The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 285 Chapter 295296 Another blessing? The immortal body washes away the Yuntu tribe with bloo

Just when Lin Changsheng was practicing the Immortal Art while rushing to the Demonic Sea, the place where the souls were captured was already filled with blood.

Because Zhao Fuhu found that after going to the Flame Mountain, he still couldn't find the exit, and even almost died in the Flame Mountain.

So after returning to the Yuntu tribe, he vented all his anger on the Yuntu tribe.

At this moment, Zhao Fuhu was surrounded by the power of thunder and lightning. Every time he punched out, dozens of people from the Yuntu tribe would die tragically.

"Tumu, please think carefully. If you don't tell me where the exit is, all your people will be dead!"

Zhao Fuhu threatened.

At this moment, nearly half of his mana has been consumed. If he can't find a way to leave, he may stay here forever.

Therefore, Zhao Fuhu was extremely anxious and even hesitated to kill innocent people to vent his anger.

"You beast, you kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you still want to leave alive? Just prepare to be trapped here and die for the rest of your life!"

Tumu spat and said.

Even if he died, he would not tell Zhao Fuhu how to leave this place.

Although he had also witnessed the departure of Lin Changsheng and others back then.

I don’t say that I know everything about how to leave this place, but I also know a lot about it.

"Okay! Then I'll send you on your way!"

Zhao Fuhu was furious, and the power of thunder and lightning in his body became stronger. Dark clouds filled up the sky, and silver thunder rolled among them.



Zhao Fuhu roared angrily, and in an instant countless thunderbolts fell, directly razing the Yuntu tribe to the ground, and thousands of people died on the spot.

Even Tu Mu was not spared and was directly killed by the thunder.

Tumu is not as powerful as a martial arts master, so how can he be Zhao Fuhu's opponent in the middle stage of Jindan?

After killing a large number of innocent lives, Zhao Fuhu still felt angry and launched a massacre of the entire Yuntu tribe.

In a few breaths, the entire Yuntu tribe was bleeding like a river, and no one survived.

"I don't believe there is no exit here. If Lin Changsheng can get out, I can definitely get out too!"

Zhao Fuhu thought to himself, feeling extremely irritable.

"Huh? This, this is?"

Suddenly, Zhao Fuhu felt an extremely powerful pressure coming on him, making his hair stand on end and his scalp numb.

This powerful aura was far beyond what he could contend with.

The next moment, a figure cut through the sky and stood in the void not far in front of Zhao Fuhu.

This is a middle-aged elegant man, and the powerful aura in his body makes Zhao Fuhu extremely jealous.

The middle-aged elegant man was slightly surprised when he saw the scene of a river of blood on the ground.

Because the people of these tribes were like moths to him, constantly consuming the nutrients in his formation.

Now that they are all dead, it is still a good thing for him.

I saw the middle-aged elegant man wave his hand, and streams of blood mist flew out from the dead Yuntu tribe members and fell directly into the mouth of the middle-aged elegant man.

Absorbing the blood of living beings can help him heal his wounds.

After a while, the middle-aged elegant man opened his eyes with a satisfied expression, as if his injuries had been greatly nourished.

Then he looked at Zhao Fuhu.

"Double spiritual roots, or different thunder spiritual roots, not bad!"

The middle-aged elegant man seemed to admire Zhao Fuhu quite a lot.

"Senior, please forgive me. I don't know that I am practicing here, so I have disturbed you so much. Please forgive me for my rude behavior!"

After Zhao Fuhu saw the elegant man, he immediately knelt down and large beads of sweat appeared on his head.

The man in front of him had a cultivation level that far surpassed that of Nascent Soul, and the aura in his body was even stronger than that of Su Changkong, who had broken through to the stage of becoming a god.

In other words, this person is at least a strong person in the middle stage of becoming a god.

If the other party wants to kill him, he only needs to wave his hand.

Killing him is no different than crushing an ant, so begging for mercy is the wisest choice.

"I thought it was another little insect coming. Obviously, you are not him!"

The elegant man said indifferently.

Zhao Fuhu rolled his eyes and immediately understood the other party's intention.

"Senior, you are talking about Lin Changsheng. I heard that he left after entering this place!"

Zhao Fuhu immediately responded and first found out what the relationship between this person and Lin Changsheng was.

If it were an enemy, that would be perfect.

"Do you know him? Back then, this little bug not only absorbed the spiritual energy of my great formation, but also took away the base of my great formation. As a result, my recovery speed from injuries was greatly reduced. If I meet this person, he will definitely get cramps. Pull out the bones and light the sky lantern with the soul!”

The elegant man said angrily.

After Zhao Fuhu heard that this person had a grudge against Lin Changsheng, he suddenly smiled.

"Senior, you don't know something. Lin Changsheng and I also have an sworn hatred. He killed my elder brother and master. If there is an opportunity, I will definitely help senior!"

