The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 289 Fusion of three major formations! All Souls Locking Heaven Formation!

"It's finally complete!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied, and suddenly a wave of memories of the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation crazily flooded into his mind.

Let him know this formation well.

Just like a formation master who has specialized in this formation for hundreds of years, he knows every formation base, formation eye, and formation plate very clearly.

"This formation is guarded by the souls of the three Nascent Souls. Unfortunately, the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in my hand can just be used to collect souls!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that this formation did not pose much threat to him.

The only threat may be the Kraken in the sea.

In the deep sea, even if Lin Changsheng is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he cannot exert his full strength.

But the sea monster is different in the deep sea. It is like a fish in water.

[The Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation (Perfection), the Tianyi Tortoise Shell Formation (Perfection), and the Three Souls Locking the Sky Formation (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new formation? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng had completed the Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

The fusion of the three major formations can create a more powerful formation.

The Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortal Formation can trap and kill the strong men in the God Transformation Stage. Now that the three major formations are integrated, it may be difficult for even the strong men in the Void Refining Stage to escape.

[The fusion of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation (complete), the Tianyi Tortoise Armor Formation (complete), and the Three Souls Locking the Sky Formation (complete) has begun. Fusion is in progress. The fusion is complete, and a new formation has been obtained: the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking the Sky Formation! 】

"All Souls Locking Heaven Formation?"

Lin Changsheng muttered silently, the previous formation could kill immortals, and the fused formation could lock the sky, and its power would definitely be even higher.

[The Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 15,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The panel prompts again.


Lin Changsheng took out 15,000 spirit stones, and the spirit stones disappeared in the next moment.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation == Soul Locking! 】

"Soul lock?"

A smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips, Su Changkong and others were the best souls.

Lin Changsheng summoned Su Changkong again, and at the same time also summoned Jiang Yuyan, the Demon Ancestor and others, and locked them up together.

The experience value of the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Array is +1!

The experience value of the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Array is +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation increased crazily.

After Lin Changsheng put it into the Ten Thousand Soul Banner space, his experience value never stopped growing.

Afterwards, Lin Changsheng stopped taking care of it. It will not take long for this formation to be perfected.

In the space of Ten Thousand Soul Banners.

"Su Changkong, we are all going to suffer terribly from you. Why don't you say something nice and beg for mercy? This man is under the eaves and has to bow his head!"

Jiang Yuyan cursed angrily, feeling that it was because of Su Changkong's bad words that they were both punished.

"That's right, I'm already an old man, and I still have to endure such torture with you. It's really unbearable!"

The Demon Ancestor also said angrily.

Su Changkong is in such a miserable state at this moment!

"I have already begged for mercy, but this guy won't take it easy! Do you think I feel better!"

Su Changkong said in frustration.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care what they thought. After entering the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation, he suddenly felt the Yin energy surrounding it.

Even the clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.


Three innocent souls were seen rising from the three islands and rushing toward Lin Changsheng's location.

If ordinary people encountered such a situation, they would probably be scared out of their wits.

But Lin Changsheng had mastered the method of catching souls, so he was indifferent to these souls. Instead, he waved the three souls and received them into the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Flags.

The gloomy sky became clear again.

"If ordinary people encounter this Nascent Soul, they may not be able to survive!"

Even though Lin Changsheng dealt with it so easily, if ordinary people encountered these souls, there really would be nothing they could do.

After all, this soul is contained in a large formation, and even if someone is powerful, it can crush the soul.

But the soul will also be condensed again due to the formation, and it will not be scattered after being killed.

It can exhaust the monks who break into the formation alive.


After collecting the three souls, Lin Changsheng smashed directly into the sea and escaped towards the seabed at the center of the formation.

Because the corpse is at the center of the formation.

After Lin Changsheng entered the deep sea, he found that the seabed was exactly the same as the scene in the parchment scroll space.

There are countless stone pillars rising into the sky from the bottom of the sea. There are arm-sized iron chains on the stone pillars, binding the corpses together.

"The cultivation level of these corpses is extraordinary! Who trapped them all here?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised.

Because these corpses trapped at the bottom of the stone pillar are at least strong men with Nascent Soul cultivation.

After a while, Lin Changsheng arrived at the center, under the huge stone pillar.

There is indeed a strong middle-aged man tied up here, and his appearance is quite different from that of the old man.

But this may be what he looked like when he was young. Because his body is immortal, he has always maintained his youthful appearance.

But the soul will continue to grow old as the soul power is consumed, until it finally dissipates.

Lin Changsheng looked at this body with his spiritual consciousness and found that this body was indeed extremely powerful, and it was impossible to check its cultivation level.

But Lin Changsheng felt that he was at least beyond the level of a god.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Unparalleled Divine Blade, intending to cut off the iron chain imprisoning the body so that he could take the body away.


However, when the blade struck the iron chain, there was only a sound of metal collision. The powerful Tongtian Lingbao failed to cut off the iron chain?

This made Lin Changsheng a little surprised.

"It seems that this iron chain is indestructible with the support of the formation. The only way is to destroy the formation first!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Then based on the structure of the Three Soul Locking Heaven Formation, we began to search for the location of the formation disk.

Once the formation plate is destroyed, the formation will naturally collapse on its own.


However, just as Lin Changsheng was looking for the array, the sea water surged in the distance, and the aftermath soon spread to Lin Changsheng.


Lin Changsheng was alert to his surroundings. It seemed that the sound of killing the chain had attracted the attention of the sea monster.

Within a moment, a huge black shadow swam from a distance, and the dark shadow gave people a huge sense of oppression.

When he got closer, Lin Changsheng discovered that it turned out to be a huge eight-clawed demon fish.

One of the tentacles of this Octopus Demonic Fish is larger than an adult's waist.


When the Octopus Demonic Fish saw Lin Changsheng, it immediately launched an attack. It spurted a ball of black water from its mouth, instantly blocking Lin Changsheng's sight.

Then eight huge tentacles entangled towards Lin Changsheng.

"court death!"

Lin Changsheng would not back down. He waved the unparalleled divine blade in his hand and slashed out with one strike.

This sea monster has just been promoted to Nascent Soul. Even if it has a geographical advantage in the sea, it will not be easy to deal with Lin Changsheng. (End of chapter)

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