progress... Fusion Completed, Get the New Immortal Jue Ten Thousand Netherworlds Breaking Heaven Slash! 】

[Sea of ​​Corpses Steps to the Sky (Perfect), Heaven Captures the Clouds (Perfect), Fusion Begins... Fusion in Progress... Fusion Completed, Obtain New Immortal Technique to Step to the Sky and Chase Immortals! 】

[Qianliuyun Buddha's Hand (Perfect), Thousand Corpses Golden Buddha Seal (Perfect), fusion started... fusion in progress... fusion completed, obtained New Immortal Jue Three Thousand Gods Buddha Seal! 】

"Wanyou Breaks the Sky? Steps into the sky to chase immortals? Three Thousand Gods and Buddha Seals?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the Immortal Art after the fusion.

The power will definitely be greater than before the fusion.

[If Wanyou Breaking Heaven Slash is detected, should I spend 10,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Heaven-Chasing Immortal Step has been detected. Do you want to spend 9,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[Three Thousand Gods and Buddha Seals have been detected. Do you want to spend 9,500 spirit stones to simplify them? 】

The three great immortal arts had just been fused, and the simplified prompt came out again.


Lin Changsheng clicked Simplify again.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't harvested a lot of spiritual stones, ordinary families wouldn't be able to afford this panel, which would consume tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

But fortunately, the harvest is also huge. (End of chapter)

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