The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 328 The shocking killing of two people, the worries of Moon Worship Villa [Please subscribe!

When Lin Changsheng saw the obese man blocking his way, he did not take action easily because he needed to hide his strength first.

When necessary, use surprise and kill with one strike.

Behind them, the purple-robed Taoist and Zhu Lieshan were already locked in a fight. Both of them were in the late stages of becoming gods, and it was hard to tell the winner for a moment.

But Lin Changsheng could see that the purple-robed Taoist was slightly stronger than Zhu Lieshan. If he continued to fight according to this situation, he would surely be able to decide the winner in half a day.

But Zhu Lieshan couldn't wait that long, "Sixth brother, come and help me, take down this old man first!"

As long as this veteran is taken down, can the other disciples escape?

As soon as the fat man heard that this was true, he immediately flew up to Zhu Lie Mountain to live with him.

With the addition of the obese man, the purple-robed Taoist was suddenly at a disadvantage and was beaten back by the two men.

"Everyone go!"

The four disciples of the Moon Worship Villa saw the fat man helping Zhu Lieshan and immediately motioned for everyone to follow them and leave.

"You go first, I'll be right back!"

Lin Changsheng motioned for everyone to leave first. He could not just watch the purple-robed Taoist die trying to save them.

Everyone also knew that their stay would be of no use, so they immediately followed the four disciples of the Moon Worship Villa and left.

"Third brother, those bastards have escaped!"

The obese man suddenly became angry when he saw that all the little ants from the Immortal Land had slipped away.

"They can't run far, use all your strength to kill this old man!"

After Zhu Lieshan finished speaking, Yuan Qi circulated throughout his body, and the giant ax in his hand flew out.

I saw the giant ax evolving into a giant shadow of a hundred feet in mid-air, as if Pangu created the world, with a raging momentum.

This blow is much stronger than the original one.

This move was not launched at first, probably because Concubine Yu Ling and the other girls were not far away from each other. If they were to be killed with all their strength, they would all be shocked to death by the aftermath, and there would be nothing left to do, so they were merciful.

But now that all the ants have left, Zhu Lieshan can give it a go. As long as he kills the old man in purple robe, they will all fall into his palm.

"Drink——, hit the head with two hammers!"

The fat man summoned two huge meteor hammers, and with his scolding, they also hit the purple-robed Taoist angrily.

With the injection of Yuan Power from the obese man, the seemingly ordinary meteorite turned into a flaming meteorite and rushed out with light.


Being attacked from both sides, the purple-robed Taoist frowned for a moment.

Although the fat man could not cause fatal damage to him, after all, he was only in the middle stage of divine transformation, and he had the cultivation of the late stage of divine transformation.

But if he distracts himself to compete with the opponent, he will definitely suffer a fatal blow from Zhu Lieshan.

Those who lose will be faster by then.

But if he ignores the fat man's attack, I'm afraid he will also be traumatized.

Once hurt, it is equally difficult to escape.

So at this moment, the purple-robed Taoist was in a dilemma.

At this moment, the fat man and Zhu Lieshan's eyes were on the purple-robed Taoist, and Lin Changsheng decisively attacked.

After summoning the Heavenly Blade in an instant, he slashed directly at the fat man with one strike.

Because the obese man happened to expose his back to him.

The blade is extremely sharp and powerful.

By the time the obese man reacted, the sword light was already three feet behind him.

It was too late to escape at this moment.


In mid-air, a splash of blood spattered, and the obese man's head was cut off by Lin Changsheng's knife, and he died on the spot.


At this time, the purple-robed Taoist also took over the attacks of the two men. Under the violent roar, the whole earth was shaking violently, countless sand and stones splashed, and dust filled the sky.

After all the dust settled, a huge ravine a hundred feet long and ten feet wide appeared where the purple-robed Taoist was standing.

However, the purple-robed Taoist was not beheaded. Instead, he stood not far away looking embarrassed, holding the twin hammers of meteors in his hands.

The obese man's meteor double hammer attack was of no concern to the purple-robed Taoist.

He stretched out his hand and used his tyrannical force to catch it.

The main reason was that Zhu Lieshan's giant ax attack was so fierce that he did not dare to take it head-on. He could only wave the floating dust around the giant ax and pull it to slightly change its attack direction, so he did not hit the purple-robed Taoist.

But even so, the purple-robed Taoist was thrown away by the powerful impact of the axe, looking slightly embarrassed.

There were quite a few gravels piercing the corners of his clothes, and his hair was a little messy.

But this was all good, after all, Lin Changsheng took advantage of his unpreparedness and directly killed one of his opponents.

"Sixth brother——"

When Zhu Lieshan saw the obese man being killed by Lin Changsheng, his eyes widened and he roared angrily.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng must have sneak-attacked his sixth brother before killing him with one blow. This man was really despicable.

"Bitch, I'm going to sacrifice your life to honor my sixth brother!"

Zhu Lieshan immediately pointed the finger at Lin Changsheng. At this moment, he had no intention of killing the purple-robed Taoist and catching the woman.

