The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 304 Killing the Two Leaders, Lingquan Secret Realm [Please subscribe! 】

"Xia Tian, ​​you, what are you doing?"

Not far away, Kuishan didn't react for a long time when he saw that the summer had hit Bordeaux hard.

"Can't you see it? This kid has rebelled! Damn, if I weren't strong enough, you might have killed me with this slap!"

Bordeaux spit out a mouthful of blood and slowly stood up.

After all, he has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Yuanying, and Yantian is only in the early stage of Yuanying, so it is still difficult to kill him with one palm.

And the reason why Xia Tian did this was precisely because Lin Changsheng specially confessed last night that if he wanted to show his regret, he had to take some action.

Otherwise, Lin Changsheng would naturally not believe that he sincerely repented.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. It seemed that this guy was reining in his horse.

Although he didn't kill the enemy with one palm, it was pretty good and enough to show his stance.


The next moment, thousands of souls rushed out from the ground, and under the control of Lin Changsheng, began to attack the two demon tribes wildly.

This Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation has the same purpose as the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation, which is to use the power of the soul to kill the enemy.

However, this formation is more domineering than the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation. The souls in it are not only enhanced by the formation, but their strength is also greatly increased. All creatures in the formation feel tremendous pressure, as if they are bound by countless irons. The chain is average and movement is difficult.

This made the soul even more jealous.

In an instant, countless demon clans were not killed, and their blood flowed into rivers.

Although the soul was also torn into pieces, it was put back together again in an instant to form a more powerful soul.

"You traitor, even if you die, I will support you!"

Bordeaux scolded angrily, knowing that he might have to admit defeat today.

But before he died, he had to drag the traitor Xia Tian to die with him.

After the shouts fell, Bordeaux rushed directly towards Yantian. The mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation level exploded. How could Yantian be able to resist it?

Lin Changsheng immediately used the power of the formation, entered the formation, and instantly released the field of Yuan Power, suppressing Bordeaux to the ground and unable to move.

"This, this is the realm of Yuanli? You, you are actually a powerful person who transforms into gods? How is this possible?"

Bordeaux felt his mind go blank at this moment. How could the human youth in front of him have such terrifying strength?

No wonder even Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang was polite to him.

Xia Tian saw Bordeaux being suppressed by Lin Changsheng and was unable to move. How could he miss such an opportunity and his whole body was on fire?

He fired a more powerful flame palm print again and headed towards Bordeaux.


With the violent roar, Bordeaux flew backwards and flew more than thirty feet away. However, it only damaged a little fur, which was not enough to kill him.

At the critical moment, Bordeaux directly released the demonic beast itself.

The bones around him began to crackle, and then they rapidly expanded, expanding crazily, and finally transformed into a huge gray wolf eight feet long and three feet tall.

The fangs in its mouth are sharp, and the hair on its body is extremely hard, just like strong steel needles.

No wonder that even though Yantian's palm prints were extremely fierce, he still couldn't kill him with one palm.

This shows how amazing this defensive power is.

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Bordeaux roared at Yantian.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power suppression, he would have torn Yan Tian into pieces long ago.

"Then let me try?"

Lin Changsheng made a sound of disdain, and then he gathered his palms slightly, and the powerful energy aura spread out, directly covering Bordeaux.

It was like a pair of palms with concentrated energy restraining Bordeaux.

As Lin Changsheng exerted his strength and squeezed with both hands, Bordeaux was crushed to pieces amidst the screams.

Suddenly a ball of flesh and blood exploded, splashing everywhere, staining a large area of ​​the ground red.

In Lin Changsheng's eyes, those who were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul were like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Chief, leader, is he dead?"

A cry of surprise came out, and all the wolf clan members suddenly started to panic.

Even their leader was no match for Lin Changsheng, so wouldn't they be even more vulnerable?

Suddenly everyone gave up resistance and planned to surrender.

However, there was no such thing as surrender in Lin Changsheng's case.

Since you can rebel this time, there will definitely be a next time.

I plan to wipe them all out and avoid future troubles forever.

The one who regrets the most at this moment is undoubtedly not the demon clan who defected here from the imperial city last night. They thought that Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang was unreliable, so they defected to him.

However, I didn't expect that just one night, the situation of the battle would turn around again.

"Lord Demon Emperor, we were wrong, give me another chance! We will never dare again!"

Not far away, Kuishan suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he saw Bordeaux's fate.

