The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 307: Use the trick, Lieyang controls the fire, and fight Situ Wu again [Please subscribe! 】

Others might have been deceived by him, but Lin Changsheng could tell at a glance that this person was not really Zhao Fuhu.

Even if he is beaten to death with one palm, Lin Changsheng will collect his soul, and when the time comes, he will also find something unusual.

It may be possible to deceive others with this trick, but it is simply impossible to deceive Lin Changsheng.

"I didn't expect Zhao Fuhu to know the art of disguise. If ordinary people are really fooled by him!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, if this is the case, then he will take advantage of it.

"After I kill you, you must not tell him that your identity is exposed. This can save your family!"

Lin Changsheng warned and killed the man with one palm strike.

Then a ray of Nascent Soul flew out from between the man's eyebrows. Lin Changsheng no longer used the Ten Thousand Soul Flag to collect its soul, but pursued it in the direction of the Nascent Soul.

Yuanying will definitely go to Zhao Fuhu so that he can let his family go.

Sure enough, after Nascent Soul flew five hundred miles, there was a small sect called Longhumen here.

And this Yuanying monk is the sect leader of Longhumen, and the lives of everyone in his sect are threatened by Zhao Jiejie.

The most important thing is his family.

After Yuanying entered the Longhu Gate Hall, Zhao Fuhu was sitting on the high chair in the hall.

The dozens of people kneeling below were the elders of the Longhu Sect and his family members.

The Nascent Soul turned into a ray of light, took on a human form, and appeared in front of Zhao Fuhu.

"I've settled the matter, can I let my family go now?"

Gao Zhen, the leader of the Longhumen Sect, said with anger on his face.

If he hadn't been able to defeat the opponent, how could he have given up his life in vain?

"Lin Changsheng didn't notice at all?"

Zhao Fuhu didn't quite believe that things went so smoothly. Logically speaking, he should have noticed.

"No, I wasn't even able to talk to him when he was beaten to death with a slap! No flaws were revealed!"

Gao Zhen responded.

Hearing this, Zhao Fuhu looked up to the sky and laughed, "Okay, good, this way I can hide my identity!"

Zhao Fuhu planned to go to the Shengxian Sect another day, quietly kill a Tianjiao disciple, and then change into his appearance so that he could sneak into the Shengxian Sect.

In this way, he can find out all Lin Changsheng's movements, and when the time comes, he will be killed.

If he ascends to the upper realm, he might be able to pretend to be a disciple and go to the fairyland together.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

However, all his thoughts were wiped out by a burst of scolding.

"Conceal your identity? Your disguise skills are far behind me!"

Lin Changsheng's voice rolled from the sky like muffled thunder, resounding in all directions.

This made Zhao Fuhu's pupils suddenly open wide, with a look of horror on his face.

"You, didn't you mean that he didn't notice at all?"

Zhao Fuhu looked at Gao Zhen angrily, but Gao Zhen ran away with his family and sect elders without saying a word.

Zhao Fuhu wanted to chase him, but found that he was restrained by an extremely powerful force.

It was the field of Yuan Power that Lin Changsheng burst out from.

The next second, Lin Changsheng arrived in the main hall.

"Middle stage of divine transformation?"

Zhao Fuhu was shocked when he discovered that Lin Changsheng's cultivation level had improved again.

If I guessed correctly, it only took Lin Changsheng about a month to go from the early stage of divine transformation to the middle stage of divine transformation.

Why is this guy so evil, and how can he improve his cultivation at such a terrifying speed?

"What? The immortal you respect is not with you?"

A smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips. He originally thought that Wuyang Valley might be a trap, but now it seems that it might actually be Situ Wu's hiding place.

This guy actually betrayed Situ Wu so that he could escape from his shell and save his life.

Is there anything else this guy can't do?

"Lin Changsheng, don't be arrogant. The Immortal Lord is from the Tianming Sword Sect in the Immortal Domain. You are no match for him. You will die sooner or later! If you let me go, maybe I can intercede with the Immortal Lord for you!"

Zhao Fuhu said coldly, without any intention of begging for mercy.

Lin Changsheng killed his eldest brother and master, how could he beg for mercy from Lin Changsheng? I wish I could pull out his muscles and bones, and light a sky lantern with his soul.

"You don't need to worry about this anymore, you can go on your way with peace of mind!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to talk too much nonsense to Zhao Fuhu. If he didn't kill this man, he would definitely become a big disaster in the future.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Changsheng shot out with a palm. Under Zhao Fuhu's horrified look, he was instantly killed.

Facing Lin Changsheng's absolute strength, Zhao Fuhu couldn't even fight back.

If he hadn't escaped quickly enough in the past few times, he would have been rescued by Situ Wu.

Zhao Fuhu had already died.


