The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 324 The ancient family in the fairyland, the force field field, what a big game of chess [Pl

Naturally, Lin Changsheng would not miss such a treasure with divine patterns, and immediately started studying it.

No matter how secret the divine pattern in these sharp teeth is, as long as it is learned, it can definitely increase the strength a lot.

After all, this is a divine pattern that reproduces in the body of an alien beast that can compete with a divine dragon, and it is not certain that the legacy will be passed down by blood.

Fairyland, Futian State.

This place is the largest state in the Northern Territory, and its forces are complex. In addition to the various major sects, there are also major families in charge of various major forces.

The most powerful force among them is the Gu family.

The Gu family has flourished here for more than 50,000 years, and there are countless powerful people in the family, which is why it has earned the title of the No. 1 family in the Northern Territory.

Luo City, Gu Family.

At this moment, in a quiet hall, there are rows of lit oil lamps.

These oil lamps appear to require no oil and can burn for thousands of years without burning out.

Because this is not an ordinary oil lamp, but a magic lamp of life that is recorded in the genealogy of the Gu family and lit for the people of the clan.

As long as the magic lamp remains alive, even if the body dies, the soul can be reborn when it returns.


Suddenly, an oil lamp suddenly went out. This shocked the guard and immediately went to report with the extinguished magic lamp.

The main hall of the ancient family.

"What? Even if Guji died, his soul couldn't escape?"

In the main hall, the elders of the Gu family were sitting, and on the high seat was a middle-aged man.

The man is tall and tall, with a prominent forehead and a straight nose.

There are fist-sized black beads hanging around his neck, which shows how powerful this man is.

When Gu Yuan heard the report, he was shocked, followed by a burst of anger.

Although Gu Ji made a mistake and was kicked out of the Immortal Realm and exiled, he was still a member of the Gu family. Unexpectedly, he died in the place of exile.

The person who can kill Gu Ji is absolutely extraordinary in cultivation.

"Exactly, Elder Guji's magic lamp has been extinguished! He has died."

The lamp servant guarding the magic lamp responded respectfully.

"Bring the magic lamp!"

Gu Yuan waved his hand and took the extinguished magic lamp directly from the air.

Then a ray of light penetrated into the magic lamp, and the scene before Guji was killed emerged.

I saw a young man swinging a long knife, directly piercing Guji's heart, and then destroying his soul as well.

"This guy is so brave!"

Gu Yuan yelled angrily. Gu Ji had already said that he was from the Gu family, but this son actually killed Gu Ji without hesitation.

In this way, this son doesn't take his Gu family seriously at all.

"Master, this son should come from the lower world, otherwise it is impossible not to know the status of our ancient family in the fairyland. As long as this son reaches the fairyland, he will die!"

At the elders' seat below, a burly man spoke.

This man is very hairy and has a beard on his cheeks.

There is a deep scar at the corner of the eye, but fortunately it did not hurt the eye.

It can be seen that this person is also aggressive and ruthless.

"Okay, Third Elder, I will leave this matter to you. This kid is so rampant that we must not let him stay!"

Gu Yuan threw Gu Ji’s magic lamp to the third elder.

In his opinion, how powerful can an ant from the lower world be?

At most, he was only in the Void Refining Stage, and it was enough for the three elders to shock him and kill him.

"Master, don't worry!"

The third elder took the order and left with the magic lamp.

This magic lamp can be used to track down the whereabouts of enemies.

As long as the other party comes to the Immortal Realm, he can track him down even in the ends of the earth.

Fairyland, Wanjian Mountain.

There are many mountains here, standing like sword blades on the ground.

The surrounding ancient swords are even more than a hundred feet tall, exuding powerful power.

This place is where the Tianming Sword Sect is established.

Qingyun Peak.

The place where the six elders of Tianming Sword Sect live.

At this moment in the main hall, the Sixth Elder, who was dressed in black robes, felt a little uneasy.

Because Jianfan and Qingluo have been out for a while, but no news has been sent back yet.

This is not Jianfan's usual style.

"Could it be that--"

The Sixth Elder was startled, and an idea that made him angry came into his mind.

"Impossible, how could a person from the lower world have such great abilities?"

The Sixth Elder was unwilling to think about that. After all, the strength of Jian Fan and Qing Luo should not be underestimated.

He was his most proud disciple. He was just a few steps away from entering the Void Refining Realm. How could he be killed by the people in the Abandoned Land?

"Wait another three days. If the news hasn't been sent back, I guess-"

The Sixth Elder secretly thought that if the news was not sent back after three days, then Jian Fan and Qing Luo would probably have died.

