The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 311 Absorbing endless fireworks, people coming from the fairyland

The moonlight shines over the mountains, and a breeze blows.

Lin Changsheng meditated until dark, and finally opened his eyes.

[The God of Heaven destroys the world and kills him to perfection! 】

[The Heaven-shaking Divine Dragon Fist is completed! 】

[The Taixu God King Judgment is complete! 】

[Ten thousand Buddhas come to achieve perfection! 】

Finally, under Lin Changsheng's continuous hard training, the four great immortal arts were finally perfected.

Lin Changsheng didn't stop and rushed out through the air. He wanted to see how powerful these four immortal arts were?

Three thousand miles away from Shengxian Sect, Lin Changsheng came to a deserted and inhabited place.

The woods here are dense, and the mountains rise and fall with each other, stretching to the end of the horizon.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Unparalleled Divine Blade. Then he gathered the energy in his body and slashed it out with one swift stroke.

The entire space was distorted, and a half-moon-shaped sword light a hundred feet long shot out of the air.

The sword glow is golden, and it is blessed by the power of the dragon.

This move is the God of Destruction!


The sword light fell directly into the distant mountain forest, directly splitting the entire mountain forest into a huge bottomless ravine.

The surrounding mountains and rocks were splashing, and the ground was shaking, as if a demon was born.

The ground shook for about three breaths before slowly stopping.

After all the dust settled, Lin Changsheng looked towards the place where the sword light was.

I saw a huge abyss three hundred feet long and more than fifty feet wide appearing below.

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual sense to investigate and found that the abyss that was cut out by the beheading was more than a hundred feet deep.

With the naked eye, it can be said to be bottomless.

"As expected of an immortal technique, its power is so overbearing?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, in the past, the ravines that the sword light burst out were more than ten feet deep at most, and you could see the bottom at a glance.

But now the sword actually cut out a huge abyss a hundred feet deep.

This sword is absolutely unstoppable in the lower realm.

After testing the power of the sword light, Lin Changsheng put the spirit treasure away, and the energy circulated in the palm of his hand.

I saw a golden dragon flying on the entire arm. This move was the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist.


Lin Changsheng yelled and punched out.

Golden divine dragons entwine around the fist light, making the fist light even more powerful, and fall towards the distant mountains with unstoppable force.


The next moment, there was another huge explosion in the mountains, and several hundred-foot-high mountains in the distance were directly razed to the ground under the light of the fist.

Moreover, a huge crater dozens of feet deep and two hundred feet wide was smashed on the ground, just like a meteorite hitting the earth, destroying all living things on the ground.

It presents a scene of destruction.

Just as the fist light fell, Lin Changsheng used his palm skills again and struck down with one palm.

I saw thousands of golden lights gathering on the palm print, and the moment it blasted out, countless golden gods and Buddhas flew out.

It instantly filled the entire sky, and the entire sky was suddenly shrouded in golden light.

This move is exactly what Ten Thousand Buddhas are coming to pay homage to.

If the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist just now was a meteorite hitting the ground, then this move would be like thousands of meteors piercing the sky and falling to the ground.

The coverage area is so wide that it covers an area of ​​ten miles.

Bang bang bang——

Countless palm prints fell to the ground, destroying all the trees and mountains on the ground.

After all the dust settled, there was no intact tree on the ground, and its destructive power was terrifying.

"With the help of immortal magic, now even if we face a strong person in the late stage of becoming a god, even if we don't use secret magic, we will still be able to fight!"

After feeling the power of the three great immortal arts, Lin Changsheng's confidence greatly increased.

After the offensive magic test, it was the Taixu God King's turn.

The Taixu God King Art was running in Lin Changsheng's body, and his whole body seemed to turn into a black hole, wildly devouring all spiritual energy within a hundred miles radius.

In almost three breaths, all the spiritual energy in the Baili Land was absorbed and refined by Lin Changsheng.

"The refining speed of this technique is so terrifying?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel shocked.

No wonder Xiaobai could swallow so much spiritual energy in one breath in the past without any discomfort.

Presumably the techniques she practices are not simple either.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng has obtained the Taixu God King Art. Compared with Xiao Bai, he is definitely not half weaker than Xiao Bai, or even worse.

"You, how did you do this? You actually know the magic of the immortal realm?"

After seeing the powerful magical power displayed by Lin Changsheng, Jian Lao couldn't help but feel shocked, because such a domineering attack could only be found in the immortal realm, and there would be no such domineering magic spell in the lower realm.

"I got it from Situ Wu. I am gifted and can learn it as soon as I learn it!"

