The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 308 The war is about to begin, but you still watch beautiful women dancing? 【Please order mo

The Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation is not an ordinary formation. It is formed through the fusion of multiple formations. It is not easy for even a person from the Immortal Realm like Situ Wu to break the formation.

All the souls in this formation are endlessly alive. No matter how they are killed, the power of the soul will only become stronger and stronger.

And in the big formation, you will feel the pressure doubled, as if your whole body is bound by chains, unable to exert your full strength.

"I let you escape last time, but you won't be so lucky this time!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, Situ Wu must be killed here today, otherwise it will definitely become a big disaster in the future.

After all, Situ Wu is from the Immortal Realm. Once he is allowed to return to the Immortal Realm, he will definitely activate his connections and attract many strong men to surround and kill Lin Changsheng.

Therefore, he must be killed in this immortal place, so that he can die without anyone noticing.

"Okay, then let me see how powerful your formation is!"

Situ Wu frowned and shouted loudly.

He still doesn't believe that an ant in an abandoned land can lay out such a powerful formation?

With loud shouts, Situ Wu waved his sword and slashed out a half-moon sword energy towards the formation barrier.


The tyrannical sword energy collided violently with the barrier, erupting with a huge explosion.

After the roar ended, there was no sign of the formation being broken.

This made Situ Wu's heart sink even more. Is this formation so strong? Could it really be possible to trap and kill him?

At this moment, many monks outside heard the huge roar and came to watch.

When he discovered that Situ Wu was trapped in the formation, he felt happy.

"If this formation can really trap and kill this madman, that would be great!"

Liao Bugui said excitedly that once this man dies, the Southern Territory will enjoy peace forever.

Because now there are no foreign enemies in the southern region.

Whether it is the people of the Demonic Way or the Beimu Immortal Clan, it has become a thing of the past.

The two major forces have been completely destroyed.

"Yes! I wonder if this large array arranged by Lin Changsheng can trap him and kill him!"

Taoist Qianyang also said immediately.

If Situ Wu could be trapped and killed, that would be even better.

Once Situ Wu died, Zhao Fuhu would have no one to protect him, and it would be much easier to obtain the Fiery Sun Book.

What Taoist Qianyang didn't know at this moment was that Zhao Fuhu had been killed by Lin Changsheng, and the Fiery Sun Book had also fallen into Lin Changsheng's hands.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng has researched the Fierce Sun Book to perfection through panel simplification.

"I have only been away for a few days, and Lin Changsheng has made further progress in his cultivation?"

Ling Yue saw that the cultivation level displayed by Lin Changsheng in the formation was far beyond the early stage of divine transformation, or at least the middle stage of divine transformation.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level improved so horribly.

"Yes! He is worthy of being the proud man of heaven who only meets once in a thousand years. Maybe our land of immortals will have the first and unprecedented immortal in the future!"

Wang Zhonglou couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Lin Changsheng brought them too many surprises, which were not something ordinary people could do.

Not far away, the great geniuses following the major sects looked at the various immortal arts performed by Lin Changsheng, and their eyes couldn't help but shine.

"At the beginning, Su Zong mainly treated Lin Changsheng well. Perhaps this scene will be the most glorious moment of our Liuyun Immortal Sect!"

Ayan Caiyin said with light shining in her eyes, admiring Lin Changsheng to the extreme.

Although she was also the former genius of Liuyun Immortal Sect, compared with Lin Changsheng at this moment, she was like the shining light competing for the brightness of the bright moon, and was not worth mentioning.

If Su Changkong hadn't been so arrogant and thought he could kill Lin Changsheng instead of becoming his enemy, perhaps Lin Changsheng would have stayed in Liuyun Immortal Sect.

And now, this honor will also belong to their Liuyun Immortal Sect.

However, there is no chance for things to happen again, and Liuyun Immortal Sect will eventually become a thing of the past.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is actually so powerful! It's simply unbelievable!"

Behind Tianjian Sect Wang Zhonglou, Zhuo Yijian stared at Lin Changsheng without blinking.

Back then, he still remembered that he had fought side by side with Lin Changsheng many times.

However, now, Lin Changsheng was far away from him, and the two of them were no longer on the same level.

His status as Tianjian Sect's genius made Zhuo Yijian feel a little ashamed. Compared with Lin Changsheng, he was nothing.

Concubine Yu Ling and Fu Qingyu, disciples of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, also looked at him with beautiful eyes, and their hearts were filled with wonder.

As for how to think, only they themselves know.

In the big formation.

Lin Changsheng unleashed all his strength to fight Situ Wu.

