The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 303 Three demon tribes besieged and lured into the battle [Please subscribe! 】

"How strong are these three demon clans?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously, if the three major demon clans unite to fight against the demon emperor, then the force must not be too weak, at least there must be strong people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But even if you are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Lin Changsheng can kill you with one palm.

"The leader of the wolf tribe has been promoted to the level of demon emperor, which is the middle stage of Yuanying. The leader of the fox tribe and the leader of the bear tribe are both in the early stage of Yuanying."

Yunshan was afraid that Lin Changsheng wouldn't understand, so he explained his cultivation in great detail.

"With this little level of cultivation, if you still want to cause trouble, you are simply asking for death!"

After Lin Changsheng heard about his cultivation, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"So brother-in-law, you are willing to help?"

When Yunshan heard Lin Changsheng's words, he suddenly seemed to see hope.

Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is definitely not inferior to that of his father. As long as he takes action, this crisis can be resolved.

Otherwise, if Lin Changsheng doesn't help, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation in the end.

"In this way, you can remove all the monsters and let the three major tribes besiege this place. I will set up a large formation here to wait for them!"

Lin Changsheng already had an idea in his mind.

If you go out on your own, you have to look for them one by one, so why not wait here for them to arrive.

When the time comes, use the large formation to kill them all.


Yunshan was a little puzzled when he heard this. If the three major tribes were to besiege the city, wouldn't it mean that they were defeated?

How to stabilize the morale of the military? Maybe everyone will rebel by then.

And this is exactly what Lin Changsheng wants. Since he wants to help clean up, he must clean up everyone who is not loyal to the Demon Emperor at once.

To avoid causing trouble again in the future.

"Shan'er, just listen to your son-in-law and go ahead and do it!"

Yun Tianhuang pondered for a while and then decisively agreed. As long as Lin Changsheng was willing to take action, it didn't matter. It could save a fierce battle and save the lives of many monsters.

Otherwise, the bloody battle between the two parties will definitely turn into a river of blood.

"Yes, father!"

Although Yunshan was puzzled, he could only nod in agreement.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Yun He followed behind and hurriedly chased after him. He was also a little puzzled.

Only after they were far away did the two brothers dare to whisper.

"Brother, you said that if we withdraw our troops and let the three monster clans besiege the city, will my brother-in-law be able to solve it by then? Can he really set up a large formation?"

Yunhe couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, Lin Changsheng's ability to defeat them does not mean that he can defeat the three demon clan leaders!

The cultivation base of these three leaders is not weak, and coupled with their strong physical bodies, it is not a problem to cross a small ladder and fight against human monks.

In other words, if Lin Changsheng wants to defeat the three major tribes, he must have the cultivation level of a Nascent Soul monk.

How could a young man have the cultivation level of a Nascent Soul monk?

"We should be somewhat sure! I'm just worried that once we withdraw our troops, our troops will be demoralized and there might be some more traitors!"

Yunshan worriedly said that although he didn't understand, his father agreed to Lin Changsheng's proposal. What else could he do?

I can only obediently give orders.

Three hundred miles away from the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, countless demon clans fought bloody battles again.

Among them, wolves, bears, tigers, leopards, snakes and other monsters can be seen here.

During this battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the rocks collapsed, the vegetation was broken, and it was a scene of destruction.


However, following the dull roars one after another, the demon clan on Demon King Yun Tianhuang's side quickly retreated after hearing the roars.

Soon, only the three demon clans and the debris all over the place were left here.

"It seems like this old guy Yun Tianhuang can't hold on much longer, and he's actually starting to withdraw his troops?"

The leader of the Fox Clan is a sturdy young man, with flames burning all over his body, and his long fire-colored hair is particularly dazzling.

Among them, the eyes are even more slender and eye-catching.

This person is Yan Tian, ​​the leader of the Fox tribe.

"This old guy should have given up his position a long time ago. Look at what kind of life our demon tribe is living. As long as we overthrow the rule of Yun Tianhuang, we will definitely be able to lead the demon tribe to unify the land of immortal heritage. How can we demon tribe continue to be in control by then?" Staying here?"

Kuishan, the leader of the Bear Tribe, has an arrogant look on his face. He is tall and tall, with white hair all over his body. He is extremely burly.

The White Bear Clan has long been unwilling to stay here, and they should conquer the entire Immortal Heritage Land.

"That's right, the era for our three demon clans has arrived. Let's attack with the whole army and take over the imperial city in one go!"

Bordeaux, the leader of the wolf clan, roared, and the wolf army behind him also roared.