Lin Changsheng said perfunctorily that naturally he would not tell him the truth, even though they also signed a life and death contract.

But we have to guard against it.

If a person who knows everything about you rebels one day, he will be more terrifying than your enemy.

Lin Changsheng knew this very well, so he didn't disclose some things to Xiaobai, let alone Liu Jianxing.

"No way, even if you are a genius, you can't learn so fast!"

Jian Lao still looked in disbelief.

I just killed Situ Wu today. Even if I learn the magic of immortality, I can't possibly practice it to such a terrifying level in just half a day!

This is at least the Dacheng level, and may even be the Perfection level.

If what Lin Changsheng said is true, then he is definitely a genius.

But after thinking about it, this is normal. If Lin Changsheng was not a genius, he would not have such terrifying cultivation at such an age.

"I am born with a strong ability to learn. If you give me a magic spell in one day, I can master it!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and then took out the endless fireworks obtained from the Fox Clan, regardless of whether Jian Lao believed it or not.

The power of these endless fireworks cannot be underestimated. Now that you have it, you cannot waste it.

Lin Changsheng planned to refine and absorb the endless fireworks right here.

When the time comes, his attacks will have the power of fireworks, and their power will only become more powerful.

"What a monster!"

Jian Lao could only sigh secretly, this guy's talent was much higher than that of his younger self.

In other words, as long as this kid doesn't die, his future achievements will definitely be higher than his.

Lin Changsheng didn't care what Jian Lao thought at this moment, he was totally absorbed in refining the endless fireworks.

With the movement of Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power, the flames in the crystal stone were mobilized by Lin Changsheng, and then turned into balls of fire and enveloped Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng's forehead was sweating as the extremely hot flames burned him, and his whole body turned red.

As the endless fireworks entered his body, Lin Changsheng felt an extremely hot and stinging sensation.

Even though his body has reached the middle stage of becoming a god at this moment, he still feels that this power cannot be underestimated.

If you are not careful, you may set yourself on fire!

"The physical body was actually tempered under the flames?"

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised.

Because he found that endless fireworks shuttled through his body, constantly tempering his body, meridians, and even blood.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong enough, and his life will not be in danger if he absorbs the fireworks.

Otherwise, if ordinary monks absorb it, I am afraid that any contamination will be burned to bones by endless fireworks.

As time passed, the endless fireworks in the crystal began to slowly decrease, and the power of the fireworks in Lin Changsheng's body beat more violently.

However, Lin Changsheng possesses the Fiery Sun Fire Control Technique, which allows him to control endless fireworks and make them gradually become stable.

If there were no complementary skills, this flame would probably be enough to burn any monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

Half an hour later, all the endless fireworks in the crystal had been absorbed and refined by Lin Changsheng, and the power of the fireworks was used for his own use.


Lin Changsheng opened his eyes, let out a long breath, spread his palms, and a ball of flame beat in his palms, which was endless fireworks.

"What a monster!"

Jian Lao secretly said.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng exerted a slight force, and the endless fireworks suddenly became raging, covering his whole body.

However, the fireworks refined by Lin Changsheng at this moment were unable to cause harm to him, but they were fatal to others.

Lin Changsheng casually punched out, and saw the power of flames wrapped around his fist.


The fist light fell on the ground. In addition to causing huge damage, a raging fire burned on the ground with no sign of extinguishing.

If this endless fireworks hadn't encountered something that could restrain it, it would have burned endlessly for hundreds, or even thousands of years.

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the fireworks burning for a long time on the ground.

In the future, if you face the enemy, even if you can't kill him, you can burn him to death.

"I'll be leaving here soon. Let's go see Yu Wenjing!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, now that all the enemies in the Land of Immortal Relics have been eliminated, Lin Changsheng will leave this place next.

Before leaving, Lin Changsheng planned to visit Yu Wenjing and say his final goodbyes.

After all, Yu Wenjing had helped him a lot in the past. This time she went to the Immortal Realm, and she didn't know when she would be able to come back next time.

Maybe when she comes back, it will be hundreds of years later, and whether Yu Wenqian will still be there by then will be a question.

This is the difference between warriors and monks.

Monks soar between heaven and earth, and their lifespans can last for hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, mortal warriors are ultimately unable to defeat hundreds of years.

Dayu, the imperial city.

Yu Wenjing wore a red robe and a phoenix crown on her head, looking towards the direction of the Liuyun Immortal Sect in the distance.

Although Liuyun Immortal Sect has now been renamed Shengxian Sect, she is still used to calling it that.

Because the name felt familiar to her.

