The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 333 The six-arm magic is perfected, and the three top-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasu

It is five hundred thousand miles away from Lin Changsheng's training place.

A man with a ghostly face shrouded in black robes suddenly felt shocked when he looked at the blood jade in his hand.

"This kid actually broke through to the void refining stage?"

The ghost-faced man was greatly surprised, and his whole body was filled with a thick evil aura.

The giant blade bound by the iron chain behind it seemed to feel his murderous intention, and it roared suddenly, as if it wanted to break through the restraints and kill the enemy for its master.

This person is Luo Shang from the Tianming Sword Sect who is responsible for hunting down Lin Changsheng.

He originally thought that Lin Changsheng was just from the lower world. Even if his cultivation talent was amazing, he would only be at the stage of becoming a god.

However, he did not expect that Lin Changsheng would break through to the Void Refining Stage shortly after arriving in the Immortal Realm.

This level of cultivation talent had to surprise Luo Hunchang.

This child must not be kept, otherwise if he is allowed to grow, he will definitely become a major stumbling block for the Tianming Sword Sect in the future.

Luo Shang immediately sped up and rushed towards the direction of Lin Changsheng.

Also hundreds of thousands of miles away from Lin Changsheng, a sturdy man sitting on the back of a Pegasus suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the oil lamp in his hand, and a picture emerged.

The picture turned out to be the scene of Lin Changsheng surviving the catastrophe, which made the burly man frown slightly.

"You kid really didn't disappoint me. If you wait half a month, I will let you die in my hands. It will be considered a great blessing for you!"

Gu Shan said coldly.

It seemed that killing Lin Changsheng was as easy as crushing an ant.

[Three Thousand Thunder Flame Archery is perfected! 】

[The six-arm magic is perfected! 】

[The Ghost Shadow Sky Step is completed! 】

Two hours later, with Lin Changsheng's continuous improvement of proficiency, the three major immortal arts were finally perfected.

"Shuang'er, I want to retreat for a while, you go outside to protect me!"

Lin Changsheng opened his mouth and said to Zhao Shuang'er on the side. It was not convenient for Zhao Shuang'er to see what he was about to release next.


Zhao Shuang'er agreed and left the cave. She also knew that Lin Changsheng must have some secrets that were not convenient for her to discover.

"Six-arm magic!"

After Zhao Shuang'er went out, Lin Changsheng couldn't wait to use the six-arm magic.

In the next moment, his whole body shone brightly, and then his four arms grew again.

Just like the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, although it is not so dense, it still looks a little weird.

But Lin Changsheng doesn't care whether it's weird or not, as long as it can enhance his strength, it's a good magic.

"One arm holds a knife, both arms draw the bow, one arm holds the blood jade bracelet, one arm holds the whip, and the remaining arm uses fist and palm attacks. The strength will definitely increase a lot!"

Lin Changsheng thought about it in his mind. This way, he could launch several attacks in an instant. Even if the opponent was much stronger than him, he might not be able to withstand them.

With the six-arm magic, one person can be used as three people. How can the combat effectiveness not be improved?

"It's time to integrate the Tongtian Lingbao!"

Lin Changsheng found that he had a lot of spiritual treasures in his hand, and it was useless to keep them. It was better to fuse them, maybe he could fuse them into a stronger magic weapon.

[120 high-grade spiritual treasures were detected. Are they merged into 12 low-grade Tongtian spiritual treasures? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel.

Most of these more than 120 spiritual treasures were obtained from many monks in Black Tiger Hall.

Although they are from the Immortal Realm, not all of them are strong, so it is normal that most of them use magic weapons and spiritual treasures.

Only monks above the divine transformation stage have the opportunity to obtain the Tongtian Lingbao.


Lin Changsheng clicked Fusion without hesitation.

In the next moment, 120 high-grade spiritual treasures shone brightly, and then slowly merged together. Finally, 12 low-grade Tongtian spiritual treasures appeared in front of him.

[26 low-grade Tongtian Lingbao were detected. Are they merged into 13 medium-grade Tongtian Lingbao? 】

The panel prompts again.

Because Lin Changsheng originally had 13 low-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasures obtained from the leaders of the Black Tiger Hall, so the total number reached 25. In addition, Lin Changsheng held the Thunder Flame Divine Bow, which was also a low-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, which was just right. 26 pieces.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion again.

The 26 extremely bright low-grade Tongtian Lingbao were merged again, and in the urging brilliance, 13 middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao finally appeared in the field of vision.

[15 middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao were detected. Are they merged into 3 high-grade Tongtian Lingbao? 】

The panel prompts again.

Because Lin Changsheng already had the Sky-Opening Sword and the Blood Jade Bracelet in his hand, and they happened to be middle-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasures.

A total of 15 pieces in total.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion again.

The 15 brilliant divine blades, under the control of Lin Changsheng, once again shimmered and merged with each other.

If others saw this scene, they would probably be shocked.

A mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao is already very rare, but Lin Changsheng obtained 15 pieces at once, and was able to fuse them into 3 high-grade Tongtian Lingbao. Treasures of this level can only be obtained by some Mahayana monks. What a treasure!

