The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 315 Ascension, the immortal road collapses, and falls into a vicious place

Covering the Moon Immortal Sect.

After Ling Yue learned that Lin Changsheng would ascend to the Immortal Realm in five days, she was very surprised, but this was all expected.

Lin Changsheng cannot hide here forever.

The resources of the Immortal Relic Land are limited, and only by going to the vast Immortal Realm can he exert all his talents.

And they don't have that much ability. If they go to the fairyland, they will probably die or become the most inconspicuous.

Therefore, Ling Yue and others are very self-aware and have no intention of going to the Immortal Realm.

After all, their talents are only so high.

But among the disciples under her, there were some very talented people, and Ling Yue planned to send them to the Immortal Realm.

Although the road is extremely dangerous, as long as one survives, he will definitely surpass them.

"Master, my disciple can't bear to leave you!"

After Concubine Yu Ling learned that Ling Yue planned to send her to the fairyland, she was shocked and happy.

What surprised her was that she didn't expect that one day she would be able to go to the fairyland, and at such an age.

But when she thought that going there this time might be a disaster, and she might even never see Master Ling Yue again in her lifetime, Concubine Yu Ling felt a little sad.

"Fei'er, you have a good talent. Although you cannot compare with the top talents, once you get the guidance of an expert, your achievements will definitely be good in the future, but you must not miss it!"

Ling Yue said seriously.

Ling Yue's thoughts are much further than that of Taoist Qianyang. This land of immortal relics will only bury the value of these geniuses.

Maybe because the spiritual energy is thin or the opportunities are reduced, he will never have the chance to ascend to the upper world in his lifetime.

This is a rare God-given opportunity!

Ling Yue naturally didn't want her disciples to miss it.

So this time, in addition to Concubine Yu Ling, Gao Ziyue and three other Tianjiao disciples from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect went there.

"Master, please take care of yourself in the future. If Ziyue can achieve something, she will definitely come back to repay your kindness in cultivating her!"

Gao Ziyue knelt on the ground facing Ling Yue and knocked down hard.

The other disciples also knelt down and thanked Ling Yue for his cultivation.

"Okay, Master is waiting for you to come back!"

Ling Yue showed a look of relief.

Tianjian Sect.

After Wang Zhonglou learned that Lin Changsheng would ascend to the Immortal Realm in five days, he immediately held a meeting in the sect.

Many elders sat together, and the disciples of Tianjiao gathered here.

"Everyone must have heard that Lin Changsheng is going to ascend to the Immortal Realm. This sect will not say more. Disciples who are willing to go to the Immortal Realm will step forward!"

Wang Zhonglou said cheerfully.

This is a rare opportunity, and the Tianjian Sect will naturally not miss it.

Only a dozen disciples hesitated before walking out.

This made many elders very unhappy.

"I think you are all going to die. How dangerous is the Immortal Realm? Is it a place where you can survive? Besides, Lin Changsheng has offended the Tianming Sword Sect, a giant force in the Immortal Realm. If you follow him there, you will die!"

Liu Zhihu, the third elder of Tianjian Sect, shouted angrily. He was very opposed to his disciples going to the Immortal Realm.

Because the Immortal Realm is not a place where ordinary people can survive. Even the great monks of Nascent Soul are no more than ants in the Immortal Realm.

It can be easily crushed to death by a strong person.

These Jindan disciples have a slim chance of surviving.

"I also object, Sect Master. These talented disciples are the hope of our sect in the future. Let's not talk about whether they can survive after going to the Immortal Realm. After they leave, our Tianjian Sect will have no rising stars. How will we be able to succeed in the south in the future? A foothold in the domain?”

Zhu Youli, the fifth elder of Tianjian Sect, also raised objections.

This caused the hall to fall into silence.

Hearing these words, Wang Zhonglou frowned slightly.

"Do you think this sect is discussing with you? As long as the disciples are willing to go, this is a good thing. This sect is the first to agree. The road to immortality is a road against heaven. If you want to live a stable life, you must be a mortal for the rest of your life. alright!"

Wang Zhonglou glared and scolded, which immediately made the elder below dare not say any more words.

"Master, I am being unfilial. This is a rare opportunity. I don't want to miss it. If I miss it, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to ascend to the Immortal Realm next time."

"Master, just pretend that you have never taught a disciple! The disciple has made up his mind and decided to go with us!"

"Master, please forgive me, I can no longer serve you!"

"If this disciple achieves anything in the future, he will definitely come back to visit the master!"

Many disciples of Tianjian Sect spoke in unison, some fell to their knees, and some were reluctant to leave with tears streaming down their faces.

They don't know the dangers of the Immortal Realm, but if they miss this opportunity, they may not be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm again in their lifetime.