"Changsheng, you and I are no longer in the same world. In the future, when you ascend to the upper world, you will forget me sooner or later! I am just a passerby in your life!"

Yu Wenjing sighed leisurely, thinking that one day she would disappear from Lin Changsheng's memory, and Yu Wenjing couldn't help but feel a little sad.

How she hoped that Lin Changsheng's talent would not be so high and he could stay here forever. It would be enough to see him a few more times in her lifetime.

However, some things will never develop the way you want them to.

"Perhaps our fate can only stop here!"

Yu Wenjing said sadly.

The breeze came and blew Yu Wenjing's hair, making her look quite sad.

Slowly the night has deepened.

Jin Wuque stepped forward, "Your Majesty, it's time to rest. Please protect your body!"

Yu Wenqian took one last look into the distance, withdrew her gaze and walked towards the main hall.

Every night, Yu Wenjing would look into the distance here until late at night.

How she wished this was all just a dream.

After waking up, he had just woken up by the Yun River in Mucheng, and had just met Lin Changsheng.


A breeze blew, and a figure stood in the dark corner of the hall.

This immediately shocked Jin Wuque.


Jin Wuque immediately guarded Yu Wenjing vigilantly.

"Here comes someone to escort you!"

Following Jin Wuque's scolding, hundreds of guards immediately swarmed in outside the palace hall.

Surround the people in the darkness.

"Back off!"

However, Yu Wenjing waved her hand, because even if the person opposite was standing in the dark, he could tell who it was from the other person's figure.


Although Jin Wuque was confused, he immediately ordered the guards to retreat.

Yu Wenjing could no longer control her inner sadness, so she ran forward and hugged the shadow.

"I knew you would definitely come back to see me——"

Yu Wenjing burst into tears and had mixed feelings in her heart.

The person who came was none other than Lin Changsheng.

Yu Wenjing's actions made Lin Changsheng never expect that her weight in her heart would be so heavy.

"Wen Jing, I came here this time to ask you——"

Lin Changsheng just wanted to say goodbye, but Yu Wenjing put her hand at the corner of Lin Changsheng's mouth to prevent him from saying more.

In fact, Yu Wenjing knew in her heart that this place was just a shoal, so how could she let such a powerful dragon as Lin Changsheng go?

One day he will swim deeper into the sea.

"I don't ask for anything else. I just want you to stay one night and talk to me, okay?"

Yu Wenjing spoke slowly.

She knew that after tonight, she might never see Lin Changsheng again.

She didn't want to miss this night.

Otherwise it will be a regret for her life.

Lin Changsheng nodded.

That night, Lin Changsheng and Yu Wenjing chatted a lot. There was laughter in the room, and Yu Wenqian felt that she had not been so happy in a long time.

However, the happy time is always short-lived. After one night, when Yu Wenjing woke up again, Lin Changsheng had long disappeared.

Thinking back to the joy last night, Yu Wenjing felt that she had no regrets in this life.

Ten days have passed in a flash.

The barrier of the Immortal Relic Land was distorted, and a crack appeared, and two figures flashed into it.

These two people were Jian Fan and Qing Luo, the proud disciples of the sixth elder of the Tianming Sword Sect.

Jian Fan was dressed in white, his face was full of arrogance, his figure was slightly thin, and he felt as sharp as a sword.

But Qing Luo is dressed in green clothes, with a green birthmark on his face and a green hairpin on his head, giving him a feminine feeling.

"It's ridiculous that Elder Situ would die here in this abandoned and barren place!"

Jian Fan made a disdainful sound, and after a brief exploration with his spiritual consciousness, he found that the spiritual energy in this area was very thin, and it was impossible to give birth to monks above the god transformation stage.

And Elder Situ actually fell here. Could it be that he was killed by Nascent Soul ants?

If this is the case, it would be a great shame!

"That's right, I want to see who can kill Elder Situ!"

Qing Luo also echoed, but there was a bit of feminine charm in his words.

After hearing Qing Luo's words, Jian Fan frowned slightly.

If the master hadn't ordered them to come together, Jian Fan would have never wanted to work with Qing Luo.

It was almost killing me to hear him speak.

"Senior Brother Jianfan, what should we do next?"

Qing Luo looked at Jian Fan with a slightly different expression, which gave Jian Fan goose bumps.

Jian Fan took out the white jade stone, saw the direction of the bloody mark, and immediately left through the air.

"Senior Brother Jianfan, wait for me!"

Qing Luo shouted from behind.

If it weren't for being from the same sect, Jian Fan would have wanted to kill this monster with his own hands.


The two of them turned into streams of light and flew towards the distance. (End of chapter)

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