The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 313 The power of the Blood Immortal Bracelet, Cao De’s thoughts are seeking to be determined

"Today, this place is your burial place!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, since the other party came to kill him, he naturally couldn't stay.

Although killing these two people will make the relationship between Lin Changsheng and Tianming Sword Sect more and more tense.

But now Lin Changsheng has no other choice. Letting him go is obviously letting the tiger go back to the mountain, which will definitely cause disaster in the future, so he can only kill him with shock.

"You, an ant from the lower world, are so brave. If you offend me, the Tianming Sword Sect, you will only die. By then, not to mention you, all the creatures on this side will be massacred by our Tianming Sword Sect!"

Qing Luo threatened, hoping that Lin Changsheng would know the consequences of offending his Tianming Sword Sect.

However, Lin Changsheng was not one to be frightened. If he were frightened so easily, he would not have grown to this level.

"Don't worry, Tianming Sword Sect will definitely not be aware of how you died!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to talk nonsense with the two of them anymore, so he controlled the thousands of souls in the formation to surround and kill the two of them.

There are endless fireworks dripping down from the control, turning the formation into a furnace.

However, the power of the fireworks had no impact on Lin Changsheng, but it was very fatal to Jian Fan and Qing Luo.

Not only do they have to deal with dense soul attacks, but they also have to pay attention to the endless flames falling from above their heads.

Once it is dripped on the body, it will burn endlessly. Even if they use their Yuan Power to resist, it will be difficult to stop the burning of the flames.

At this moment, a bloody hole pierced by flames appeared on Jian Fan's shoulder. If it weren't for his strong cultivation, he would have died long ago.

As the two men continued to kill souls and retreated, these souls not only showed no signs of disappearing, but instead condensed into more powerful souls one after another.

This made the two of them feel uncomfortable.

"There is no way to continue fighting like this. We must find a way to break the formation, otherwise we will all die here today!"

Jian Fan saw the difference in this formation. If they continued to fight against the formation, they might be dead after their Yuan Power was exhausted.

No wonder Elder Situ would die here. Such a powerful formation would be difficult to break through in a short time even if a strong man from the Void Refining Stage arrives.

"I will block the soul attack. Senior Brother Jianfan, you specialize in breaking formations!"

Qingluo suggested on the side.

This is all we can do now.

Jianfan also has some research on the formation. It is not impossible to break this formation, but it will take a certain amount of time.

I hope Qing Luo can persist until he finds a way to break the formation.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Lin Changsheng looked disdainful when he saw Jian Fan releasing his soul and starting to look for flaws in the formation.

This formation is not so easy to crack.

And he won't give the other party enough time.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned a blood-colored bracelet. This bracelet was called the Blood Immortal Bracelet, and it contained a total of eighteen restrictions.

It was obtained by Lin Changsheng in the secret realm of the Demon Clan's Spiritual Spring Forbidden Land.

The power of this treasure is extraordinary. Although it cannot be compared with the treasures of the immortal realm such as Taixu Temple and Poseidon Tower, it cannot be underestimated.

During this period of time, Lin Changsheng had refined five of the restraints and was able to exert some of their power.

Among them, this blood-colored bracelet can change its shape according to Lin Changsheng's thoughts, and can bombard and kill enemies.


Lin Changsheng waved his hand and threw the Blood Immortal Bracelet out.

The Blood Immortal Bracelet rose up in the wind and turned into a giant bracelet as big as a city wall, rushing towards Qing Luo.

Qing Luo now has a broken arm, and his combat strength is less than 30%.

But when he saw the bloody bracelet charging towards him, he didn't even take a step back. He waved the sword light in his hand to fight against the blood fairy bracelet.


However, with a violent explosion, Qing Luo's sword energy was directly defeated by the Blood Immortal Bracelet.

Moreover, the castration force of the Blood Immortal Bracelet was not reduced, and it directly hit Qing Luo, causing him to spit out blood and fly backwards, and his internal organs were almost displaced.

"This, what kind of magical treasure is this?"

Qing Luo's pupils suddenly opened wide. The ants in this immortal land gave them too much shock.

He never expected that such a powerful person could be born in this place with thin spiritual energy.

However, the next moment, the Blood Immortal Bracelet changed again, shrouded from above the head, surrounded Qing Luo, and then quickly shrank, directly imprisoning Qing Luo within the Blood Immortal Bracelet.


As the Blood Immortal Bracelet continued to shrink, bursts of bone-breaking sounds suddenly came from Qingluo's body.


Until the end, Qing Luo's entire body was compressed and broken by the Blood Immortal Bracelet, and there was no movement after a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Qing Luo——"

Jian Fan was shocked when he saw Qing Luo's death. It seemed that he would not be able to leave this place alive today.

He immediately took back his soul and planned to fight to the death with Lin Changsheng.

He is only in the stage of becoming a god, so it is basically impossible for his soul to fight without his body.