At that time, he would have no choice but to kill him personally.

Time flies, and it has been two days.

Lin Changsheng had been immersed in the bones for the past two days, studying divine patterns.

This divine pattern is intricate and complex. Even with Lin Changsheng's talent, he has not been able to understand it even after two days of dedicated research.

"This is neither magic nor law? What on earth is it?"

Lin Changsheng frowned slightly as he looked at the flashing divine patterns.

But he didn't give up just yet. He knew that this divine pattern was not simple, and once he understood it, it would definitely be of great help to him.

The Immortal Realm is full of dangers. The more strength you have, the more protection you will have.

Lin Changsheng then continued to devote himself to studying divine patterns.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and finally on the third day, Lin Changsheng had an epiphany.

Buzz buzz——

I saw a series of divine patterns connected together, forming a strange pattern, and finally transformed into a Behemoth picture.

I saw Behemoth stepping on the ground with his legs and beating his chest. All the ground within a ten-mile radius began to sink and collapse. Even the ancient trees and rocks were crushed into powder by an invisible force.

"This, this is the force field field?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. This force field was much stronger than his Yuanli field.

The field of Yuanli is just the pressure of divine consciousness, forming a wide range of pressure field.

The force field field is completely different. It can multiply the force field within a certain range.

A force field capable of crushing rocks into powder and causing the ground to collapse is at least ten times stronger, maybe even higher.

Lin Changsheng looked at the connected divine patterns and immediately quoted them directly in his body.

String it together according to its layout.

When all the divine patterns are connected together, an extremely powerful force of pressure is immediately released.

"Introduction to the force field field!"

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.

"The force field field has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 fairy crystals to simplify it?"

Then the panel prompts again.

However, looking at the 5,000 Immortal Crystals, Lin Changsheng fell into deep thought again.

He is too short of immortal crystals now, and many of his immortal arts have not yet been simplified to perfection.

After entering the Immortal Realm, the first thing to do is to find a way to get more Immortal Crystals.

In this way all magic can be simplified to perfection.


Just when Lin Changsheng had an idea, Yan Zhen's voice rang in his ears.

Lin Changsheng withdrew his consciousness and opened his eyes. Suddenly, many disciples gathered outside.

They all looked at him eagerly, because three days had passed. Didn't Lin Changsheng say that he could reopen the passage to the Immortal Realm?


Lin Changsheng coughed twice awkwardly, and then slowly stood up.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

Lin Changsheng made an embarrassed sound, then looked at the Taixu Temple and found that the Taixu Temple had absorbed enough spiritual energy to break the barrier again and open the passage to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

It's just that Lin Changsheng was immersed in practice and didn't notice it in time.

"Brother Lin, can we continue to ascend to the Immortal Realm?"

Gao Ziyue asked curiously, they have had enough of staying here. There are dangers outside, including tyrannical monsters. If one is not careful, there is a risk of death.

The most important thing is to quickly go to the Immortal Realm and find a giant sect to rely on.


Lin Changsheng came outside the wooden house, looked at the dense clouds outside, and the falling raindrops, and directly called out the Taixu Temple.

Planning to leave right now.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, please stay!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to activate the Taixu Temple, Gao Lin arrived with his tribe.

"Patriarch Gao!"

Lin Changsheng was polite when he saw this.

"Do you want to leave, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Gao Lin saw Lin Changsheng's intention and asked immediately.

Lin Changsheng didn't hide anything and said truthfully, "Exactly, we have already stayed in the Demon God Tribe for a long time, so we can't stay any longer!"

"I have a heartless request, and I ask Fellow Daoist Lin to agree to it!"

Gao Lin said.

“It’s okay for Patriarch Gao to just say it!”

As long as he can do it, Lin Changsheng will not refuse.

After all, it was indeed the Demon God Tribe that provided them with a refuge these past few days, although there were some unpleasant episodes along the way.

"Can you take the members of the Demon God Tribe and leave with you!"

Gao Lin expressed his inner thoughts, because the vicious land was not suitable for human beings to survive at all, and it would be best if they could leave.

However, after hearing this, Lin Changsheng felt a little embarrassed.

Because the more people he teleports, the more spiritual energy he needs. Now he has only refined the fourth level of the Taixu Temple's restrictions, and cannot teleport thousands of people at all.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!"

Lin Changsheng was a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Gao Lin couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but this is normal.

After all, Lin Changsheng was only in the stage of becoming a god. He was already a genius if he could use treasures to open the barrier and go to the fairyland.

If he could take thousands of people away with him, that would be incredible.

"How about bringing one more person to the head office?"

