The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 318: The World-Destroying Buddha, the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, and the Tribe of Demon Go

The golden Buddha statue is extremely tall, with golden light and colored glaze all over its body. The Buddha has a bald head and huge earlobes.

It's just that there is a big gap between this Buddha and the Buddha in Lin Changsheng's heart, because this Buddha has a ferocious face and six arms.

One of the six arms holds a large treasure, which is a long whip.

"It stands to reason that there should be magic weapons on each of the six arms! Where are the other treasures?"

Lin Changsheng guessed.

Except for a long whip on his arm, his other hands were empty. However, there was a golden treasure gourd hanging on the waist of the World-Destroying Buddha. I don't know what it was.

"This guy must have had extraordinary strength during his lifetime!"

This was Lin Changsheng's first impression of this golden Buddha.

"I never expected that the world-destroying Buddha, who was so famous for a while, would die here."

Jian Lao sighed leisurely.

He still had a lot of connection with the Destruction Buddha back then, but some things have changed over the past three thousand years.

Jian Lao was suppressed in the Land of Immortal Relics for three thousand years, and the World-Destroying Buddha had already perished here.

From this point of view, there must have been living beings here that were more powerful than the World-Destroying Buddha.

Otherwise, he will never fall easily.

"Do you know each other?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously, if Elder Jian knew this person, it would be easier to understand his origin.

"More than just knowing each other, this guy was also a well-known existence in the Immortal Realm back then. Even the major giants in the Immortal Realm didn't take him seriously. Later, he was hunted down by the major giants. I also participated in it. It is estimated that he was eventually killed by a strong person. Zhu Sha, fell here!"

Jian Lao said casually.

Only then did Lin Changsheng understand a little bit about this golden Buddha.

"Buddha who destroyed the world? What state of cultivation is he in?"

Lin Changsheng was curious and even ignored all the giants in the Immortal Realm. That was definitely not simple.

"When he was hunted down, he was a strong man in the tribulation stage. It is unknown whether he survived the tribulation and became an immortal!"

Jian Lao responded that three thousand years might be nothing to strong men like them.

But three thousand years later, things and people have changed. It is estimated that the fairyland has undergone considerable changes.

"If you successfully overcome the tribulation, wouldn't you be an immortal?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked.

Immortals, even in the Immortal Realm, are supreme-level figures, and are existences that countless people yearn for.

It can live as long as heaven and earth, and is almost immortal.

He has mastered the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and can destroy everything with just one thought. His strength is so powerful.

If the world-destroying Buddha succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, wouldn’t these be the remains of an immortal?

It's a pity that Lin Changsheng's cultivation is not enough, otherwise if he uses this body to refine a corpse puppet, he can directly refine it into an immortal corpse.

"It will be great when the corpse refining technique can surpass the level of corpse refining!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then looked up and down at the World-Destroying Buddha.

It was found that he had indeed fallen for many years, and this temple was probably built for him by people in the original city.

It's a pity that as time goes by, the people in the city no longer exist, leaving only the temple.

Since the powerful aura of the World-Destroying Buddha exists in the temple, the monsters do not dare to approach easily.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng suddenly understood everything.

"This treasure shouldn't be simple!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the long whip in the hand of the World-Destroying Buddha and said to himself.

How can the treasures used by those who have overcome the tribulation be ordinary?

"Senior, I forgive you!"

Lin Changsheng first saluted and then took off the long whip from the hand of the World-Destroying Buddha.

Then he used his spiritual mind to observe and found that this treasure actually had 23 restrictions, which was second only to the Taixu Temple and other treasures.

Without enough time to study it carefully, Lin Changsheng put it into his storage bag, and then looked at the golden gourd on the waist of the World-Destroying Buddha.

"What is this?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the golden gourd with curiosity.

I haven't figured it out after studying for a long time.

Then you can only put your spiritual consciousness into it to check.

When Lin Changsheng's consciousness entered the golden gourd, Lin Changsheng discovered that the golden gourd turned out to be a treasure similar to a storage bag.

The space inside is so vast that it actually forms a world.

"There is actually thousands of miles of space?"

Lin Changsheng spread his consciousness and discovered that the inner space of this golden gourd was thousands of miles in radius.

"It is estimated that the rest of the treasures of the World-Destroying Buddha are hidden in this world. Let's look for them carefully when we have time!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then his consciousness exited the golden gourd space.

"By the way, aren't there thirty thousand bloodthirsty gluttons? I can ask them to search for me!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly had an idea and planned to throw 30,000 bloodthirsty gluttons into the treasure gourd space to let them see if there was a paradise and other opportunities hidden in it.

