The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 331 Thunder Tribulation, breaking through Haojue, greatly increasing strength [Please subscr

At first, he didn't believe that Lin Changsheng could use the formation to kill many elders of the Moon Worshiping Villa in Black Tiger Hall, and he suddenly felt pain in his cheeks.

He seemed to be severely slapped in the face by this scene at this moment.

But I had to admire Lin Changsheng in my heart. This guy just came from the abandoned land, but he actually knew how to arrange such a terrifying formation.

If he were allowed to learn a variety of immortal arts in the Immortal Realm, his future achievements would be simply unlimited.

Lin Changsheng didn't care what they thought. Killing the Black Tiger Hall would be of great benefit to him and everyone else.

Within the formation, monks continued to die, and streams of rich spiritual energy continued to flow from the formation's eyes and pour into Lin Changsheng's body.

As Lin Changsheng continued to refine, he felt that his cultivation level was increasing crazily.

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the late stage of divine transformation, and there are faint signs of breakthrough.

"Thirty thousand monks are enough to help me break through the Void Refining!"

Lin Changsheng was excited.

Although this formation cannot transfer all the fallen cultivators' cultivation to Lin Changsheng, even if it is one tenth or even one percent, the cumulative effect is enough for Lin Changsheng to break through a large barrier.

"Little beast, do you dare to fight me to the death? What's the point of using a large formation?"

Zhu Hu angrily scolded Lin Changsheng, hoping to use provocation to make the opponent withdraw from the formation. In this way, even if Baiyue Villa cannot be destroyed today, it would be good if he could escape.

As long as you survive, there will always be a chance for revenge later.

Otherwise, if things continue like this, I'm afraid even he will die in the formation.

Hearing Zhu Hu's words, Lin Changsheng's lips raised a smile.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Or do you overestimate your IQ? Why should I fight you when I can kill you with a large formation? You killed my monks in the lower realm indiscriminately. Even if you die a hundred times today, it won't be unfair!"

Lin Changsheng had no intention of letting Zhu Hu go.

This beast is murderous, and any monk who goes to the immortal realm from the lower world will never survive if he falls into his hands.

Killing him today can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!

"You little beast, don't be so arrogant. If I break your formation, I will take your head when I go out!"

Zhu Bao yelled angrily, since the other party was unwilling to fight with them, the only way was to break the formation.

There is a way to break any large formation, and he believes that this formation is no exception.

As long as the formation plate is found, it can be destroyed.

Although Zhu Bao knows a little about formations, he doesn't know much. How easy is it to find the location of the formations?

There are hundreds of mountains in the Moon Worship Villa, but only three of them have formation disks under them.

The chances of finding it are very slim.

Moreover, there are endless fireworks burning above the ground. Once the fire touches the whole body, it will never be extinguished. When the energy in the body is exhausted, the body will be pierced by the flames and die.

"Then I'll wait and see!"

Lin Changsheng sneered, are they the only ones who still want to break this formation? It’s just wishful thinking!

"Second brother, do you really have a way to crack it?"

Zhu Hu asked in surprise. He didn't know anything about the battle method.

"Brother, this guy is entrenched in the Moon Worshiping Peak. The formation disk must be under the peak. As long as the formation disk is destroyed, the formation can be broken!"

Zhu Bao guessed.

"Then you have to be careful! The power of this flame cannot be underestimated. Once it is contaminated, it will be difficult to extinguish!"

Zhu Hu warned, then waved his hand and took out a piece of golden clothing and precious armor from the storage space.

"Put on this golden armor holy garment. This treasure is invulnerable to water and fire, and can withstand the power of flames!"

With that said, Zhu Hu handed the treasure armor to Zhu Bao.

Zhu Bao was not polite. After taking the treasure armor, he went straight to the soles of the Moon Worshiping Peak.

Lin Changsheng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene.

He had long known that the other party would think so, so the array was not at the foot of the Moon Worship Mountain.

Moreover, the Moon Worshiping Mountain is also the center of the formation. Once it gets close, the physical body will be torn apart by a huge suction force.


Arriving at the foot of the Moon Worshiping Mountain, Zhu Bao gathered his strength and swung the Yanyue Sword in his hand, and immediately slashed it out.


The powerful sword light fell on the ground, and there was a violent roar. Suddenly the earth trembled and rocks flew.

After everything settled down, a huge ravine a hundred feet deep appeared on the ground, and there were bright lights shining in it.

Zhu Bao took a look and thought he had found the formation disk, so he immediately jumped into it.

However, as soon as he entered, he felt something was wrong. An extremely strong suction force hit him. The powerful force made it difficult for him to resist, and he was constantly sucked into it. No matter how he used his energy, he could not escape the control of the formation eye.

"Big, big brother, help me——"

Zhu Bao suddenly felt something bad and shouted in panic.

Zhu Hu also wanted to save him, but he was not strong enough!

