The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 288 Weapon Spirit? Zhao Fuhu has been reborn [Please subscribe! 】

Why did this Lingbao suddenly attack him without Yan Zhen's control?

Ji Ruyan never expected this.

"Item spirit?"

The only explanation is that there is a weapon spirit in this spiritual treasure.

Weapon spirits have independent consciousness, and there may be a powerful creature in front of them, so they can control the power of the spirit treasure.

At this moment, the weapon spirit wanted to kill Ji Ruyan. Maybe Ji Ruyan threatened it or its owner.

Lingbao came to kill, and Ji Ruyan immediately retreated.

Bang bang bang——

The ice sword blade penetrated the ancient trees in the distance, cutting them off one by one, and then swept the sword out in a circle, instantly transforming into thousands of ice and snow sword lights to kill Ji Ruyan.

Seeing thousands of sword lights coming towards him, Ji Ruyan knew that he could not avoid it.

"Thousands of sword shadows!"

Ji Ruyan immediately summoned the low-grade spirit treasure and swung out his sword, which also erupted into thousands of sword lights.

This move has the same effect as the sect's secret treasure Qiandu Jianlang.

It's just that the power of this move is slightly weaker than Qiandie Jianlang.

Bang bang bang——

In an instant, thousands of sword lights in the sky collided violently. Under the roar of explosions, Ji Ruyan's attack was no match for the power of the Lingbao and was directly knocked away.


While flying upside down, Ji Ruyan spurted out a mouthful of blood, which showed how overbearing the power of the ice sword was.


The next moment, the ice sword light trembled all over the body, turning into a stream of light and killing Ji Ruyan who was retreating.


Seeing that the ice sword light was about to penetrate Ji Ruyan's heart, Yan Zhen scolded angrily, and the ice sword light immediately stopped.

The sword light was only three feet away from Ji Ruyan's heart.

If it had been any slower, Ji Ruyan would have died on the spot.

With Ji Ruyan's initial Nascent Soul cultivation, he was unable to match the power of the spiritual treasure in Yan Zhen's hand?

This shows how powerful this spiritual treasure is!

"I didn't do this. This treasure actually has its own consciousness!"

Yan Zhen was extremely surprised. She was originally just a mortal, but suddenly came into contact with the world of cultivating immortals. Everything made her a little uncomfortable.

"I'm afraid this is at least a treasure of the level of the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure. The spirit of the weapon inside is extraordinary. It's difficult to control it with your current ability. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary!"

Ji Ruyan didn't mean to blame Yan Zhen at all.

Because that's not what she was thinking either.

But this made Ji Ruyan even more sure of one thing, that is, Yan Zhen was not the awakened memory, but the reincarnation of a powerful person.

Lingbao felt Ji Ruyan's threat to his master, so he wanted to get rid of her.

After the master absorbs and fuses the memory of Yan Zhen's soul, he can be reborn.

However, Ji Ruyan's current cultivation level cannot relieve Yan Zhen's current predicament at all.

The only hope is probably Lin Changsheng.

"From now on, don't use magic anymore. When Lin Changsheng comes back, maybe he can help you!"

Ji Ruyan said truthfully.

"Changsheng? Do you know Changsheng?"

Hearing the word Lin Changsheng, Yan Zhen suddenly became excited.

Lin Changsheng can be said to be the person closest to her besides her family.

However, ever since Lin Changsheng entered the Immortal Path, he had never returned to Mucheng to see her.

Yanzhen often went to Lin Changsheng's house to clean him, hoping that one day Lin Changsheng could return to Mucheng again.

"Of course, Lin Changsheng is already a great monk of Nascent Soul, and his cultivation is now the strongest in the Southern Territory. I am afraid that only he can help you!

Why don't you follow me to ascend to the Immortal Sect first? Lin Changsheng will be back soon! "

Ji Ruyan has no other choice now.


