The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 329 Thunder Flame Burns the Sky and Destroys the World, Strong Enemies Attack [Request for S

"Sect Master, Black Tiger Hall has oppressed the disciples of our sect for many years. If we continue to tolerate it, I'm afraid they will step on our heads and piss on us! If we want to fight, we will fight. Why are we afraid?"

The purple-robed Taoist is also stubborn and does not want to live in humiliation. He has long disliked Black Tiger Hall.

"That's right, Sect Master, a few days ago I took my sect disciples out for training and managed to kill a golden lin snake python. However, when I came back, I met someone from the Black Tiger Hall who insisted that I hand over the golden lin snake python before I could release it. For us to leave is simply too much! I agree with what the fifth elder said, there will be a battle sooner or later, why bother to tolerate it all the time?"

The second elder in white clothes also stood up and said dissatisfiedly.

"No, no! Once there's a fight, even if we win, my sect will be bleeding like a river!"

The older elder felt that now was not the best time for a war.

In the event of a bloody battle, their disciples would definitely lose thousands of lives, or even more.

"If we don't fight, will we keep enduring?"

"That's right, the head can be cut off and the blood can flow. How can the sect's face be trampled on by others like this?"

"You guys are too impatient. Once the sect leader breaks through to the late stage of Void Refining, it will be easy to destroy the Black Tiger Hall!"

"Yes! Let's just endure it a little longer! A bloody battle might not be good for us now!"

"You know how to endure it. Maybe the leader of the Black Tiger Hall will break through first. Then we will be in disaster!"

In an instant, the hall was bustling with people. Some people suggested a bloody battle, while others suggested avoiding the fight.

Just when the two camps were arguing without any result, Lin Changsheng stepped forward.

"Within a while, I can destroy everyone in the Black Tiger Hall without killing anyone!"

Lin Changsheng said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to Lin Changsheng.

After a pause, everyone shook their heads and continued to bustle.

"Although this kid has some strength, he is only in the late stage of spiritual transformation. How can he fight against the monks in the Void Refining stage? And he is still in the middle stage of Void Refining stage!"

"That's right, you are just talking arrogantly! How strong can the formation in the Land of Immortal Relics be? How can it trap a strong Void Refiner?"

"That's right! This kid simply doesn't know how high the sky is and how high he is. If it really can't be done, I think it's better to hand them over to avoid bringing disaster to our sect!"

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate! These disciples have extraordinary talents. If they are handed over, they will only die!"

"It's better for them to die than for our whole sect to be seriously injured, right?"

Many elders began to discuss again, and some elders even suggested that Lin Changsheng and others be handed over to avoid disaster for the sect.

Jin Guangren, who was sitting high up, frowned when he heard these words.

In fact, he has endured enough of Black Tiger Hall for a long time, but he is not strong enough!

If he could destroy the Black Tiger Hall without killing one person, he would have destroyed the other party long ago.

Seeing Lin Changsheng say such words at this moment, Jin Guangren couldn't help but feel suspicious. Is what Lin Changsheng said true?

"Are you really sure?"

Jin Guangren looked at Lin Changsheng with a serious expression.

Although Lin Changsheng came from the lower realm, the strength he displayed really made Jin Guangren stunned.

Instantly killing monks in the middle and late stages of divine transformation is not something that a person in the divine transformation stage can do.

Maybe Lin Changsheng can really bring him an unexpected surprise.

"That's natural, but I need 10,000 fairy crystals as array disks to activate the great array!"

Lin Changsheng continued.

This Ten Thousand Immortal Crystals are actually used to simplify the formations, because Lin Changsheng still has two major formations that have not been simplified.

As for setting up a large formation, using spirit stones is enough.

Of course, the effect will definitely be better if you use fairy crystal.

However, Lin Changsheng did not intend to use the Immortal Crystal for the one-time formation. Once the Black Tiger Hall was destroyed, Lin Changsheng would withdraw the formation.

"Ten thousand Immortal Crystals? Sect Master, I think this guy is here to deceive the Immortal Crystals. Maybe he ran away after getting the Immortal Crystals!"

The old elder who opposed the bloody war stood up again and said.

He did not believe that Lin Changsheng, a person from the lower world, could arrange a large formation to kill everyone in the Black Tiger Hall.

Black Tiger Hall has three powerful Void Cultivation Masters and more than a dozen God Transformation cultivators.

Can one formation kill all these powerful men? He didn't believe anything he said.

"That's right, Sect Master, you can't be deceived by him. This guy is a monk from the Abandoned Land. How can he arrange the formation to kill the Black Tiger Hall? Ten thousand Immortal Crystals is not a small amount!"

Another elder also stood up and persuaded.

They didn't have any confidence in Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng listened to the objections and did not immediately explain. If the sect master did not agree, they would just leave.

If he wants to leave, Jin Guangren may not be able to keep him.

