The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 319 Dryad, the conspiracy of the demon god tribe, new discoveries [Please subscribe! 】

On the way, Lin Changsheng learned that the middle-aged man's name was Gao Lin and the young woman's name was Zhao Shuang'er.

Gao Lin is also a big leader in the Demon God Tribe.

And Zhao Shuang'er is the granddaughter of the tribal shaman.

When Lin Changsheng asked why the tribe had a shaman, Gao Lin did not answer.

Even when Lin Changsheng asked what they were doing out this time, Gao Lin only gave an ambiguous response.

This made Lin Changsheng somewhat wary of the demon tribe.

Soon, with Gao Lin leading the way, a group of more than 30 people walked along the winding path for more than half an hour before a towering mountain covered with trees appeared in front of everyone.

"It's right ahead!"

Gao Lin said with a smile, and then added, "Remember not to use your spiritual consciousness to explore the mountains and forests at will, as this will make the demon god unhappy!"

This made Lin Changsheng, who was about to release his spiritual consciousness, stop. Since the other party had said so, it would be rude for him to insist on exploring.

"I didn't expect that there are still human beings living here. It's really strange!"

"Yes! It seems that they have lived here for many generations. They fight against these monsters every day and live in fear every day. It is better for us in the Southern Territory!"

"That's for sure, but living on the edge of a knife, other people's cultivation is much better than ours! Even though that girl is only seventeen or eighteen, she actually has the cultivation of Nascent Soul. Can you believe this?"

"Isn't it? Nascent Soul stage?"

Many disciples in the surrounding area followed the team and whispered.

Some confided how difficult it was to practice here, while others envied the woman in front of her for her strong cultivation.

If it weren't for his tyrannical cultivation, he wouldn't have been able to survive the Thunder Eagle's attack.

After walking forward for a while, everyone arrived at the foot of the mountain.

I saw that the trees on the mountains were moving automatically without wind, as if they were alive, and their branches were as sharp as swords.

Lin Changsheng had no doubt that once he set foot in the forest, these demonic trees would definitely attack.

These trees have become spirits and transformed into dryads.

"This is?"

Lin Changsheng asked in surprise, no wonder the other party is called the Demon God Tribe. Is it related to these demon trees?

"There is no need to panic, this is the protective barrier of our Demon God Tribe. The Demon God Tribe can survive until now thanks to the help of the Demon Tree! I will pay my respects first, and we can go up the mountain later!"

After Gao Lin finished speaking, he took out the long nails wrapped with red thread from his storage bag, threw them out, and landed on several ancient trees.

Then he took out several large jars and put the ends of the red thread into the jars.

When the jar was opened, a pungent smell of blood suddenly filled the air.

After feeling the smell of blood, many demon trees immediately seemed to wake up. They began to shake their branches and erupted with a burst of demon power, and began to absorb the blood in the altar along the red line.

Because Gao Lin was not allowed to release his spiritual consciousness for exploration, it was difficult for Lin Changsheng to look at these demonic trees.

But I feel that the strength of these demon trees should be around the Nascent Soul stage. With the help of the demon trees in the Nascent Soul stage, the tribe can survive forever. This seems unlikely.

Lin Changsheng felt that if he wanted to protect the safety of the tribe, he would have to be at least at the Void Refining Stage or above.

But since they had just met each other, Lin Changsheng couldn't ask too many questions.

After about one stick of incense, all the blood in the jars had been sucked clean by the demon tree.

Only then did the demon tree enter into a state of cultivation with satisfaction, no different from an ordinary big tree.


Seeing the silence of the big tree, Gao Lin immediately led everyone into the forest.

The giant trees in this mountain forest are taller and taller than each other. Not to mention that the trunks of trees are as big as human beings. Even the roots of some big trees are thicker than human beings. They are hundreds of meters high. Block them all.

The forest was unusually quiet, except for the footsteps of people, there was no other sound.

It is estimated that all other living creatures have been swallowed by the demon tree.

After walking for about half an hour, Gao Lin led Lin Changsheng and others to a cliff ahead.

On the cliff, there are many arm-sized iron chains embedded in the stone wall. It seems that people often go up and down here.

"Everyone, remember, after entering the clan, you are not allowed to use magic, otherwise you will anger the demon god, and you will be in trouble!"

Gao Lin gave another instruction.

Lin Changsheng and others also agreed.

Then everyone jumped down from the cliff.

This cliff is a hundred feet high, and there are layers of fog below, making it difficult to see what's going on below.

