The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 322 Shocking and killing the powerful Void Refiner, Holy Yuan Blood Fruit [Please subscribe!

Facing the menacing palm from the leader of the Demon God Tribe, Lin Changsheng had no intention of retreating.

The same palm shot out.

The palm print is filled with flames, golden dragons are entwined, and the momentum is extraordinary.


The next moment, two palm prints collided violently in mid-air.

With the violent explosion, the surrounding wooden houses were instantly shattered, and rocks flew out.

Lin Changsheng felt as if his palm prints were hitting an indestructible iron plate, and his arms were numb from the shock.

"What a domineering power!"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. The results of his cultivation during the Void Refining Stage should not be underestimated.

If it weren't for the suppression of spiritual consciousness here, it is estimated that the opponent would be able to use the Yuan Shen Dharma Body.

Because after the monk enters the Void Refining Stage, Yuanying has been completely transformed into Yuanshen and can fight without the body.

In that case, Lin Changsheng would be even more passive.

After Gu Ji smashed Lin Changsheng's palm print with one palm, the palm print continued to fall directly towards Lin Changsheng.

The palm prints were coming fiercely, and Lin Changsheng had no choice but to take them head on.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to withstand the attack from the palm print, a golden rune flashed around his body and turned into a cassock to block the palm print.


Seeing this scene, Lin Changsheng was quite surprised. Isn't this the golden cassock he just obtained?

This thing actually has the function of protecting it?

"How can this be?"

Gu Ji was shocked when he saw this scene.

The other party was actually able to withstand his full force palm?

This kid is only in the late stage of divine transformation, so why does he have such strong defense power?

I originally wanted to kill Lin Changsheng with one strike, but now it seems that it is difficult.

"Then I will play with you!"

Now that he has taken action, Lin Changsheng plans to have a good fight with Gu Ji to see how strong his cultivation in the Void Refining Stage is.


Lin Changsheng decisively burst out the Heavenly Wild Dragon Holy Body.

The powerful power of the Dragon God broke out of his body, soared in the sky for a circle and then fell into Lin Changsheng's body.

With the blessing of the divine dragon's power, Lin Changsheng's physical strength increased crazily.

In the blink of an eye, he has surpassed the late stage of spiritual transformation and has been promoted to the early stage of virtual refining.

This scene made Guji's eyes widen.

But it's not over yet.

After Lin Changsheng erupted the Tianhuanglong Sacred Body, he also erupted the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Art.

Under Burning Shouyuan, his cultivation level continues to increase.

Lin Changsheng is not afraid of burning longevity, because as long as he signs a contract with a powerful creature, he can obtain some of the other party's abilities, including longevity.

Not long ago, I signed a contract with Jiu Mou Taohan and received another five hundred years of life.

Under the Burning Shouyuan, Lin Changsheng raised his Yuanli cultivation to the early stage of void refining in three breaths.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was already comparable to a strong person in the early stages of Void Refining, both in terms of cultivation and physical body.

Seeing such a scene, Gu Ji began to regret why he had taken action against Lin Chang.

Now it is even more difficult to shock and kill the opponent.

"Come and fight!"

Lin Changsheng waved the sword light in his hand, slashed out a space-distorting sword light, and headed towards Gu Ji.

He probably saw the sword light coming and knew not to force it.

This blow distorted the space, showing how overbearing the power was.

Guji immediately summoned a long stick weapon from his storage bag. The weapon had complex and mysterious divine patterns on it.


Sweeping out with a stick, the space was turbulent.

It can be seen that this treasure is unusual.


The next moment, the sword light collided with the stick shadow, and a violent explosion shook all directions.

Even the huge ancient tree not far away shook for a while, and many leaves fell.

Both of them used their full strength to attack, which was extremely powerful.

Everything within a hundred feet was thrown away, houses collapsed, and rocks cracked.

Under this blow, Lin Changsheng no longer flew backwards.

Instead, Gu Ji was knocked away, and his hands holding the stick were shaking.

I saw cracks appeared on the tiger's mouth, and bright red blood flowed from it.

"Is this kid so tyrannical?"

Gu Ji was shocked. He never expected that Lin Changsheng's strength would be so domineering.

It seems that it is impossible for me to deal with the other party, so I will start with his partner.

"Quick, catch them!"

Gu Ji gave an order and wanted the tribesmen to seize the disciples in the Southern Territory so as to threaten Lin Changsheng.

However, with Jiujianxian and Yanzhen guarding the disciples, it is not easy for ordinary people to break through their defenses.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Yan Zhen slashed out with a sword, and the extremely icy sword light blocked the area for ten miles, freezing all the demon and god tribe members who came forward into statues.

Even several leaders were unable to defeat Yan Zhen and were defeated one after another.

