The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 332: Parting ways to practice immortality [Please subscribe! 】

"Yes! Fellow Taoist, please forgive me!"

"My fellow Taoist has such talent, his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

"Please don't blame us for being negligent! We are also ignorant and didn't know that your friend has such magical powers."

The elders of Baiyue Villa who had previously looked down on Lin Changsheng all came to apologize.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, I'm afraid they would all have been bullied by Black Tiger Hall for many more years.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng could wipe out the Black Tiger Hall all by himself.

This shocked them all, and they became even more in awe of Lin Changsheng.

The fact that he was able to destroy everyone in the Black Tiger Hall also showed that he was strong enough to destroy them at the Moon Worship Villa.

"The elders are serious in their words, and I will win first!"

Lin Changsheng said humbly, and then looked at Jin Guangren, "Sect Master Jin, what about the things left by the monks here belong to me, and the things where the Black Tiger Hall is stationed belong to you?"

More than 30,000 monks died here, there are definitely a lot of storage bags, and there are countless fairy crystal treasures.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng did not intend to give it to Baiyue Villa. After all, he used a large formation to trap and kill it.

"That's natural. If it weren't for the help of Fellow Daoist Lin, we wouldn't have the strength to destroy the Black Tiger Hall. You deserve this!"

Jin Guangren said with a smile.

After the destruction of the Black Tiger Hall, not to mention the capture of many of Black Tiger Hall's treasures, he would be willing to give Lin Changsheng a sum of treasure fairy crystals instead.

After all, this force that has been hostile to them for many years has finally been eradicated.

And in this landform, he, the Moon Worship Villa, could finally become the sole proprietor of the family.

"Then I'm not welcome!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he directly collected the countless storage bags on the ground with a wave of his hand.

As for the corpse, it was very unfortunate that it was burned into bones. This made Lin Changsheng unable to refine the corpse puppet, so he stopped collecting it.

"This place was reduced to ruins due to the power of the great formation. I also ask Master Jin to find a place to establish the clan again."

Lin Changsheng glanced at the charred ground around him and said awkwardly.

This place has been horribly damaged by the great array of divine power. The rocks collapsed and the ground was scorched black.

Even the Moon Worshiping Peak was trampled under Lin Changsheng's tribulation.

Therefore, this place is no longer suitable for sect practice.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The location of Black Tiger Hall is good. Moon Worship Villa can be moved there. Great Elder——"

Jin Guangren called out.

The great elder with white hair and white beard immediately came out, "Sect Master!"

"You immediately lead the elders to the Black Tiger Hall. Don't let anyone go. Collect all the treasures and immortal crystals and have all the sect disciples move to the Black Tiger Hall!"

Jin Guangren ordered.


The great elder responded and immediately directed the other great elders to rush to the Black Tiger Hall. There must be some remnants in the Black Tiger Hall.

This Black Tiger Hall is a big piece of fat!

As long as they swallow the Black Tiger Hall, their Moon Worship Villa will definitely grow a lot.

After finishing his words, Jin Guangren also planned to leave.

"Sect Master Jin! Did you forget something?"

Lin Changsheng said immediately when he saw Jin Guangren was about to leave.

"Look at my memory, fifty thousand immortal crystals, right?"

As he spoke, Jin Guangren directly called out a storage bag and handed it to Lin Changsheng.

This was the condition he promised to Lin Changsheng. As long as the Black Tiger Hall was destroyed, 50,000 immortal crystals would be given to him.

Lin Changsheng peeked into it with his spiritual consciousness and found that it was filled with fairy crystals, the number of which was definitely not less than 50,000.

"Thank you so much, Master Jin!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied. Not only had he absorbed the cultivation of many monks from Black Tiger Hall, he was promoted to the Void Refining Stage, and his strength was greatly increased.

I also got 50,000 fairy crystals to simplify my magic. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

"If I have nothing else to do, I will leave first. Oh, by the way, if the disciples who came with you are willing to stay in my Moon Worship Villa, I will cultivate them carefully and I will never bury their talents!"

After Jin Guangren finished speaking, he turned into a rainbow and rushed towards the Black Tiger Hall station.

We must catch all these fish that have slipped through the net.

After Jin Guangren left, many disciples who had followed Lin Changsheng from the abandoned land immediately surrounded him.

"Brother Lin, congratulations! You have been promoted to the Void Refining Stage!"

Gao Ziyue was the first to congratulate.

It seemed that Lin Changsheng was as happy as her cultivation was improving.

"You've hidden it well enough! I was even worried that you would brag and blow it off, but I didn't expect that you could actually destroy the forces of the Immortal Realm. It's simply unbelievable!"