As soon as he thought of it, Lin Changsheng immediately received the 30,000 bloodthirsty gluttons into the treasure gourd space.

Act as a pawn for him so that he doesn't have to search slowly.

Seeing that there was nothing else left, Lin Changsheng collected the body of the World-Destroying Buddha and left directly.

As for finding the lonely disciple, this is just an excuse.

Besides, even if there were lone disciples, they probably wouldn't be able to survive.

When Lin Changsheng returned to join Jiujianxian, everyone was already hiding in a cave under a mountain, looking cautious.

"How is it? Are there any other disciples?"

Jiu Jianxian asked immediately when he saw Lin Changsheng coming back.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to these disciples.

Lin Changsheng shook his head, "How many disciples died this time?"

After an inventory, a total of eleven disciples were killed, including five from the Jinfu Sect, two from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, three from the Tianjian Sect, and one from the Shengxian Sect.

Everyone was immersed in sadness and timidity, fearing that the next time they encountered many monsters, they would be the ones who died.

"The road to becoming an immortal is inherently dangerous. If you don't even have the courage to do so, you shouldn't have come!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the timid appearance of his disciples and scolded them.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is right, this difficulty is nothing at all! Everyone should have confidence!"

Zhuo Yijian also cheered on the side.

Only then did everyone come out of their panic.

Although they are all the geniuses of various major sects.

But I have experienced too few lives and deaths. No one is unafraid in the face of life and death.

Unless he is strong enough.

"Do you know why the artifacts in your hands prevent monsters from approaching easily?"

Lin Changsheng looked at everyone and continued.

I saw everyone looking around with puzzled faces, but no one could answer.

"Because in the temple, a strong person died. These artifacts absorbed the aura of the strong person, making the monsters fearful. If you absorb the aura of the strong person in the artifacts, it may help improve your own cultivation."

Lin Changsheng reminded.

As these artifacts leave the temple, their aura will become weaker and weaker. It is better to let them absorb it while the aura is strong, and maybe they can improve their cultivation a lot.

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, everyone holding the temple objects in their hands immediately began to sit cross-legged and began to absorb the strong aura from the objects.

"You really have the aura of a strong man!"

Concubine Yu Ling took it in and felt surprised.

I thought it was the Buddha nature in the temple that kept the monsters from approaching easily, but I didn't expect it to be the aura of a strong person.

Just a wisp of the aura of a strong person brings a huge improvement to them.

Seeing the disciples practicing cross-legged one by one, Jiujianxian showed a happy smile on his lips.

He also hopes that these seeds that come out with all the hope of the Immortal Land can become stronger and stronger and can take root in the Immortal Realm.

Buzz buzz——

As the disciples continued to absorb the aura of the powerful in the artifacts, some disciples had begun to make breakthroughs, with rays of light shining all over their bodies.

"Master, I have been promoted to the late stage of Jindan! Hahaha——"

Cao De opened his eyes with excitement on his face.

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised to see this. He didn't expect Cao De to improve so quickly.

Lin Changsheng took out a flawless Nascent Soul Pill from his storage bag and threw it directly to Cao De.

"This elixir can help you condense the flawless Nascent Soul!"

Lin Changsheng said.

When Cao De caught the elixir and heard this, he was ecstatic, "Wu, Wuxia Yuanying? Brother Changsheng, from now on you are my biological brother! No, you are my biological father! Next time there is a good-looking girl, I’ll give it to you first!”

As he spoke, Cao De wanted to give Lin Changsheng a big hug. However, he had just broken through, and the strong man's aura cleansed his body, causing him to be extremely stinky. Lin Changsheng slapped him away.

"I have to wait until you are clean before I can hug him!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand to drive away the stench.

"Anyone who breaks through to the late stage of the Golden Pill can obtain a flawless Nascent Soul Pill!"

Lin Changsheng promised.

I hope everyone can seize the time to practice.

The surrounding disciples were extremely excited when they heard this. After breaking through to the late stage of the golden elixir, they were given the Wuxia Yuanying elixir as a gift?

Suddenly, everyone started practicing harder.

But it is a pity that most of them have broken through to the middle stage of Golden Elixir, or even the early stage of Golden Elixir.

Only Cao De, Yu Lingfei, and Gao Ziyue broke through to the late stage of the Golden Elixir, and Lin Changsheng presented the Immaculate Nascent Soul Divine Elixir one by one.

Although the medicinal materials required to refine this elixir are very rare.