Even Bordeaux with such strength was easily killed by Lin Changsheng, which made him even more vulnerable, and he immediately begged for mercy.

However, the only thing that responded to him was the cold blade of thousands of souls.

Half an hour later, amid the continuous screams.

The formation gradually became quiet.

The two major monster beast tribes, the wolf tribe and the bear tribe, have all been wiped out, and no beast can escape.

After the death of these monsters, the cultivation in their bodies turned into spiritual energy and was absorbed by Lin Changsheng.

Absorbing the cultivation of tens of thousands of monsters directly raised Lin Changsheng's cultivation to the peak of the early stage of divine transformation, and he was just a little short of making a breakthrough.

"Xia Tian, ​​I am very happy that you can wake up in time. I think that when your grandfather was the Demon Emperor, he also made a great contribution to our Demon Clan. Your achievements in the future will definitely not be as good as your grandfather's. Down."

Yun Tianhuang was very pleased to see that Xia Tian had returned from his lost way.

Xia Tian's talent is indeed extraordinary. His two sons have not yet broken through the Nascent Soul stage, but Xia Tian has already been promoted to Nascent Soul.

In comparison, Xia Tian's talent is higher than that of his two sons.

If you find your way back, this will definitely be a good thing for the demon clan.

More importantly, the Demon Queen is also a member of the Firefox clan.

Although she can no longer interfere with family affairs after leaving the family, if the Fire Fox clan is destroyed, the Demon Queen will definitely be injured.

Therefore, Yun Tianhuang hopes that Xia Tian can return to his lost ways and change his ways.

"The Demon Emperor is very complimentary. Yantian has made such a big mistake, and the Demon Emperor is able to ignore the past grudges, which makes Yantian very grateful!"

Yan Tian responded respectfully.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't said something to him last night, he would have ended up like Bordeaux and Kuishan today.

Thinking of this, Xia Tian couldn't help but feel scared.

It is true that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Never think that you are strong enough and despise everything.

Seeing that the demon clan crisis was resolved and the remaining matters were left to the Demon Emperor and others, Lin Changsheng planned to take Yan Tian to the Lingquan Forbidden Land.

After all, the old man in red is very worried about the Firefox clan. If he can see his biological grandson, he will probably feel relieved.

Lin Changsheng removed the formation, carved out the teleportation formation, and came to the Lingquan forbidden area again.


There was a flash of light, and the two of them appeared at the edge of a lake.

"here it is?"

Xia Tian suddenly felt puzzled.

Lin Changsheng was also quite surprised, because he suddenly discovered that the spiritual energy from the spiritual spring that he had absorbed yesterday had returned to its original state again today.

The speed at which this spiritual spring generates spiritual energy is so terrifying?

In this way, there must be a great treasure under this spiritual spring, otherwise spiritual energy would never be continuously born.


As soon as Yantian appeared, the old man in red noticed the arrival of Lin Changsheng and the others in the distance.

One of them was his grandson Xia Tian, ​​which made the old man feel relieved.

I never thought I would see my grandson again.

"Grandpa, grandpa?"

Xia Tian couldn't believe his eyes, he could actually see his grandfather.

Then isn’t this the Holy Land of Spiritual Spring?

"Tell your grandpa your glorious deeds. If your grandpa hadn't thought about you, you would have been a corpse!"

Lin Changsheng said.

But this is also true. If the old man in red did not say anything to Lin Changsheng, but acted like the old man in black, I am afraid Yan Tian would have died.

"Tian'er, you, what did you do?"

The old man in red immediately realized that something was wrong. Did this guy really do something stupid outside?

Then Xia Tian told the old man in red everything about what had just happened, which made the old man in red very angry.

"You, you are so confused! The reason why our demon clan can have a place in the land of immortal heritage is precisely because our demon clan is united. If it really falls apart, our demon clan may die by then."

"The position of Demon King is just a title. Is it reasonable to end up killing the entire clan just to fight for a title?"

The old man in red persuaded him earnestly.

I hope Yantian can sincerely consider the demon clan in the future.

"Tian'er knows he made a mistake and will never do it again in the future!"

Xia Tian bowed his head and admitted his mistake. This attitude made the old man in red lose some of his anger.

"Senior, when the matter is settled, this thing will be returned to you!"

Lin Changsheng took out the fiery red crystal again. The old man did not say it would be given to him.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng would not take it as his own. This thing seemed to be extremely important to the Fire Fox Clan.