However, what he didn't know was that he was about to die soon.


The purple-robed Taoist saw Zhu Lieshan fiercely attacking Lin Changsheng. In his opinion, Zhu Lieshan had the late-stage cultivation of a god.

Lin Changsheng is only in the middle stage of divine transformation, so he will definitely be unable to compete?

He might be seriously injured in one move.

However, what the purple-robed Taoist didn't know was that Lin Changsheng also had the late-stage cultivation of God, but he had deliberately lowered his strength.

After the purple-robed Taoist shouted, he could not help Lin Changsheng immediately. Instead, he used thousands of floating dust to entangle the obese man's spirit to prevent him from going back to report the news.

If this is the case, there will be a fierce battle between them at Moon Worship Villa and Black Tiger Hall.

Lin Changsheng watched Zhu Lieshan coming with a giant ax and showed no intention of retreating.

He can even kill a Void Refining cultivator, so why should he be afraid of a small late-stage god?


Lin Changsheng poured his energy into the weapon, and then slashed out with all his strength.

Directly exploding all the cultivation levels in the late stage of becoming a god.

This unparalleled sword made the entire sky distort.

The sword light was so sharp that it only formed a half-moon sword light in the sky.

"Hua, late stage of divine transformation?"

Zhu Lieshan had just sensed the tyrannical cultivation level in the late stage of divine transformation from Lin Changsheng's body. The other party actually lowered his cultivation level, and he was actually deceived?

At this moment, it was too late for Zhu Lieshan to avoid the blow, so he had no choice but to take it head-on.

All the energy around him was mobilized to the extreme, and the giant ax blasted out quickly.


The next moment, the sword light and the giant ax collided together.

The powerful roar resounded throughout the world again.

Many disciples who were fleeing in the distance were startled when they heard bursts of thunderous roars.

Is this a battle between strong men?

If they were even slightly affected by the aftermath, their lives would be in danger, let alone fighting it.

This strengthened their determination to practice hard.

"Brother Lin, will everything be okay?"

Gao Ziyue worriedly said that they had just arrived in the fairyland and encountered such a change.

"Don't worry, this kid is very smart. If he feels outmatched, he can run faster than you!"

Jiu Jianxian smiled and said that he would not worry about Lin Changsheng.

In a dangerous place, Lin Changsheng pretended to be dead to deceive Immortal King Taixu. He could come up with all these tricks, which shows how scheming Lin Changsheng is.

If there was no enemy, Lin Changsheng would never stay there waiting to die.

Since he chose to stay, he must be absolutely sure to kill the opponent.

"Hurry up, everyone, we are approaching my Moon Worship Villa! It will be safe once we reach the Villa!"

The four leading disciples of the Moon Worship Villa shouted.

Everyone stopped thinking about it and continued on their way.

Only Gao Ziyue was still worried about Lin Changsheng and worried about his safety.

In the battlefield.

The sword light and the giant ax collided violently, and a figure flew out with blood spurting from its mouth.

This person is definitely not Lin Changsheng, but Zhu Lieshan.

At this moment, Zhu Lieshan never expected that he would be defeated by the ants in an abandoned place.

This shocked him so much that he couldn't recover for a long time.

Even if both of them are in the late stage of divine transformation, there can't be such a big gap in strength!

The opponent can severely damage himself with one move, which may require some cultivation to achieve.

What Zhu Lieshan didn't know was that although Lin Changsheng was only in the late stage of divine transformation, his combat power was more than that.

After all, he has the power of a divine dragon, and the blow he just executed was also the most powerful God's World-Destroying Slash.

This Heavenly God's World-Destroying Slash was made by combining various immortal techniques and magic techniques, and was much stronger than his attacks.

When Zhu Lieshan flew backwards, countless flaming arrows rushed towards him, with the power of thunder and lightning on them.

This scene shocked Zhu Lieshan again.

This flaming arrow was exactly the 3,000 thunder flame archery attack unleashed by Lin Changsheng when he pulled the thunder flame bow.

At this moment, we must take advantage of the other party's illness and kill him.

Lin Changsheng would not give Zhu Lieshan any chance to breathe.

"You bitch, you still want to kill me. It's just wishful thinking!"

Zhu Lieshan shouted angrily and felt the fierce killing intent of the other party, and did not dare to be careless at all.

But he couldn't dodge while he was flying backwards, so he could only let out an angry roar, crossed his arms in front of him, and used all his energy to resist with the giant ax in his hand.

Bang bang bang——


Many flaming arrows landed on the giant ax in Zhu Lieshan's hand, causing a metallic roar.

However, many flaming arrows landed on Zhu Lieshan's Yuanli shield, directly shattering it. The arrows penetrated Zhu Lieshan's body, causing bloody splashes.

The power of these three thousand thunder flame archery skills is not weak. How can the Yuanli shield be able to withstand it?

After a round of arrows, Zhu Lieshan was shot directly into a hedgehog. There were hundreds of holes in his body, and he could no longer die.

"Such a strong archery skill. This guy even deceived me. I'm afraid his strength is far superior to mine!"

