The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 286 Chapter 297298 Things without eyes, Bu Tianzhi is shocked, Yan Zhen’s terrifying strengt

After his consciousness exited the parchment space, Lin Changsheng studied the route on the parchment.

There are mountains and rivers on these routes, and finally they converge into a vast ocean.

"It doesn't seem that far from the Corpse King Sect."

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that he had been to the Corpse King Sect, so he knew the approximate location.

It just doesn't conflict with him going to the Demonic Sea.

Lin Changsheng then rushed to the place on the map and began to refine the corpse puppet.

It would be a good deal if it could be refined and fused to create an existence beyond the level of a king's corpse.

In Lin Changsheng's storage bag, there were many corpses from the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul.

There are 4 infant monks in a single unit.

Among them are Divine Master Tianyin, Master Lingyun, Ancestor Tianmo and Jiang Yuyan.

Among them, Su Changkong's physical body is at the level of a god.

If it weren't for the fact that the refined corpse puppet could only be comparable to the cultivation level of the refining monk, Lin Changsheng would not have to start refining the Nascent Soul Corpse Puppet.

By directly refining Su Changkong's corpse puppet, you can obtain a corpse puppet that surpasses the level of a king's corpse.

"If other corpses can be fused to fuse 6 top-level king corpses, then 10 top-level king corpses can be used to fuse into a terrifying zombie puppet that surpasses the level of king corpses."

He did whatever he thought of, and Lin Changsheng used the corpse refining technique to start refining the corpse.

If a corpse puppet that surpasses the level of a king's corpse is fused, then Lin Changsheng will be equivalent to having one more corpse puppet thug at the level of a god.

Dayu, Qingshi City.

Due to the invasion of demons, a large number of troops were set up to guard the entrances of each city in Dayu.

Everyone passing by needs to be carefully checked.

Prevent the remnants of the evil ways from escaping into the city.

At this moment, a pale and frail looking woman came under the city gate.

After three days of journey, Yan Zhen finally arrived at Qingshi City, which is the closest to Mu City.

At this moment, her mouth was dry and she was severely dehydrated, so she looked extremely weak.

"Stop, where are the refugees coming from? Qingshi City does not accept refugees!"

When the guards saw Yan Zhen's desolate appearance, they immediately became suspicious.

"I am not a refugee, but a citizen of Mucheng. I would like to ask what happened in Mucheng and how did it become like this?"

Yan Zhen asked anxiously with wide eyes.

She had countless doubts in her heart and wanted someone to answer them for her.

"Go, go, what kind of place is this? Go and ask for food!"

The guarding soldiers drove Yan Zhen away impatiently.

However, the gatekeeper general on the side saw Yan Zhen's good looks. He immediately touched the beard on his chin with his right hand and walked over with tiger steps.

"What's going on? You don't know that the military and civilians are family members? When the people have problems, we must actively solve them. Girl, I am Liu Huiwu, the general of the east gate of Qingshi City. I can answer you any questions you have!"

Liu Huiwu looked Yan Zhen up and down. This girl had a round and plump figure and would be interesting to play with.

Let’s trick him into his home first.

"General, I've been in a coma for a while. I want to know what happened in Mucheng. Now my home is gone! I don't have a place to stay. Please make the decision for me, General!"

Yan Zhen said helplessly.

She always felt that what she was dreaming about when she was in a coma was just a dream. She was just an ordinary person in Mucheng who used to sell noodles for a living.

As for the empress in her memory, it was just a dream.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. The reason why this pastoral city has become like this is not caused by the remnants of the demonic path. You don't need to worry. Now many leaders of the demonic path have been annihilated by our monks from the Southern Region. The remaining remnants are not a worry. You don't have to worry about it now." If you have a place to live, you can come to my house. When the disaster relief money comes, you will have a place to stay!"

Liu Huiwu said with great momentum, the greed in his eyes was fully visible.

However, Yan Zhen kept her head down and didn't notice. She just felt that she had met a good person.

So Yan Zhen followed Liu Huiwu and walked towards the city.

After the two left, the guards started talking.

"General Liu is really not picky about food! He even likes refugees?"

"What do you know? Although this woman's complexion is a little worse and her clothes are a little torn, she will definitely be a beauty after being cleaned!"

"You can tell that she is a great beauty? You have really extraordinary eyesight!"

"You can tell just by looking at his figure. Your jaw will drop when the time comes! Do you think General Liu is a man that all women want?"

Many guards kept talking. It seemed that this was not the first time Liu Huiwu had deceived a woman.

Yan Zhen followed Liu Huiwu back home. After washing up and eating something, she was no longer as tired as she was at the beginning.

The whole person has a completely new look, elegant and refined, and is simply a beauty in the world.

"Yan Zhen! I've taken a bath and eaten. Shouldn't you repay this general?"

Liu Huiwu said that he was ready to attack Yan Zhen.

However, the next moment, Yan Zhen actually dodged past him at a very fast speed.

