The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 316 Crisis is coming, bloodthirsty gluttons [Please subscribe! 】

Hearing Elder Jian's words, Lin Changsheng knew that this place was absolutely unsafe and there might be powerful creatures.

"There is a city ahead, there may be humans!"

One of the disciples suggested, and was immediately recognized by everyone. Even the Jiujianxian nodded and planned to go to the city ahead first.

It's drizzling constantly in the sky. You can't stay out in the rain all the time. You have to find a shelter from the rain.

"You go first!"

Lin Changsheng also agreed, but he wanted to carve out a teleportation formation here to prepare for emergencies.

The Jiujianxian nodded, and then led his disciples to slowly approach the distant city.

Because we didn’t know if this place was safe, everyone was very careful when moving forward.

Too late——

Lin Changsheng carved the formation, flashing with golden light.

After a while, a formation was completed.

And many disciples in front, under the leadership of Jiujianxian, have entered the city in advance.

Lin Changsheng and Yan Zhen immediately followed after seeing this. If an accident occurred, they could provide immediate support.

However, not long after Lin Changsheng left this place, a dark green monster with four limbs appeared in the place where Lin Changsheng had just carved the formation.

The monster sniffed the air, as if it smelled of food.


The monster beast looked up to the sky and roared, as if it was conveying a message to its companions.


However, not long after his roar sounded, there was a surge under the ground, as if a giant thing was about to break out of the ground, with a surge of mud and rocks rushing toward the monster.

When the monster saw something strange on the ground, it was so frightened that it ran away with its tail between its legs. However, before it could get far, a huge beast-eating insect suddenly rushed out of the ground.

This giant insect was ten feet long. It tore the roaring monster into pieces in one bite, splashing blood, and then disappeared into the ground again.

After a moment of turbulence, the place returned to deathly silence.

"There must have been humans here before!"

When Lin Changsheng came to the gate of the city, he looked at the tall city wall and said to himself.

The city wall is ten feet high and three feet thick. The building is extremely generous and thick, and it seems to be used to resist foreign enemies.

Apart from humans being able to build such a building, Lin Changsheng could not imagine any other living beings being able to build it.

However, when Lin Changsheng and Yan Zhen entered the city, they found that the place was already a scene of devastation. All the houses in the city collapsed and decayed, as if no one had existed for hundreds of years.

However, surprisingly, there was a huge temple in the center of the city, and there was no damage here.

The Jiujianxian had already taken many of his disciples to the temple to take shelter from the rain.

Lin Changsheng and Yan Zhen quickly rushed over.

On the way, Lin Changsheng discovered that in addition to collapsed houses, there were also many corpses that had decayed into skeletons. This undoubtedly further proved that humans had lived here before, but why had they abandoned this place or all died? unknown.

Lin Changsheng felt that this place was definitely not simple and should be full of dangers.

"What did you find?"

Lin Changsheng asked after joining Jiujianxian.

"Nothing was found. This place should have been a human city in the past, but the people should have moved away later!"

Jiujianxian guessed.

"I think they didn't move away, but they all died!"

Lin Changsheng expressed his guess.


The Jiujianxian was surprised. Doesn't it mean that there are many dangers here?

"It shouldn't be wrong. Please don't be careless, disciples. This place may be in danger at any time. It will take about three days for Taixu Temple to absorb the spiritual energy. After three days, you can break the barrier here again and go to the fairyland!"

Lin Changsheng expressed his thoughts.

This place cannot be without danger, otherwise humans would not be able to abandon such a huge city, and there would be no way that there would be corpses everywhere on both sides of the streets.

"Everyone, listen up. There may be monsters here. Please cheer up and don't act alone! In three days, Fellow Daoist Lin will be able to restore the aura of Taixu Temple and lead everyone out of this place!"

Jiujianxian said to many disciples.

All the disciples felt relieved immediately. They thought they could no longer go to the Immortal Realm and had to stay in this abandoned land.

"Senior Sword Immortal, Tu Yunfei and Mu Yunfeng are missing!"

Just when Jiujianxian finished speaking, Concubine Yu Ling spoke.

Because these two people were casual cultivators, they were not very used to staying with others. After arriving here, they began to act alone.

"What? These two guys are really going to cause trouble for me!"

Jiu Jianxian said angrily, these casual cultivators just have no order and will cause chaos at critical moments.

But thinking that since they all came from an abandoned land, it would not be appropriate to just ignore them, so Jiujianxian planned to release his spiritual consciousness and go search for them.

"found it!"