Only when one reaches the Void Refining Stage and the soul is solidified and transformed into the Dharma Body, one can have a cultivation level second only to the true body.


Jian Fan exploded with all his strength and struck Lin Changsheng directly through the sky.

The seemingly overbearing sword was easily blocked by Lin Changsheng's Blood Immortal Bracelet.

Lin Changsheng is also a little unsure about the grade of this Blood Immortal Bracelet, but he feels that it is at least a high-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure, and may even be a low-grade Heaven-reaching Immortal Treasure.

The power is much stronger than the Unparalleled Divine Blade.

Although it has only been refined to the fifth level of prohibition, its power cannot be underestimated.

This Baolin Immortal has not been completely refined yet. If it is fully refined and fused, it may be able to transform into the magic weapon you want.

"How come you have such a powerful fairy treasure?"

Jian Fan never imagined that they just came to the lower world to kill an ant, but they could see many amazing things in this ant.

This formation was enough to shock him, but he didn't expect that Lin Changsheng actually had treasures on his body that were at the level of the Immortal Treasure.

He felt that this treasure was at least at the level of a low-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

"I won't tell you until you die!"

Lin Changsheng did not want to talk nonsense with Jian Fan and continued to control the Blood Immortal Bracelet to trap and kill Jian Fan.

This person's cultivation level was indeed much better than Qing Luo's. He had taken more than ten moves in Lin Changsheng's hands without showing any flaws.

It was not until the end that his energy was about to be exhausted that he became exhausted.

Lin Changsheng thought Jianfan was at the end of his rope.

However, he didn't expect that after he took a pill with his head held high, the lack of energy in his body immediately recovered by 30%.

This made Lin Changsheng a little surprised. This elixir actually has such a strong recovery ability?

But even so, Jian Fan only slowed down the time of his death.

By accident, the Blood Immortal Bracelet controlled by Lin Changsheng was smashed to the ground.

A deep pit ten feet long and wide appeared on the ground.

Lin Changsheng took advantage of the situation and immediately controlled the Blood Immortal Bracelet to turn into a mountain, and suppressed it towards Jian Fan.


When the Blood Immortal Bracelet landed, a violent roar suddenly erupted, and the entire earth trembled violently.

When Lin Changsheng took back the Blood Immortal Bracelet, the ground was already covered in blood.

Jian Fan was beaten to pieces by the powerful power of the Blood Immortal Bracelet, and his breath was long gone.


The two people died, and the souls were flying everywhere, seeming to want to escape from this place. However, this place was bound by a large formation, let alone the souls, not even a wisp of smoke could escape.

Lin Changsheng waved the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and directly entered it.

After the two people died, the cultivation in their bodies turned into Taoist energy and poured into Lin Changsheng's body.

Lin Changsheng used the Taixu Holy King Art to instantly refine it.

"We have reached the peak of the middle stage of divine transformation, and it won't be long before we can break through to the late stage of divine transformation!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then put away the physical bodies and storage bags of Jian Fan and Qing Luo.

These two people come from the fairyland, so there must be no shortage of treasures in the storage bag.

"Who taught you this formation?"

Jian Lao couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that the large formation arranged by Lin Changsheng had such power.

He felt that even if a strong Void Refiner entered this formation, it would be difficult to escape. This formation was not something that a lower realm monk could arrange.

Even in the Immortal Realm, it would be difficult to arrange one without a force that has been studying formations for hundreds of years.

And how old is Lin Changsheng now?

To be able to arrange such a powerful formation must have been taught to him by someone.

If it was said that Lin Changsheng specialized in research, Jian Lao would not believe anything he said.


Lin Changsheng said perfunctorily that it was naturally impossible to tell him that he could integrate various large formations, making this formation astonishingly powerful.

"Self-taught? Stop bragging. If you don't have hundreds of years of formation foundation, you can't even think of studying it!"

Jian Lao sneered.

He is not stupid. If Lin Changsheng is self-taught, he would rather believe that ants can kill an elephant.

"I told you, I have a high talent for learning, how is it possible? If you don't believe it, just give me a set of formations, and I will be able to practice to perfection in less than a day!"

Lin Changsheng responded, then packed up his things and rushed directly to the Shengxian Sect's main hall.

I plan to find out if these two people have brought any treasures to me.

"You can brag!"

Jian Lao didn't believe it, but Lin Changsheng stopped paying attention.

After Lin Changsheng left, everyone around him was a little unresponsive.

The wizard of the Immortal Realm was easily killed by Lin Changsheng?

It seems that Lin Changsheng didn't waste much energy!

"Lin Changsheng shocked the Immortal Realm's prodigy. It is estimated that it won't take long for the people of the Immortal Realm Tianming Sword Sect to realize that the person who comes next time will not be a disciple!"

"Yes! If a first elder comes, how should Lin Changsheng deal with it?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Just practice well. If he loses, can you just do it?"