"Hey, it would be more interesting to be a Lianjiazi!"

Liu Huiwu was originally a second-rate expert in Qingshi City and felt that capturing Yan Zhen would be a piece of cake.

This is the first time for him to play with a girl who knows martial arts.

However, what he didn't know was that Yan Zhen was also extremely confused at this moment. How could he dodge so quickly?

Could it be said that he really knows martial arts?

After several trials, Yanzhen discovered that Liu Huiwu was like a clown in front of her. His fists and kicks were like slow motion slowed down several times, and he could not even touch the corners of her clothes.

At this moment, Liu Huiwu had no intention of playing anymore and found that Yan Zhen was actually stronger than him.

"Come here! Tie her up for me!"

Liu Huiwu yelled angrily, and dozens of his subordinates suddenly appeared behind Liu Huiwu.

Following his order, they all moved towards Yan Zhen to surround them.

With the potential to escape, Yan Zhen found that her hands and feet had become extremely brisk. With one step, she flew ten feet away and left the Liu Mansion directly.

However, he was soon surrounded by a large number of people on the street.

"I have long discovered that you are a remnant of the demonic path. Where are you going to escape?"

Liu Huiwu saw that he could not defeat Yan Zhen, so he pinned the hat of the devil's remnant on Yan Zhen's head.

At this moment, the people around him were also pointing fingers at him.

"This girl is actually a remnant of the devil? No way? I really can't tell."

"You don't know this, right? Demonic people like to cover up, and the more innocent a woman is, the more dangerous she is!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you kill her quickly and eliminate harm for the people!"

"Kill her, kill her—"

There were constant scoldings in the crowd, which made Yan Zhen feel extremely upset, as if a powerful force was about to burst out of her body.

Three hundred feet away, on the second floor of an inn.

A young man's pupils suddenly opened wide after seeing Yan Zhen.

"Yes, it's her? She actually woke up?"

Bu Tianzhi was shocked.

Others didn't know how Yan Zhen cultivated, but he clearly remembered that even his master, a mid-stage Nascent Soul master, had no power to resist in front of Yan Zhen.

The moment he saw Yan Zhen, Bu Tianzhi ran away without looking back!

It is absolutely not advisable to stay here for a long time, otherwise you will definitely die.

Bu Tianzhi had just refined the fifth-level restraints of the Yin-Yang Roulette and was able to exert his full cultivation. He originally wanted to use the creatures in this city to sacrifice for the spiritual treasure.

Unexpectedly, he met Yan Zhen as soon as he arrived at Qingshi City.

These people are really short-sighted. Who can they offend? Why would they offend Yan Zhen?

This is a supremely powerful man! Their fate may be disastrous.


Following Liu Huiwu's soft drink, dozens of soldiers immediately waved their spears and killed Yan Zhen.

The powerful force in Yan Zhen's body could no longer be suppressed, and instantly broke through the restraints, and a stream of extremely cold air instantly enveloped all surrounding creatures.

The soldiers who were charging just now turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

When Yanzhen opened her eyes and looked around, she found that the entire Bluestone City had turned into a frozen city.

All living creatures were frozen by the power spreading out of her body.

This place has turned into an ice city.

"What, what's going on? This memory, this power, is not mine, not mine!"

Yan Zhen was immediately frightened by this scene and was a little overwhelmed, and quickly ran out of Qingshi City.

However, the more she ran away crazily, trying to escape from it all, the more deeply rooted these memories became.

"Empress of Frost, how can I be Empress of Frost? No, I'm not——"

With Yan Zhen's sweet shout, the entire land within a hundred miles was frozen.

Even the birds in the sky seemed like they had fallen into an ice cave.

Fortunately, Bu Tianzhi escaped quickly enough and was not affected.

Even so, he felt an extremely cold air spreading out, making him shiver with cold.

"The Southern Territory is simply too dangerous, why not go to the Beimu Immortal Clan to escape!"

Bu Tianzhi secretly thought, in addition to the monster Lin Changsheng in the Southern Territory, another terrifying and powerful person has awakened.

This strong person's cultivation is even more unpredictable. Bu Tianzhi only knows that her cultivation is unfathomable and she possesses extremely strong ice power.

I don't know anything else.

With a tiger in front and a wolf behind, it would be better to go to the Beimu Immortal Clan to develop the demonic power.

It will definitely be much stronger than developing in the Southern Region.

Soon, the news that Bluestone City was frozen reached the ears of Empress Dayu.

Everyone thought it was the remnants of the devil's evil ways, and the Empress of Yu, Yu Wenjing, couldn't sleep at night.

Above the court.

Yu Wenjing has an proud figure and a phoenix crown on her head, sitting upright in the court hall.

Below, hundreds of civil and military officials were dormant.

"Your Majesty, Bluestone City was massacred by a witch, and more than 100,000 people died. The old minister suggested that all the major immortal sects should be notified immediately to hunt down this woman!"