Zhao Fuhu immediately responded and gnashed his teeth in hatred towards Lin Changsheng.

"Oh? You also have a grudge against him?"

Situ Wu was a little surprised, but it was best this way. This small role could help him somewhat.

"Exactly! This junior will obey the senior's arrangements. As long as he can kill Lin Changsheng, he will do whatever it takes to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire!"

Zhao Fuhu said categorically and also expressed his attitude towards Situ Wu.

"Okay, very good. I see that you have extraordinary talents. Once you crush this little bug to death, follow me to the Burial Immortal Realm in the future, and you will have greater opportunities!"

Situ Wu also expressed his position that he indeed needs to employ people now, otherwise how could he reuse a golden elixir ant like Zhao Fuhu?

"Yes, everything is subject to the arrangements of the Immortal Lord!"

Zhao Fuhu knelt down respectfully.

"You wipe out all the creatures in this formation, and I will use their blood to recover from my injuries. When my injuries are fully recovered, Lin Changsheng will die!"

A cruel sneer appeared on Situ Wu's lips.

He must kill this little bug.

Dare to disturb Tai Sui's head, you simply don't know how to live or die.

Dayu, Mucheng.

In the strange underground abyss, there is an extremely cold ice crystal jade bed.


A beautiful woman suddenly exclaimed and opened her eyes.

Yan Zhen's eyes were full of horror.

Because in the dream, Lin Changsheng was still in his original state of serious illness. He often didn't have enough to eat and often relied on her for help.

Almost being beaten to death in her dream, Yan Zhen rushed forward to protect her, but finally woke up.

After waking up, Yan Zhen was horrified when she saw bones all around her.

"Who am I? Where is this?"

Yan Zhen's face was full of panic.

She only felt that she had had a long, long dream, and she seemed not to remember anything else.

At this moment, she began to doubt her identity. Was she Yan Zhen? Or the Frost Empress?

However, no matter who she was, she wanted to leave here quickly at this moment.

The thick bones here made Yan Zhen feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at the cliff thousands of feet high, Yan Zhen suddenly felt troubled.

But the next moment, the ice jade bed behind him slowly floated up and stopped under Yan Zhen's feet.

Although Yan Zhen didn't know why the ice jade bed moved, she seemed to understand its meaning and immediately sat on it.

The ice jade bed carried Yan Zhen and flew upwards.

After arriving at the top of the abyss, Yan Zhen discovered that the original appearance of Mucheng was still there.

The land with a radius of ten miles has been reduced to ruins, as if it had been burned by a raging fire for ten days and ten nights, a scene of devastation of life.

"What, what on earth happened?"

Yan Zhen looked confused. What happened to Mucheng after she fell into coma?

In Yan Zhen's surprised look, the ice jade bed began to shrink continuously, and then disappeared between Yan Zhen's eyebrows.

Yan Zhen felt a cool feeling coming over her, making her whole body feel extremely comfortable.

Then he immediately rushed to Qingshi City around Mucheng, wanting to ask what happened?

Twenty miles away from Qingshi City, there is a ruined temple on a mountain.

A man was sitting on a shabby futon, running the exercises to refine the treasure prohibition before the incarnation.

This person is Bu Tianzhi who escaped from the strange abyss.

After he obtained the spiritual treasure and storage bag of his master Ding Changhai, he hid here to cultivate.

Not only has his cultivation reached the peak of the late Jindan period, he has even refined 4 of the restrictions of the Yin and Yang roulette.

It can bring out 80% of the strength of Yin Yang Roulette.

"In three more days, the Yin-Yang Roulette can be completely refined. At that time, all the strength will be unleashed. No monks below the mid-Nascent Soul stage can do anything to me!"

Bu Tianzhi raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He obtained the Demon God's Heavenly Tribulation Technique in the Poseidon Tower, and his training speed was extremely fast. In addition, he obtained the master's spiritual treasure and storage bag, which made him even more powerful.

Your future achievements are absolutely limitless.

Of course, it will not die before it grows up.

If you are lucky enough to enter the Immortal Burial Realm, your potential is unlimited.

"Now that all the powerful demons have died, it seems that only I can gather the remaining power again! Then let all the demon cultivators be used by me!"

Bu Tianzhi thought to himself, but felt secretly happy.

He never thought that one day, he would be able to unify all the demonic monks.

[Wan Ming breaks the sky and cuts to perfection! 】

[Chasing the Immortal Steps in the Sky to Perfection! 】

[Three Thousand Gods and Buddha Seals are completed! 】

On the way to the Demonic Sea, Lin Changsheng had already mastered the three great immortal arts to perfection.

At present, all the Immortal Arts are enough. Lin Changsheng no longer plans to practice the Immortal Arts, but plans to refine the corpse.

