The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 326: Conquer the Lightning and Thunder Eagle and gain the power of thunder [Please subscribe

Looking at the heavily injured Lightning and Thunder Eagle, Lin Changsheng stepped forward quickly and immediately used the Soul Contract Technique to press directly on the Lightning and Thunder Eagle's head.

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle still wanted to struggle, but was suppressed by the force field released by Lin Changsheng and was unable to move. In the end, it had to surrender to Lin Changsheng.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng felt that there was an additional connection in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was the connection with the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

"The Soul Contract was signed successfully! Obtain the power of thunder!"

A prompt pops up on the panel immediately.

Lin Changsheng was overjoyed when he saw this reminder. He didn't expect that he would accidentally obtain the lightning and thunder eagle's magical power of thunder.

This undoubtedly greatly increased Lin Changsheng's strength.

In addition, Lin Changsheng also obtained six hundred years of longevity from the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, which was like killing two birds with one stone.

"How about the power of this thunder?"

Lin Changsheng had just acquired the power of the sky thunder, and he planned to show off his skills to see how powerful the sky thunder was?

I saw the energy flowing inside Lin Changsheng's body.

Too late——

Sky thunder spread all over the body and surrounded the whole body, even the eyes were flashing with thunder.

In an instant, Lin Changsheng was like a god of thunder descending into the world, unrivaled in dominance, and an extremely terrifying aura of coercion emitted from his body.


Lin Changsheng punched out, and the thunder dragon wrapped around his fist.

The original golden dragon has turned into a thunder and lightning dragon soul.


The next moment, an extremely violent thunder and lightning fist fell on the group of monsters in the distance. With just one punch, all the hundreds of monsters in front were killed, leaving a vacuum.

The power of this punch immediately stunned everyone.

"Such a domineering fist, where did Lin Changsheng learn such a secret technique of thunder?"

"Yes! How terrifying! No wonder he is regarded as a genius and can learn secret techniques so quickly. I have never seen him use the power of thunder before!"

"Could it be obtained from the Lightning and Thunder Eagle? This is incredible!"

"He originally controlled the secret method of fire, plus the power of the dragon, and now he has obtained the secret method of thunder, and the attack is simply terrifying!"

The surrounding disciples were shocked from ear to ear at the thunder attack that Lin Changsheng unleashed.

Yu Lingfei and others even showed admiration.

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle is a powerful monster above the Void Refining stage. I didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be able to defeat it. His cultivation level is simply terrifying.

"This Tian Lei is so handsome. If I learn it, those young women in the fairyland will not be fascinated by me in the future?"

When Cao De saw Lin Changsheng's domineering group, he was immediately envious.

If he could suddenly comprehend the secret technique of thunder, he would be able to summon thunder with a wave of his hand, which would be very cool.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care what these people thought, he only felt that the power of the sky thunder was indeed overbearing, and his strength had increased a bit.

"Even if you surrender to me, you can't leave here!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was secretly happy, the voice of a middle-aged man came, with a bit of hoarseness in his voice.

Lin Changsheng knew that this was the lightning, thunder and eagle mouth speaking human words.


Hearing this, Lin Changsheng asked back, this guy is still so rebellious now that he has subdued him? It seems that he is still a little dissatisfied with himself!

"This place was formed by a great Immortal King thousands of years ago. Unless you can break this formation, anyone who wants to leave will be killed by thunder!"

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle said slowly.

As for which Immortal King set up the formation, the Lightning and Thunder Eagle is also unknown.


This made Lin Changsheng a little surprised. He thought that the sky was often covered with dark clouds, which was caused by the weather, but he didn't expect that it was also a large formation?

Isn't this giving me a formation?

"Are you afraid? If you cancel the contract, maybe I can tell you how to break it!"

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle was unconvinced by Qi Dao and did not take Lin Changsheng into his eyes at all.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng's strength was not at the same level as his. It was just that he was careless and did not expect that the other party would exploit his weakness and hit him hard.

"It's a joke, then I'll open your eyes. There is no formation in this world that can trap me!"

Lin Changsheng mocked.

Because he has panel blessing, any big formation is almost like a free gift to him.

"Then I want to see how you are killed by thunder?"

The Lightning and Thunder Eagle sneered, preparing to watch Lin Changsheng being killed by thunder.


The ground trembled crazily and began to collapse, and countless insect monsters emerged instantly.

Rocks are constantly rolling down from the top of the valley, and it is conceivable that countless powerful monsters are constantly gathering here.

