The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 321 The Meditation Mantra, the Golden Buddha Kasaya, and the conspiracy suddenly appears [Pl

At this time, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness had entered the treasure gourd space and continued to study the words on the walls of the cave of the World-Destroying Buddha.

After constant research, Lin Changsheng discovered that this turned out to be a string of spells.

Reciting mantras can clear your mind, clear your eyes, and prevent your body from being invaded by evil spirits. It can even break all illusions.

"Namo Buddha, Namo Dharma——"

Lin Changsheng slowly recited the spell, and saw that the entire area within ten miles was infected by the spell, and some bloodthirsty gluttons became docile.

"How can this meditation spell be so effective?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised that not only could he make his own heart quiet and stable, but it could also make other living beings' moods calm.

Although this spell does not have a strong attack, it may be of great use at critical moments.


While Lin Changsheng continued to recite the incantation, golden patterns flew out from the wall and continued to revolve around Lin Changsheng.

"This is?"

Lin Changsheng was a little confused, how could these Buddha patterns come alive?

Following Lin Changsheng's curiosity, many Buddha patterns were entangled together to form a golden Buddha pattern cassock, which finally fell on Lin Changsheng.

When Lin Changsheng wanted to touch it, he found that the cassock had disappeared into his body.

"How is this going?"

Lin Changsheng also wanted to summon Kasaya, but no matter how much he chanted the spell, there was no response.

It seems that he is not yet able to activate the power of the Buddha-patterned cassock as he wishes.

But as the Buddha-patterned cassock entered his body, Lin Changsheng felt a surge of energy in his body, as if he had been blessed by the Buddha's teachings. The energy in his body increased sharply, and there was a faint hint of a breakthrough.

"Are you going to break through to the late stage of becoming a god?"

Lin Changsheng was very happy. If he broke through this barrier, Lin Changsheng could reach the late stage of divine transformation.

Your cultivation will be improved to a higher level.

Bang bang——

Lin Changsheng had no distracting thoughts and began to attack the bottleneck again and again. With the continuous impact, cracks gradually appeared in the barrier.

Lin Changsheng worked hard and continued to use his magic power to bombard him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and golden runes were looming on his skin, making him look extremely mysterious.


As Lin Changsheng attacked again and again, the bottleneck Haojue was finally broken by Lin Changsheng, and there was a feeling that it was a matter of course.

Suddenly, an even more powerful energy aura surged throughout Lin Changsheng's body.

Lin Changsheng's entire body was nourished.


Under the nourishment of Yuanli, the muscles and bones make crisp sounds, the muscles become tougher, and the bones become stronger.

Even the blood and meridians have been greatly increased.

The meridians become tougher and wider, and the energy that can be output becomes more surging.

"The Yuan Li is at least five times more powerful than the mid-stage God Transformation!"

Lin Changsheng pumped his fist and felt the sudden increase in power, and suddenly felt ecstatic.

When his physique and mana increased, Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness also expanded in a circle. As for how many miles he could explore, Lin Changsheng still didn't know.

After all, in the Demon God Tribe, divine consciousness cannot be released outside.

But Lin Changsheng felt that the increase was at least around fifteen thousand miles.

After Lin Changsheng made a breakthrough, he suddenly opened his eyes and felt refreshed.

However, many disciples around him fell asleep.

This made Lin Changsheng a little surprised. Logically speaking, monks above the Golden Core level didn't need to sleep at all, so why were all of them lying on the table and falling asleep?

Even the Wine Sword Immortal is no exception.

What Lin Changsheng didn't know was that because he had secretly practiced the Meditation Mantra, he was not invaded by the mist emanating from the demon core.

Others were not so lucky.

Lin Changsheng turned around and looked at the demon core sent by the Demon God Tribe, and suddenly found that black mist was continuously emanating from it.

You can't find it without careful observation.

"It looks like they are planning to attack us!"

Lin Changsheng frowned and felt very unhappy. If this was the case, then he couldn't be blamed.

"Hurry, catch up quickly, the black mist and fragrance can only last for half an hour. It will be difficult when they wake up!"

Someone's voice sounded outside, followed by the sound of close footsteps.

When Lin Changsheng saw this, he took advantage of the situation and pretended to be unconscious to see what they wanted to do.


As the door was pushed open, dozens of people from the demon tribe entered the room.

The leader among them is Lu Fang.

For the safety of the Demon God tribe, he was the first to support the sacrifice of Lin Changsheng and others to the Demon God.

This would not only eliminate Lin Changsheng's unstable troubles, but also eliminate the need for the tribe to go out to hunt monsters and sacrifice them.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

"Isn't this easy to handle, so what about the divine transformation stage? Take them to the altar, kill them one by one and sacrifice them to the demon god!"