"That's right, I believe he can kill his disciples, so he has already thought of a way out!"

"Then let's kill one one, and kill one pair!"

The surrounding disciples were talking one after another. Some were impressed by Lin Changsheng's cultivation, while others were worried about Lin Changsheng's future.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is really not that simple! The next step is to ascend to the Immortal Realm. I have to advance to the late stage of Golden Core before ascending!"

Cao De thought about Lin Changsheng's thoughts and said secretly.

He had also spent time with Lin Changsheng, and he had some understanding of Lin Changsheng.

He believed that Lin Changsheng would not use the same method twice.

In other words, he will definitely not wait here for the other party's elders to come.

He will definitely ascend to the Immortal Realm before the opponent's elder comes.

The Immortal Realm is so vast that it is not easy for the other party to find him.

Therefore, Cao De felt that Lin Changsheng might ascend to the Immortal Realm soon.

He planned to use this period of time to break through to the late stage of the Golden Core, and then follow Lin Changsheng to the Immortal Realm.

He has had enough fun in this immortal land. How about he wants to go to the immortal realm to see the women there?

Thinking of this, Cao De couldn't help but chuckle.

Concubine Yu Ling noticed this and immediately frowned.

"Cao De, why are you so happy? Did you bring trouble to that girl again?"

Concubine Yu Ling said dissatisfiedly that as long as she inquired a little, no one in the Shengxian Sect would know Cao De's hobbies.

It's just that Concubine Yu Ling is puzzled. This guy is a spiritual wizard. He didn't expect to have such hobbies!

Therefore, Concubine Yu Ling was not very willing to get close to Cao De.

"That's nonsense. I will soon be ascending to the Immortal Realm with fellow Taoist Lin, how can I not be happy?"

Cao De said with a smile, then looked up and down at Concubine Yu Ling and her junior sister Fu Qingyu, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Although both women have good looks and figures, he is a better wife.

Married women have so much charm that little girls can't compare to.

"Pay attention to me. If you look around, I'll dig out your eyes!"

When Concubine Yu Ling saw Cao De looking at her, she suddenly felt unhappy and warned.

"Little girl, this is not big, but your temper is not small!"

Cao De looked at Concubine Yu Ling's heart and laughed.


Suddenly Yu Lingfei was so angry that her heart heaved violently, and she wished she could give Cao De a beating.

"Senior Sister Yu, what's wrong?"

Not far away, Gao Ziyue rushed over and found Yu Lingfei looking angry and couldn't help but ask.

"Junior Sister Ziyue, stay away from this Cao De, this guy is simply a bastard!"

Concubine Yu Ling left angrily, but she still felt that Lin Changsheng was the most at ease.

His eyes were always clear and innocent, even when he was healing her, he was not as hateful as Cao De.

After experiencing many people, Concubine Yu Ling found that Lin Changsheng was the most attractive.

"You guys dare to bully even Senior Sister Yu. When you see Brother Lin, be careful I tell you a story and make your ascension to the upper world a daydream!"

Gao Ziyue glared at Cao De.

Cao De immediately laughed and was not angry.

He also knew about the relationship between Lin Changsheng and Gao Ziyue, so maybe it was really possible.

"I was just joking with Junior Sister Yu, I didn't expect her reaction to be so big!"

Cao De scratched his head and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

After finishing his words, Cao De ran away, but he couldn't let Gao Ziyue catch him, otherwise Lin Changsheng would be in trouble if he didn't take him to the Immortal Realm.

In the main hall of Shengxian Sect.

After Lin Changsheng entered it, he told Liao Bugui to practice in seclusion. The door of the main hall was closed tightly, and no one dared to disturb him.

Even if there is something important, you have to wait for him to finish it.

Lin Changsheng first poured out all the contents of Jian Fan and Qing Luo's storage bags.

It was discovered that there were quite a lot of fairy crystals inside. The two of them had more than 5,000 crystals in total.

In addition to fairy crystals, there are also some spiritual beast materials, some fairy grass and elixirs, and some spiritual magic.

"These seem to be the scales of a black-armored Kui beast, its defense is not weak!"

Lin Changsheng picked up a piece of spiritual beast scales and looked at them, and found that the scales were unusual.

In the lower realm, there are only some monsters that are even higher than the Nascent Soul stage.

But in the Immortal Realm, the lowest level is the spirit beast that is comparable to the God Transformation Stage, and above the spirit beasts there are even the Immortal Beasts that are comparable to the Tribulation Stage.

The power of the immortal beast is so terrifying that it can swallow all the living creatures in the city of hundreds of thousands in one breath.

Therefore, in the Immortal Realm, not only do you have to compete with many monks for opportunities and spiritual treasures of heaven and earth, but you also have to contend with powerful spiritual beasts and immortal beasts.

It can be said to be full of crises.

It is true that any strong man came up by stepping on many corpses. (End of chapter)

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