The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 323: Conquer the demon god, life expectancy increases dramatically, unexpected gains please

Before he could be shocked by the power of the Calmness Spell, Lin Changsheng immediately flew up and plucked the blood-red fruit.

This fruit is about the same size as an apple. It is red in color and exudes a refreshing fragrance from the inside out, making people feel physically and mentally comfortable when they smell it.

However, people who don't know it still think that it is formed by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In fact, it absorbs countless blood and coagulates.

"This demon tree is extraordinary. It would be a good choice to subdue it!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the huge demonic tree that was a hundred feet high in front of him and thought to himself.

Even Gu Ji, a strong person in the early stage of Xuefeng refining, is very afraid of this demon tree. It can be seen that the strength of this demon tree is definitely not simple, and it is definitely above the early stage of Xuefeng refining.

Lin Changsheng cut his fingers, pressed his palm directly on the demon tree, and then immediately activated the Soul Contract Technique.

However, when the contract technique was activated, Lin Changsheng found that his spiritual thoughts seemed to have entered a vast ocean, and he was unable to find the soul of the demon god.

The soul contract technique is to establish a connection between two souls to complete the contract.

At this moment, the soul of the demon tree cannot be found, so it is naturally impossible to complete the contract.

"Could it be said that this demon tree doesn't have a soul? It's impossible!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself and continued to search for the spirit of the demon tree.

Finally, he suddenly found a little girl in red curled up at the root of the tree. Lin Changsheng thought at first that this was someone else's soul attached to it.

Finally, it was discovered that the little girl in red was actually the spirit of the demon tree.

You must know that this demon tree looks like it is at least ten thousand years old. Who would have thought that her soul actually looks like a little girl?

So, is this demon tree still underage?

Even minors are hundreds of feet tall. What if they become adults?

"Little sister, don't be afraid. My brother is not a bad person. Are you willing to leave here with me?"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile, as if coaxing a child.

"Is this the spell you recited? It sounds so nice. If you recite it to me often, I will promise you!"

The little girl looked at Lin Changsheng with wide eyes and curiosity. The spell Lin Changsheng recited just now made her feel as if her body and mind had been sublimated, and she was extremely comfortable.

Lin Changsheng agreed upon hearing this, and his smile suddenly grew stronger.

"As long as you like to hear it, I can read it to you anytime in the future!"

Lin Changsheng agreed.

When the little girl heard what Lin Changsheng said, she immediately agreed.

The palm print landed on the little girl's head, and the soul contract took effect immediately.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng completed the master-servant contract with the demon tree, and received the demon tree's longevity and various abilities to share.

[Lin Changsheng: 26/5150]

Lin Changsheng took a look at his lifespan and immediately discovered that his lifespan had increased by more than a thousand years, reaching a terrifying five thousand years.

This is enough to rival the longevity of the Void Refining Stage.

"View the panel!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that he had not checked his panel for a long time.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: Transformation into God Level]

[Lin Changsheng: 26/5150]

[Cultivation: Late Stage of Divine Transformation (1/25000)]

[Kung Fu: God-Eating Demon Technique (Perfect), Tianhuang Long Sacred Body (Perfect), Taixu God King Technique (Perfect)]

[Immortal skills: God's World-Destroying Slash (perfect), Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery (introductory (1/100)), Sky-Shaking Divine Dragon Fist (perfect), Ten Thousand Buddhas Coming to Pilgrimage (perfect), Six-Armed Divine Art (introductory 0/100) ), Meditation Mantra (Perfection)]

[Spells: Divine Refining Technique (Perfection), Soul Contract Technique (Perfection), Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique (Perfection), Heavenly Ghost Disintegration Technique (Perfection)]

[Light Body Technique: Ghost Sky Step (Introductory 1/100), Rebirth (Perfection)]

[Alchemy: Immaculate Nascent Soul Divine Pill (Perfection)]

[Array: Burning Heaven Locking God Formation (Perfection), Fo Guang Evil Suppressing Formation (Entry 0/100)! 】

[Puppet: 1 emperor corpse (early stage of divine transformation), Nine-eyed Taotie (late stage of divine transformation), Sky Demonic Tree (middle stage of virtual refining)]

[Contract Sharing: Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth: From the Nine-Eyed Taotie, it can be swallowed and absorbed infinitely. Continuous nourishment: Comes from the Sky Demonic Tree, which can quickly recover from injuries. 】

[Consuming a certain amount of immortal crystals, you can simplify your skills, spells, magical powers, etc. 】

"Swallowing the sky and the earth? Nourishing continuously?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that there was another sharing function at the bottom of the panel.

It is probably an additional function added to the panel after Lin Changsheng reached the stage of becoming a god.

But this sharing function is really good!