Even if Lin Changsheng controlled the power of the sky thunder, he was still a little unable to resist the attacks of thousands of monsters.

If the killing continues, even Lin Changsheng will be consumed by these monsters.

"Clan Chief Gao, summon the clan members to gather under the Demon God Tree. I will create a formation to take everyone out of here!"

Lin Changsheng felt bad when he saw this. He knew that continuing to fight was not an option, so he had to take everyone out of here first and then think of a solution.

Fortunately, when Lin Changsheng first came here, he carved a teleportation formation at his footing.

At this moment, as long as another formation is carved here, the two boundaries can be connected in series, and people from this place can be teleported there.


Gao Lin didn't know if Lin Changsheng really knew how to teleport the formation, but the other party told him, so he could only do it.

After all, there is no other way now. Staying and continuing to fight them will only lead to death.

There are more and more monsters gathering now, and they will become stronger and stronger in the future. They will not be able to deal with them at all.

After a while, the remaining members of the Demon God tribe gathered under the Demon God tree.

Under the protection of the Demon God Tree, they could take a breather.

In a moment, Lin Changsheng also completed the formation.

Fortunately, using the teleportation formation only requires spirit stones. If immortal crystals need to be consumed, Lin Changsheng will be in a dilemma.


As Lin Changsheng crushed the spiritual stone, streams of spiritual energy were injected into the formation.

The teleportation array began to operate, constantly flashing with light, and constantly teleporting people away.



On the rock walls of the valley, many insect monsters appeared with roars. In addition to sharp-toothed sandworms, there were also many unknown monsters.

Some are like beetles magnified a hundred times, and some are like mantises magnified a hundred times. Their whole bodies are dark and their appearance is extremely ugly.

The strength of these monsters cannot be underestimated. Solid mud and rocks are like tofu in front of them, easily chopped into pieces.


Lin Changsheng took back the Taixu Temple and the Sky Demonic Tree, and took the last group of people away from this place.

The next moment, a huge boulder weighing 10,000 kilograms fell on the formation.

This place was instantly razed to the ground by many monsters.

If Lin Changsheng had not left with the members of the Demon God Tribe, their fate could be imagined, and there would be absolutely no survivors.

When everyone appeared again, they had arrived at the place where Lin Changsheng had just settled.

There are no signs of any monsters here.

"Everyone, please stay where you are and don't move around easily. Giant sandworms with sharp teeth often appear on the landscape here."

Gao Lin could tell at a glance that this place was unusual.

Although this place looks calm, looking at the ground, you can tell that giant sandworms with sharp teeth often appear.

Once there are creatures running on the ground, they will be attacked by giant sandworms with sharp teeth.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, let's leave this place quickly, right?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiu Jianxian immediately stepped forward and said that after this battle, he was also wounded.

One can imagine how dangerous this place is. Every second they stay, they are in danger of death.

"A large formation has been set up here. You have to break the formation before leaving. Give me some time!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the dark clouds in the sky and the flashing thunder, knowing that this formation was not simple.

Even if he doesn't need to break the formation to leave here, Lin Changsheng still wants to study this formation to the beginning, so that when it is completed, he can merge the formations and get a more powerful formation.

Lin Changsheng was seen sitting cross-legged and starting to operate the spiritual enlightenment formation.

Seeing Lin Changsheng like this, everyone around him could only wait together.

I just hope nothing happens again while waiting.

Fortunately, it has been many years since Lin Changsheng realized the great formation, and he can quickly break through any great formation in front of him.

[Introduction to the Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation! 】

An hour later, Lin Changsheng finally understood the formation and got started.

I also know a little bit about the formation.

This formation consists of a total of 79 formation bases, 3 large formation disks, and 1 formation eye.

The formation is very subtle and cannot be broken by ordinary people.

Lin Changsheng discovered that the Lightning and Thunder Eagle he had conquered turned out to be one of the formation bases.

In other words, in this ferocious place, there are at least close to eighty ferocious beasts as powerful as the lightning and thunder eagles.

There may be monsters that are more powerful than the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

You can imagine how dangerous this place is.

"There is actually a large formation disk under the city in the distance?"

According to the formation layout, Lin Changsheng discovered that there was a large formation disk under the city not far away.

As long as the formation plate is destroyed, the formation will collapse.

Even if it doesn't completely collapse, even if it breaks a hole, it will be enough for Lin Changsheng and others to leave.

"Just wait a moment!"