I am afraid that I will die in the past, and this formation is extremely terrifying.


The next moment, Zhu Bao's skin was torn apart by the huge suction force, until it finally turned into a ball of blood mist and dissipated.

And the treasures such as the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure and the Golden Armor Holy Clothes in his hands all fell in front of Lin Changsheng.

His lifelong cultivation turned into a ball of spiritual energy and was inhaled into Lin Changsheng's body.

"You know very little about the formation, and you still want to break it? That's so shameless! Zhu Hu, it's your turn next!"

After Lin Changsheng absorbed Zhu Bao's cultivation, he said coldly.

Then he immediately controlled the great array of divine power and continuously unleashed thunder and flame attacks on Zhu Hu.


In the sky, under the control of Lin Changsheng, countless thunderbolts blasted down towards Zhu Hu's position.

Zhu Hu was also experienced in many battles and immediately retreated to avoid it.

The power of this thunder cannot be underestimated.

However, he was unable to avoid the thunderous blast, but under the control of Lin Changsheng, the underground fireworks turned into iron chains and wrapped around Zhu Hu.

There were thunder attacks in the sky and flames burning on the ground, making it almost impossible for Zhu Hu to avoid it.

Endless fireworks instantly wrapped around Zhu Hu's ankles and palms, tying them up.

Lin Changsheng grabbed it, and the powerful power of the fireworks directly pulled Zhu Hu into the ground, and he was instantly covered in flames.

"Ah - ah -"

In the flames, Zhu Hu burst into heart-rending screams until the energy in his body was exhausted and he was unable to compete with the flames, and was finally burned into a skeleton.

"The hall master has fallen! The hall master has fallen -"

A leader of the Black Tiger Hall exclaimed. He originally thought that he could destroy the Moon Worship Villa this time, but in the end, he didn't expect that even the leader of the Worship Moon Villa, Zhu Hu, was dead.

Then wouldn't they be able to escape death?

Suddenly the morale of the army was shattered, and everyone wanted to escape, but there was no thought of fighting.

As everyone panicked, the power of the flames and the power of the heavenly thunder became more powerful. In just one stick of incense, all the 30,000 Black Tiger Hall gang members fell into the formation.

Among them were the hall masters Zhu Hu, Zhu Bao and other powerful Void Refiners, as well as more than ten cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. None of them were spared.


The elderly elder of the Moon Worship Villa was shocked and speechless when he saw this situation.

This formation killed more than 30,000 people in the Black Tiger Hall, and it only took a stick of incense?

One can imagine how powerful this formation is.

Just when Lin Changsheng was killing everyone in the Black Tiger Hall, Lin Changsheng finally showed signs of breakthrough after absorbing the magic power of 30,000 extra monks.


In the sky, dark clouds cover the sky, suddenly leading to the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

Seeing such a scene, everyone in the surrounding Baiyue Villa was even more shocked.

Lin Changsheng is actually about to break through to the Void Refining Stage?

You must know that it is difficult for them, the wizards of the Immortal Realm, to reach the Void Refining Stage at Lin Changsheng's age.

Only a peerless genius would have such potential.

"It actually caused a thunder disaster?"

Lin Changsheng was also a little surprised. After cultivating immortality, it was said that the further you break through, the more you go against the will of heaven, and you need to withstand the test of thunder.

If you can endure it, you will be able to practice diligently.

If you can't bear it, you will die.

"Why did Su Changkong experience the Heavenly Tribulation when he broke through to the Divine Transformation Stage, but I only experienced it when I advanced to the Void Refining Stage?"

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng was a little puzzled.

However, thinking that I have no time to transform into a god, it may be because of this that I did not go through the tribulation during the god-transformation stage.

In the distance, Jiujianxian, Cao De and others were shocked when they saw that Lin Changsheng was going to survive the catastrophe.

"Isn't it right? Lin Changsheng has broken through Haozhen and is about to be promoted to the Void Refining Stage?"

Cao De's jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

He hasn't even been promoted to Nascent Soul yet, but Lin Changsheng has started sprinting towards the Void Refining Stage?

This completely surpassed him by two realms!

I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up in his lifetime.

"A strong Void Refiner under the age of thirty is simply unbelievable!"

Jiu Jianxian couldn't help but be shocked. He thought he was over four hundred years old and had only reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, while Lin Changsheng was less than thirty and was about to break through the Void Refining stage. One can imagine how big the difference in cultivation talent between the two was.

"Is this the terrifying cultivation speed of the peerless genius?"

Zhuo Yijian couldn't help but sigh.

I remember that they had stayed together in the Soul-Seizing Land for a period of time. At that time, their cultivation levels were similar, but they didn't expect that they were now in two different worlds.

"I'm afraid we may never see each other again in the future!"