The next moment, a ray of Nascent Soul flew out of the body and was directly absorbed into it by Lin Changsheng waving the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

"It seems that the Yin Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Sun Book is in his hands!"

Lin Changsheng picked up Zhao Fuhu's storage bag and thought to himself.

Then he opened his storage bag and found that the Fiery Sun Book was indeed in it.

"This Fierce Sun Manual is a fire-based training method. If you study it to the basic level and combine it with endless fireworks, it may be able to explode with considerable power!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

He already has the Fire Fox Clan's most precious treasure, the Endless Fireworks, in his hand, and all he needs is a fire spell to practice.

And this Fierce Sun Book is undoubtedly not the best Immortal Art now.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng began to watch the Fiery Sun Book.

After all, this treasure book is the most precious treasure of Yin Yang Dao Sect, and it will definitely be returned later.

[Introduction to the Fierce Sun Controlling Fire Technique! 】

An hour later, Lin Changsheng finally studied the Raging Flame Book to the beginning.

[The Fierce Sun Controlling Fire Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Fiery Sun Controlling the Fire Art has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Fiery Sun Controlling the Fire Art == playing with fire! 】

"Playing with fire?"

Isn’t it very simple, you can light a fire yourself and quickly achieve consummation?

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng started to use his magic method.


In the next moment, a ball of flame burst into flames in Lin Changsheng's hand.

The experience value of Lieyang Fire Control Technique +1!

The experience value of Lieyang Fire Control Technique +1!

With the emergence of flames, Lieyang's proficiency in the Fire Control Technique continues to grow.

However, Lin Changsheng still felt that his improvement was too slow. After leaving the Dragon Tiger Gate, he came to the foot of a mountain and shot the flame into the forest.

The forest suddenly burst into flames.

[The Fierce Sun Controlling the Fire Battle is complete! 】

Not a moment later, the Lieyang Fire Control Technique was instantly completed.

The flame can continuously change into many forms in Lin Changsheng's hands, turning into swords, tigers, humanoids, etc.

After practicing the Fiery Sun Controlling Fire Technique, the next step was naturally to find the whereabouts of Situ Wu.

In order to ensure the authenticity, Lin Changsheng summoned Zhao Fuhu's soul again and planned to use Tiangui Jue to absorb his memory.

"Lin Changsheng, don't get any news from me, I want to watch how you die!"

Zhao Fuhu stared and said.

However, what he didn't know was that Lin Changsheng had no intention of letting him live. He had to let his soul fly away and never be reincarnated.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to see this!"

Lin Changsheng's magic skills were running, and a strong suction force suddenly erupted.

Directly sucked in Zhao Fuhu's soul.

Zhao Fuhu's memories were continuously absorbed by Lin Changsheng, and Zhao Fuhu also showed pain on his face, and his soul continued to twist.

Not long after, Zhao Fuhu was screamed out of his wits.

"This is the best place for you!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, such iron-blooded methods made the souls in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner feel miserable.

It seemed that Lin Changsheng was kind to them and did not suck their souls.

Otherwise, they will not even have the chance to reincarnate, let alone be reborn.

After Lin Changsheng confirmed that Situ Wu was indeed in Wuyang Valley, he immediately rushed there.

For Lin Changsheng, the distance of several hundred miles can be reached in a few breaths of time.

This is a land of mountains and mountains, forming a valley in the middle. Because the mountains are surrounding it, the valley does not see sunlight all year round.

This time, in order to prevent Situ Wu from escaping, Lin Changsheng deployed the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation directly outside the valley.

In this way, even if he can't kill Situ Wu by himself, he can definitely use the power of the formation to trap him and kill him.

After everything was arranged, Lin Changsheng transformed into Zhao Fuhu and took Gao Zhen's body to the valley.

In this way, Situ Wu could be seriously injured when he was careless.

Entering the valley, Lin Changsheng quickly discovered the cave where Situ Wu was hiding.

"Immortal Lord, this time I will bring you the blood of a Nascent Soul Stage monk!"

After Lin Changsheng saw Situ Wu, he immediately changed his voice to look exactly like Zhao Fuhu.

"good very good!"

Situ Wu didn't notice at all, as the spells in his body were running, the blood in Gao Zhen's body suddenly turned into thick blood mist, and went towards the tip of Situ Wu's nose.

Lin Changsheng got closer to Situ Wu little by little. Seeing that the distance was almost there, Lin Changsheng decisively attacked.


Lin Changsheng struck Situ Wu in the chest with a palm strike.

This didn't even occur to Situ Wu, and it was too late to resist him.


With a violent roar, Situ Wu flew out directly, making a dent in the stone wall in the distance, and the rocks rolled down.


Situ Wu spat out a mouthful of old blood. His injuries, which had not yet fully recovered, were even more severe this time.

