The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 317 Conquer, Buddha’s Golden Body, Relics [Please order! 】

"Changsheng, let's leave quickly!"

Yan Zhen saw Chang Sheng hesitating in place, and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, this place is extremely dangerous, and we don't know what kind of changes will happen later, so it's better to leave early.

"Sister Zhen, this bloodthirsty glutton has the bloodline of ancient gluttons. If you can subdue it, it will be a great help to me. You can escort the disciple away with the senior sword immortal, and I will be here soon!"

Lin Changsheng responded, and then rushed straight in the direction of Jiu Miao Taotie.

Through the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, Lin Changsheng had found the location of the Nine-Eyed Taosha.

"be careful--"

Yan Zhen warned, and then she could only follow Lin Changsheng's arrangements and began to escort the disciples away.

Although he was escorted by Jiu Jianxian and Yan Zhen, the number of flaming skeletons and bloodthirsty gluttons around him was still too great to take care of all the disciples.

Some of the outer disciples could not withstand the attack, and several of them had their legs and feet bitten by the bloodthirsty gluttons, and were dragged into the distant darkness amidst screams.

"Hey, are these monsters afraid of this?"

Cao De found that none of these monsters seemed to dare to attack him, and then looked at a candlestick in his hand.

He got this candlestick from the temple and found it to be in good condition. He planned to keep it as a souvenir and put it away.

Unexpectedly, this candlestick has a deterrent effect on monsters?

"Senior Brother Cao, you are so powerful, let me use it quickly! I can't resist it anymore!"

Behind Cao De, a disciple noticed something strange and said quickly.

As he spoke, he planned to reach out for the candlestick in Chong's hand.

But how could Cao De give it to him so easily?

"Your uncle, if you want it, you can't go to the temple to get it? There's no way you can take advantage of me!"

Cao De slapped the opponent's hand away with a slap. How could he give this treasure to the opponent at such a critical moment of life and death? Maybe it was because this candlestick could save his life.

And even if he has to give it, Cao De is more willing to give it to girls, because he can win a favor from them. He is not as good as Long Yang to give it to these male disciples.

"Quick, everyone go to the temple to get something. Maybe the things in the temple have Buddha nature, so these monsters won't dare to approach!"

A disciple suggested, and was immediately recognized by many people. Then they all swarmed into the temple and started fighting for the artifacts.

For example, seats, Buddha statues, futons, altar tables, incense burners, etc. were all scraped clean by the disciples in an instant.

Among them, Yu Lingfei got a Buddha body, and Gao Ziyue got a Buddha's hand.

Zhuo Yijian got a futon, and Ayan Caiyin got a candlestick.

There were more than 40 disciples in the group, and more than 20 of them all had more or less things from the temple. ,

The disciples who had obtained the things from the temple stood on the outside, making the bloodthirsty gluttons and flaming skeletons show their fear, and they did not dare to attack blindly again.

It seems that these artifacts do have a deterrent effect on monsters.

"It really works!"

A disciple holding a Buddha head said happily.

These monsters are not something that their Golden Core disciples can handle. Now that they have treasures in their hands, they should be safe.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, the ground where the disciple was standing shook, and a huge sandworm with sharp teeth suddenly rushed out of the ground and bit the disciple directly in its mouth.

The giant sandworm's sharp teeth were like blades, piercing the disciple's body and spraying out a large amount of blood in an instant.


A bloody Buddha head fell to the ground, and the disciple had been taken underground to be eaten by giant sandworms with sharp teeth.


Only then did everyone realize that these artifacts could not completely withstand the attacks of monsters, at least they had no effect on the giant sharp-toothed sandworms underground.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Yan Zhen was rendered speechless by these disciples, each of them was so frightened that they froze on the spot and were at a loss.

Some of them panicked and flew directly through the air, but were killed by thunder in the next moment.

While they were making a mess here, Lin Changsheng had already found the location of the Nine-Eyed Taotie.

"This nine-eyed Taotie actually has the cultivation of the late stage of divine transformation. The demon king guarding him has six heads of early stage of divine transformation and four heads of the middle stage of divine transformation."

Lin Changsheng sensed the opponent's strength and found that it was not easy.

But he is not without the strength to fight.


When Lin Changsheng discovered Nine Eyes Taotie, the other party also discovered him.

The opponent directly launches a harsh sound wave attack.

This sonic attack did not come from Jiu Miao Taotie's mouth, but came through the friction of his ears.

Lin Changsheng circulated his Yuan Power and formed a Yuan Power shield around his body.

Buzz buzz——

When the sonic attack hit the Yuanli shield, Lin Changsheng felt his mind shaking violently.

The Nascent Soul, which was almost shocked, was separated from the body.

This sonic attack was actually accompanied by a divine soul attack, which was extremely powerful.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng's soul power was strong enough, otherwise he might have been shattered by the nine-eyed Taotie with one blow and died here.