However, after passing through the layers of fog, a paradise appeared below.

I saw a creek under the cliff. There were many wooden houses built on the creek. Many tribesmen were fishing and washing clothes by the river.

It's like a paradise.

Lin Changsheng never expected that in such a world-destroying place, there would be such a peaceful place.

"Chief Gao, you are back! Who are they?"

As soon as everyone landed, an old man in his seventies walked over quickly.

Even though he was stooped, his steps were powerful. In just a few simple steps, he covered a distance of several hundred meters.

When the old man saw Lin Changsheng and others, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Clan leader, there was some accident on the road, and all the other clan members died. Thanks to Xiaoyou Lin's rescue, Shuang'er and I were able to return with our lives! So I made a bold decision to let them stay here, and I ask the clan leader for your forgiveness. !”

Gao Lin said truthfully, which surprised the old man.

Didn't you expect Lin Changsheng to have this ability? Can Gao Lin and others be saved?

A smile soon appeared on his originally unhappy face.

"This is what we should do. We naturally have to treat our savior well. How can we blame him! Shuang'er, take everyone to stay first. I have some important matters to discuss with Chief Gao."

The old man ordered Zhao Shuang'er, and then pulled Gao Lin aside to talk, with a look of eagerness on his face.

Lin Changsheng wanted to use his consciousness to hear what the other party said, but there was a tingling feeling in his mind.

"This place is actually closed to spiritual consciousness?"

Lin Changsheng was greatly surprised. Divine consciousness could not be released here?

But then I thought about it, it's normal. Divine consciousness cannot be released here, and it must be difficult for outside divine consciousness to explore this place, so everyone can enjoy peace forever.

Otherwise, once discovered, this place will definitely be a scene of devastation.

"Everyone, please follow me!"

Zhao Shuang'er said, and then led everyone along the creek and walked downwards.

"Wow, this tree must be thousands of years old, right? Is it so big?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was thinking about why this place blocked his spiritual consciousness, the disciples' eyes were attracted by a huge tree hundreds of feet high in front of them.

The waist of this ancient tree is larger than that of a building. People under its roots look as small as ants.

All the water in the river rushed to the roots of the giant tree, where there was a bottomless pool.

There is also an altar with dozens of stone steps on the edge of the deep pool.

Since there is an altar, Lin Changsheng, the shaman, will understand clearly.

"I have never seen such a big tree. This tree must have become a spirit, right?"

"It goes without saying that the trees outside have become spirits. This tree is estimated to be thousands of years old!"

"Keep your voices down. You are in other people's tribes, not your own home. Don't say anything!"

The surrounding disciples seemed to have seen such a tall tree for the first time, and they immediately expressed their wonder.

When many members of the surrounding tribes saw the arrival of Lin Changsheng and others, no one showed a smile.

They all looked at everyone with numb expressions, as if they didn't care about their arrival.

Or, in their eyes, Lin Changsheng and others are just like corpses.

This made Lin Changsheng feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After a while, Zhao Shuang'er brought Lin Changsheng and others to a wooden house.

"This is the room where the uncles who died just now live. It's impossible for them to come back. I'll let you stay in this house for now. If you need anything, just let everyone know."

Zhao Shuang'er said, still expressionless, not at all becoming amiable because Lin Changsheng saved her.

"Trouble girl!"

Lin Changsheng said politely, but the other party just nodded and left the room.

"Chang Sheng, I feel like the other party is acting weird. He might have some bad intentions in bringing us here!"

Yanzhen said through intuition.

Sometimes women's intuition is very accurate.

"Whether they have bad intentions or not, we only need to stay here for three days before we can leave. During these three days, no one is allowed to go out for even a step! I hope they don't have any bad intentions!"

Lin Changsheng opened his mouth and gave instructions.

Suddenly everyone nodded.

Now they have no other place to go. If they don't live here, it will be extremely dangerous outside, and they may encounter monsters every second. After the three days are over, it will be a question of whether ten people are still alive.

There is no other way to follow Gao Lin here.

Just when Lin Changsheng had just settled here.

The leader of the Demon God Tribe has summoned all the major leaders to hold an emergency meeting.

The patriarch Guji sat at the head, and below him sat two rows of tribal leaders, six of them, and a shaman with a strange crown and strange patterns painted all over his body.

"High chief, all the masters in the clan went out with you to hunt monsters. Unexpectedly, we came back empty-handed this time. How do you want us to explain to the families of the dead clan members?"

