The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 310 The shock of the Tianming Sword Sect and the practice of immortality [Please subscribe!

"This sword soul blood mark is on you. It won't take long for people from the Tianming Sword Sect to find this place. You'd better rush to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible! I can use my connections to temporarily ensure your safety when you get to the Immortal Realm!"

After Jian Lao saw the blood mark on Lin Changsheng's hand, he knew that people from the Tianming Sword Sect would definitely find this place.

If a big elder comes by then, even the sword elder may not be able to protect him.

After all, the elders of the major sects in the Immortal Realm are not only at the stage of becoming gods.

If Jian Lao was at his peak, he would not be afraid of the opponent, but now he is also in a broken body, and has been sealed for three thousand years, and his strength is no longer what it used to be.

"What's the fastest time to get here from the Immortal Realm?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"As soon as half a month, at the latest no more than a month!"

Jian Lao thought about it and said.

"Fortunately, I should be able to make it in time!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself, and after finishing his words, he put away Situ Wu's body and disbanded the formation.

"Master Qianyang, this book was obtained from Zhao Fuhu. It should be your sect's secret treasure, the Lieyang Book!"

After Lin Changsheng saw Taoist Qianyang, he handed over the Fiery Sun Book obtained from Zhao Fuhu.

Taoist Qianyang's eyes were shocked when he saw the sect's treasure, and he cried with joy.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Lin! On behalf of everyone in the Yin Yang Dao Sect, thank you!"

Taoist Qianyang said excitedly, the sect’s secret treasure is finally back!

If he cannot be found, he will become a sinner for the ages.

After handing over the Lieyang Book to Taoist Qianyang, Lin Changsheng left the place without a trace.

He had other things to do. Situ Wu was from the Immortal Realm, so there were naturally many treasures in the storage bag.

Now we can't open it in front of these people, so naturally we have to find a deserted corner.

After Lin Changsheng left, many monks around him still didn't come to their senses.

Because they all couldn't believe that the extremely arrogant Situ Wu, a strong man from the Immortal Realm, was shocked to death by Lin Changsheng like this.

"Lin Changsheng actually killed Situ Wu so easily?"

"It's incredible. Situ Wu, who was so arrogant just now, couldn't resist Lin Changsheng's two moves? How terrifying is Lin Changsheng's cultivation?"

"Didn't you see the golden dragon soul wandering in Lin Changsheng's body? I don't know where he got this opportunity. The power of the Dragon God is very domineering! How can ordinary people resist it?"

"With Situ Wu's death, we can finally have peace in the Southern Region!"

Many monks around him kept whispering to each other, and the stone hanging in their hearts could finally be put down.

However, what they didn't know was that a greater disaster was yet to come.

"Master, do you think something will happen to Brother Lin? I'm worried that what Situ Wu said is true. Brother Lin will be hunted down by people from the Immortal Realm!"

Gao Ziyue said worriedly.

Ling Yue didn't know if this was true or not, she could only hope that it was Situ Wu's way of scaring people.

"Don't worry, Lin Changsheng is blessed with good fortune and everything will be fine!"

Ling Yue responded, then sent the disciples back to the sect.

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure and couldn't take her eyes back for a long time.

This man, who was inconspicuous at the beginning, has now become a being that all major sects look up to. It is simply unbelievable.

This time, he not only saved her life, but also saved the lives of thousands of monks in the entire Southern Territory.

Lin Changsheng's figure suddenly looked taller in Concubine Yu Ling's eyes.

Immortal Burial Domain.

In a vast mountain range, countless giant swords slashed across the earth.

Some sword blades are even higher than a hundred-foot-tall mountain.

A place surrounded by mountains, with a huge peak in the middle.

This mountain peak is not complete, there is a fracture zone in the middle of the mountain.

The broken part is connected by a mysterious force as dark as fog, which prevents the broken mountain from collapsing for thousands of years.

This place is the forbidden area of ​​the Tianming Sword Sect and the site of the Sword Soul Monument.

Only the highly respected people of the Tianming Sword Sect or the proud sons of heaven can set foot here to worship the sword soul and obtain the power of the sword soul.

At this moment, more than ten old men were surrounding the sword soul, absorbing the power of the sword soul.


Just hearing a crisp sound, a sword soul tablet instantly shattered, and a wisp of black smoke disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Elder Situ died?"

A tall and burly man with a huge sword on his back opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

A necklace of prayer beads the size of a fist hung around the man's neck. The giant sword behind him was half a meter taller than a human being, and his arms were thicker than an average person's thigh, making him look extremely burly.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Elder Situ is hiding in the Immortal Relics Land to recuperate from his injuries. How could such a good person die?"

In the center of the crowd, a white-haired old man stroked his long white beard on his chin, looking thoughtful.

Even if Situ Wu's body was seriously injured and his cultivation level plummeted, it was impossible for him to fall into the land of immortal legacy!

The lower world is just a swarm of ants, how could it threaten his life?