However, when Jiu Jianxian was about to release his spiritual consciousness, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness had already locked onto the two of them.

These two people are in the city, less than a thousand meters away from here.

Lin Changsheng and Tu Yunfei still have some friendship.

When I first attended the Immortal Ascension Conference, I had some contact with Tu Yunfei. He was a pretty good person.

It would still be a pity if he died here in a daze.

"I'll go find them!"

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng left the temple and rushed in the direction of Tu Yunfei and the others.

Because he didn't know what kind of strange beasts existed here, Lin Changsheng didn't dare to walk through the air, so he could only shuttle quickly on the ground.

In the distance, Tu Yunfei and Mu Yunfeng discovered a huge skeleton, and their hearts were filled with shock.

Because this skeleton is as big as one of their bodies in the palm of their hand, a whole person can fit through the skull's eye sockets.

One can imagine how tall this giant is.

"What kind of species is this? So tall?"

Tu Yunfei asked Mu Yunfeng.

Mu Yunfeng also had a puzzled look on his face, "I heard from my seniors before that in other star fields, there is a high-mountain human race, which is extremely huge. It can reach ten feet in height when it reaches adulthood. I wonder if this thing is true?"

"Gaoshan Human Race? Are you making this up?"

Tu Yunfei didn't believe it, and then his eyes fell on the giant ax in the skeleton's hand.

Even with the passage of time, this giant ax shows no signs of rust and gray. It can be imagined that it must be an extraordinary weapon.

"This should be a nice treasure! I'm not welcome!"

Tu Yunfei smiled and stretched out his hand to get the giant ax from the giant skeleton.


In the distance, Lin Changsheng saw this scene and immediately stopped him.

However, it was still too late, because Tu Yunfei had already pulled the giant axe.

However, the giant ax did not slip from the skeleton's hand. Instead, the skeleton's palm exerted a slight force and held the giant ax a little tighter.


Tu Yunfei was shocked when he discovered this scene.

Is it possible that this skeleton is still alive?

The next moment, two balls of flames burned in the skull's eye sockets, and the skeleton that seemed to have been dead for many years started to move slowly.

Until the end, he stood in front of Tu Yunfei and Mu Yunfeng holding a giant axe.

The two of them were as small as ants in front of the giant skeleton giant.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Tu Yunfei was shocked. He had never seen this thing in the original abandoned place.

Even if it is the corpse refining technique used by the devil, it still needs to refine the corpse!

What kind of magical skill is this resurrection of a skeleton?



The skeleton waved the giant ax in its hand, looking up to the sky and roaring.

All the dust on his body was shaken off, and the power of the flames instantly filled his body.

And with the roar of the giant skeleton, the corpses in the entire city came to life instantly, with flames burning in their eyes.

Some still had shabby clothes hanging on their bodies, some were still struggling after their legs were hit by buildings, and some were holding sharp knives and were ready to kill the enemy.

"If you scare me, I will die!"

Tu Yunfei yelled angrily, summoned his magic weapon and struck a powerful blow.


However, this attack hit the giant skeleton. It only made a loud noise and could not damage it at all.

After being attacked by Tu Yunfei, the giant skeleton became even more angry and swung the giant ax in his hand towards Tu Yunfei.

When the giant ax came, Tu Yunfei didn't dare to take it hard and immediately retreated.


The giant ax fell to the ground, directly blasting a huge pit ten feet long into the ground, causing mud and rocks to fly around.

"What a domineering power!"

Tu Yunfei suddenly felt that he was no match for this giant skeleton and planned to run away.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, let's go quickly, this thing is not simple!"

Tu Yunfei turned around and saw Lin Changsheng arriving, and immediately gave a warning and ran away with Mu Yunfeng.


This left Lin Changsheng speechless.

I saw the giant skeleton ax falling again, but Lin Changsheng did not dodge and slashed directly.


Amidst the violent roar, the giant skeleton was directly shaken and flew backwards.

The houses and small skeletons in the distance were all smashed into pieces.

There was a deep scratch on the ground.

"Early stage of becoming a god?"

Lin Changsheng had roughly felt the strength of this giant skeleton with just one blow.

A skeleton has the strength to become a god, so don’t other creatures have to be stronger?

Lin Changsheng would not give this skeleton a chance. When it fell, Lin Changsheng flew up and slashed out from the sky again.


This knife directly chopped the skull's head into pieces.

The flames in the giant skull's eye sockets jumped twice before extinguishing.

It looks like it has fallen.

"This ax is actually a great spiritual treasure?"