One of the leaders angrily said, "I didn't expect that I couldn't handle such a trivial matter and still have the nerve to sit in the leader's position."

"Lu Fang, stop fucking farting. Don't you know how dangerous it is out there? Are you brave enough to take people out and try it yourself? Those who died are all my subordinates. I am more heartbroken than you are. Don't sit still and talk without your back hurting!"

Gao Lin also replied unhappily.

It was so dangerous outside. If it weren't for Lin Changsheng's rescue, none of them would have been able to come back.

"Don't make excuses for me. When the clan leader first issued the mission, you were the one who took the next step and promised by patting your chest. Now that the sacrifice is about to arrive, you come back empty-handed. Do you want us to kill you and offer it to the demon god? ?”

Lu Fang also scolded unhappily.

He had long been dissatisfied with Gao Lin, and he dared to bring people back in troubled times. This obviously showed no regard for everyone's safety.

Who knows where these people come from?



Just when Gao Lin was still about to argue, the team leader slapped the seat and burst out with a powerful force, which directly shocked the two of them.

This is obviously not a powerful aura that can be possessed by the God Transformation Stage, and he is clearly a strong Void Refiner.

"I brought you here to solve problems, not to argue!"

The clan leader scolded sternly.

Despite his stooped stature, his aura is extraordinary.

The two of them suddenly didn't dare to make a sound.

"Clan leader, it's too late to go out and hunt the monsters now. Tomorrow is the day of sacrifice. If there is nothing to sacrifice, our entire Demon God tribe will be in catastrophe!"

The shaman with strange patterns painted on his body slowly spoke.

This caused everyone to fall into silence again.

"Since there is no better way, I have a suggestion!"

When everyone was silent, Lu Fang spoke again.

Everyone's eyes turned to him.

"Since there are no monsters to sacrifice, Gao Lin has brought back a group of people. We can sacrifice them to the demon god. I believe the demon god will be happy to accept it. After all, there are monks in the god transformation stage among them."

Lu Fang suggested.

"This is a good idea! This way the demon god won't be angry with us!"

"Yes! I don't know if the other party will cause any trouble, so it would be better to sacrifice them to the demon god!"

"Yes, this can be considered the last contribution they made before they died!"

Suddenly, everyone except Gao Lin seemed to agree with Lu Fang's idea.

Even the clan leader remained silent and showed no objection.

"No! Even though there are only two monks in the god transformation stage among them, their strength is extraordinary. If a battle breaks out here and the demon god is angered, we will be in trouble!"

Gao Lin refused.

However, how could he resist everyone's agreement if he refused alone.

"Don't worry about this! Leave it to me to do it, and I'll make sure it's done without anyone noticing, so they don't even know how they died!"

A sneer appeared on Lu Fang's lips.

"This is too risky. Why don't you let me take the tribe out for once?"

Gao Lin still wanted to fight for it.

"Okay, the matter has been decided. Chief Gao, it's time for you to have a good rest. Don't worry about the rest of the matter! Leave it to Chief Lu!"

However, the patriarch gave Gao Lin no room to be polite.

He directly agreed with Lu Fang's idea.

Instead of taking the tribe out for adventure, it is better to kill these outsiders and sacrifice them.


This left Gao Lin with no choice.

But he knew that Lin Changsheng was extremely powerful.

Being able to compete with the Thunder Eagle is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

But no matter what he said, he could not shake the unanimous decision made by everyone, and in the end he had to give up.

After Lu Fang left here, he immediately assigned something to his trusted subordinates to do.

After hearing this, his subordinates immediately nodded and left.

Next to the old tree, inside the wooden house.

Lin Changsheng didn't have any thoughts of practicing at this moment. On the contrary, the other disciples were indulged in practicing one by one.

Perhaps it is because it has just absorbed the aura of a strong man and has not been completely refined yet.

"Huh? Did you discover something so soon?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng discovered that the bloodthirsty glutton had sent back the news.

Astonishingly, they found the treasure of the World-Destroying Buddha in the treasure gourd's thousands of miles of space.

This world-destroying Buddha is not weak in cultivation, and his treasures are naturally not simple.

Although Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness cannot leave the body, he can still enter the treasure gourd space.

Wait for Lin Changsheng to follow the clues left by the bloodthirsty glutton and trace the past tense.

It was discovered that this place turned out to be the entrance of a mountain cave. A formation barrier was set up outside the cave entrance, making it impossible for the bloodthirsty glutton to move forward.

"With the protection of the formation, there must be treasures here!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought. (End of chapter)

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