"Before Elder Situ died, I felt the consumption of the power of the sword soul on his monument. In other words, there was a battle before his death. From this point of view, Elder Situ encountered a strong enemy in the lower realm, even if Even though he used the power of the sword soul, he was still defeated and fell in the end!"

Next to the white-haired old man, a middle-aged man shrouded in a black robe slowly spoke.

"Who is it? You are so brave. If you dare to kill someone from my Tianming Sword Sect, I will let him die without a burial place!"

The burly man carrying a heavy sword yelled angrily, and as he spoke, he planned to find the person who killed Situ Wu.

They, the Tianming Sword Sect, have always bullied others, how could anyone bully them?

"Xiang Tian, ​​you don't have to worry about this matter. The Immortal Realm Prodigy List will be opened soon. You are the number one Prodigy disciple of our Tianming Sword Sect. Whether you can bring glory to the sect depends on you. Leave this matter to the Sixth Elder. solve!"

The old man in white clothes spoke slowly, and then looked at the man in black robes.


The man in black robe respectfully turned around and left.

None of them dare to disobey the words of the old man in white.

Because he is the master of Tianming Sword Sect.

After the black-robed man left the Sword Soul Hall, he returned to his residence and immediately summoned his most proud disciple.

"Jian Fan, Qing Luo, you two go to the Immortal Relics Land and get rid of the people with the sword soul blood seal!"

The man in black robe ordered.

He didn't even bother to go to this small lower realm in person.

How could an ant from the lower world be worthy of his personal action?

It's time for his two beloved disciples to go out for a walk, and now is a good opportunity to practice.

After finishing his words, the man in black robe threw out a white jade token.

This jade token is used by those who are looking for the blood seal of the sword soul. The closer they get, the white jade token will slowly turn into blood.

"Yes, Master!"

The two of them clasped their fists and attacked, then left the hall.

The land of immortality.

After Lin Changsheng obtained Situ Wu's storage bag, he returned to the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Pond of the Shengxian Sect for meditation.

Lin Changsheng suddenly discovered that Situ Wu had a lot of good things.

In addition to the giant sword in his hand, which was a middle-grade spiritual treasure, more than 50,000 fairy crystals, a lot of fairy herbs and elixirs were also found in his storage bag, including two fairy magic spells. existence, and some low-grade spiritual treasures.

"With these fairy crystals, magic can be simplified!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, the most important one is the Taixu Immortal King Jue.

This method is definitely unusual. Once it is practiced to perfection, Lin Changsheng's cultivation speed will definitely increase significantly.

"Nine-star God-killing Sword Technique, Wanxiang Boruo Fist!"

Looking at the two immortal arts, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The power of immortal magic is definitely not comparable to that of the Immortal Relic Land.

If you practice it to perfection, your strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Lin Changsheng stopped thinking about it and began to study two books of immortal arts.

[Introduction to the Nine-Star God-killing Sword Technique! 】

[Introduction to Wanxiang Boruoquan! 】

Half a day passed before Lin Changsheng finally mastered the two immortal arts to the entry level.

[Introduction to the Nine-Star God-killing Sword Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

[The introduction to Wanxiang Boruoquan has been detected. Do you want to spend 30,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? ”]

[The introduction to the Kirin Transformation Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 2000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Introduction to Mastering the Universe has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The introduction to Taixu Immortal King Jue has been detected. Do you want to spend 10,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

When Lin Changsheng had just mastered the two major immortal arts to the beginning, a prompt popped up on the panel.

Along with the prompt, the last two great immortal arts and the Taixu Immortal King Duel popped up together.


Although Lin Changsheng felt sorry for the immortal crystal, how could he not learn these immortal arts?

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine-Star God-Killing Sword Jue has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is complete, the Nine-Star God-Killing Sword Jue == swinging the sword at the stars! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Wanxiang Boruoquan begins...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, Wanxiang Boruoquan==punch! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Kirin Transformation Technique begins... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, the Kirin Transformation Technique == Watch Monster Beasts! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: Master the Universe. Simplification begins...Simplification is in progress...Simplification is completed. Master the Universe==wave your palms! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Taixu Immortal King's Jue begins...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, Taixu Immortal King's Jue == cross-legged! 】

"Swing your sword at the stars? Shake your fist? Look at monsters? Wave your palms? Cross your knees?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that these simplifications seemed easy and could be completed at the same time.

Although it was not dark yet, the stars were definitely in the sky, so Lin Changsheng took out his sword and started swinging it against the sky.

Nine-star God-killing Sword Technique experience value +1!

Nine-star God-killing Sword Technique experience value +1!

Soon the experience value of the Nine-Star God-killing Sword Technique was increased.

It shows that this is indeed useful.

While wielding the sword with one hand, Lin Changsheng kept punching with the other hand, turning it into a palm when withdrawing it.

Vientiane Wave Boxing experience value +1!

The experience value of controlling the universe +1!

The two major immortal arts are also constantly improving.

Then he sat cross-legged.

Taixu Immortal King Jue experience value +1!