Lin Changsheng left a few words and quickly rushed towards the distant city.

Lin Changsheng did not dare to break through the air, so he could only draw a series of afterimages close to the ground, and arrived in the city in a moment.

Three days ago, Lin Changsheng and others had a battle with bloodthirsty gluttons and many skeletons here, and the place was still in a mess.

Lin Changsheng found the temple of the World-Destroying Buddha, and then slashed to the ground with his sword.


A bottomless ravine was cut directly under the roar.

Lin Changsheng rushed down the ravine until he reached a thousand feet deep, and found that there was an extremely empty space here.

Waves of powerful spiritual energy fluctuations and streaks of thunder emitted from it.

After walking in, Lin Changsheng discovered that there were nine huge stone pillars arranged in this space, and the stone pillars were wrapped with lightning.

And on the stone pillars are placed fairy crystals the size of human heads.

In the center of the nine huge stone pillars, there is a formation layout.

Lin Changsheng could tell at a glance that this was the spirit gathering array.

It can continuously absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth and inject it into the fairy crystal, which can keep the formation disk running.

“What a wonderful layout!”

Lin Changsheng had to marvel at such a grand formation. Even a formation disk was so exquisite. The person who wanted to set up this formation had extraordinary cultivation and was also very proficient in the grand formation.

"I'm sorry!"

Lin Changsheng bowed slightly, then waved his hand and directly put all the fairy crystals on the nine huge stone platforms into the storage space.


Then the spirit gathering array was destroyed with one palm.

The formation disk here was destroyed by Lin Changsheng.

Just when Lin Changsheng destroyed the array, Gao Lin and others watched as the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, and streaks of warm sunshine shone down from the sky.

Gao Lin and others never expected this.

"Yang, sunshine? Is this sunshine?"

"Oh my god! I can actually see the sun in my lifetime. This life is not in vain!"

"It's unbelievable. This dangerous place has not had sunlight for how many years!"

"Is this the fault of Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Everyone in the Demon God Tribe was immediately shocked.

It's incredible, some people have never seen the sun in their lives.

At this moment, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sunshine was such a luxury for them.

After destroying the array, Lin Changsheng returned to the original place again.

At this moment, the sky is completely clear, without the clouds, thunder and lightning just now.

"Patriarch Gao, see you again when we are destined!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Gao Lin and said, he couldn't take all of them away together.

"See you soon!"

Gao Lin also responded, but his heart was extremely bitter.

This farewell is probably an eternal farewell, and they will probably never see each other again.

Because they may not be able to reach the fairyland in their lifetime.


Lin Changsheng once again sacrificed himself to the Taixu Temple. This time, without the obstruction of the Taixu Immortal King, the Taixu Temple burst out with endless divine power according to Lin Changsheng's idea, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky to the end of the sky.

Lin Changsheng led everyone into the pillar of light, and in the next moment, an extremely strong force pushed everyone deep into the sky.

But the evil place became smaller and smaller in their eyes, until it finally turned into a little light in the starry sky.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng could not help but marvel at the vastness of the sky and the insignificance of human beings.

Every light is a world.

Some creatures may live in such a small world for their whole lives and be restrained.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng had the opportunity to go to the more vast fairyland and see the wider world.

Just when Lin Changsheng rushed to the Immortal Realm.

On an uninhabited island on the other side of the endless starry sky.

Here there are also dense clouds, thunders and countless silver snakes dancing in the sky, emitting a terrifying roar.

An old man with white hair and white beard was seen floating above the sea, bathed in thunder light.

The thunderbolts continued to hit the old man's body, which was like scratching an itch for the old man and could not cause any harm.


Suddenly, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, with lightning flashing in his eyes, and his expression was arrogant and angry, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"Why is there missing a large array of blessings? Could it be that the great array has been broken?"

The old man's eyes turned cold, his aura increased sharply, and an extremely strong pressure spread from his body.

The sea area that was shocked by the powerful pressure sank three feet, and there were waves.

"Who is so brave and dares to break my formation?"

The old man scolded angrily.

He deployed a total of 81 heavenly thunder world-destroying formations in the immortal relics, and obtained the power of the sky thunder to recast the holy body. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the blessing of one great formation was missing.

This undoubtedly did not slow down his speed of recasting the Holy Body.

"Forget it, in another hundred years, I will be able to cultivate the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder! By then, all living beings in the Immortal Realm will be like ants!"

The old man then slowly closed his eyes, and everything became calm again. (End of chapter)

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