After all, Lin Changsheng's storage bag contains many corpses of middle-stage Nascent Soul and even Nascent Soul monk level.

"Is that old guy trying to trick me?"

Lin Changsheng thought of the words of the imprisoned old man in the parchment, and felt that something was wrong.

Did someone else give him a treasure for free? This is not necessarily a good thing, it might be a trap.

So Lin Changsheng planned to trick this old guy into talking to him.

Lin Changsheng took out the four spliced ​​sheepskin scrolls again, and entered them with his spiritual consciousness.

Inside is still the endless deep sea.

The huge stone pillars are as huge as coiled dragon pillars, with arm-sized iron chains tied to corpses.

Some have turned into bones, while others seem to have just died.

When Lin Changsheng came to the old man's stone pillar at the front, the old man's eyes suddenly opened.

"Young man, I'm giving you a fortune, why don't you want it?"

The old man was a little surprised when he saw Lin Changsheng arriving.

The Poseidon Tower is a great treasure. How many people dream of something, but he doesn’t want it?

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng felt something was wrong. Why did the old man know that he had not obtained the Poseidon Tower?

Maybe after acquiring the Poseidon Tower, there will be some changes here, so he asked this question.

"Senior, I'm really sorry. This junior is too stupid to comprehend the storm formation in the Poseidon Tower, so I can't obtain the Poseidon Tower!"

Lin Changsheng said deceitfully, wanting to see how the old man would react.

As expected, when he heard that Lin Changsheng failed to realize the storm formation, the old man was immediately very unhappy.

"What? Didn't you have an epiphany about the storm formation? Then wouldn't I—"

The old man said in panic.

He placed all his hopes on Lin Changsheng, hoping that after he obtained the Poseidon Tower, he would be able to escape from the constraints.

However, Lin Changsheng failed to realize the storm formation?

Then the next time the Poseidon Tower is opened, it will have to wait until hundreds of years later. Will my soul be able to persist for this long?

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng became more sure that after he obtained the Poseidon Tower, it would also be of certain benefit to the old man, and might be able to help him break free from his constraints.

If this is the case, then Lin Changsheng will not let him out easily.

After all, the remnant soul of this old guy is very powerful, and Lin Changsheng is still not sure that he can kill him.

"Then you can't escape?"

Lin Changsheng sneered. He wanted to see when this old guy would tell him the truth.

"It's okay. If you can't get the Poseidon Tower, then the good fortune I gave you can't be given away in vain. You can't get it yourself, but you can't blame me. You still have to untie the shackles for me!"

The old man continued.

However, Lin Changsheng is not that easy to fool.

"I really want to untie you, but what good will this do to me? Once you break free, I can't beat you again and again. If you fall out, there's nothing I can do about you, right? You can't show it any more?"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile.

This made the old man speechless, "Okay! I'm giving you a fortune. You follow the route of the parchment to find the end. Where is my body buried? My body is an immortal body, a drop of blood It will give you a huge increase in your physique. Remember, it only takes one drop. If you get too much and your physique cannot bear it, you may explode and die. After you enter the stage of becoming a god, you can also use brute force to destroy the Poseidon. Lou pull out!”

The old man once again gave Lin Changsheng a blessing.

This made Lin Changsheng feel a little shocked.

The body is immortal, what kind of state is this? Even in the God Transformation stage, he couldn't make his body immortal. The old man's original strength seemed to be far beyond that of the God Transformation stage!

A drop of blood can change his physique, so imagine how terrifying his own strength is.

"It seems that the Poseidon Tower is the key to letting him out!"

Lin Changsheng immediately discovered the involvement. The old man was determined to get Lin Changsheng to obtain the Poseidon Tower.

So Lin Changsheng changed his mind and planned to follow the map's guidance to find the old man's physical body first to see if what he said was true. If it was true, maybe the blood of a strong man could really allow Lin Changsheng to break through Haojue and become a god. Expect.

"Don't lie to me. Otherwise, if I die and the parchment sinks into the sea, you will never be able to escape in your lifetime!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but he had a firm grip on the old man's psychology.

"Wait, let me remind you one thing. This place is probably a bit dangerous. It is also a large formation called the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation. There are three sea monsters in it. But I believe that with your strength and wisdom, this place It’s nothing!”

The old man warned.

Although his soul is separated from his physical body, he can still sense it to some extent.

"Both the soul and the body need to be sealed by a large formation. What is the origin of this old man?"

This made Lin Changsheng even more afraid to let the old man out easily. He might be the first person to be killed when he came out.

However, the formation was very simple for Lin Changsheng.

If you realize the simplification yourself, you can easily crack it.

The blood in the body of a strong man is indeed a great treasure. Lin Changsheng will naturally not let it go and plans to find out. (End of chapter)

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