Taixu Immortal King Jue experience value +1!

In an instant, the four major arts are constantly improving their proficiency.

All that is left is to see if the monsters can improve their proficiency in the Kirin Transformation Technique.

If you were in the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan, you would definitely be able to see enough of them.

But Lin Changsheng refused to follow Yunchan, and there were no monsters around him.

"By the way, Xiaobai should be considered a monster, right?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly said secretly, and then summoned Xiaobai.

Although Xiaobai looked reluctant, Lin Changsheng easily solved it with a fairy crystal.

Qilin Transformation Heavenly Jue experience value +1!

Qilin Transformation Heavenly Jue experience value +1!

Sure enough, watching Xiaobai is also effective.

In this way, Lin Changsheng kept repeating these actions mechanically, and the experience value of the five great immortal arts continued to increase crazily.

When Jian Lao saw this strange scene, he thought he was crazy without knowing it.

But Jian Lao felt that Lin Changsheng would definitely not be so crazy. Maybe he was praying for something?

The effect of this prayer was really good. Jian Lao felt that there seemed to be a huge energy ready to move in Lin Changsheng's body.

Time flew by and it soon came to evening.

[Nine-star God-killing Sword Technique is completed! 】

[The Wanxiang Boruoquan is complete! 】

[The Qilin Transformation Technique is complete! 】

【Control the universe to perfection! 】

[The Taixu Immortal King’s Judgment is complete! 】

After unremitting efforts, Lin Changsheng finally mastered all five immortal arts to perfection.

[It has been detected that the Wanming Breaking Heaven Slash (Perfection) and the Nine-Star God-killing Sword Technique (Perfection) are integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

[The Flame Dragon Zhentian Fist (Perfection) and the Wanxiang Boruo Fist (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

[It has been detected that the Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Technique (Perfection), Qilin Transformation Technique (Perfection), and Taixu Immortal King Technique (Perfection) are integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

[Detected the seals of three thousand gods and Buddhas (perfection), controlling the universe (perfection), is it integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to fuse them all.

[Wan Ming Breaking Heaven Slash (Perfection), Nine-Star God-killing Sword Technique (Perfection), fusion started... fusion in progress... fusion completed, obtained New Immortal Jue Tian God World-Destroying Slash]

[Fire Dragon Zhentian Fist (Perfection), Wanxiang Boruo Fist (Perfection), fusion started... fusion in progress... fusion completed, get the New Immortal Jue Zhentian Shenlong Fist! 】

[Dragon Elephant Heaven-Suppressing Technique (Perfect), Qilin Transformation Technique (Perfect), Taixu Immortal King Technique (Perfect), fusion started... fusion in progress... fusion completed, obtained New Immortal Technique Taixu God King Technique! 】

[Three Thousand Gods and Buddha Seals (Perfection), Controlling the Universe (Perfection), Fusion Begins... Fusion in Progress... Fusion Completed, New Immortal Jue Ten Thousand Buddhas Come to the Palace! 】

"God's World-Destroying Slash? Sky-Shaking Divine Dragon Fist? Taixu God King's Art? Ten Thousand Buddhas Come to Court?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the new immortal skills that were fused.

Not to mention anything else, Taixu Shenwang Jue is absolutely ten blocks ahead of ordinary immortal arts.

Once this technique is activated, the speed of refining spiritual energy is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

[The God of Destruction has been detected. Do you want to spend 4,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Sky-shattering Divine Dragon Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 4,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Taixu God King Art has been detected. Do you want to spend 15,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[It is detected that Ten Thousand Buddhas are coming to the court. Do you want to spend 4,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.

Fortunately, there were enough fairy crystals obtained from Situ Wu.


Lin Changsheng clicked Simplify one by one.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of God's World-Destroying Slash has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, God's World-Destroying Slash == Killing Gods with a sword! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Shocking Sky Divine Dragon Fist has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Shocking Sky Divine Dragon Fist == punching the dragon! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Taixu God King Jue has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, Taixu God King Jue = cross one's legs and concentrate! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: Ten Thousand Buddhas Come to Umbrella Simplification begins...simplification in progress...simplification completed, Ten Thousand Buddhas Come to Umbrella==wave your palms to hit the Buddha! 】

"Slash a god with a sword? Beat a dragon with a fist? Cross your knees and concentrate? Hit a Buddha with a palm?"

After the fusion, the magic has become more powerful, and the difficulty of simplifying it has also increased a bit.

But this is not difficult.

Lin Changsheng carved the words "God", "Dragon" and "Buddha" on the wall beside him.

Then he crossed his knees and concentrated, and began to swing his fists, palms, and swords to kill continuously.

The experience value of God’s World-Destroying Slash +1!

Sky-shaking Shenlong Fist experience value +1!

Taixu God King Jue experience value +1!

The experience value of Ten Thousand Buddhas' coming to the pilgrimage is +1!

With Lin Changsheng's movements, his proficiency in the four major immortal arts continued to increase crazily. (End of chapter)

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