Now Lin Changsheng didn't have to worry about swallowing too much spiritual energy and not being able to absorb it and bursting himself.

After all, the Taotie's main purpose is to devour, and it can devour everything in the world, even compared to the Sky-Swallowing Insect.

The Sky Demon Tree was probably the Demon God, but unexpectedly it came with a healing technique shared with Lin Changsheng.

But being able to recover injuries to a large extent is simply a magical skill.

However, Lin Changsheng also discovered one thing, that is, the life and death contract signed cannot obtain shared abilities, but can only share longevity.

But through the master-servant contract, abilities can be shared.

"It seems that we will need to sign more master-servant contracts in the future!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

"Chang Sheng, are you okay?"

Yan Zhen saw Lin Changsheng froze on the spot and immediately stepped forward to ask.

"I'm okay. Sister Zhen, are everyone okay?"

Lin Changsheng turned around and asked. Now that Gu Ji and the leaders who wanted to plot evil had all been killed, Lin Changsheng had finally eliminated his enemies.

"One person died and six were injured!"

Yan Zhen responded, they are not as powerful as Lin Changsheng, and it is impossible to have nothing happen.

"Well, it's all fate!"

Lin Changsheng can also accept that no matter how much you protect a weak disciple, he will eventually die.

Lin Changsheng then called Gao Lin and asked him to continue to lead the Demon God Tribe.

Although now one-third of the Demon God Tribe has died.

But they still have to continue living the rest of their lives.

Gao Lin hopes that Lin Changsheng can serve as the leader of the Demon God Tribe, but Lin Changsheng will not stay here for a long time. As long as the spiritual energy of Taixu Temple is restored, he will leave with everyone and continue to the fairyland.

Gao Lin had no choice but to agree.

After calming down the turmoil, Lin Changsheng can practice with peace of mind.

Gao Lin found a new wooden house for everyone, and Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged and began to devour the Saint Yuan Blood Fruit.

The spiritual energy contained in this fruit is very strong.


Lin Changsheng took a bite of the Saint Yuan Blood Fruit and felt a slight sound. The sweet juice instantly flowed into his stomach. Along with it, countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushed wildly inside Lin Changsheng's body, nourishing his eight extraordinary meridians and his whole body. skeleton.


Lin Changsheng felt extremely comfortable all over his body. His body became lighter and kept making slight noises, as if he had been reborn.

Just one mouthful brought about such a big change, and Lin Changsheng immediately swallowed the rest.

In an instant, Lin Changsheng felt as if a battle was going on inside his body.

Countless spiritual energy poured into the body and was refined like crazy.

If so much spiritual energy were poured into an ordinary person's body, they might be bursting in an instant.

But after Lin Changsheng obtained Taoxie's ability to swallow the sky and the earth, no amount of spiritual energy would have any impact on him.

As Lin Changsheng continued to refine, his own cultivation level also continued to increase crazily.

A lot of spiritual energy entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness, making the sea of ​​​​consciousness expand in a circle.

Even Lin Changsheng's two souls were beginning to move around, showing signs of separation.

"Could it be said that I have reproduced the primordial spirit dharma body?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he had already multiplied the dharma body before he entered the void refining stage?

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng finally refined all the spiritual energy in the Saint Yuan Blood Fruit. In addition to increasing his cultivation level, his lifespan also increased by another 500 years.


Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then controlled the primordial spirit body to leave the body.

Because after the Sky Demon Tree was subdued by Lin Changsheng, the demon god's spiritual consciousness suppression had no effect on Lin Changsheng, so Lin Changsheng could directly release the primordial spirit body.


The next moment, a figure exactly like Lin Changsheng separated from the body.

Lin Changsheng looked at the figure curiously and found that the Yuanshen Dharmakaya was no different from his own. Not to mention that others couldn't tell the difference, even Lin Changsheng himself had difficulty distinguishing it.

"Yuan, Yuan Shen Dharmakaya, Brother Lin has entered the Void Refining Realm, right?"

Gao Ziyue was shocked when she saw Lin Changsheng's separated soul body.

He is only in the late stage of the Golden Core, but Lin Changsheng has already entered the Void Refining stage. Is this the difference between a peerless genius and a genius?

"My dear, you can't do that! Entering the Void Refining Stage before you are thirty? You can't become an immortal at the age of 100!"

Cao De couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this.

This is probably the most monstrous genius he has ever seen, and he is expected to achieve immortality by the age of 100.

Although this person is not him, he will be more dignified in the future.

After all, he was able to go to Goulan with such strong men.

"Lin Changsheng is indeed the number one genius in the Southern Territory. As long as he does not perish in the Immortal Territory, his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

Jiujianxian also had a look of amazement on his face.

