The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 312: The Burning Sky Locking God Formation traps and kills the geniuses of the Immortal Real

During these ten days, Lin Changsheng was not idle.

The Taixu God King was running wildly to absorb the remaining immortal crystals from Situ Wu.

It has to be said that the aura in this fairy crystal is more than ten times stronger than the aura in the spirit stone. It can absorb all the remaining fairy crystals in just a few days.

Lin Changsheng's cultivation level has also improved a lot.

In addition to improving his cultivation, Lin Changsheng also perfected the two formations he specialized in in the Demon Clan's Lingquan Forbidden Area, and then merged them with the Ten Thousand Spirits Locking Heaven Formation.

Obtained a new formation, the Burning Sky Locking God Formation.

This formation consists of a total of 98 formation bases, 4 formation disks, and two formation eyes.

In the past, the All Souls Locking Heaven Formation had three formation disks, but this time there was an additional flame formation disk.

Lin Changsheng took advantage of the endless fireworks he had just absorbed to make the formation even more powerful.

This formation, let alone the monks of the Transformation Stage, would be difficult to break even if a strong person from the Void Refining Stage came forward.

Therefore, this formation became Lin Changsheng's trump card, which made him make a bold decision.

That means not escaping for the time being.

Lin Changsheng knew that people from the Tianming Sword Sect would be chasing them here soon, so escaping might be the best way.

But the monk who could escape could not escape from the temple.

If they start massacring the Immortal Relics Land, it will be a scene of purgatory.

Moreover, even if Lin Changsheng fled to the Immortal Realm, that was where the Tianming Sword Sect was located, so there was no doubt that he had thrown himself into a trap?

Therefore, Lin Changsheng planned to set up a large formation here and wait for the other party to come.

In the eyes of the strong men in the Immortal Realm, this place is just a land of ants, and the people sent to chase him must not be too strong.

If you arrange a large formation in advance, you might have a chance to counterattack.

"You guys are so brave! Even if the Tianming Sword Sect sends disciples, they are at least in the late stage of divine transformation, or even in the early stage of virtual refining. If they are elders, even the elders of the outer sect, they are strong men in the Mahayana stage. , even if you can arrange this formation, you will only die! Are you gambling with your life?"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng was planning to die, Jian Lao couldn't help but remind him.

After all, he had signed a life-and-death contract with Lin Changsheng. Once Lin Changsheng died, he would also fall with him.

So I had to persuade him earnestly. Hope he escapes.

"Just wait and see!"

Lin Changsheng didn't say much. He was betting that his hunch would be correct.

I also bet that my Burning Heaven Locking God Formation will not let me down.

Three days later, two figures cut through the sky and arrived above Shengxian Sect.

Jian Fan looked at the white jade in his hand and it was extremely blood red. He knew that the murderer of Elder Situ was here.

"How can small sects kill Elder Situ? What a joke!"

Jian Fan pointed with his two fingers, and with an extremely domineering sword energy, he went straight to the main hall of Shengxian Sect.

If this sword energy falls on the mountain of Shengxian Sect, it will definitely be shattered instantly.

However, Lin Changsheng was in the main hall at this moment and had already sensed these two uninvited guests.

However, the cultivation of these two people is not so strong that Lin Changsheng cannot compete with them. Both of them are in the late stage of god transformation, so it will be much easier to handle.

call out--

When the sword light came, Lin Changsheng did not dare to be careless. He swung the unparalleled divine blade and slashed out with one strike.


The sword light and sword energy collided in the sky, causing a violent roar and the entire mountain shook.

After the violent collision, Jian Fan found that his attack was actually blocked by the opponent, which surprised him.

In this land of ants, there are actually monks in the late stages of divine transformation?

I saw Lin Changsheng leading everyone out of the main hall step by step.

Behind Lin Changsheng were Yan Zhen, Liao Bugui, Ling Yue and others.

After they learned about the sword soul blood mark on Lin Changsheng, they stayed together.

Even if they die, they would rather die in front of Lin Changsheng.

If Lin Changsheng dies, it will be a great misfortune for their southern region.

Lin Changsheng then looked at the two people in the sky.

"You two should be from the Immortal Realm Tianming Sword Sect, right?"

Lin Changsheng asked, but he was already very sure.

Because the two disciples of the Tianming Sword Sect came here only to die.

Lin Changsheng has already set up the Burning Heaven Locking God Formation here, and even monks in the Void Refining Stage have difficulty breaking through this formation.

Not to mention the divine transformation stage.

"Did you kill Elder Situ?"

Jian Fan looked at the blood mark of the sword soul on Lin Changsheng's arm and frowned.

This kid didn't show any fear when he saw them. He seemed to have some strength.