Seeing that the battle was getting into a tense situation, Gao Lin came quickly from a distance.

"Everyone, this is because our demon god tribe did not treat guests well, please show mercy!"

Gao Lin clasped his hands and said, hoping that Lin Changsheng and others would show mercy and give up.

However, now that he had taken action, Lin Changsheng did not want to return empty-handed.

"Chief Gao, I saved your life, but ended up being surrounded and killed by your tribe. You asked me to show mercy? If we weren't stronger, I would have been sacrificed to the demon god by them! This matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better stop meddling!"

Lin Changsheng responded bluntly.

If he hadn't wanted to meet Gao Lin, he wouldn't have let him go.

"Gao Lin, you are pretending to be merciful. If we die, we will be so kind to you. Maybe you can still become the leader of the Demon God Tribe! I think you have colluded with the other party a long time ago! Stop being so pretentious."

Lu Fang said mockingly.

In his opinion, Gao Lin was just acting like Lin Changsheng.


Gao Lin was immediately furious with Lu Fang and gritted his teeth. Perhaps as he said, it would be better for them to die.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't care about it any more. Just wish yourself well!"

Gao Lin was also frustrated with everyone at this moment. No matter what he did, they all felt that he had ulterior motives. In this case, why did he participate?

After finishing his words, Gao Lin walked directly into the crowd and disappeared.

"Look, I know that this Gao Lin is guilty of being a thief and has no shame in showing his face to others!"

Lu Fang said proudly, but what he didn't know was that his life was coming to an end.

"Dry tongue!"

Lin Changsheng waved his sword light, and a sword light tore through the sky, killing Lu Fang.

The power of this seemingly random attack should not be underestimated.

Gu Ji was already unable to save himself at this moment, so naturally he had no time to think about saving Lu Fang.

Lu Fang saw the sword light coming at such a fast speed that he immediately panicked and rushed out with all his energy.

However, the speed is still a bit slow.


Lu Fang's legs were cut off by the sword light.


Lu Fang wailed and fell directly into a pool of blood.

"Clan, clan leader, save me——"

Lu Fang reached out and looked at Gu Ji, hoping that Gu Ji could save him.

However, now that Guji himself is in trouble, there is no way he can save him.

call out--

Another ray of sword slashed out, and Lu Fang's head flew out, killing him on the spot.

From the moment Lu Fang started to murder Lin Changsheng and others, his fate was already doomed.

Lin Changsheng will naturally not let go of those who want to kill him, even Gu Ji who is in front of him at this moment.

Although the opponent has a cultivation level in the Void Refining Stage and is somewhat difficult to deal with, it does not mean that he cannot be killed.

"You, you are so brave. You dare to kill the leader of my Demon God Tribe. Thousands of people in my Demon God Tribe will never let you go!"

Guji shouted loudly.

However, this had no effect on Lin Changsheng.

"Think about yourself first!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and produced a blood-colored round bracelet, which was a blood jade bracelet.

This thing is from the Immortal Realm and has extraordinary power. It is not a problem to use it to kill the Void Refining monks.

The blood jade bracelet swelled in the wind and turned into a hundred-foot mountain that suppressed Guji.


Guji was shocked when he saw this. He didn't have such a treasure in his hands!

After all, this place is not a fairyland, and obtaining fairy treasures is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

The divine pattern stick in his hand is only at the mid-grade Heavenly Spiritual Treasure level.

Facing the attack of Xian Bao, Gu Ji could only retreat immediately.


The extremely powerful blood jade bracelet struck the ground, causing the earth to shake.

The giant demon tree in the distance trembled, and its leaves continued to fall.


While Lin Changsheng was fighting Gu Ji, the giant demon tree had slowly come to life, and its branches and leaves were trembling and making a rustling sound.

Some demon tribe members who were relatively close were directly penetrated by the branches extending from the giant tree and embedded in the branches.

The blood was continuously absorbed by the demon tree and slowly turned into shriveled corpses.

"Demon, the demon god has awakened, run away -"

A member of the Demon God Tribe discovered that the Demon Tree had awakened and began to hunt down the tribe members. He immediately fled in panic.

It is conceivable that they have seen the demon god awaken before, leaving them with a huge and indelible shadow.

"It's over, the demon god has awakened!"

Guji was shocked when he saw such a scene.

When the demon god wakes up, it will definitely bleed like a river, and it cannot fall asleep until it has eaten and drank enough.

However, if they want the Demon God to sleep, their whole clan may not have enough food for the Demon God.

Guji's first thought was to run away. Now that the demon god has awakened, it is useless for him to stay here. He might even fall into the demon god's mouth if he is not careful.

It's better to just run away.