Cao De also looked at Lin Changsheng with a shocked expression.

Although he also knew that Lin Changsheng had extraordinary cultivation and great potential.

But he didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be able to destroy the forces in the Immortal Realm.

Immortal realm forces, even if they are not popular sects and gangs, there are still strong Void Refiners in charge, which is not something he can get involved with.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng used a large formation to kill the opponent's entire army.

"Thanks to the fairy crystal given by Sect Leader Jin, the power of the formation can be brought into full play. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this!"

Lin Changsheng said humbly, "Sect Master Jin has agreed. As long as you are willing to stay, he will do his best to cultivate you. Of course, you can also choose not to stay at Baiyue Villa and find other sects to rely on. It depends. It’s your wish!”

Lin Changsheng expressed Jin Guangren's thoughts and wanted to see what they were planning.

"I won't stay here anymore. I just came to the Immortal Realm and I want to see everywhere. Besides, at my age, I have no potential at all!"

The Jiujianxian took out the wine gourd, took a sip of strong wine and said.

His mission was accomplished, and he was now free.

The Immortal Realm is so vast, and he plans to look everywhere. Even if he unfortunately dies in the Immortal Realm, he feels that he will die without regrets.

"I choose to stay!"

Zhuo Yijian then said that he knew his ability.

With Jin Guangren's respect for Lin Changsheng, he knew that the other party would never treat them badly.

If he doesn't stay in this sect, other sects may not take him in.

After all, they are only golden elixir cultivators. Compared with the geniuses of the Immortal Realm, they can be described as ordinary.

It is better to stay at Baiyue Villa and concentrate on practicing.

"I'll stay too!"

Concubine Yu Ling also said immediately.

She and Zhuo Yijian had the same idea. If they didn't stay here, they really didn't know where they would go.

After all, their talents are not as high as Lin Changsheng's, and they are not able to explore the fairyland alone.

Once their cultivation levels are separated from the protection of the sect, they may fall faster than ants.

As Zhuo Yijian and Yu Lingfei chose to stay, not to mention the other disciples, they all chose to stay.

"Okay, you stay in Baiyue Mountain Villa to practice cultivation. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely come to see you!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

Lin Changsheng was relieved that they were staying in this sect.

Because Jin Guangren is not a confused person, he will definitely not be harsh to the disciples of the sect.

Otherwise, he would not have ignored all opinions and allowed him to destroy the Black Tiger Hall.

"Brother Lin, where do you plan to go?"

Gao Ziyue looked at Lin Changsheng's reluctance to leave. She knew that they would be separated after arriving in the fairyland. She didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"I may go to the fairy palace, now it's time to take it one step at a time!"

Lin Changsheng responded, he was not very sure about his next move.

But he couldn't stay in a small sect.

There is no way to protect his safety here.

It will even bring disaster to everyone.

Lin Changsheng could only rely on the top five giants in the Immortal Realm.


Gao Ziyue muttered silently, as if she wanted to write down the name of this sect so that she could go to the Immortal Palace to look for Lin Changsheng in the future.

"Hurry up and follow the sect master to the Black Tiger Hall. You might be able to find some treasures! I'm going to find a place to meditate for a few days, and then I'll leave!"

Lin Changsheng said.

Now that he has the Immortal Crystal, he naturally puts practicing Immortal Technique first and does not dare to delay for a moment.

After all, he knew that once people from the Tianming Sword Sect and the Gu family learned of his whereabouts, they would definitely come to kill him as soon as possible.

"Okay! Take care, Fellow Daoist Lin!"

Cao De said with cupped fists, and then shot through the air in the direction of Black Tiger Hall.

Then Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Gao Ziyue and others also left one by one.

In the end, only Jiu Jianxian, Yan Zhen and Zhao Shuang'er were left.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, it is my great fortune to meet you once. We are destined to meet you in the future!"

Jiu Jianxian took a sip of strong wine and smiled cheerfully.

"Senior Sword Immortal said it sternly, it's also my luck!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"Cherish it! Hahaha——"

The Jiujianxian left a few words, laughed and left with his sword.


Lin Changsheng didn't know if he would have a chance to see Jiu Jianxian again in the future.

It feels like the Immortal Realm is full of dangers, and Jiujianxian relies on his mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation to wander around the Immortal Realm, which is somewhat dangerous.

But since this was the other party's choice, Lin Changsheng couldn't say more.

Then only Yan Zhen and Zhao Shuang'er were left.

What Lin Changsheng didn't expect was that Yan Zhen also chose to leave, saying that a memory led her to a place. Although she didn't know where it was, it seemed to be very important to her.