"Senior Brother Jianfan, do you still need to ask? Look if he has the sword soul blood mark on his hand, just kill him!"

Beside Jian Fan, Qing Luo said in a low voice, without taking Lin Changsheng into consideration at all.

Lin Changsheng was a little angry after hearing what this man said.

First, this guy is obviously a man, but he speaks with a high voice, neither male nor female, and his voice makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Second, he had murderous intentions towards him without even asking.

"Situ Wu did die in my hands, but it was all his own fault. He killed innocent people indiscriminately and absorbed the monks' blood to heal his wounds. He was a great evil person! Killing him is the inevitable trend!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the two people in front of him and said, it would be best if he could resolve this grudge with the other party.

But if it can't be resolved, then we have no choice but to take action.

"A great evil person? Hahaha——"

When Qing Luo heard Lin Changsheng's words, he burst into laughter. His voice was as unpleasant as a duck hiding in his throat.

"In this world, the strong are respected, and the weak are like ants. Since they are ants, they should be trampled under the feet of the strong. You ants, prepare to die today!"

After Qing Luo finished speaking, he directly waved his hand to summon the blue sword.

There is a lot of intention to take action.

They came here to kill the enemy under the orders of the Sixth Elder, and they were not talking nonsense to these ants.

Although Jian Fan had a bad premonition in his heart, things had come to this point and it was impossible to get better.

Otherwise, they won't be able to explain it when they go back.

So Jian Fan also waved his hand and summoned the Yuntian Sword, intending to kill Lin Changsheng.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng was unable to negotiate peace, he had to resort to real tricks.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng summoned the Wushuang Divine Blade again.

Then he stepped on the ground, and the whole earth trembled, and pieces of fiery sky rose up, directly covering this place within a radius of ten miles.

"You go first!"

Lin Changsheng said something to the people behind him.

He had already prepared a teleportation formation that could transfer everyone from the Shengxian Sect away.

Ling Yue knew that it was useless for them to stay now, and would instead become a burden to Lin Changsheng, so she agreed and went to transfer the disciples.

"Formation? It seems you have been prepared for a long time!"

Jian Fan said in surprise, no wonder the other party was not afraid at all, it seemed that he had already made a foolproof plan.

"When friends come, drink with them, and when wolves come, shoot with guns. It's your choice!"

Now that they have become enemies, Lin Changsheng will no longer be merciful to them.


After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng slashed out with his sword, and the powerful sword light turned into a half moon and charged towards Jian Fan and Qing Luo.

The sword light tore through the sky and distorted the space.

This sword is the God of Destruction.


Jian Fan couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he saw Lin Changsheng attacking with such force.

This is the magic that can only be possessed by their fairyland!

Where did this kid get his training?

However, when the sword light came, the two of them had no time to think about it, so they could only wave their swords together to resist.


Under the two violent roars, Jian Fan and Qing Luo were directly knocked away by Lin Changsheng's sword, and their faces suddenly showed shock.

The two of them were in the late stage of divine transformation, and Lin Changsheng was not in the middle stage of divine transformation. Why did he attack so domineeringly?

"You, how do you know the magic of my fairyland?"

Jian Fan asked in surprise, this person is very extraordinary, he actually knows the magic of their fairyland, which means that he may have been to the fairyland.

"What's so difficult about this? When I kill you, all the magic you have will be used by me!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, and then continued to charge.

He could have used the formation to trap the opponent until he was unable to parry, so that he could kill the opponent easily.

But Lin Changsheng wanted to test the power of the immortal arts he had just perfected, so he did not leave.


Lin Changsheng could tell that among the two, Jian Fan had the stronger cultivation level, while Qing Luo on the side was slightly weaker.

It was estimated that he had just been promoted to the late stage of becoming a god.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng planned to kill Qing Luo, a monster who was neither male nor female.

Lin Changsheng felt uncomfortable when he heard him speak.

Under the scolding, Lin Changsheng punched out, and his fist suddenly turned into a fiery red meteorite with a golden dragon wrapped around it, and it smashed towards Qing Luo.

This blow is the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist, and its power cannot be underestimated.

However, Qing Luo still didn't want to believe that a strong man would appear in this land of ants, and waved the sword in his hand to welcome him unconvinced.


In an instant, the fist light and the sword light collided together. With the explosion, although the strong fist light was broken by the sword light, Qingluo felt uncomfortable and was shaken back more than ten feet again.

Before he could even stand up, Lin Changsheng was already in front of him.

The unparalleled divine blade slashed off Qing Luo's head.

Qing Luo's eyes widened when he saw the sword light coming.

It was too late to escape completely at this moment.

I can only avoid it as much as possible.