He wanted to kill Situ Wu as quickly as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams.

But even though Situ Wu was injured, he still resisted very tenaciously. No matter how Lin Changsheng and many souls attacked, he was able to save the day many times.

"Just this little strength? I thought your formation was so powerful!"

Situ Wu mocked.

These souls are just those at the Golden Core and Nascent Soul stages. What do you want to do to them? It's just wishful thinking.

"This is just the warm-up, the fun is yet to come!"

Lin Changsheng smiled.

As Situ Wu continued to kill souls, he finally discovered that these souls not only did not dissipate, but instead condensed into souls with more powerful cultivation levels.

This made Situ Wu frown and felt something bad.

"Can it be fused again?"

Situ Wu secretly thought, these souls are useless if they are not killed, but if they are killed, they will condense into stronger souls.

This immediately put him in a dilemma.

Lin Changsheng saw the opportunity and struck out with his left hand, using the Fierce Sun Fire Control Technique to its extreme.

I saw the palm prints turned into the blazing sun and turned into a tiger, charging out together with the flaming skeleton holding a sword.

Situ Wu had no time to dodge, so he could only strike out with the same palm.


With the violent explosion of flames, the fire instantly swallowed Situ Wu.

I saw a figure flying out and hitting the cracks in the mountains in the distance, smashing the rocks into pieces, revealing a huge pit ten feet long and wide.

"Is this, is this the technique of the Fierce Sun Book?"

Taoist Qianyang was shocked when he saw Lin Changsheng's burst of flames.

Their last sect master Lieyang Taoist Master may not have practiced this method to such a terrifying level. Lin Changsheng unexpectedly burst out such terrifying power with just one palm. This has to make Qianyang Taoist suspect whether Lin Changsheng specializes in Lie Yang. Yang Baodian has been around for hundreds of years.

But Lin Changsheng's age is not that old!

The deep pit is filled with the power of flames.


A flaming figure jumped out of the pit.

After the flames were extinguished, Situ Wu's whole body was charred black, and even many places in front of him were bloody due to the flames.

It can be seen that this blow has wounded him.

"If this blow is combined with the endless fireworks of the Fox clan, the power will be even greater!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, the endless fireworks are endless and will never go out. Once they hit a person's body, they will definitely penetrate the flesh and blood and cause devastating damage.

"I never expected that I would be hit hard by a little bug like you one after another. Damn it!"

Situ Wu shouted angrily, not planning to play with Lin Changsheng anymore, and directly unleashed his own life-saving killing move, Tianming Sword Soul.

This Tianming Sword Soul is a mysterious mark power that can only be obtained by those with noble status in the Tianming Sword Sect.

Once it breaks out, you can use the power of the sword soul to greatly increase your strength and fight across levels.

As a sword light flashed between Situ Wu's eyebrows, the power in Situ Wu's body began to double.

Breaking through to the late stage of divine transformation in an instant, the surging Yuanli was more than five times more powerful than in the middle stage of divine transformation.

Lin Changsheng felt bad when he saw this change. He was afraid that he would not be able to advance to the late stage of divine transformation even if he used the Tianhuang Dragon Divine Body. After all, the Tianhuang Dragon Divine Body was not perfect yet and was just a beginner.

You need to use force against beautiful women to gain proficiency.

Lin Changsheng was not a reckless man. He knew that the gap between realms could not be made up by relying on brute force, so he immediately withdrew from the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation.

This formation is enough to trap Situ Wu for a while, and it may be most appropriate for him to take action after he has increased his strength and retreated.

"Chang Sheng, are you okay?"

Yan Zhen watched Lin Changsheng retreat from the formation, and immediately stepped forward to ask with concern.

"Sister Zhen, don't worry, I'm fine!"

Lin Changsheng responded with a smile, as he had nothing to do now, so he could find some pretty female disciples to brush up on his proficiency in Tianhuanglong Holy Land.

Lin Changsheng saw the figures of Concubine Yu Ling, Fu Qingyu and other women in the crowd at a glance.

"Come here!"

Lin Changsheng waved to the women.

Although Concubine Yu Ling was puzzled, she walked over dubiously.

"If there's anything we can do to help you, just ask!"

Concubine Yu Ling said righteously.

He knew that something must be wrong with Lin Changsheng calling her.

Since the other party was so happy, how could Lin Changsheng be so polite?

"It's like this. I have recently comprehended a set of immortal arts, and I have encountered a bottleneck. If you can dance for me, maybe I can comprehend it faster, and then I will be able to fight Situ Wu! Otherwise, if he If you break through the formation, you'll be in trouble!"