I think he is also a martial arts idiot. No matter how he practices, his cultivation speed is not even one-tenth of Lin Changsheng's.

The gap between geniuses and ordinary people sometimes cannot be bridged by hard work.

"No wonder you are so bold, you really have two brushes!"

Jian Lao was immediately surprised when he saw that Lin Changsheng had multiplied the primordial spirit body.

He has not yet broken through the void refining stage, but possesses the primordial spirit body. This is undoubtedly not proof that Lin Changsheng is a cultivator who has no time to transform into gods.

If you want to become a cultivator of the Immaculate Spirit, you must build the Immaculate Foundation, the Immaculate Golden Pill, and the Immaculate Nascent Soul, and then you can hope to achieve the Immaculate Spirit.

I didn't expect this kid to achieve so many flawless realms, it's simply unbelievable.

"No wonder he can fight beyond the level!"

Thinking of this, Jian Lao suddenly felt relieved.

If every state of practice is the sum of fractions.

Even if Lin Changsheng is in three realms, he can still compete with others' four realms.

Because each of his realms is 100% of the peak.

Although others have four realms, each realm may only have 70 points.

Although his realm is high, his combat power is not as good as Lin Changsheng's.

This gap will become more and more obvious later on, because after the realm is raised to a certain level, it will become increasingly difficult.

The difference in flawless foundation building is reflected.

"Let's see if this old guy left anything good!"

Lin Changsheng didn't care about the looks of these disciples. He took back the Yuanshenfa and took out Guji's storage bag.

Lin Changsheng was quite disappointed with Guji's storage bag. Apart from some demonic beast bones, there was only a long stick weapon, two books on celestial arts and a pill recipe.

But it's normal to think about it. This vicious land is a barren land. How could he have many treasures?

"After all, this long stick is also a middle-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. It can be used for fusion when the time comes!"

Lin Changsheng put away the long staff with divine patterns, and then began to look at the two books of magic and elixirs.

"Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique (remnant chapter)? Heavenly Star Appearance Changing Technique? Wuji Shengyuan Dan?"

Lin Changsheng murmured to himself, realizing that he could use all these things.

Among them, the Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique is actually a powerful celestial technique that can skyrocket your cultivation level. Although it is a fragment, Lin Changsheng has simplified it, so he will never practice it to the point of going crazy.

Once it is completed, it can be integrated with the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique, and by then the cultivation level will increase even more.

The Heavenly Star Appearance Changing Technique is a kind of disguise technique, which is much stronger than the method of rebirth and rebirth.

In the Immortal Realm, people with strong cultivation can see your original appearance at a glance.

But with this star disguise technique, as long as there is the sun and moon, the appearance can be stabilized so that the other party cannot detect it.

After arriving in the Immortal Realm, Lin Changsheng really needed to change his appearance. Although he couldn't escape the pursuit of the Tianming Sword Sect, it was good to get rid of the Gu family.

Then there was the Wuji Shengyuan Pill, which turned out to be a fourth-grade pill.

Although the required medicinal materials are extremely rare, once refined, the elixir is extremely effective. It can not only enhance the monk's cultivation, but also have the effect of resurrecting the dead.

As long as there is a breath, he can be saved. It can be called a magic pill.

"This old guy deserves to die!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the two books of immortality and elixirs in Guji's storage bag.

Then he was ready to leave. After all, except for a weapon and a magical elixir, there was nothing else of value. All that was left were the bones of monsters.

However, when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, he found a huge, sharp-toothed white bone not far away that caught Lin Changsheng's attention. A very strong aura emanated from the white bone.

Lin Changsheng walked in and took a look and found that it turned out to be an unknown monster tooth.

This tooth is three feet taller than Lin Changsheng, which shows how huge the body is.

"Could these be the sharp teeth left by a powerful monster?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, then looked around, but couldn't see any difference.

Then his spiritual consciousness entered it and he immediately discovered the difference.

I saw that in the inner space of the sharp teeth, golden divine patterns were connected, making them look complicated.

It's as if a huge map has been sketched out.


The next moment, there was a turmoil in the space, and a scene of two giant beasts fighting fiercely appeared. On one side was a dragon with five claws, and on the other was a huge beast that resembled a giant ape.

This giant beast has huge bone blades on its arms, and its fangs protrude from its mouth, seemingly capable of tearing apart everything in the world.

At this moment, fighting against the giant dragon, the beast did not fall down at all.


Lin Changsheng looked at the giant beast and was shocked.

The giant beast that can compete with Shenlong during teleportation, apart from Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger, is this strange beast Behemoth.

Unexpectedly, there was a tooth of this beast in Guji's storage space.

Although it is just a tooth, its inner door space also contains many divine patterns and laws.

Maybe after the epiphany, there will be big gains. (End of chapter)

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