This sect is afraid that if there is no blood at all, it will not be able to escape the end of destruction in the future.

However, what Lin Changsheng didn't expect was that Jin Guangren chose to believe Lin Changsheng after thinking about it.

This may be their only chance to kill Black Tiger Hall.

If they miss this opportunity, when the leader of the Black Tiger Hall breaks through to the late stage of refining the void, they may be the ones who perish at the Moon Worship Villa.

"Okay, no need to say more. I believe that this little friend is not arrogant, and must be somewhat confident. Sixth Elder, take him to receive the Immortal Crystal, and the rest of the staff will arrange to live in Luoyue Peak!"

Jin Guangren made a bold decision.

Suddenly some elders sighed, and some clenched their fists, planning to fight bloody battles.

Jin Guangren also had other plans for arranging the remaining personnel to stay at Luoyue Peak, not far from Moon Worshiping Peak.

If Lin Changsheng deceived them, these disciples would never leave alive.

They had the lives of these disciples in their hands, and he didn't believe that Lin Changsheng would take the Immortal Crystal and run away.

Lin Changsheng then followed the Sixth Elder to obtain the Immortal Crystal, while the rest of the people were taken to Luoyue Peak.


Luo City, Gu Family.

In a huge manor, a strong man with a full beard was practicing boxing in the courtyard.

The boxing technique is fierce and powerful, even if the energy in the body is not activated, the punch is still fierce.

With every punch, the space roared.

If the Yuan Power is stimulated, one can imagine how domineering the fist light will be.


Suddenly, the dry oil lamp placed aside emitted a subtle ray of light, which made the man practicing boxing stop immediately.

"I didn't expect that you kid actually dared to come to the fairyland? Then this will be your burial place!"

Gushan's thick eyebrows narrowed, murderous intent evident in his eyes.

Gushan was the person assigned by the head of the Gu family to kill Lin Changsheng.

Because Lin Changsheng killed Gu Ji, a member of their Gu family, in a dangerous place.

It didn't matter if it caused the opponent's body to perish, but Gu Ji's soul was not spared, which gave Gu Ji no chance to be reborn.

Such behavior simply does not put the Gu family in their eyes, so it must be eradicated.


Furuyama put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

The sound of a horse's cry came from the sky, and a flying horse with two wings came through the sky, and finally landed in front of Gushan.

This pegasus is extremely tall, much larger than ordinary horses.

Gu Shan was quite tall, but in front of Pegasus he was as child-like, not even as tall as a horse's legs.

Gushan picked up the shimmering soul lamp and jumped up on the horse's back, then sat cross-legged.


Under Gu Shan's scolding, Pegasus roared again, spread its wings and soared directly into the sky.

"Boy, I hope you can hold on until I arrive!"

Gu Shan secretly thought.

This Immortal Realm is a place where powerful people are like Lin and extremely dangerous. If Lin Changsheng, a person from the lower realm, comes, whether he can survive for three days is a question.

I hope he won't let me down, otherwise my trip will be in vain.

Wanjian Mountain, Qingyun Peak.

This place is where the six elders of the Tianming Sword Sect live.


The Sixth Elder, shrouded in black robes, did not want to believe that his two most promising disciples had died in the abandoned land.

But he had to believe it at this moment, because it had been almost a month since Jian Fan and Qing Luo left. If they hadn't died, the news would have been sent back long ago, or they would have even come back.

"Little beast, if you kill my beloved disciple, I will crush you to ashes!"

Luo Shang scolded angrily, and then slowly turned down the black robe above his head, revealing his face.

No wonder he was always shrouded in black robes, because this man's head was so hideous.

There is even a part of the top of the head missing, as if it had been bitten by some ferocious beast.

His face was even more blurry, as if he had been burned by fire.

There are few intact places in the entire head.

Luo Shang waved his hand and took out a black grimace mask from the storage space and brought it on, which added to his murderous aura.

Anyone who knows Luo Shang knows that once he takes on the ghost face, he will kill people.

After putting on the ghost face, Luo Shang took down the huge sword hanging on the wall behind him.


The giant sword fell to the ground, denting the ground.

Luo Shang waved his hand and sucked in the iron chain that was as thick as his arm in the distance, and then tied the giant sword to his body with the iron chain.

Then he stepped on the ground and jumped out.

Like a ghost in the sky, it is difficult to catch.

Moon Worship Villa.

Under the leadership of the third elder, Lin Changsheng successfully received 10,000 Immortal Crystals.

"These ten thousand immortal crystals can be consumed by all of us at Moon Worship Villa for one month. Don't even think about taking them and running away! Otherwise, the people who come with you will not be so lucky!"

The third elder was worried that Lin Changsheng would escape after taking the immortal crystal, so he immediately reminded him.

"rest assured!"

Lin Changsheng left a few words, returned to the room prepared for him, and began to simplify the formation.