Lu Fang said disdainfully.

From what Gao Lin said, he thought the other party was so difficult to deal with, but that was all.

"Sacrifice to the demon god? Is this how you treat your guests?"

After Lin Changsheng learned of the other party's intention, he immediately stopped pretending and directly raised his head and stood up slowly.

Since these people want to harm them, naturally no one can be left behind.

"You, you weren't poisoned?"

Lu Fang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Changsheng was not hit.

"You have such little skills and you still want to harm me? What a joke!"

Lin Changsheng made a disdainful sound and waved his hand to take out the Sky-Opening Sword.

"Kill, kill this kid!"

Lu Fang gave an order, and dozens of members of the demon clan immediately surrounded and killed Lin Changsheng.

These members of the demon tribe are no longer at the Nascent Soul stage, so how can they be Lin Changsheng's opponent?

Wherever the sword light passed, everyone was killed.

"How brave, I want to see how strong you are!"

Seeing that his subordinates were no match for Lin Changsheng, Lu Fang planned to kill Lin Changsheng himself.

As soon as the words fell, a spear appeared in Lu Fang's hand. The spear pierced the space, whistled loudly, and struck Lin Changsheng directly.

Lin Changsheng didn't take a step back and slashed out with his sword.


The sword light and the spear light collided instantly, and a violent roar broke out.

The powerful impact directly knocked Jiujianxian and many other disciples away.

At the same time, they also woke up from the incense.

Under the huge roar, Lu Fang was directly knocked away by Lin Changsheng's knife, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

It can be seen that all the internal organs have received a strong impact.

This made Lu Fang never expect that Lin Changsheng would be so powerful?

Doesn’t it mean that the other party only has the cultivation level of mid-stage god transformation?

Why did he feel that the other party was at least in the late stage of becoming a god?

"This is how the same thing?"

Concubine Yu Ling watched Lin Changsheng fight fiercely with the opponent, and she didn't even understand what happened.

"We must have just been hit and fell into a coma, otherwise why would we fall asleep for no reason? The first look at this demon god tribe makes us feel uneasy!"

"That's right! I still feel numb all over my body and it's hard to move!"

"Me too, everyone, use your magic power to get rid of the toxins!"

"These people are really despicable. Wait until I recover my mana. I won't kill them until they die!"

Many surrounding disciples were very dissatisfied with what the Demon God Tribe had done.

They all guessed their intentions.

The recovered disciples have joined the battle and are fighting with the people of the demon tribe.

Those who haven't recovered yet sit cross-legged and use magic to expel toxins from their bodies.

After Lin Changsheng knocked back Lu Fang with one move, he showed no intention of letting him go, and immediately punched out.

It is the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist.


As soon as the fist light came out, the roar of the dragon was deafening.

The golden divine dragon wraps around the fist light, making the fist light even more powerful.


The next moment, the fist light struck not far away from Lu You, and the powerful impact directly knocked him away.

If he hadn't dodged it in time, this punch would have been enough to kill him.

After all, Lu Fang's cultivation was only in the middle stage of divine transformation. If he wanted to compete with Lin Changsheng, who had advanced to the late stage of divine transformation, he would definitely not be able to defeat the stone with an egg.

Demon God Tribe, in the patriarch’s house.

When he heard a violent roar in the distance, he immediately knew something was wrong.

If everything had gone well, there wouldn't have been such a violent roar.


The clan leader made an angry sound, then stamped his feet and sighed, immediately put on his clothes and ran away quickly.

Not far away, Gao Lin also heard the sound of fighting here, and felt very uncomfortable. If he had known this, he should not have brought Lin Changsheng and others back.

Now I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle!

I just hope everything doesn't come to an irreversible end.

After all, he knew that Lin Changsheng's cultivation was extraordinary, and even if they wanted to kill him, they would probably suffer heavy losses.

"I had already guessed whether you had evil intentions. I didn't expect that you couldn't wait even one night before you killed us. It's simply shameful!"

Jiu Jianxian looked at Lu Fang who fell to the ground and cursed angrily.

These people really have no moral ethics.

"It is your honor to be able to sacrifice to the demon god! No one of you can leave alive today!"

Even though Lu Fang knew that he was defeated by Lin Changsheng, he showed no fear at all.

Because he knew that he alone could not fight against the other party, but the power of the whole family was definitely not a problem, and there was no way they could leave alive.

"Then I'll give you a ride first!"

Lin Changsheng had no intention of leaving him alive. As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his sword and slashed straight towards the land.