"Zhao Fuhu, you——"

Situ Wu couldn't believe it, his pupils widened, but then he realized something was wrong, "You are not Zhao Fuhu, who are you?"

Lin Changsheng stopped covering up and directly transformed into his true form.

"Is it you, little bug? You actually broke through to the middle stage of divine transformation? This, how is this possible?"

Situ Wu was suddenly shocked when he sensed the rich Yuan Power in Lin Changsheng's body.

He originally wanted to wait until he broke through to the late stage of divine transformation to come out and kill Lin Changsheng and Yan Zhen.

But now it seems that we can no longer wait for him to come out of seclusion.

The other party actually came to the door.

"What's impossible? Today is the day you die!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, his energy surged, and he summoned the Unparalleled Divine Blade with a wave of his hand.

"Hahaha—you, a little bug, want to take my life? What a joke!"

Situ Wu laughed loudly. Although he was injured by Lin Changsheng's sneak attack, Lin Changsheng could not kill him easily.

However, Situ Wu did not dare to be careless when facing Lin Changsheng.

After all, he suffered a loss in the last battle.

This time they fight again, Lin Changsheng's cultivation has improved a lot compared to the last time, and his strength will be even more powerful.

If he is defeated, it is better to escape.


Lin Changsheng waved his blade and slashed out. Suddenly, the color of the space changed and turned into a land of flames. Countless flame-burning souls rushed out with swords in their hands.


Countless souls erupted into roars that shook the soul.

Each soul holds a sharp blade in its hand and is filled with murderous intent.

This move is the Wan Ming Breaking Heaven Slash, and the move is extremely domineering.

Lin Changsheng even used the Fierce Sun Controlling Fire Technique to burst out, adding the power of fiery flames to it.

Even Situ Wu on the opposite side felt the huge impact.

It was like facing a hundred-foot wave rushing in, which shocked his heart.

However, even so, he did not choose to take a step back.

"Sword of the Gods of Heaven and Ming"

Situ Wu also used his most powerful killing move.

Thousands of sword lights shot out of the sky, killing the thousands of flames and ghosts ahead.

Bang bang bang——

The sharp sword light and the ghost blade collided instantly, causing bursts of explosions.

The entire cave was instantly shaken by the fierce fight between the two, and the Yuan Power they burst out directly razed the place to the ground.

Several surrounding mountains collapsed.

The attacks of the two men were so domineering that these rocks could not stop them.

The violent roar here can be heard clearly even hundreds of miles away.

Shengxian Sect.

"They started fighting!"

Ling Yue was shocked after sensing the extremely strong fluctuations in Yuanli.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng found Situ Wu's hiding place so quickly.

"Then let's hurry over and provide support!"

Wang Zhonglou said immediately, worried that Lin Changsheng alone would suffer a loss.

But Yan Zhen didn't wait for them to say anything, and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the place where Yuanli fluctuated.


Taoist Qianyang left a few words and hurried to the place of battle.

Because their Yin Yang Dao Sect's lost Fiery Sun Book has not yet been found, and they must get it back.

And this book is on Zhao Fuhu's possession, and there must be no more mistakes.

Then all the major sect leaders turned into streams of light and cut across the sky towards Wuyang Valley in the distance.

After discovering something strange, the disciples of Shengxian Sect were immediately puzzled.

"What big thing happened? Why are all the major sect leaders rushing in the same direction?"

"Maybe we found traces of Zhao Fuhu and others!"

"Isn't there going to be another war?"

"It is definitely indispensable. The opponent is not weak either. This battle cannot be missed!"

"Let's go and take a look!"

Many disciples talked about it and wanted to watch this battle.

However, those who went there were all the stronger disciples, and the weaker disciples were all aware of themselves. Even the slightest fallout from the fight between the stronger ones would be enough to kill them.

"Brother Lin, you can't have an accident!"

Gao Ziyue secretly worried.

Although Lin Changsheng's strength improved very quickly, there was no room for error when fighting against a powerful person from the Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will fall.

More importantly, Lin Changsheng is now their last hope in the Southern Territory.

If Lin Changsheng loses to the opponent, I'm afraid they will all be buried with him.

By the time many personnel arrived at Wuyang Valley, the battle between Lin Changsheng and Situ Wu had reached a fever pitch. Although Situ Wu was holding on, there were signs of retreating while fighting.

After all, Situ Wu's new and old injuries were not enough to support his continuous burst of powerful attacks.

Slowly the phenomenon of exhaustion appeared.

"Don't even think about escaping today!"

Lin Changsheng stepped on the ground, and the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation was immediately activated, and beams of light shot up into the sky, sealing the place instantly.

"Grand formation?"

Seeing the activation of the formation, Situ Wu was shocked. It seemed that his life was hanging by a thread today! (End of chapter)

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