Concubine Yu Ling was also filled with emotion. Lin Changsheng was like a human dragon, he should soar to heaven and earth, but she might only be on one side, and would never be able to reach Lin Changsheng's level in her lifetime.

The two of them are destined not to be on parallel lines, there is only an intersection, and then they will go further and further apart.

Concubine Yu Ling felt a little regretful. Lin Changsheng had rescued her over and over again, but she missed him again and again.

Until now, she has no capital to compare with Lin Changsheng.

"Brother Lin is making a breakthrough!"

Gao Ziyue's eyes shone with joy.

It seemed that Lin Changsheng's breakthrough was just like her breakthrough.


As the thunder clouds gathered to a certain extent, the first thunder light in the sky fell, directly penetrated the formation and landed on Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng only felt numbness all over his body, like an electric shock, and felt nothing else.

However, this does not mean that the power of the sky thunder is weak, but that Lin Changsheng possesses the power of the sky thunder himself, so he has a certain immunity to the sky thunder.

In Jiashen Lin Changsheng has the power of a divine dragon, so his physical body is also very powerful.

The power of the sky thunder should not be underestimated. At this moment, Lin Changsheng's location was completely damaged by the thunder, with gravel flying and the ground scorched black.


After the first thunderbolt fell, the second and third thunderbolts followed.

Every thunderstorm that falls not only tests Lin Changsheng's own strength, but also cleanses Lin Changsheng's marrow in disguise.

All the unbearable things in his body were forced out of his body.

The flesh, blood, meridians, limbs and bones have all been tempered again and again.

Make it tougher.

The Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is the first great catastrophe for monks to defy heaven and cultivate immortality. There are eighty-one tribulations in total, each one more tyrannical than the last.

The success rate is generally around 80%.

Then as Haozhen continues to be broken through, catastrophes will continue to occur, but the success rate will become lower and lower.

According to legend, the success rate of the catastrophe to achieve the immortal body is less than 10%, which shows how difficult it is to cultivate the immortal body.

However, there are also treasures in the world that can increase the success rate of overcoming the tribulation.

Achieving an immortal body is still far away for Lin Changsheng now.

Let’s get through the current calamity first.

As the thunder continued to fall, 80 heavenly tribulations soon ended.

The Moon Worshiping Peak where Lin Changsheng was located was in dilapidated condition after being blasted by thunder, and it no longer looked as rich in immortal energy as it did at the beginning.

Except for Lin Changsheng's clothes being shattered by the thunder, his body did not suffer any damage at all.

This shows how powerful Lin Changsheng's physical body is.

If Lin Changsheng uses the power of the divine dragon, it is estimated that the thunder falling on him will be no different from scratching an itch.

But in this case, Tianlei will not be able to cleanse the marrow.

So Lin Changsheng chose to use his body to catch the thunder.


The last sky thunder transported food for a long time, until finally a huge whirlpool minefield was formed in the sky.

Several thunderbolts intertwined together and fell towards the place where Lin Changsheng was.

"bring it on!"

Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all, and was even a little excited.


The powerful thunder fell on Lin Changsheng's body, instantly razing the entire Moon Worship Villa to the ground.

Lin Changsheng was bathed in the thunder and felt the tempering it brought to him.

The power of the last thunder is indeed more powerful than any of the previous ones.

Even Lin Changsheng frowned slightly, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that this blow was no small matter.

But this last powerful blow also brought great benefits to Lin Changsheng, because this thunder directly shattered his Hao Jue, causing the energy in his body to increase sharply, and he was directly promoted to the Void Refining Stage.

As Yuan Li surged through his body, Lin Changsheng felt that his internal organs and eight extraordinary meridians had greatly increased.

And the sea of ​​consciousness became wider.

As the sea of ​​consciousness grew stronger, Lin Changsheng discovered that the third primordial spirit body had actually condensed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Eighteen thousand miles of divine consciousness!"

With his spiritual consciousness released, Lin Changsheng felt that the range of his spiritual consciousness had reached a terrifying eighteen thousand miles.

This range is extremely terrifying, more than twice as powerful as the normal Void Refining Stage.

[Lin Changsheng: 26/6850]

At the same time, Lin Changsheng checked his longevity and found that it had increased by more than a thousand years.

If he hadn't used the Heavenly Ghost Soul Devouring Technique many times, his longevity would have been far more than seven thousand years.

The thunder ends and the dark clouds disperse.

Lin Changsheng slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

At this moment, the Moon Worshiping Peak is in dilapidated state, with rubble and rubble everywhere.

"Fellow Taoist, I am blind. I never realized that you have such talent and can arrange such a terrifying formation. It really opened my eyes! Please don't blame me for my previous ignorance!"

The Great Elder of Baiyue Villa saw Lin Changsheng getting up and immediately stepped forward to apologize.

He was afraid that if he offended Lin Changsheng, everyone in the Moon Worship Villa would also die.

They must not offend this person! (End of chapter)

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