[The Fo Guang Evil Suppressing Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】


Looking at the prompts that popped up on the panel, Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

Unexpectedly, the two simplified formations only cost 8,000 Immortal Crystals. It seems that I have earned 2,000 Immortal Crystals!

These 2000 fairy crystals can then be used to simplify the magic.

Lin Changsheng still has many immortal arts before he can get started.

The reason why the large formation is simplified at this moment is because the large formation has a stronger ability to resist the enemy. Although it is very passive, it can only be effective by waiting for the opponent to break in.

But this moment couldn't be more appropriate.

[The simplification of the Fo Guang Evil Suppressing Formation begins. Simplification within simplification is completed. The Fo Guang Suppressing Evil Formation == chanting sutras! 】

[The simplification of the Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation begins. Simplification is completed during simplification. The Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation == Thunder Control! 】

"Reciting sutras? Controlling thunder?"

In this way, the two major formations can be simplified at the same time.

Lin Changsheng recited the Calming Mantra while controlling the thunder to travel throughout his body.

Foguang Evil Suppressing Formation experience value +1!

The experience value of the Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation is +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to recite the Calming Mantra and Control the Heavenly Thunder, the experience points of the two formations continued to increase crazily.

【Fo Guang Evil Suppression Array Completed! 】

[The Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation is complete! 】

In just one hour, the two formations were completely completed.

[The Burning Heaven Locking God Formation (Perfection), the Foguang Evil Suppressing Formation (Perfection), and the Heavenly Thunder Destroying World Formation (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new formation? 】

Just when the two formations were completed, a prompt popped up on the panel.

【Fusion! 】

Lin Changsheng was waiting for this moment, and naturally chose to merge.

[The Heaven-Burning God-Securing Formation (Perfection), the Foguang Evil-Suppressing Formation (Perfection), and the Sky-Thunder World-Destroying Formation (Perfection) have started to merge. The fusion is ongoing. The fusion is completed, and you will get the Thunder Flame-Burning Heaven-Destroying World Formation! 】

"Thunder Flame Burning Heaven and World Destroying Formation?"

Hearing this name, Lin Changsheng knew that this formation was extremely powerful.

[The Thunder Flame Burning Sky World-Destroying Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment the prompt pops up again on the panel.


Seeing this, Lin Changsheng was stunned. He thought that the remaining 2,000 fairy realms could simplify the magic, but he didn't expect that it was not enough.

"By the way, I wonder if they have fairy crystals in their storage bags?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly thought of the two ugly men he had just killed.

Their storage bags were in Lin Changsheng's hands.



Lin Changsheng poured out all the contents of the two people's storage bags at once, making a lot of noise immediately.

"Fortunately, there are almost more than five thousand fairy crystals, which is enough to simplify the use!"

Lin Changsheng took a look at the number of immortal crystals in their storage bags, and felt relieved.


Lin Changsheng said.

More than 6,000 fairy crystals disappeared in an instant.

[The simplification of the Thunder Flame Burning Sky and World Destroying Formation begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Thunder Flame Burning Sky and World Destroying Formation == Thunder Fire Burning Body! 】

"Burned by thunder and fire?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this is simple!

He originally controlled the sky thunder and the immortal fireworks.

In an instant, two forces burst out and surrounded the whole body.

Thunder Flame Burning Heaven and World Destroying Formation experience value +1!

Thunder Flame Burning Heaven and World Destroying Formation experience value +1!

As the two forces continue to operate, the experience value of the Thunder Flame Burning World Destruction Formation continues to increase.

While Lin Changsheng was practicing the great formation here.

Black Tiger Hall.

A burly man with a necklace of monster teeth hanging around his neck kept walking in the hall.

This person is Zhu Hu, the master of Black Tiger Hall.

It stands to reason that the third brother and the sixth brother should have returned long ago when they went to do business. Why is there no news yet?

Even though Zhu Hu had just released his spiritual consciousness and searched everywhere, there was no trace of the third and sixth brothers.

Only traces of a fight were found not far from the reception desk.

"Could it be that the third brother and the sixth brother were killed?"

Zhu Hu was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Except for their Black Tiger Hall and Moon Worshiping Villa, there are no other forces in this place.

So the first thing Zhu Hu thought of was Moon Worship Villa.

"Moon Worshiping Villa is so brave, someone is here -"

Zhu Hu scolded angrily and saw a guard walking in.

"What are the instructions from the hall master?"

The guard said timidly, fearing that Zhu Hu would vent his anger on him.

"Go and call all the leaders back, and tell the brothers to make preparations immediately and prepare for a bloodbath at Moon Worship Villa!"

Zhu Hu said angrily.

He had long wanted to eradicate Moon Worship Villa, but he didn't have the right opportunity.

At this moment, he could no longer contain the anger in his heart, and planned to take this opportunity to destroy the Moon Worship Villa in one fell swoop.


Although the guard didn't understand what was going on, he immediately agreed and quickly turned around and left. (End of chapter)

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