The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 327 Arriving at the Immortal Realm, Moon Worship Villa, Black Tiger Hall [Please subscribe!

Within the teleportation formation leading to the Immortal Realm.

This time everyone once again set foot on the road to the Immortal Realm. Instead of the joy at the beginning, they felt a little more fearful.

Everything in the fairyland feels unknown.

The evil place is so dangerous, so you can imagine the fairyland.

After all, the Immortal Realm has gathered many powerful people. Whether they are monsters or monks, they are definitely much stronger than the Immortal Relics Land.

"Brother Lin, what's our next step when we get to the Immortal Realm?"

Gao Ziyue looked at Lin Changsheng with a dirty look.

Because when she was fighting many monsters just now, Gao Ziyue was in a state of embarrassment.

She originally thought that she was a genius in the Southern Territory, but after leaving the Southern Territory, she found that her strength was not enough.

If it weren't for the protection of Jiujianxian and Yanzhen, she might have died.

So at this moment, Gao Ziyue felt a sense of fear towards the Immortal Realm.

It was not just Gao Ziyue who was frightened at this moment, many disciples also felt the same way.

Lin Changsheng glanced at Gao Ziyue, and then looked at the expectant looks of many disciples around him.

It seemed that at this moment, everyone's hope was pinned on Lin Changsheng.

"After arriving in the Immortal Realm, the first thing you do is to join the sect. Only with the sect's protection can you get a certain degree of safety."

Lin Changsheng directly expressed his thoughts. Although Gao Ziyue, Yu Lingfei and others were regarded as geniuses in the Southern Territory.

But in the Immortal Realm, it is considered good to be able to join the Nine-Liu Sect and practice.

Lin Changsheng did not want to stay in a small sect because the resources available to the small sect were limited.

Moreover, he also has to face the pursuit of the Tianming Sword Sect and the Gu family.

The small sect could not protect his safety at all.

Only by going to a more powerful sect can Lin Changsheng practice with peace of mind.

"how about you?"

Gao Ziyue blinked and looked at Lin Changsheng, as if she hoped that Lin Changsheng would practice in the same sect as them.

But considering Lin Changsheng's talent, how could he be with them?

"I have enmity with the Tianming Sword Sect, and being with you will definitely bring trouble to you!"

Lin Changsheng stretched out his hand to wipe away the stains on Gao Ziyue's face. At the same time, Lin Changsheng also saw the disappointed look in Gao Ziyue's eyes.

Because in the fairyland, they will be separated again, and it is unknown when they will see each other again in the future.

Maybe it will be hundreds of years before we say goodbye or meet again.

Gao Ziyue suddenly fell into silence after hearing Lin Changsheng's words.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

The road to the Immortal Realm is not short, and I stayed in the transmission channel for more than half an hour.

There was a solid feeling of stepping on the ground under everyone's feet, and the brilliance of the formation slowly dissipated in the next moment.

When everyone opened their eyes, what appeared in front of everyone was a series of rolling mountains.

And they were on the top of a mountain among the mountains.

This mountain is not a simple mountain, it seems that this place has long been built into a receiving mountain.

Because around the top of the mountain, there are sixteen huge stone pillars, with dragons and phoenixes engraved on them with various runes.

There are also formation patterns flashing on the ground, and this place is more like a reception platform.

As everyone landed, the brilliance of the formation patterns slowly dissipated.

“The spiritual energy here is so rich!”

Concubine Yu Ling couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because the aura of this place is more than ten times stronger than that of the Immortal Relics Land. There are hollows of white cranes in the sky, and there are forests of trees on the ground, which are extremely tall.

"Is this the fairyland?"

Zhuo Yijian took a deep breath of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the Immortal Realm, and immediately sighed.

No wonder this place is the place that all monks yearn for. If nothing else, the spiritual energy alone is much richer than that of the Immortal Relics Land. It is simply a paradise for monks!

"If I had been born here, I would have reached the Nascent Soul stage long ago. No wonder the Nascent Soul monks from the Immortal Realm are everywhere. With such a strong aura of heaven and earth, even a fool can cultivate a golden elixir!"

Cao De said disdainfully, feeling that even if he was not cultivated by the sect, he would be able to enter the Nascent Soul stage in a few months.

"It's really a worthwhile trip to see the appearance of the fairyland!"

Jiu Jianxian also sighed with emotion.

Lin Changsheng looked at the surrounding scenes at this moment, and felt excited in his heart after feeling the strong spiritual energy in the world.

At this moment, the spirit pool veins are not found, but the spiritual energy is so strong. If a treasure place is found, the spiritual energy is estimated to be a hundred times stronger than the Immortal Heritage Land.

One day of practice here is comparable to a hundred days of practice in the Immortal Relics Land.

According to this speed of cultivation, no wonder there are so many powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

A hundred miles away from here, in the rolling mountains.