When the elders saw that the disciples seemed to have decided to leave, they were so angry that they were speechless.

"Elders, don't worry, I am willing to accompany you on this trip to protect the safety of all the disciples!"

Just as everyone was sighing, Jiujianxian spoke.

This made the elders feel relieved a lot.

They also know the strength of Jiujianxian, and now he has broken through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his combat power is much stronger than them.

But when they thought about the Immortal Realm Nascent Soul cultivators traveling everywhere, they still couldn't help but feel worried.


Wang Zhonglou waved his hand and started asking people to register the names of the disciples who were going so that they could be sent to the Shengxian Sect.

Because when the time comes to ascend to the Immortal Realm, it will be held in the Feixian Sect.

"Zhuo Yijian, Lu Haoran, Chen Lin, Hua Yu."

Each name was recorded in the book, but the elders kept shaking their heads and sighing.

It seems that the disciples whose names are written are as if they are written in the book of life and death.

The same thing happened in Jin Fu Sect.

Some are against it, some are in favor.

In the end, more than ten disciples were willing to go to the Immortal Realm.

At the same time, in addition to the disciples from major immortal sects who were willing to go to the Immortal Realm, there were also some talented casual cultivators who also came to sign up.

For example, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng, Gao Wei, etc.

In an instant, all the geniuses from the Southern Territory gathered in the Shengxian Sect.

Time flies, and five days pass quietly.

Today, it’s time to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

All the major sects gathered in the Shengxian Sect. In addition to the major sects, even some small sects also came to watch.

It is not often seen to ascend to the Immortal Realm, especially when many geniuses ascend together.

Lin Changsheng counted the people and found that there were more than forty people.

Among them, there are six members of Shengxian Sect, including Cao De, Ling Caiyin, Xin Yun'er, Li Muyun and others.

Lin Changsheng did not expect that so many people would come to watch the Ascension Immortal Realm.

"Everyone, this is the farewell. See you again when we are destined!"

Lin Changsheng cupped his fists and then took the disciples who were going to the Immortal Realm to an open area.

Next to Lin Changsheng were Yan Zhen and Jiu Jianxian, and behind him were many talented disciples.

Everyone was excited. What does this fairyland look like?

Full of expectations for it.

"It's too late to regret now. There are many dangers in the Immortal Realm. Even I may not be able to protect your safety! If you go there, you will have a narrow escape."

Lin Changsheng looked at the many young disciples behind him and said slowly.

Lin Changsheng can be said to be a very powerful existence here, but after going to the Immortal Realm, he has to start from scratch.

In the Immortal Realm, Nascent Soul monks are everywhere, Tianjiao disciples and disciples all started in the God Transformation stage, and there are even peerless wizards in the Void Refining stage.

The great elders are even more powerful in the Mahayana.

In addition to the numerous major forces, there are also spiritual beasts and fairy beasts that can easily swallow hundreds of thousands of creatures in one bite.

However, after Lin Changsheng finished speaking, no one was willing to quit.

In this case, Lin Changsheng no longer hesitated.

Following Lin Changsheng's control, the Taixu Temple slowly floated in front of him, blooming with brilliant light.

Not long ago, Lin Changsheng finally refined the fourth level of restrictions in Taixu Temple.

It can exert some of the powers of the Taixu Temple, one of which is the ability to open the barrier of the Immortal Relic Land.

"Tai, Taixu Temple? Taixu Temple is actually in the hands of Lin Changsheng? No wonder he said he can take people to the immortal realm! So this is the reason!"

"Yes! I really didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would obtain such a rare treasure at such a young age!"

"Taixu Temple is the most precious treasure in the Immortal Realm! If Lin Changsheng uses it well, his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

"Yes! As long as Lin Changsheng does not die, maybe a great immortal will be born in our immortal land!"

Many people were shocked when they saw the Taixu Temple summoned by Lin Changsheng.

Taixu Temple is a great treasure, but I didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would acquire it.


As Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power circulated, Taixu Temple bloomed with a huge bright light ten feet long and wide rising into the sky.


The light shot straight into the sky, as if it had hit the barrier in the sky, and a violent roar erupted.

Then I saw a gap in the barrier that imprisoned the land of immortal relics was made by this light.

This huge change in the world was clearly visible to the entire Southern Territory.

Dayu, the imperial palace.

Yu Wenjing was dressed in gold and wearing a phoenix crown, sitting on the imperial chair.

The civil and military officials below were making suggestions, but when Yu Wenjing saw the vision of heaven and earth in the distance, she rushed outside the palace desperately.

"His Majesty!"

Jin Wuque shouted.

Such a scene immediately made all the civil and military officials in the hall feel at a loss.