After saying that Lin Changsheng's cultivation level was also extraordinary, if he continued to fight with him, his life might be in danger.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Changsheng also discovered Gu Ji's thoughts and immediately controlled the blood jade bracelet to block Gu Ji's path.

Then he came out with a slash of his sword.

The force of the sword light made Gu Ji sweat on his forehead. If he didn't resist at this moment, he would definitely die.

"Get away!"

Gu Ji shouted loudly, the energy in his body had been activated to the extreme.

Then it circulated in the long stick and struck out with one stroke.


With the violent explosion, Guji was knocked out again and slammed into a huge blood-colored rock before stopping.

There was a turmoil in the palace, a sweet feeling in the throat, and Gu Ji almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

However, when Gu Ji turned around, he discovered that there were blood-colored rocks here and there, which were enlarged blood jade bracelets.


Lin Changsheng waved his hand and controlled the contraction of the blood jade bracelet.

The huge blood jade bracelet began to get smaller and smaller until it finally bound Gu Ji tightly.

No matter how hard he struggled, Gu Ji couldn't break free from the shackles of the blood jade bracelet.

"Don't, don't kill me——"

Only now did Gu Ji feel fear, because he was no match for Lin Changsheng.

"If I don't kill you, I'm afraid I will be the one who dies!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward step by step and looked at Gu Ji who was bound in the blood jade bracelet without any thought of mercy.

After all, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"I am a member of the Gu family in the Immortal Realm. If you kill me, the Gu family will not let you go!"

Gu Ji scolded and had no choice but to move the family out.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care whether you were from the Gu family or any other family, he just waved the blade.

"Wait a minute——"


Just as Jian Lao finished speaking, Lin Changsheng's sword light penetrated Gu Ji's chest, killing him with one strike.


The next moment, Guji's soul burst out of his body.

However, under the suppression of the demon god, he was unable to escape and was once again blasted into powder by Lin Changsheng.

"What's wrong?"

After Lin Changsheng killed Gu Ji, he asked Jian Lao.

"This Gu family is one of the eight major families in the Immortal Realm, and its power cannot be underestimated. You kid really doesn't mind having too many enemies!"

Jian Lao was speechless.

"We have already offended the Tianming Sword Sect, so why worry about one more?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully that if the enemy is right in front of him and he dares not kill him because of timidity, this is not Lin Changsheng's character.

Seeing what Lin Changsheng said, Jian Lao could only sigh helplessly and wish Lin Changsheng good luck!

Otherwise, he will also be dragged into the water.

After killing Gu Ji, Lin Changsheng collected his storage bag and body.

Then he looked at the giant demon tree not far away.

At this moment, the giant demon tree has begun to kill everyone. The spreading branches are as sharp as spears, piercing through the members of the demon tribe one by one, like a string of candied haws.

The bright red blood has dyed the creek nearby, turning it into a bloody river.

As the demon tree absorbed more and more blood, a red light flashed above its head.

Lin Changsheng looked around and saw a red fruit.

"What is this?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised. It was definitely not easy for the demon god to absorb the blood-colored fruit condensed from blood.

So Lin Changsheng planned to get it.

Boo hoo hoo——

However, when Lin Changsheng was charging forward, countless branches came through the sky.


Lin Changsheng slashed out with his sword, intending to cut off all these tree trunks.


However, what surprised Lin Changsheng was that the vines of the demonic tree were extremely strong. When the sword slashed the tree trunk, only a shallow wound was left.

It seems that it is difficult to break through the attack of the tree trunk to get the bloody fruit.

"This is called the Holy Blood Fruit. One will be born every three hundred years if you offer it to the demon god. After eating it, your lifespan and cultivation will be greatly increased!"

Gao Lin saw Lin Changsheng's intention and immediately explained.

"How can we make this demon tree stop?"

Lin Changsheng asked. Gao Lin seemed to have no hostility towards him, and Lin Changsheng had no intention of killing him.

"The demon god wakes up. He will only fall asleep again after eating and drinking enough. There is no other way!"

Gao Lin responded that the people of their entire tribe were not enough to feed the demon god.

The first thing Lin Changsheng thought of was thirty thousand bloodthirsty gluttons.

If you give the bloodthirsty food to the demon tree, you will definitely be able to eat it up.

But the bloodthirsty glutton Lin Changsheng was hard-earned, and he didn't want to let it go to waste.

"By the way, the meditation spell!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly thought that the meditation spell he had just learned had the effect of purifying some murderous thoughts.

It can bring all living things back to peace.

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged and began to recite the mantra.

As soon as this curse came out, the demon tree, which was originally filled with murderous thoughts, slowly became quiet and finally fell asleep.

"It actually worked?"

Seeing such a change, Lin Changsheng was shocked.

How could this spell be so effective? (End of chapter)

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