The old man sighed heavily, "Originally, I took the endless fireworks away because I was afraid that you would lose your composure and become more likely to do impulsive things as your cultivation becomes stronger. Facts have proved that my guess was indeed correct. Since you are so impulsive, then If you are not qualified to master the endless fireworks, then I cannot leave this thing to you."

After speaking, the old man in red looked at Lin Changsheng.

"This object is a treasure that has been passed down by our Fire Fox clan for thousands of years. It is called Endless Fireworks. It is an earth-vein spiritual fire that will last for thousands of years. If it is used with the fire skills of your human clan, the power will be extremely terrifying. , I have decided to give this gift to you to repay your kindness for saving our Firefox clan, I hope you will not refuse!"


As soon as the old man in red finished his words, Yan Tian had a look of panic on his face.

This is the most precious treasure of their Fire Fox clan! Grandpa actually wants to give it to the human race?

"Shut up. If it weren't for him, would you still be alive now?"

The old man was also extremely disappointed with his grandson.

Although he is extremely talented, his mind is immature. Leaving this thing to him will definitely be a disaster. It is better to give it to someone who is destined.

Maybe he could discover the full power of the endless fireworks.

After being scolded by his grandfather, Xia Tian did not dare to say a word even if he was unwilling to do so.


This made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed. It seemed inappropriate to take their fox clan's treasure by himself, right?

But who doesn’t want good things?

"Please accept it!"

The old man in red spoke again.

Seeing that the other party was so persistent, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but refuse, so he could only put it in his storage bag.

"Boy, just have fun! This endless fireworks is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth. Refining it is enough to greatly increase your strength!"

A voice suddenly sounded in Lin Changsheng's mind.

It was exactly what the old man who signed the contract with him said.

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised after hearing this. He just thought that this flame was not simple. He didn't expect that even the old man would find it unusual. It seemed to be very rare indeed.

Lin Changsheng ignored the other party and looked at the calm lake.

I plan to explore the mysteries in this lake.

The old man in black clothes in the distance seemed to have noticed Lin Changsheng's thoughts, and immediately flew over and stopped in front of Lin Changsheng.

"Boy, you can enter this place as an exception. Leave as soon as you finish the matter!"

The old man in black didn't seem to want Lin Changsheng to get this opportunity.

After all, Lin Changsheng is from the human race, so he would be happy if he were from the demon race.

How could such an opportunity take advantage of the human race?

"If I don't leave, what can you do to me?"

Lin Changsheng said angrily. His impression of the old man in black was not very good, so there was no need to give him a good look.


The old man in black immediately blushed and became angry with Lin Changsheng. He really had no better way to deal with Lin Changsheng.

Because he was no match for Lin Changsheng.

"I'm going to take a look below the spiritual spring. If you dare to block me, you know what will happen!"

Lin Changsheng said a word and then plunged into the spiritual spring.

The old man in black clenched his fists, but there was nothing he could do.

Because he was no match for Lin Changsheng and could not stop him at all.

After Lin Changsheng entered the lake, he found that the water was extremely cool and the spiritual energy was very rich. The pores all over his body seemed to be opened, greedily absorbing the spiritual energy of the world around him.

"over there!"

Lin Changsheng discovered a white light deep in the lake bottom, and immediately ran away quickly.

When I came to the light, I found a stone slab carved with various patterns.

After wiping and cleaning, Lin Changsheng discovered that these were not stone slabs at all, but two stone doors made of huge stone slabs three feet high.

This is actually the entrance to a cave?

This discovery surprised Lin Changsheng. He didn't expect that someone would set up a cave at the bottom of the lake. Doesn't everything in it have to be soaked in water?


However, before he had time to think about it, the door in front of him was no longer blocked by stones, and he slowly opened the door on his own initiative.

Streams of spring water continuously gush out from it, and they are also mixed with extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"It seems that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gushes out from this cave!"

Lin Changsheng concluded, and then went into the cave.

The cave spread downwards at first, then became level with the ground, and finally extended upwards.


In the end, Lin Changsheng actually jumped out of the way and appeared in an extremely empty cave.

Around the cave, there are night-light pearls the size of a human head hanging all over the stone chamber, lighting up the place brightly.

"Is this the spiritual energy of heaven and earth emanating from this thing?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that in front of him, there was a huge and tilted wine pot three feet high. A steady stream of spiritual spring water poured out from the spout of the pot. The spiritual energy of the spring water poured out was extremely rich.

This thing is extraordinary at first glance, definitely not something from the land of immortality. (End of chapter)

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