Lin Changsheng said anxiously, as if the situation was critical.

When Concubine Yu Ling heard that it was dancing again, she felt a little speechless, but with the lessons learned from the past, it was nothing.

But she still couldn't let go of dancing in front of so many people.

"For the sake of the entire Southern Territory, I think you won't refuse, right?"

Lin Changsheng said again.


Yu Lingfei agreed with a faint moan, and then started to jump up.

Lin Changsheng looked at the dancing figures of the girls, the energy in his body was constantly moving, the energy and blood all over his body was rolling, and his fists were clenched together to exert force.

Tianhuanglong’s sacred body experience value +1!

Tianhuanglong’s sacred body experience value +1!

As Yu Lingfei and others continued to dance, the experience value of the Tianhuang Dragon Sacred Body continued to increase crazily.

This stunned the surrounding onlookers.

This is the most critical moment of the war!

Lin Changsheng actually still wants to watch beautiful women dancing?

"This, how is this unbecoming? A war is imminent, it's simply ridiculous——"

One person cursed in dissatisfaction.

"Ridiculous? If you have the ability, why don't you go and fight Situ Wu? Let me see if you can resist one of his moves. I think Lin Changsheng must have hit a bottleneck in his cultivation and is relaxing to make breakthroughs and look for opportunities!"

"Yes, it looks like it to me. The energy in his body is running very domineeringly, and his physical strength is also growing. He must be practicing his skills, and he is definitely not seeking pleasure!"

"That's right, the hopes of everyone in the entire Southern Territory are pinned on him. What's wrong with him watching beautiful women dance? As long as I can save the entire Southern Territory, it's fine even if I dance for him!"

"Forget it, I feel like throwing up just looking at you!"

The people around him kept talking. Some said Lin Changsheng was ridiculous, while others understood him.

Only a fat man in the crowd, holding up his belt, looked at Lin Changsheng with a smile on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is still enjoying it! Even though the enemy is ahead, he doesn't panic at all, and he's still in the mood to watch beauties dancing. I wish I had this kind of treatment!"

Cao De touched his chin and said, and then his eyes began to look between the various female cultivators, looking at them in trance.

In the big formation.

After Situ Wu launched his killing move, he found that Lin Changsheng had escaped. This made him angry and had nowhere to vent his anger, and directly tore apart all the souls that came towards him.

However, as he killed more and more souls, the condensed souls became stronger and stronger, until finally he condensed more than a dozen souls in the early stage of god transformation and several in the middle stage of god transformation.

"Lin Changsheng, you are a coward. If you have the ability to fight, what is your ability to hide outside?"

Situ Wu shouted angrily, his Tianming Sword Soul also has time to increase. Once the time passes, he will also fall into a void state. He will definitely lose to Lin Changsheng by then, so now he must use the provoking method to let Lin Changsheng come in and suffer. die.

However, Lin Changsheng is not a fool. If he goes in now, he is definitely not asking for trouble.

"If you have the ability, you can break the big formation first. If you can't break the big formation, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

Lin Changsheng sneered and continued to watch Concubine Yu Ling and the other girls dancing.

Not to mention, Yu Lingfei and the other girls are all monks with perfect figures, and they will never skimp on the parts that should highlight their figures.

And the slim parts will definitely not make you fat.

So dancing is a joy to watch.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't been improving his proficiency in Tianhuanglong Sacred Land, he would have wanted to appreciate it.


Situ Wu was so angry that Lin Changsheng almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was struggling to kill souls inside, but the other party was watching beautiful women dancing outside. This was simply a humiliation for him.

"You bitch, just wait for me!"

Situ Wu yelled angrily, and struck the formation barrier with his sword again. The powerful impact of Yuanli caused the formation to shake violently, but there was still no sign of the formation breaking.

This formation is formed by the fusion of various large formations, and it is not easy to break through it with brute force.

If you want to break open with brute force, you must have at least a cultivation level above the Void Refining Stage.

And it's not just a blast, it might take a certain amount of time to crush it.

Seeing that brute force could not break the formation, Situ Wu could only find another way to break the formation. He must not be consumed in the formation.

However, it was a pity that there were many souls around him who were constantly attacking him, making it impossible for Situ Wu to calm down and think.

"Get away!"

Situ Wu was so angry that he once again tore apart the souls that came after him.

However, as he tore apart the souls that were charging in front of him, when the power of all the souls gathered together, they actually formed a huge soul three feet tall, with a green face and fangs, six hands, and holding various weapons.

This is clearly a powerful soul in the late stage of divine transformation. (End of chapter)

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