Then the three monster beast tribes led tens of thousands of troops and rushed towards the imperial city.

[The God-Eating Demonic Skill is completed! 】

Two hours later, Lin Changsheng reached the perfect level with the God-Eating Demon Skill.

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to continue to gain experience points from the Four Elephants Killing God Formation, Lin Changsheng felt the ground outside tremble slightly.

It can be seen that the strength of the three major demon clans is approaching here.

Lin Changsheng didn't have time to improve his proficiency in the Four Elephants God-killing Formation, so he immediately left the imperial city and set up the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation outside.

Firstly, Lin Changsheng wanted to see how powerful this formation was, and secondly, Lin Changsheng did not want to let any of the three demon clans go.

When the time comes to run away, Lin Changsheng will have to chase them one by one, which will be more troublesome.

Trapped in the formation, they will be fish to be slaughtered.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation is quite complicated to set up, but Lin Changsheng has been studying the formation for many years, so he is very comfortable in setting up the formation.

A total of thirty-six formation bases, three formation disks, and one formation eye were arranged, covering a thirty-mile radius.

When the three demon tribes arrive at the city, they will be able to envelop them all.

Soon, Yunshan Yunhe returned to the imperial city with a large number of monsters, and the three major monster tribes also followed closely.

"Yun Tianhuang, if you come out and surrender obediently, I will save you from death. How about I let you abdicate honorably and live in seclusion in the Holy Land of Lingquan?"

Seeing victory in sight, Bordeaux, the leader of the wolf tribe, immediately mocked the Demon King.

However, he didn't know that he had fallen into Lin Changsheng's trick.

"Listen to the monsters inside, as long as you surrender and submit to us, you can avoid death. Don't lose your life for a coward like Yun Tianhuang!"

The leader of the white bear also said with great arrogance, as if they were the victors now.

However, as the two shouted loudly, there was still no movement in the city.

Just when Bordeaux was about to give the order to attack, Yunshan slowly walked up to the castle.

"Everyone, please be patient. My father is thinking about your suggestions. Can you give me one night to think about it? How about your reply tomorrow?"

Yun Shan said exactly what Lin Changsheng told him.

Because in this way, people who are disloyal to the Demon Emperor can show up, and he can also help with another thing at night.

"Okay! I'll give you one night. If we don't surrender tomorrow, don't blame us for destroying the city!"

Bordeaux sneered, and then asked the monster army to retreat five miles and rest in place.

When night came, as expected by Lin Changsheng, some people with double intentions, or those who were greedy for life and feared death, directly chose to abandon the city and flee, joining the three major monster tribes.

"These traitors!"

When Yun Shan saw such a scene, he gritted his teeth in anger. Just when he was about to stop him, Yun Tianhuang held him back.

"They want to leave, what's the use of staying? Let them go!"

Yun Tianhuang said slowly, he did not expect that there would be so many people with double-minded intentions following him.

"Master, you delayed all night just to let the traitor on our side show up?"

Yun Chan's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Lin Changsheng. She finally understood why Lin Changsheng wanted the three demon clans to besiege the city and delayed it for one night.

"Xiaochan is so smart! But the matter is not finished yet!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and scratched the tip of Yunchan's nose.

When all the traitors show up, they will die tomorrow.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng flew out and left the imperial city. He had another thing to do.

Five miles outside the imperial city, three demon tribes are entrenched.

The Firefox clan is having a chat with Bordeaux and Kuishan in the summer, seeming to be celebrating their victory in advance.

"Little beast, come out, you've disappointed grandpa so much!"

However, at this time, a voice sounded in Yan Tian's mind.


Xia Tian was suddenly startled. Hasn't his grandfather abdicated the throne many years ago? Living in seclusion in the Holy Land of Lingquan? How could it come out?

With suspicion, Xia Tian immediately left the camp and ran towards the mountains outside.

When he arrived here, his grandfather was nowhere to be seen, only a human youth.

"Is that what you said?"

Xia Tian was angry, it seemed that he had been tricked by this guy.

"What? You don't even listen to your grandfather?"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, if he had not promised the old man in red to save the Fire Fox Clan from going astray, Lin Changsheng would not have wanted to make this trip.

"My grandpa? Stop talking nonsense. My grandpa is in Lingquan Holy Land. How can I ask you to deliver a message?"

Yan Tian was furious and was about to take action.

However, when Lin Changsheng took out the fiery red crystal, Xia Tian was stunned.

"Endless flames? What, why are you here?"

Yan Tian's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief.

This endless flame is the treasure of his Fire Fox clan and has always been in the hands of his grandfather.