"This day has come! Changsheng, we will meet again in the next life!"

Yu Wenjing came outside the palace hall, looked at the changes in the world in the distance, and seemed to realize something.

It was inevitable to feel a little sad.

Because this direction is exactly where Liuyun Immortal Sect is.

With such a sudden change in the world, Lin Changsheng was naturally going to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

However, recalling that Lin Changsheng came to see her a few days ago, she couldn't help but feel a little satisfied. At least, they had really been together.

"Changsheng, I hope you have a safe journey!"

Yu Wenjing murmured to herself.

She knew that she might never be able to see Lin Changsheng again in this life.

The road to immortality is long, and sometimes a single retreat can last for a hundred years.

When she comes back, she may turn into a pile of bones.

"This, is this a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth caused by ascending to the Immortal Realm?"

Jin Wuque also discovered the strange phenomenon in the distant sky and was immediately shocked.

No wonder His Majesty ran out in a hurry. It seemed that he wanted to watch Lin Changsheng leave.

"General Jin, tell me, do I still have a chance to see Chang Sheng?"

Yu Wenjing asked reluctantly.

"There must be hope. Immortal Master Lin is a genius in cultivating immortality in our southern region. He has achieved such a level of cultivation at a young age. I believe it won't take many years for him to obtain the great path and come back——"

Jin Wuque said this, which made him feel a little impossible, but he couldn't tell the truth. People still have to have some hope.

"If that's the case, that would be great!"

Yu Wenjing thought about all the things she had spent with Lin Changsheng in the past, and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

In the Shengxian Sect, the sky barrier has been broken. Lin Changsheng used his Yuan Power to wrap around many talented disciples, and then stepped into the pillar of light.

I saw an extremely strong push that sent them all directly out of the Immortal Relics Land, and everything on the ground was shrinking crazily.

Until it finally turned into a tiny fragment and disappeared before our eyes.

Looking at the entire dark sky, there are countless such fragments.

And each fragment represents an abandoned place.

In these realms, the spiritual energy is thin and there are no resources for cultivation, so they are naturally abandoned.

However, often in these abandoned places, every thousand years, some geniuses will be born, which will make people in the fairyland stunned.

"It's been three thousand years, and I'm finally back!"

Jian Lao said with joy that when he returns to his peak, he will definitely pull out the muscles and bones of the person who suppressed him, so that he will never be reincarnated.

"Look, over there——"

One of the disciples exclaimed.

Following his exclamation, everyone looked over.

I saw an extremely gorgeous galaxy in the distance, lighting up the entire dark night sky.

"It's so beautiful!"

Gao Ziyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turns out that there really is a galaxy, it's incredible!"

Concubine Yu Ling also exclaimed in surprise. In the Immortal Heritage Land, they could only see a few stars, but they could hardly see such a bright galaxy.


However, just as everyone was immersed in the splendor of the galaxy, the passage to the Immortal Realm suddenly shook violently.

I saw a huge object suddenly colliding with the teleportation light beam of Lin Changsheng and others.

This immediately blocked the passage to the Immortal Realm.

"What, what's going on?"

Zhuo Yijian exclaimed.

Slowly, they felt that the passage seemed to have lost connection with the fairyland.

"Trouble, this is the Void Beast. It cuts off the road to the Immortal Realm. It doesn't make sense! This Void Beast can't appear here for no reason!"

Jian Lao was surprised.

I thought I was about to return to the Immortal Realm, but I didn't expect such an accident to happen halfway.

"Now what?"

It was also the first time that Lin Changsheng encountered this kind of situation, and he suddenly felt a little puzzled. How could such a thing happen to him?

"Use the remaining power of the Taixu Temple to teleport to the nearest immortal land. If the passage is broken and left in the void, there is only one way to die!"

Jian Lao warned.

Seeing that there was no other way, Lin Changsheng could only search in the surrounding immortal relics.

Finally, a nearby abandoned land was locked.


Lin Changsheng used the remaining power of Taixu Temple to teleport everyone here.

After everyone landed, what they arrived was not the Immortal Realm, but another Immortal Land.

This place is more dangerous than the abandoned place where they grew up.

The sky here is covered with clouds, it rains constantly, and the ground is covered with mud. It looks like it is not suitable for human habitation at all.

However, not far away, Lin Changsheng and others discovered a huge city.

"A vicious place!"

Jian Lao murmured to himself that he seemed to have been here before, in order to chase down someone.

It's a pity that it was canceled midway because of the danger here.

"Have you been here?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously, feeling that something was not right here.

"You'd better let Taixu Temple absorb the spiritual energy and leave this place as soon as possible!"

Jian Lao didn't say much, for fear of causing panic if he said too much. (End of chapter)

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