"Your Majesty, I second my opinion. This female enchantment is astonishing. She can massacre an entire city by herself. If she is not killed, I am afraid that my general Da Yu will be frightened!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I also second the proposal!"

Immediately, many officials asked Yu Wenjing to issue an imperial edict so that the major immortal sects could surround and kill Yan Zhen.

But Yu Wenjing felt that the matter was too special and difficult to decide.

But we can’t sit still and wait for death. Otherwise, who knows which city it will be tomorrow?

"General Jin, I order you to immediately send people to the Shengxian Sect, notify Sect Master Liao, and ask all the great immortal masters to take action! At the same time, all major cities will be on heightened alert. If you discover the whereabouts of this woman, report it immediately!"

Yu Wenjing finally issued an imperial edict to surround and kill Yan Zhen.

If she were to know that the witch they were talking about was Yan Zhen, who had been kind to Lin Changsheng in the past, I wonder if she would still be like this.


Jin Wuque responded immediately and then left.

The place where souls are captured.

After Zhao Fuhu became Situ Wu's subordinate, he slaughtered all the creatures in the Soul-Seizing Land according to his instructions.

All the blood of these people after their death was absorbed by Situ Wu.

This greatly increased Situ Wu's recovery from his injuries.

"Immortal Lord, how are you cultivating yourself? If you still need someone to nourish you, I can bring you some people in from outside!"

Zhao Fuhu said respectfully.

It seems like other lives are worthless.

"Of course, the more, the better. It is best to be a monk, which can greatly increase the recovery of my injuries! When I leave this place, the benefits will be yours!"

Situ Wu smiled and the whole space was filled with the sound of Situ Wu's words.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng did not impulsively chase Zhao Fuhu into this place, otherwise he might really die here.

Because now Situ Wu's injury has almost recovered, the soul can leave the body, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Following Situ Wu's guidance, Zhao Fuhu successfully left the formation and began to kill various monks to heal Situ Wu's injuries.

However, he did not dare to leave the place where the soul was captured. Otherwise, if he encountered a strong opponent, he would not be able to return to the place alive.

While Zhao Fuhu was working for Situ Wu, he did not fall behind in his practice and continued to study the Fiery Sun Book.

This is the first glimpse into the door.

Once completed, Zhao Fuhu will not only control the power of the sky thunder, but also the power of the blazing sun, and his strength will be greatly increased.

Time flies, half a month has passed.

Lin Changsheng has a perfect level of corpse refining technique, and the speed of refining corpse puppets is much faster than that of ordinary demon cultivators.

All corpse puppets above Nascent Soul in the storage bag have been refined.

Among them, there are 12 corpse puppets in the early stage of Yuanying, 6 corpse puppets in the middle stage of Yuanying, and 4 corpses in the late stage of Yuanying.

[12 primary king corpses were detected. Are they fused into 6 mid-stage king corpses? 】

A prompt popped up on the panel, and Lin Changsheng decisively chose yes.

I saw 12 corpse puppets flashing with golden light all around and beginning to merge with each other.

After three breaths of time, six mid-stage king corpses appeared in front of them.

[12 mid-stage king corpses were detected. Are they fused into 6 top-level king corpses? 】

The next moment the prompt pops up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose yes again.

The 6 newly fused mid-stage king corpses and the 6 refined mid-stage king corpses bloomed with golden light all over their bodies.

Then they merged with each other, and after a while, six top-level king corpses appeared in front of them.

"Just right!"

The 6 top-level king corpses combined with the corpses of Divine Master Shangtian Yin, Master Ling Yun, Ancestor Heavenly Demon and Jiang Yuyan made exactly 10 corpses.

[10 top-level royal corpses were detected, are they fused into one royal corpse? 】

"The emperor's corpse?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that the strength of this emperor's corpse corresponds to that of a monk in the transformation stage.


Lin Changsheng clicked Fusion without hesitation.

The golden light rises, and the 10 top king corpses merge into one.

This time the fusion took a long time, and it took about ten breaths for the light to recede.

When he could see, he saw a huge two-meter-tall corpse standing in front of Lin Changsheng.

Incomparable energy fluctuations emanated from the body of this corpse puppet.

"Yes, there is still Yuan Power in the body of the corpse puppet. In this case, except that the attack is slower under my control, the rest should be almost the same as the god transformation stage!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the newly fused imperial corpse.

Immediately activate the magic technique, control the emperor's corpse and start attacking, blasting a punch towards the distant mountains.

I saw the emperor's corpse punch out, and the fist light condensed with Yuan Li was extremely domineering. When the punch landed, the ground shook and rocks flew.

A huge deep pit three miles long and wide was directly smashed into the ground.

The majestic mountains have long since disappeared without a trace.


Seeing such a result, Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

Now he controls the corpse puppet as if he were controlling a spiritual treasure, like a driving arm user.

This greatly enhances his strength.

At this moment, even if he faced Su Changkong who was in the transformation stage, he could still kill him without using a large formation. (End of chapter)

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