Even after he abdicated, he did not hand it over to the Firefox clan, saying that there was no qualified successor.

But now in the hands of Lin Changsheng, it is enough to prove that what the other party said is true, he has indeed met his grandfather.

"What did my grandfather tell you?"

Yan Tian said excitedly that he used to admire his grandfather very much because he was the pride of the entire Fire Fox clan.

And grandpa was also very good to him.

"Your grandpa said that you are the genius of the Fire Fox Clan, and the one I worry about the most is you. Please don't go astray, and you must protect the Fire Fox Clan!"

Lin Changsheng said truthfully.

Hearing this, Xia Tian's eyes couldn't help but moisten, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

"Grandpa, I have let you down! But, I am not willing to let the Fire Fox Clan be buried in my hands. We should be the masters of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan!"

Yan Tian was unwilling to say that he also had huge ambitions, otherwise he would not associate with the wolf clan.

"Do you really think you're qualified?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully and directly released his consciousness in the stage of becoming a god. The suppressed Yan Tian's face turned ashen.

"Hua, the supreme god of transformation? You——"

Xia Tian was so shocked that it was difficult to speak.

The human young man in front of him actually has such a terrifying cultivation level?

In this way, their siege on the imperial city this time was doomed to fail.

"I'm asking you once, are you willing to return from your lost ways? You must not let down your grandfather's hard work!"

Lin Changsheng asked again in a solemn voice.

"I, I do!"

Xia Tian's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, because Lin Changsheng's cultivation level was simply too terrifying, and they could not resist it at all.

"Very good. Don't tell others about this matter. If you truly repent, tomorrow you-"

Lin Changsheng whispered in front of Yan Tian.

After hearing this, Yan Tian frowned, but still nodded in agreement.

This may be his only chance to change his ways, and he certainly won't miss it.

If it weren't for his grandfather, he would probably have died here.

"Very good, go back!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, and Yan Tian left respectfully.

Tomorrow, there will be a good show.

The sun is rising.

After a night of reorganization, the three demon clans came to the city again.

This time, the number of monsters besieging the city increased instead of decreasing, because they accepted many surrendered monsters.

In one night, more than two thousand monsters in the city rebelled and joined the three major tribes.

This made the leaders of the two tribes suddenly smile, but Xia Tian was worried.

What the leaders of these two tribes didn't know was that their lives had already entered a countdown.

In the early morning, the two armies faced each other.

Yun Tianhuang and the Demon Queen both went up to the city tower and looked at the army of monsters from the three tribes in front of them.

"Listen to the three demon tribes, I am giving you one last chance. If you withdraw immediately, you will avoid death!"

Yun Tianhuang scolded that this was his final warning. If he did not evacuate, the only outcome would be death.

However, at this moment, Yun Tianhuang's words were just a joke in the eyes of the two demon tribes. He was already under siege, but he still said such arrogant words?

Do you really think they haven't been scared? Withdraw so easily?

"Yun Tianhuang, do you really think you are still the leader of the demon clan? More than two thousand of your generals joined my team last night. You are already at the end of your strength, and you still dare to speak nonsense? I will give it to you too. Your last chance, surrender now, allows you to abdicate and go to Lingquan for meditation. If you don't retreat, there will be only death!"

Bordeaux also said unceremoniously that in his opinion, Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang was destined to die.

"In that case, there's nothing more to say!"

Lin Changsheng slowly walked out from behind the crowd.

Since the other party will not surrender, then send them on their way.

"Human race? Hahaha——Yun Tianhuang, you actually enlisted the human race to support him? What a joke! We, the demon race, have all been humiliated by you!"

When Bordeaux saw Lin Changsheng, he burst out laughing, causing the demon clan behind him to laugh in laughter.

However, their laughter did not last long. Lin Changsheng stepped on the ground and directly activated the formation.

I saw pillars of light rising into the sky for thirty miles around, directly forming a giant sky net, covering all the monsters of the three tribes.

"What, what's going on? Could it be that the formation is not successful?"

"Grand formation? Is it set up by this human race?"

"It seems that Yun Tianhuang is pretending to be defeated and wants to lure us into the battle. What a despicable method!"

"Quick, break the formation quickly!"

In an instant, the armies of the two tribes became panicked.

Because they know that the power of the formation cannot be underestimated, and it is difficult to break through it with ordinary power.


At the same time, Xia Tian saw the opportunity and without waiting, directly slapped Bordeaux in the back.

It was blown away directly, blood spurting from its mouth.

This made the wolf clan even more unexpected that there were traitors among them? (End of chapter)

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