And Zhao Shuang'er actually chose to follow Lin Changsheng.

"Sister Zhen, be careful all the way!"

Lin Changsheng was a little worried, but knowing this matter should be very important to Yan Zhen.

After he merged with the memory of the Frost Empress, his identity was not just as simple as Yanzhen, but maybe he was the servant of the Frost Empress calling her.

"Chang Sheng, please be careful along the way. If you have a chance, come to me in the ice and snow sea!"

After Yan Zhen finished speaking, she also jumped away.

It seems that something is very important and must be completed.

After Yan Zhen left, only the thin Zhao Shuang'er was left.

Although Zhao Shuang'er is thin, her face is very delicate.

"Aren't you afraid of danger if you follow me?"

Lin Changsheng asked Zhao Shuang'er curiously.

"Danger? There are many dangers in dangerous places. Danger is always present for me!"

Zhao Shuang'er responded.

She didn't want to stay at the Moon Worship Villa, firstly because she had already reached the Divine Transformation Stage, and the things she could learn at the Moon Worship Villa were probably limited.

Second, she admired Lin Changsheng from the bottom of her heart, so she wanted to travel with him to the fairyland.


Hearing what Zhao Shuang'er said, Lin Changsheng was speechless, as if she was right.

Danger is indeed everywhere in the evil land, and it is no less difficult than in the fairyland.

"You can follow me if you want, but everything you need on the road is at my discretion!"

Lin Changsheng also readily agreed. The journey to the Immortal Palace was long, so it would be nice to chat with someone!

I saw Zhao Shuang'er nodding like a chicken eating rice.

"Then I'll call you Shuang'er from now on, right?"

Lin Changsheng said.

"Well, can I call you Brother Changsheng?"

Zhao Shuang'er asked cautiously.

Lin Changsheng smiled after hearing this, "Of course it's no problem!"

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng began to dismantle the formation and took out all the array plates and bases.


After canceling the formation, Lin Changsheng took Zhao Shuang'er and left thousands of miles away. They found a hard-to-find cave and drilled in. This cave was so vast that it was as big as two football fields.

You have to admire the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

Lin Changsheng then took out all the storage bags, dumped everything out at once, and began to check the results.

This time, they killed 30,000 monks from the Black Tiger Hall and obtained a lot of treasures, fairy crystals.

Especially the storage bags of the leaders of the Black Tiger Hall.

There are more than 70,000 immortal crystals in total, more than ten magical treasures, as well as various monster materials, medicinal materials, elixirs, immortal arts, etc.

The rest of the staff have slightly less fairy crystals. The total number of them is only more than 30,000, which is only one fairy crystal per person on average.

"One hundred and fifty thousand fairy crystals, thirteen low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, a great harvest!"

Lin Changsheng calculated it. From this battle, Lin Changsheng gained a total of 150,000 Immortal Crystals. He also obtained thirteen low-grade Heavenly Spiritual Treasures from the storage bags in the hands of everyone in the Black Tiger Hall.

After the fusion of these low-grade spiritual treasures, stronger magic weapons can be born.

"Simplify the magic first!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself and then opened the panel.

I plan to perfect the magic skills that have not been simplified to perfection first.

[Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery has been detected. Do you want to spend 3000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Detect the six-arm magic, do you want to spend 10,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? 】

[To detect the ghost sky step, do you want to spend 3000 cents to simplify it? 】

Three prompts immediately popped up on the panel.

What Lin Changsheng wanted to simplify the most was the six-arm magic.

When this technique is perfected, six arms can be multiplied, and then the combat power will be greatly increased.

Moreover, this magical technique is also very powerful, and the amount of fairy crystals it needs to consume is actually equivalent to that of Taixu Immortal King.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng is very wealthy now, otherwise he might not be able to afford it easily.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked Simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery Technique has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery Technique == playing with fire! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the six-armed magic begins...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the six-armed magic == rubbing hands! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Ghost Shadow Sky Step has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification has been completed, the Ghost Sky Step == running! 】

"Playing with fire? Rubbing hands? Running?"

Looking at the simplified results, Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

These three items can be used to gain proficiency at the same time.

So Lin Changsheng couldn't run away, while rubbing his hands, the eternal fireworks running in his body surrounded him.

Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery Experience Points +1!

Six-arm magic experience value +1!

Ghost Sky Step experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng kept running, rubbing his hands, and playing with fire, his proficiency in the three major immortal arts continued to increase crazily.

This scene made Zhao Shuang'er on the side dumbfounded. This elder brother of longevity actually has these weird hobbies? (End of chapter)

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