Lin Changsheng obtained the giant ax from the giant skeleton and was a little surprised to find that it turned out to be a high-grade spiritual treasure.

Although the current high-grade spiritual treasures are of little use to Lin Changsheng, if there are enough of them, they can be fused into the heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng would not dislike it and put it directly into the storage bag.

Then he immediately rushed to the temple.

Bang bang bang——

When Lin Changsheng arrived at the temple, a fierce battle was already taking place in the temple.

Countless skeletons have already surrounded this place.

Jiujianxian, some of the stronger people from Yanzhen were fighting on the periphery, and the weaker Jindan disciples were at the center.

Fortunately, the cultivation of these little skeletons is not very strong, they only have the cultivation to the Golden Core stage.

Dong dong dong——

However, before he was happy for a long time, there were violent shaking sounds from the ground.

I saw dozens of skeleton giants surrounding them not far away.

"You are really going to find trouble for me!"

Lin Changsheng said helplessly, now he has no other choice but to fight.

Fortunately, he was able to deal with these giant skeletons as he only had the early stage of divine transformation. If they were stronger, he would have no choice but to run away.

He can't protect everyone's safety.

Of course, your own life comes first.

Bang bang bang——

As Lin Changsheng fought with the giant skeleton, the roar echoed ten miles away.

Ten miles away from the city, I saw a large group of strange beasts. After hearing the movement in the city, a tall monster roared, and all the strange beasts rushed towards the city like a wave.

These strange beasts have four limbs, are dark green all over, have a tiger-like body, a lizard-like head, and six blood-red eyes. They look very penetrating.

The leader monster is even more terrifying. It has nine dense eyes and is even taller, five feet tall.

Around the leader monster, there are ten monster kings guarding it. The monster king is also larger than ordinary monsters, and its ears are very large. When opened, it looks like a giant fan, which can protect the leader's safety.

Following the roar of the leader monster, thousands of monsters quickly poured into the city, and some skeletons that had not had time to react were directly torn to pieces by the monsters.

"What is this?"

The Jiujianxian looked at the densely packed strange beasts coming from a distance and frowned.

This place doesn't look like a long-term stay.

"Let's go, let's go quickly! It's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

Jiujianxian knew that he could no longer stay here and had to leave.

I saw him waving his hand to create a flying shuttle, which immediately rose into the wind and formed a spaceship in the sky that could accommodate a thousand people.


However, the next moment, there was a sound of thunder, and the shuttle was directly smashed into pieces under the bombardment of sky thunder.


It seems that the sky is not safe, and all living creatures in the sky will be mercilessly killed by thunder.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng did not break through the air just now, otherwise he would probably be bombarded by thunder in the next moment.

"I'll open the way in front, you follow!"

If you can't escape from the sky, you can only escape from the ground!

Jiu Jianxian planned to open the way by himself, and his disciples would follow him in order to escape from this place.

"What are the origins of these monsters?"

Lin Changsheng asked Jian Lao.

"This skeleton is a puppet refined by the Flame Spirit Lord. It has slowly grown continuously due to absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth over the years. Later, the whereabouts of the Flame Spirit Lord were unknown, and these skeletons were abandoned here and became dead objects that no one could control."

"The strange beast coming from a distance is called the Bloodthirsty Taoist. It is controlled by the leader Nine-Eyed Taotie. As long as the Nine-Eyed Taotie is subdued, these bloodthirsty Taotie will collapse. This bloodthirsty Taoist has ancient Taoism in his body. If the Hu bloodline can continue to devour and grow, the more creatures it devours, the stronger its cultivation will become."


Just when Jian Lao was introducing the origins of these monsters to Lin Changsheng, there was another loud noise under the earth.

I saw a ten-foot-long giant insect with sharp teeth like sword blades bursting out of the ground, swallowing all the skeletons and bloodthirsty worms directly into its mouth, and taking them all into the ground.

"This is a giant sandworm with sharp teeth. As long as there is movement on the ground, it will devour everything, whether it is living or dead!"

Jian Lao added.

"Is this a place for people?"

Hearing Jian Lao's answer, Lin Changsheng was speechless.

But looking at the bloodthirsty gluttonous leader in the distance, Lin Changsheng had a bold idea.

This leader can control countless bloodthirsty gluttons. If he subdues him, wouldn't it be equivalent to controlling an army of gluttons?

Moreover, these gluttons can continuously improve their cultivation through devouring them.

You will definitely be able to become stronger as you eat in the future. (End of chapter)

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