After resisting a wave of attacks from the Nine-Eyed Taotie, Lin Changsheng did not tolerate the opponent. He directly took out the Thunder Flame Divine Bow and instantly shot out a hail of flaming arrows.

The dense rain of arrows covered the entire area of ​​100 feet around the Nine-Eyed Taotie.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that the Nine-Eyed Taotie was inevitable and had to resist his attack. However, the ten-headed demon king guarding him immediately opened his huge ears and formed a ball to cover the Nine-Eyed Demon King. The gluttonous package is included.

Bang bang bang——

Countless lightning arrows landed on the Demon King's ears, causing a violent roar. After the sound ended, the Nine-Eyed Taotie was not injured at all.


The Nine-Eyed Taotie sent out sound waves again, but this time it was not to attack Lin Changsheng, but to issue instructions to all the bloodthirsty Gluttons.

In an instant, all the bloodthirsty gluttons attacking the city stopped their attacks one after another after receiving the instructions from the nine-eyed gluttons. They turned around under the roar and rushed towards the place where Lin Changsheng was.

"Looks like it won't work if I don't use my full strength!"

Lin Changsheng no longer relied on him, knowing that the Nine-Eyed Taotie was difficult to deal with, and he couldn't deal with it without using all his strength.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Changsheng directly erupted into the Holy Heavenly Dragon Body.


A deep dragon roar sounded in Lin Changsheng's body, and a huge five-clawed golden dragon soared into the air, soaring around the world before sinking into Lin Changsheng's body.

This caused Lin Changsheng's physical strength to instantly increase tremendously.

He climbed directly from the middle stage of God Transformation to the late stage of God Transformation.

"Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique!"

Lin Changsheng once again used the Heavenly Ghost Secret Technique to burn his longevity to gain an increase in his energy.

I saw that the Yuan Power in Lin Changsheng's body continued to grow crazily, until he finally broke through the bottleneck and advanced to the late stage of divine transformation.

With the blessing of the two secret techniques, Lin Changsheng felt that there seemed to be inexhaustible power in his body.


Lin Changsheng summoned the Sky-opening Sword and struck down the Nine-Eyed Taotie with a swift slash.


The sword light shot out of the air, forming a half-moon, and the torn space was distorted, which showed how powerful this blow was.

However, the Nine-Eyed Taotie seemed to have full confidence in his Demon King and had no intention of retreating. He once again supported the giant ear to resist.


However, this blow was much stronger than the previous one.

The moment the sword light collided with the Demon King Taotie, it broke through their defense and directly chopped it open.

The power of this attack is not weak, it is Lin Changsheng's strongest attack, the God of Destruction.

This move is combined with the power of the upper-middle grade Tongtian Lingbao to make it even more powerful.

Therefore, the demon king's defense was split open with one strike, and even the Nine-Eyed Taotie didn't feel comfortable. He was directly cut into the shoulder and arm, and a large piece of flesh and blood flew out, and was cut off by the light of the sword.

A bottomless ravine was carved out of the ground where the Nine-Eyed Taotie was.

"Be my spiritual beast and I will spare your life!"

Lin Changsheng scolded, hoping that the nine-eyed Taotie could understand.

However, the other party was indifferent and continued to tremble with his ears and erupted with sound waves.

The next moment, countless bloodthirsty gluttons were seen surrounding and killing Lin Changsheng, tightly wrapping him inside and outside.

It was like being submerged by a tide of beasts.

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, then I'll make it happen for you!"

Seeing that Jiu Miao Taotie showed no intention of admitting defeat, Lin Changsheng did not show any mercy to him.

He continued to wave his blade and chased in the direction of the Nine-Eyed Taotie.

Although it is impossible to fly through the air here, it is locked by divine consciousness, so no matter how Nine-Eyed Taotie manages to escape, it cannot escape Lin Changsheng's capture.

These bloodthirsty gluttons seemed to be numerous in number, but their strength was not enough for Lin Changsheng to see. The strongest ones were only Nascent Soul cultivation level, and most of them were in the middle to peak stage of Golden Core.

The bloodthirsty gluttons who blocked the road were all killed by Lin Changsheng's sword.

In just a moment, Lin Changsheng fought his way out and caught up with the Nine-Eyed Taotie.

Even though there were all the demon kings guarding him, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all and charged out with his fist.


Above the fist light, the golden dragon swims, it is the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist.

Bang bang bang——

All the demon kings were blown away by the Dragon Fist, and even the Nine-Eyed Taotie couldn't bear it any better.

Lin Changsheng punched him in the abdomen, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth. His momentum was no longer as good as before, and he fell to the ground wailing.

Taking advantage of the opponent's illness, Lin Changsheng would not miss such an opportunity. He came directly in front of Jiu Miao Taotie, bit off his fingers and pressed them on his head to sign a soul contract with him.