There are many pavilions and courtyards standing here, and various moon patterns can be clearly seen on the many pavilions.

In a peak hall with a half-moon pattern printed on it.

A middle-aged man with a golden crown on his head suddenly froze when he saw a flash of light in the distance, forming a beam of light in the sky and reaching the ground.

"The people from the Immortal Relics Land are here. Let's go to the Fifth Elder to see how his talent is?"

The man wearing the golden crown on the high seat dropped a word.

A thin man wearing a purple robe stood up from below.

The purple-robed Taoist held Fuchen in his hand, looking like an immortal.

"It's the sect leader!"

After the words fell, the elder in purple immediately led several disciples and rushed towards the direction of the light pillar.

Two hundred miles away, there is a walled city built on a mountain.

There are many people in the walled city, a mixture of fish and dragons.

At this moment, in a room, the floor was covered with the furs of various monster beasts. Sitting on a high chair in front of him was a burly man with a necklace of monster teeth hanging around his neck.

It seemed that the man had just eaten the flesh and blood of some kind of monster and was picking his teeth with his eyes closed.

However, the next moment, he also felt the transmission channel opening, and the brilliance of formations flashed out, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Third brother, come on, take a look at the reception platform. Kill the men and bring back the women. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. The women in the abandoned land almost don't know what it's like. Got it!"

The burly man laughed heartily when he thought of this. It seemed that the people who came to the Immortal Heritage Land were just like ants to them and could be crushed to death at will.

But this is indeed the case.

Most of the monks who come to many immortal relic places are only in the late stage of Nascent Soul or even the early stage of divine transformation. They are not their opponents at all. The men will be killed when caught, while the women will be kept to enjoy slowly. If they get tired of playing, they will inevitably die.

This time, the strong man seemed to be no exception, so he asked his third brother to do it.

"Okay, big brother, I'll do it right now, but don't kill me after you finish playing! My brothers also want to have a try! Hahaha——"

Below, an ugly one-eyed man spoke and laughed.

"That's natural. You guys have to have soup to drink even if brother eats meat! That girl was too naughty last time, so she was a little harsher! This time, brother is more measured. Go ahead and don't let the people of Baiyue Villa We got there first!"

the burly man urged.

"Yes! I'm going right now! Sixth brother is coming with me!"

The ugly man glanced at the fat man who was still sleeping soundly and said.

However, after the words fell, the fat man showed no intention of waking up.

This made the ugly man so angry that he kicked him away.

The fat man woke up in mid-air, turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

"Who, who attacked me secretly!"

The obese man made a defensive gesture and was wary of his surroundings.

"It's your third brother who kicked me. I know how to sleep every day. When can you break through to the late stage of the transformation of gods as soon as possible?"

After the ugly man finished speaking, he picked up the giant ax beside him and walked straight out of the gate, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Come with me to do some errands!"

"I'm coming--"

When the fat man heard that he was going out to do errands, he immediately started to giggle.

It will be fun to go out.

Welcome platform.

Lin Changsheng and others planned to leave after observing that there was no danger around them.

Because the movement here might attract other people's attention.

The top priority now is to find a sect for the disciples to attach themselves to. Lin Changsheng cannot take them everywhere all the time.

Otherwise, once a battle breaks out, Lin Changsheng may be too busy taking care of himself and not be able to take care of everyone else, and then they will be in misery.

"Is someone coming?"

As soon as everyone left, Lin Changsheng noticed several powerful auras coming towards them quickly.

"Let's go!"

Lin Changsheng reminded everyone that because they didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, if someone came who was not good, they would be in disaster.

This is the law of the jungle, and vigilance never hurts.

However, Lin Changsheng and others wanted to escape, but the other party seemed to be able to find them by looking for their scent, and pursued them relentlessly.

In just a short moment, he was caught up by the other party.

"Everyone, I am the fifth elder of Baiyue Villa, here to welcome everyone back to the sect!"

The fifth elder of the Moon Worship Villa, who was wearing a purple robe, shouted. It seemed that the other party thought they had malicious intentions, so they fled.

After the words fell, the purple-robed Taoist led four disciples and stood not far in front of Lin Changsheng and others.

Everyone immediately felt relieved when they heard that he was here to take them to the sect.

"Moon Worship Villa?"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and came to the purple-robed elder.

"Exactly, there will be a sect stationed not far from each reception platform. The purpose is to guide the wizards who come to the fairyland. If you don't mind it, you can come to my Moon Worship Villa for a while. If you are willing to worship, If you join our sect, we will naturally welcome you, and if you don’t want to, we won’t force you to stay!”

The purple-robed Taoist said slowly.

At the same time, his eyes were constantly looking at everyone.

In the past, most of the people who came to the Immortal Realm were in the late stage of Nascent Soul, or even in the early stages of becoming gods.

But this time is different!

There are actually people who are in the middle stage of becoming gods. The achievements of these geniuses in the future are limitless!