But Lin Changsheng had collected them all and could refine them again even if they ran out.

After all, he still has a lot of the three main medicinal materials for refining the elixir.

With the help of the Wuxia Nascent Soul Divine Pill, Cao De, Gao Ziyue, and Yu Lingfei will have an easier time breaking through the Nascent Soul, and they can also create the Wuxia Nascent Soul.


At this moment, a violent thunderous sound came from the sky.

Lin Changsheng immediately came to the entrance of the cave. This kind of thunder did not happen often.

Every time it appears, it is because there are creatures appearing in the sky, causing thunder and bombardment.

When Lin Changsheng arrived at the entrance of the cave, he saw a huge creature approaching in the distance, covering the sun with clouds. There were more than ten people running away in front of him.

Some of them have already broken through the air, causing them to be found and blasted with thunder.

"Is there anyone else here?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised when he saw the human race here.

Then he immediately dodged and rushed out, intending to save these people from the mouth of the monster.

However, this monster is extremely huge, with its wings spread over a hundred meters.

But the flying speed was extremely fast. In one dive, five people were directly killed, and blood was splashed everywhere.

When the monster dived, Lin Changsheng saw clearly what kind of monster it was. It was a giant silver and black thunder and lightning eagle.

There are also thunder and lightning wrapped around the body.

Because the giant eagle already contains the power of thunder and lightning, it is not afraid of lightning in the sky.


Lin Changsheng rushed out, summoned the Sky Sword in an instant, and struck down with a swift slash.

The powerful sword light distorted the space.

When the Lightning and Thunder Eagle swooped down again to continue killing everyone, the powerful sword light directly hit its figure.


Although this sword was extremely powerful, it did not deliver a fatal blow to the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

He just blasted it and it fell to the ground, and a few pieces of Yulin around him fell off.

"What a strong defense!"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. He felt that this monster had already surpassed the stage of divine transformation and was far beyond what he could deal with.

"Come on, this lightning and thunder eagle can super-control the power of thunder and lightning, you can't deal with it!"

One of the six people rescued by Lin Changsheng urged him, and then ran away immediately.

Lin Changsheng picked up the two Lightning and Thunder Eagle Feather Scales that fell from the ground. He did not dare to stop and immediately turned around and ran away.

Too late——

The next moment, the Lightning and Thunder Eagle overran the power of lightning and began to continuously kill Lin Changsheng and others.

Three people were unable to dodge and were directly bombarded into bloody foam.

"This way!"

Lin Changsheng took everyone and hid directly in the cave where they had just hidden.

During the escape, another person was killed by lightning, and only two people were rescued in the end.

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle hovered in place for a stick of incense. After finding no trace of Lin Changsheng and others, it flew away from the place with the dead corpses.

"Which tribe are you from?"

Among the two people rescued by Lin Changsheng, they were a man and a woman.

The man is a middle-aged man, about forty years old, with a beard.

The woman was about 17 or 18 years old, and she seemed to have just reached adulthood. She was a little malnourished and thin, but she didn't look immature or scared at all, and her eyes were very firm.

It is conceivable that they must live in such an environment all year round and walk on the edge of life and death before they can be trained like this.

"We are not from other tribes. We have just arrived here. So, there are quite a few human races here?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised after hearing what the other party said.

He originally thought that all the humans here might have died, but he didn't expect that there were still humans.

"Just came here?"

The middle-aged man on the other side took a look at the people in the cave and found that their clothes were indeed somewhat different.

"What a rare visitor! No one has come to this dangerous place for many years. I think you guys broke in accidentally!"

The middle-aged man seemed to notice the embarrassment of Lin Changsheng and others, and showed a wry smile.

It is not easy to survive here.

"In that case, how about you come with me and stay in our Demon God tribe first?"

Seeing Lin Changsheng save their lives, the middle-aged man extended an invitation to Lin Changsheng.

Now Lin Changsheng and others had no way out. If they could join a large tribe, their chances of survival would be greater, so they did not refuse.

"That'll be troublesome!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

After waiting for a while, after seeing that the Lightning and Thunder Eagle had indeed left, the middle-aged man led everyone towards the Demon God Tribe.

"You can't believe everything this guy says!"

Jiujianxian is a little uneasy. He can't completely believe what others say outside!

Otherwise, it will be too late if you are fooled.

"There is no other choice now, let's give it a try!"

Lin Changsheng didn't completely trust the other party. If he found out that the other party was up to no good, Lin Changsheng would definitely take action immediately. (End of chapter)

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