The sword light fell, and one of Qing Luo's arms was cut off directly by Lin Changsheng, and blood spattered out.

Although Qing Luo possesses the late-stage cultivation of gods, he lacks actual combat experience.

In addition, Lin Changsheng was promoted to the Wuxia Divine Transformation Stage by the Wuxia Nascent Soul.

The foundation is so solid that it is invincible at the same level, and it is not difficult to fight beyond levels.

Although the magic power in the late stage of divine transformation is much more powerful than that in the middle stage of divine transformation.

But Lin Changsheng was able to make up for it with the power of the Perfect Level Immortal Arts and the Dragon God.

Therefore, Qing Luo was careless and his arm was cut off by Lin Changsheng's sword, causing his strength to plummet.

"Junior Brother Qingluo!"

Not far away, Jian Fan was shocked when he saw Qing Luo's arm being cut off by Lin Changsheng's sword.

Just after this attack, Qing Luo was hit hard, and he could only rely on him.

It can be seen that the strength of this lower realm monk must not be underestimated.

No wonder he was able to kill Elder Situ, he seemed to be somewhat capable.

"Sword of the Gods of Heaven and Ming Dynasty!"

I saw Jian Fan waving the blade in his hand, and a void space suddenly appeared behind him, and countless sword lights penetrated from it, killing Lin Changsheng.

The sword light was overwhelming and dense, leaving Lin Changsheng no room to escape.

Since there was no way to avoid it, Lin Changsheng no longer gave way.

"Ten thousand Buddhas are coming to pay homage!"

Lin Changsheng struck out with a palm, it was the fused Immortal Technique Ten Thousand Buddhas coming to court.

I saw Lin Changsheng discharge his palm, and the palm prints of gods and Buddhas appeared in the sky, covering the entire sky.

The palm print also carries the power of endless fireworks, making the power of the palm print even more powerful.

Bang bang bang——

In the sky, countless sword lights and palm prints collided together, and the sound of explosions was endless, as if the gods were angry, and they kept making thunderous sounds.

After all the dust cleared, Lin Changsheng stood on the spot unharmed. On the contrary, Jian Fan was knocked upside down and flew out, with a lot of flames burning around his body.


The flame lasted for a long time, burning into his bones, causing Jianfan to scream.

This made many disciples who left through the teleportation formation swallow their saliva when they saw it.

"It's incredible! Lin Changsheng actually didn't lose at all against the disciples of the Immortal Realm! In this way, his talent is not far behind that of the disciples of the Immortal Realm!"

"It's more than enough to make more concessions, I think it's more than enough!!"

"That's right, look at this big formation, how can any ordinary person set it up? Look at the magic he performed, it's even more powerful than the other party!"

"It's really amazing! I wish I were half as powerful as Lin Changsheng!"

Many monks around him were amazed when they saw the scene in the formation.

They originally thought that Lin Changsheng would suffer losses when he collided with the powerful men from the Immortal Realm, but they did not expect that after just one encounter, the two people from the Immortal Realm were seriously injured.

It seems that none of them will be able to leave alive today!

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!"

Ling Yue looked at everything happening in the formation, feeling a little worried.

The good thing is that Lin Changsheng's strength has become much more powerful. The bad thing is that the Tianming Sword Sect has to lose two disciples again. The hatred between Lin Changsheng and the Tianming Sword Sect will become deeper and deeper.

The Tianming Sword Sect will definitely not send any more disciples to kill Lin Changsheng in the future, and they will definitely be people with stronger cultivation.

By then, there may be a disaster in the Southern Territory and even the Land of Immortal Relics.

"Is this the strength of your Tianming Sword Sect?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the two people who were severely injured and wailing, and said coldly.

He originally intended to resolve the conflict, but if the other party didn't listen, there would be only a dead end.

"You are so brave. You dare to offend our Tianming Sword Sect. If we don't go back and report it within a month, the elders will definitely come in person and let you die without a burial place!"

Qing Luo shouted angrily, his voice extremely unpleasant.

"You're a bastard, you bastard, I'll send you on your way right now!"

When Lin Changsheng heard this guy's words, it was like torture, and then he controlled thousands of souls to rush out.

Killing him with your own hands would make your own hands dirty.

As thousands of souls swarmed out, Jian Fan and Qing Luo immediately waved their swords to parry.

Although many souls were torn into pieces by them, the broken souls slowly merged and turned into more powerful souls.

"Quick, get out of here!"

Jian Fan knew that continuing to kill was not an option, so he decided to leave first and make plans.


Jian Fan struck the formation with his sword, causing a violent roar.

However, the formation showed no signs of defeat, and instead, endless flames fell.

Once a firework falls on you, it will burn endlessly until it turns into a pile of bones. (End of chapter)

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