Before Lin Changsheng reached the Immortal Realm, he had already lowered his level and allowed his cultivation to stay in the middle stage of becoming a god.

This allows the enemy to relax their vigilance, allowing them to counterattack at critical moments.

"Is this happening?"

Lin Changsheng asked Jian Lao, and Jian Lao responded that it was indeed the case. Only then did Lin Changsheng believe him.

Since the other party extended a warm invitation, Lin Changsheng would naturally not refuse, and it was indeed inconvenient for him to lead everyone here and there.

If you encounter people from the Tianming Sword Sect, maybe none of them will survive.

"Then we are more respectful than obeying orders. It's troublesome for you, elder!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

Hearing this, the purple-robed Taoist was overjoyed.

Because if Lin Changsheng joins their sect and they cultivate him carefully, his future achievements will definitely be limitless.

"Wait a minute——"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to lead everyone to the Moon Worship Villa, an angry voice came from the distant sky.

The figure arrived before the sound, which showed that the other party's cultivation was extraordinary.

In just three breaths, two figures came from the sky in the distance.

The next second, he landed not far away from Lin Changsheng and others.

The two people who came were both extremely weird-looking, one was ugly and the other was fat.

The ugly one has a ferocious face, one eye, and a mouth of old yellow teeth that seems to kill someone.

The fat man was nearly two meters tall and weighed an estimated three hundred kilograms, just like a big meat ball.

"You guys at Moon Worship Villa are so brave, dare to snatch someone from my Black Tiger Hall?"


The ugly man threw the giant ax in his hand directly to the ground, and there was a roar.

A deep pit was created on the ground, showing that the ax was extremely heavy.

This ugly man gave everyone a slap in the face as soon as he arrived. It seemed that Black Tiger Hall and Moon Worship Villa had been at odds for many years, and Moon Worship Villa did not take him seriously at all.

After finishing speaking, the ugly man touched his chin and looked back and forth at Concubine Yu Ling, Gao Ziyue, Yan Zhen and other women with lewd eyes.

"Zhu Lieshan, don't go too far. Things always come first, and now they have agreed to join me at Baiyue Villa. What's the matter with you running out to rob people in the middle of the road?"

The purple-robed Taoist was very displeased. The people from Black Tiger Hall were simply shameless.

If the two major forces were not equally matched, how could Baiyue Villa tolerate bully forces like Black Tiger Hall stationed here?

"Stop talking nonsense. My elder brother has taken a liking to these people. I must take them away. If you don't want to, ask me if I agree with this Yueshan ax?"

Zhu Lieshan did not put the purple-robed Taoist in his eyes at all.

Because the two of them are evenly matched in cultivation and both are in the late stage of divine transformation, once they fight, Zhu Lieshan will not fall behind at all.

What's more, he brought his sixth brother here. Although his sixth brother was only in the middle stage of becoming a god, he was enough to deal with the four disciples behind the purple-robed Taoist.

"You take them away first, I will resist them!"

The purple-robed Taoist's eyes were full of killing intent. He would not hand over Lin Changsheng and others to the Black Tiger Hall easily.

He knew the virtues of the Black Tiger Hall, and no one would be able to survive if left to them.

These young people who can reach the top of the Immortal Realm must be the genius of each Immortal Heritage Land, and their achievements in cultivating them in the future will definitely be great.

"Can you stop it? Die to me!"

After Zhu Lieshan heard what the purple-robed Taoist said, without saying a word, he directly waved the Yueshan in his hand towards the direction where Lin Changsheng and the purple-robed Taoist were.

As the energy was injected into the giant ax in his hand, it suddenly became ten feet high and suppressed it with a powerful momentum.

In Zhu Lieshan's view, as long as a woman is not hurt, others can die.

So when he takes action, he strikes with all his strength, showing no mercy.

Lin Changsheng frowned when he saw this, but he had no intention of taking action. He wanted to see if the purple-robed Taoist was willing to fight for them.

"You guys leave quickly!"

The purple-robed Taoist pushed Lin Changsheng away and waved the floating dust in his hand. Suddenly, white threads of floating dust spread out and directly wrapped around the giant ax that Zhu Lieshan had killed. Then he swung the giant ax and landed on the ground in the distance.


The giant ax landed on the ground and smashed all the rocks into pieces like cutting tofu, cutting out a ten-foot-long ravine.

"Everyone, come with me!"

The four disciples following the purple-robed Taoist immediately called Lin Changsheng and others to leave.

Lin Changsheng motioned to Yu Lingfei and others to follow.

However, before everyone had gone far, an extremely fat figure hit them in front of them like a boulder, causing the ground to tremble.

"Want to leave? Do you have my permission?"

The obese man instantly blocked everyone's path, which made the four disciples dare not act rashly.

After all, they are only at Nascent Soul cultivation level, how can they compete with the other party's divine energy? (End of chapter)

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