However, seeing that the sword light was about to kill Lu Fang, Gu Ji, the leader of the Demon God Tribe, rushed here quickly.

The sword light that killed Lin Changsheng was blocked.

The aura emanating from the opponent's body made Lin Changsheng frown slightly.

This is clearly a strong man in the Void Refining Stage.

"Everyone, why are you making such a fuss? Are you going to kill someone?"

Gu Ji pretended not to know anything and asked.

However, how could this be hidden from Lin Changsheng's eyes? If not for Gu Ji's approval, how could Lu Fang do it privately?

"Clan leader, if we are not welcome here, we can leave at any time. What's the point of attacking behind his back? You don't have to pretend. He is your subordinate. How can he take action easily without your permission?"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly that he was not afraid now that he was already at odds with each other.

I'm just worried that once a war breaks out, these disciples from the Southern Territory will probably be affected.

"You're so brave, boy, stop talking nonsense! Don't spit on others!"

Another leader angrily scolded Lin Changsheng.

Even though that was the case, they couldn't admit it.

"Nonsense? Then you absorbed all these demon cores for me?"

Lin Changsheng activated his Yuan Power, knocked the demon core over, and smashed it towards the opponent.


This made the other party so angry that he became speechless.

"There must be a misunderstanding about this matter. It's better for everyone to think peace is the most important thing!"

Patriarch Gu Ji continued to persuade.

Although he was sure of killing the opponent, he was worried that fighting here would disturb the demon god. When the demon god becomes angry, their entire clan would probably be affected if they came forward.

So Guji planned to settle the matter first, and then find a way to destroy the opponent later.

However, he wanted to perfunctory it, but Lin Changsheng was not so easy to fool.

"It's okay to value peace, but I will kill this person!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Lu Fang with cold eyes. Since the other party chose to attack them, naturally he could not stay.

After killing the opponent, the worst they can do is leave here.

If he just swallowed his anger and left, this would not be Lin Changsheng's usual style.

"Don't forget, where you are, this is my demon god tribe, don't blame me for being rude if you act arrogantly!"

Guji's eyes also turned cold.

Lin Changsheng didn't give him any face at all.

If he agrees with Lin Changsheng to kill the leader of his tribe, how can he be the leader of the tribe in the future?

It is estimated that no one will respect him anymore, after all, he can't even protect the people of his own tribe.

"You want to kill people first, and now you are calling me impudent? Then I want to see how you can be so rude!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, and then sent a message to Jiujianxian, telling him to take his disciples away first if a fight broke out.

After all, the opponent's cultivation level is not weak. Even if Lin Changsheng can defeat him, it will probably be a fierce battle for one side.

At that time, we will definitely not be able to worry about the safety of many disciples.

Jiu Jianxian nodded, signaling Lin Changsheng to rest assured.

At this point, Lin Changsheng no longer had any worries and could fight with all his strength.

"Someone! Get it for me!"

The clan leader scolded, and the other four leaders immediately took orders and rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

Facing the encirclement and killing by the four leaders, Lin Changsheng showed no fear at all.

Because none of these leaders have broken through to the Void Refining Stage.

For Lin Changsheng, the stage of becoming a god is not worth mentioning now.

Lin Changsheng made a palm print, and countless palm prints suddenly gathered in the air. It was Ten Thousand Buddhas coming to pay homage.

The palm prints were densely packed like raindrops, blasting away at the people rushing forward.

Everyone thought that the attack was not very powerful and had no intention of evading it.

However, after touching it, they suddenly discovered that the power of this palm print was much stronger than they thought.

Bang bang bang——

With violent explosions, the four leaders were directly blasted by Lin Changsheng's palm prints and flew out.

Some even had blood coming out of their mouths and their bodies were seriously injured.

This scene made Gu Ji frown. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng's strength to be so amazing.

"You really have some abilities, but today is the day you die!"

Gu Ji is no longer waiting, and plans to personally kill Lin Changsheng.

If he could release his spiritual consciousness, Gu Ji could use the power of coercion to suppress Lin Changsheng.

However, divine consciousness cannot be released here, and naturally it cannot be suppressed by divine consciousness.

Therefore, Guji lost his trump card and could only rely on his Yuanli superiority to kill Lin Changsheng.

However, although Lin Changsheng was only in the stage of becoming a god on the surface, he still had many secret techniques that he had not yet used.

Once used, the physical body and vitality can also increase by a level.


Gu Jifei stepped forward and struck Lin Changsheng with a palm strike.

If you want to kill it with one palm, if you continue to fight, the demon god will be awakened, and then their tribe will be in trouble.

Once the demon god wakes up, they will definitely be in disaster. (End of chapter)

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