At first, Jiu Miao Taotie struggled fiercely, but after struggling for a while, he found that it had no effect at all, and instead left himself scarred.

In the end, he was forced to sign a master-servant contract with Lin Changsheng.

It didn't take long for Lin Changsheng to have a connection in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Human, you are so despicable!"

A loud voice came.

A smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips, knowing that he had established a connection with the Nine-Eyed Taotie.

"The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survives, right? Don't worry, you and me, I will never treat you badly in the future. You are indispensable for the delicious food and drinks!"

Lin Changsheng said with satisfaction.

He discovered that after signing a contract with the Nine-Eyed Taotie, his physical strength had been greatly strengthened, and his life span had been increased by five hundred years.

Although it cannot be compared with Jian Lao, it is still very good.

Lin Changsheng then tried to control thousands of bloodthirsty gluttons and command them to move.

I saw that this dense army of gluttons was very obedient and attacked wherever they were directed, although the number was smaller and not as many as a hundred thousand sky-devouring insects.

But the strength is that every individual is very powerful, even more powerful than the Sky-Swallowing Insect King.

"Bloodthirsty gluttons can devour and grow. Let them eat a hundred thousand sky-devouring worms. I wonder if there will be an improvement?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

Because he signed a master-servant contract with the Sky-Swallowing Insects, even if all 100,000 Sky-Swallowing Insects died, he would not be affected in the slightest.

Moreover, the strength of the Sky-Swallowing Insects is somewhat insufficient now. The Sky-Swallowing Insect King is only at the late stage of Golden Core, and most of the Sky-Swallowing Insects have only just established their foundation.

Most of these bloodthirsty gluttons are in the late stage of Golden Elixir, and the Nine-eyed Glutton is in the late stage of divine transformation, which is much stronger than the sky-swallowing insects.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng directly summoned Shiwan Devoutian from the spirit beast bag.

Then he commanded the bloodthirsty gluttons to devour him.

As the bloodthirsty gluttons continue to devour, their strength is indeed constantly evolving.

Most of the bloodthirsty gluttons have actually been promoted from the late Jindan stage to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Yes, although there are only 30,000 bloodthirsty gluttons, more than 10,000 are at the Nascent Soul stage, and the nine-eyed gluttons are about to break through the void refining stage, which will be a big help in the future."

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied, and then put the thirty thousand bloodthirsty gluttons into the spirit beast bag.

After dealing with the bloodthirsty glutton, Lin Changsheng quickly rushed towards the team.

By the time Lin Changsheng caught up with the team, everyone had already left the city, and the original team of more than forty people had been reduced to thirty-two people.

The rest of the Tianjiao disciples fell into the city one after another.

"What are you doing with these things in your hands?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the candlesticks, seats, and futons in the disciples' hands and asked in confusion.

"Brother Lin, these things can drive away monsters. With them, monsters won't dare to get close!"

Gao Ziyue said truthfully.

This surprised Lin Changsheng. These things have such an effect?

"How is this going?"

Lin Changsheng asked Nine Eyes Taotie.

"Because there are powerful people sitting in the temple, these things are contaminated with the strong people's aura, so they don't dare to approach!"

The nine-eyed glutton said truthfully.

"The strong man died while sitting? No wonder!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly realized that there was actually a powerful man sitting in the temple? Doesn't that mean that there are still bodies and treasures of strong men in the temple?

"Senior Sword Immortal, there is a cave ahead. You take the disciples to escape first. I will go back and check if there are any lone disciples!"

Lin Changsheng ordered the Jiujianxian and then returned to the temple in the city.

"Did he die here?"

Jian Lao couldn't help but be a little surprised after hearing Tao Huan's words.

If he was really sitting here, then Lin Changsheng would have gotten a huge advantage.

Lin Changsheng naturally didn't know what Jian Lao was thinking, but when he heard that a strong man had passed away, he must have left some treasures behind during his lifetime.

Even if there is no treasure, the physical body of a strong man is still a great treasure, so Lin Changsheng does not intend to miss it.

When Lin Changsheng returned to the city again, the place had returned to silence.

Lin Changsheng kept his pace and quietly came to the temple again.

When Lin Changsheng arrived at the temple, he found that the place where the Buddha's body was originally placed had been moved away by the disciples.

The temple became somewhat empty.

"Where will the physical body be?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the empty temple with some confusion.

However, when Lin Changsheng looked at the stone platform where the Buddha statue was placed, his brows furrowed slightly.


Lin Changsheng struck out with a palm, and the powerful Yuan Power exploded, directly smashing the stone platform into pieces.

The next moment, a golden Buddha body appeared in the field of vision.

"It's really him?"

But when Jian Lao saw the golden light flowing behind the Buddha, he was shocked.

I chased him back then, but I didn't expect that he would end up sitting here. It was God's will! (End of chapter)

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