Gao Lin looked at Lin Changsheng longingly, and finally pulled Zhao Shuang'er out.

Zhao Shuang'er has a good talent. If she had been in the Demon God Tribe, her talent would have been buried.

If he goes to the Immortal Realm, Zhao Shuang'er's achievements will definitely be limitless.

Zhao Shuang'er specially washed herself today. Her skin is white and clean, and her face is delicate.

It's just that life here is difficult, and I'm a bit malnourished and emaciated.

As for bringing one more person, Lin Changsheng did not refuse.

However, Concubine Yu Ling and Gao Ziyue on the side were a little unhappy because they were worried that there would be another love rival.

Even though Zhao Shuang'er is thin, his cultivation level is higher than all of them.

"Is everyone here?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the surrounding disciples and asked the Jiujianxian.

"Everyone is here!"

Jiu Jianxian responded that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Lin Changsheng nodded and began to operate the Taixu Temple, intending to open the passage to the Immortal Realm.


The Taixu Temple was operating, erupting with a burst of extremely strong spiritual power fluctuations.

However, this time, Taixu Temple did not follow Lin Changsheng's idea and directly open the barrier here.

Unexpectedly, he ignored Lin Changsheng's control and levitated in the air, bursting out waves of spiritual power and spreading out in all directions.


Seeing this scene, Lin Changsheng was very surprised. His spiritual treasure didn't obey his orders?

What is this situation?

"Mr. Jian, what's going on?"

Lin Changsheng immediately asked Jian Lao. After all, he was well-informed and should know what was going on.

"The Immortal Treasure is not under control. There are only two situations. One is that the owner has not been recognized by the Immortal Treasure. The other is that the connection between the original owner and the Immortal Treasure is not completely severed and is controlled by the original owner. Do you think that possibility is more likely? bigger?"

Jian Laojiang told both possibilities. After hearing this, Lin Changsheng's expression changed.

"Could it be that he is really not dead?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly remembered that when he met Taixu Immortal King in Taixu Temple, he gave him the treasure for no reason.

Lin Changsheng had some suspicions that the other party's purpose was impure, and it might not be that simple.

I didn't expect that the other party would actually lay out such a big picture and let me jump into it.

In this way, the passage to the Immortal Realm was not an accidental encounter with the Void Beast, but everything was under the arrangement of the Taixu Immortal King.

The purpose was to kill Lin Changsheng so that he could seize his body.

"This guy actually hides so deeply!"

Lin Changsheng had to admire the palace of Taixu Immortal King.

What Lin Changsheng thought was absolutely correct. The remnants of Taixu Immortal King have always been left in Taixu Temple, so Lin Changsheng has never noticed it.


Too late——

From the distant sky, the sound of an eagle was heard, followed by the sound of thunder.

It seems that the Lightning and Thunder Eagle rushed towards this place quickly after feeling the spiritual energy spreading from the Taixu Temple.


At the same time, the ground began to tremble violently. It was conceivable that many powerful monsters were rushing towards this place.

At this moment, Taixu Temple was unable to open the passage to the Immortal Realm, instantly putting everyone in danger.

"Here, what's going on? Can't Taixu Temple open the passage to the Immortal Realm? What should I do?"

"It's over. Many monsters are coming. We will definitely die!"

"Stop being so talkative, Brother Lin will definitely have a solution!"

"What else can we do? It's probably true that he has a way to escape. We probably have a dead end!"

Many disciples suddenly became extremely panicked.

The Taixu Temple, the only temple they had high hopes for, has lost its effect at this moment, so they probably won't be able to leave this place in this life.


The next moment, a ray of light flashed from the Taixu Temple, and a white shadow emerged.

Lin Changsheng frowned when he saw this shadow.

Because this phantom is none other than Immortal King Taixu.

"You're really not dead!"

Lin Changsheng frowned and said, this guy's city is simply too deep.

After so many years, he didn't make any move at all. It wasn't until he ascended to the Immortal Realm that he made any move.

It is estimated that Immortal King Taixu also knows that no one can threaten Lin Changsheng's life in the Immortal Relics Land.

But things are different here. Many powerful monsters are coming, enough to kill Lin Changsheng. When the time comes, he can take advantage of it.

"Lin Changsheng, thank you very much for raising your physical body to such a level of cultivation. After I take over, I will save you hundreds of years of hard training!"

Immortal King Taixu said with a smile, as if he had anticipated the scene where Lin Changsheng would die today.

Once Lin Changsheng dies, he can borrow Lin Changsheng's body to be reborn.

It is difficult for even him to become a god without time.

But Lin Changsheng had prepared everything for him. (End of chapter)

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