Yan Zhen agreed without even thinking about it because of Lin Changsheng.

Ji Ruyan waved his hand to create a flying shuttle, then jumped up with Yan Zhen and rushed towards the Shengxian Sect.

In this way, Yanzhen will not be disturbed by other sects in the Shengxian Sect, and there will no longer be incidents where she cannot control the power in her body and hurt innocent people.

The place where souls are captured.

"Hahaha——, Fu Hu, you did a great job. In three months, I will be able to recover from my injuries and leave this place. I will reward you with whatever you want by then!"

Situ Wu was quite satisfied.

Because Zhao Fuhu has been killing monks from the outside world recently to absorb the blood for him, it is just around the corner that he will recover from his injuries.

"Fu Hu does not dare to pray too much. He only hopes that the Immortal Lord can take me with him when he leaves the Immortal Relics Land! Let Fu Hu continue to serve the Immortal Lord!"

Zhao Fuhu flattered Situ Wu so much that he felt happy both physically and mentally.

"Don't worry, the benefits will definitely come to you. If you take this pill, it will be of great benefit to you!"

Situ Wu smiled and said, this boy has a good talent, and he might really be able to use it in the future.

After finishing his words, Situ Wu waved his hand and directly shot out a blood-red pill.

Zhao Fuhu took it, glanced at it, and swallowed it into his mouth without saying a word.

If you hesitate for a moment, it would be disrespectful to the Immortal Lord.

Situ Wu was quite satisfied when he saw this, with a smile on his face.

After the elixir entered his abdomen, Zhao Fuhu felt a burst of heat all over his body, and it seemed that the blood flow in his body had accelerated a lot.

"Use your magic power to refine the medicinal effect. This elixir is refined from my blood. Although the effect is a little less effective, it can still improve your physique and make you a new person!"

Situ Martial Arts.

Naturally, he didn't want to use a waste, and he also hoped that Zhao Fuhu's cultivation would be stronger.

"Thank you Immortal Lord for your cultivation, Tiger Binding will definitely not disappoint you!"

After hearing this, Zhao Fuhu immediately used all his magic power to refine the medicine.

Although it was extremely painful at first, I felt refreshed later on.

I saw layers of black keratin appearing on Zhao Fuhu's body. These are impurities in the body.

After cleaning the marrow with the elixir, Zhao Fuhu felt that his blood, meridians, bones, and skin had all increased significantly.

In such a short period of time, even his cultivation reached the peak of the late Jindan period.

This shows how overbearing the effect of this elixir is.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

Zhao Fuhu quickly thanked him again.

With the help of the Immortal Lord, he believed that it would not be difficult to kill Lin Changsheng in the future.

[Introduction to the Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation! 】

Just when Zhao Fuhu finished absorbing the power of the elixir, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the three-soul sky-locking formation to the beginning.

[The Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 8500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng clicked simplify without hesitation.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation == Binding Souls to Beat! 】

"Bind the soul and beat him violently?"

This made Lin Changsheng feel a little perverted, but the more perverted the better, after all, you cannot use ordinary methods to deal with these people in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

Lin Changsheng was the first to summon Su Changkong, and immediately tied him up and beat him severely.

Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation experience value +1!

Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation experience value +1!

During the violent beating, the experience value of the Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation continued to increase crazily.

But Su Changkong suffered a lot.

"Lin Changsheng, you beast, if we let our sect escape, I will never let you go!"

Su Changkong roared.

However, such words had no deterrent effect on Lin Changsheng.

After an hour of torture, Su Changkong finally lost his breath and began to beg for mercy.

[The Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation is complete! 】

Lin Changsheng's Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation was finally completed, so he threw it into the Ten Thousand Soul Flag space.

Many souls in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner space couldn't help but feel their hearts pounding when they saw Su Changkong being tortured to such a horrible state.

It seemed that they couldn't get too close to Su Changkong, otherwise it might be their turn next. (End of chapter)

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