In the distance, the purple-robed Taoist waved the floating dust and directly crushed the fat man's spirit into pieces.

Then he landed in front of Zhu Lieshan, waiting for his soul to leave the body.

As soon as the opponent's soul leaves the body, the purple-robed Taoist will strangle him immediately and will never let him go.


Sure enough, in the next moment, Zhu Lieshan's soul came out of his body and rushed towards the sky.

However, the next moment, thousands of floating dust in the hands of the purple-robed Taoist followed closely and directly entangled Zhu Lieshan Yuanshen.

"You guys at Baiyue Villa are so brave. If my eldest brother knows that you killed me and my sixth brother, I will definitely use the whole village to surround you at Baiyue Villa."

When Zhu Lieshan was about to die, he even uttered arrogant words.

The purple-robed Taoist didn't seem to be afraid of the other party, and he had long wanted to crush them.

"If you dare to come to Black Tiger Hall, I will destroy them too!"

The power in the hands of the purple-robed Taoist increased, and the skin of Mount Zhu Lie, entangled with thousands of floating dust, was torn open, and a lot of floating dust was already embedded in the flesh and blood.

It is conceivable that Zhu Lieshan's soul will be crushed by the dust in a short time.

Lin Changsheng was very curious about Fuchen. This Fuchen should be extraordinary. Not only could he attack, but he could also entangle the soul, making him extremely domineering.

"Your death is coming -"

After Zhu Lieshan said his last words, the soul was instantly crushed into pieces and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Elder, can you leave the bodies of these two people to me?"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

Because the two bodies of Lin Changsheng can be refined into corpse puppets using the corpse refining technique.

Although the cultivation in the late stage of becoming a god is nothing in the fairyland, it is still enough to deal with some reptiles.

"Just take everything you need. If it weren't for you today, I would be in danger."

The purple-robed Taoist said cheerfully.

He also didn't expect Lin Changsheng's cultivation to be so terrifying. I'm afraid even he is no match for Lin Changsheng.

Hearing what the purple-robed Taoist said, Lin Changsheng was not polite.

He directly put away all the spiritual treasures, corpses, and storage bags in their hands.

Spiritual treasures can be fused, corpses can be refined, and there may be fairy crystals in the storage bag that can be used by Lin Changsheng to simplify his magic.

Everything is very useful to Lin Changsheng.

After cleaning the battlefield, the purple-robed Taoist took Lin Changsheng to the Moon Worship Villa.

Lin Changsheng went to Baiyue Villa not to worship at the mountain gate, but to see if this sect was worth relying on.

Although it would be inconvenient for Lin Changsheng to take Concubine Yu Ling and others with him, he would not just throw them into a sect and ignore them.

Following the purple-robed Taoist's guidance, a few moments later, the rolling mountain peaks appeared in Lin Changsheng's eyes.

On the top of the mountain, the staircase courtyard stands tall, giving it a grand scene.

Birds and disciples flew by from time to time among the mountains, and there were many disciples practicing magic on the ground.

It seems that although this Moon Worship Villa is not very powerful, it definitely belongs to a famous and decent family.

After a while, the purple-robed Taoist led Lin Changsheng to the top of a mountain with a half-moon pattern on it, and landed on the ground.

There is a huge palace here, and the entrance of the palace is guarded by powerful disciples.

"Fifth Elder!"

When the disciple saw the purple-robed Taoist arriving, he immediately said respectfully.

The purple-robed Taoist waved his hand and led Lin Changsheng into the main hall.

After entering the main hall, Lin Changsheng found that many disciples had all gathered here.

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"

When Gao Ziyue saw Lin Changsheng coming back, she immediately stepped forward and held her arms and said.

Lin Changsheng could even feel the warmth on his arms, which made Lin Changsheng's heart beat faster.

"No, it's okay!"

Lin Changsheng responded, then shifted his gaze and found that many people were already sitting in the hall, probably the elders of the Moon Worship Villa.

Sitting high in front of him was a middle-aged man wearing a golden crown. Although he looked elegant, his brows were slightly wrinkled, giving him a calm but powerful look. I wonder if the other man was in a bad mood. good.

"Fifth Elder, you are so confused! I asked you to pick up someone, but I didn't ask you to kill someone!"

Jin Guangren was dissatisfied that the purple-robed Taoist actually killed the two leaders of the Black Tiger Hall.

Now their Moon Worship Villa and Black Tiger Hall have become enemies. It is estimated that in a short time, when the other party finds out, they will lead tens of thousands of people in the village to besiege them at Moon Worship Villa.

If they were absolutely sure of winning, he would definitely not tolerate the presence of such a foul-smelling force around him.

But they didn't crush each other much. Once they fight, both sides will definitely lose.

Therefore, Jin Guangren felt that it was obviously not worth it to antagonize the Black Tiger Hall for the sake of these disciples from the Immortal Relic Land.

After the fifth elder left, Jin Guangren spread his consciousness and discovered all this.

At this moment, I was extremely worried. (End of chapter)

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