But Lin Changsheng got three pieces at once, which was simply unbelievable.

After the fusion of light dissipated, only three groups of light remained.

[Please select the weapon type for the three top-grade Tongtian Lingbao that were fused, including knives, swords, guns, sticks, axes, and halberds]

"Knife! Bow! Bracelet!"

Lin Changsheng decisively selected these three weapon categories.

Because this exactly corresponds to the Sky Opening Sword, Thunder Flame Divine Bow and Blood Jade Bracelet.

If he changes to another weapon type, Lin Changsheng will have to adapt to it for a while, which is a bit of a waste of time.

Only by using handy treasures can you exert greater power.

Buzz buzz——

With bursts of radiance flashing, the weapon type of the three high-grade Tongtian Lingbao has begun to take shape.

[Selected type successfully, please name the three high-grade Tongtian Lingbao? 】

The panel prompts again.

"Evil-Breaking Sword, Divine Thunder Bow, Ten Thousand Blood Bracelet!"

Lin Changsheng thought for a moment and named it.

[Named successfully! 】

When the prompt popped up again on the panel, the three light groups in front of him dissipated, and what appeared in front of Lin Changsheng were three high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

As if to echo the name, the three-handled top-grade Tongtian Lingbao actually matched the name given by Lin Changsheng.

This evil-breaking knife is five feet long, and there is a half-month gap on the back of the knife above the tip. The tip of the knife becomes extremely sharp, and it seems that it can really kill all evil.

This knife is filled with a strong holy aura, as if it can purify all evil.

There are mysterious lines running on the blade, making this blade look extraordinary, as if it is sacred and untouchable.

"There are 19 restrictions in total, top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, what a great knife!"

Lin Changsheng felt the Evil-Breaking Knife, and suddenly felt the sharpness of the blade and the power of the restraint.

If it exceeds twenty levels of restrictions, it can reach the level of Tongtian Immortal Treasure!

In other words, this evil-breaking sword is definitely the most powerful magic weapon among the Tongtian spiritual treasures.

call out--

Lin Changsheng swung the blade, the blade was so sharp that it seemed to be able to tear apart space.

However, it is not convenient to use it in the cave, so I can only try it out. After I get out, I can use it to see how powerful it is.

After waving it a few times, Lin Changsheng felt that the weight and sharpness of this evil-breaking knife had met Lin Changsheng's expectations, and he couldn't put it down.

After playing with it for a while, Lin Changsheng put away the Evil-Breaking Knife, then picked up the Divine Thunder Bow and observed it carefully.

It was found that the whole body of this divine thunder bow flashed with thunder and lightning, showing a golden color.

"This long bow still has some weight. I wonder if it can withstand my full pull of the bow?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that the Thunder Flame Divine Bow in front of him was a little too strong for Lin Changsheng to use with all his strength, and it somewhat restricted Lin Changsheng's archery skills.

I wonder if this divine bow can be used at full strength?

Too late——

Lin Changsheng slowly pulled the divine thunder bow, and the power of thunder and lightning spread out instantly. Like thunder, the power of thunder and lightning traveled throughout Lin Changsheng's body.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng himself has the physique to control thunder, so the thunder and lightning wandering around his body will not cause any harm at all. Others would probably be killed by the power of thunder and lightning.

After a moment, Lin Changsheng frowned slightly, because Lin Changsheng did not pull the divine thunder bow to the full moon. It was only half-moon, which was very difficult.

However, above the bow and arrow, a lightning arrow was fired from the neighbor, flashing with bright thunder, and the power was astonishing.

"Yes, if the power of the divine dragon is unleashed, it will definitely be able to pull it into a full moon!"

Lin Changsheng was also very satisfied with this divine thunder bow.

Then put it into the storage bag, and finally the Ten Thousand Blood Bracelet.

This bracelet is made from a fusion of blood jade bracelets.

In addition, it was contaminated with the blood of thousands of people in the Black Tiger Hall, so Lin Changsheng named it the Ten Thousand Blood Bracelet.

The whole body of this bracelet still shows a blood-red color.

Lin Changsheng can still control its size, and its power is much more powerful than before.

"Go out and try your power!"

Lin Changsheng was not willing to look at their appearance. He had to use their power to know how powerful the attack could be.


Lin Changsheng directly smashed the mountain, flew into the sky, and escaped into the sky.

Then he ran in the sky, like a ghost, and the naked eye could only catch black shadows.

Zhao Shuang'er below saw this and was immediately shocked, "Brother Changsheng is so fast!"

This is the ghost sky step that Lin Changsheng has just perfected. He can walk in the sky as if walking on flat ground, and he can jump and shuttle as fast as a ghost.

"The speed of the Perfect Level Ghost Shadow Sky Step is dozens of times faster than the Sky Chasing Immortal Step."

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, this magical technique is fast, far from being comparable to the lower realm magic technique.

After trying the Ghost Shadow Sky Step, Lin Changsheng instantly used the Six-Armed Magic again. Light bloomed all over him, and four arms were instantly multiplied like Nezha.

Lin Changsheng held a knife in one hand, a bow in both hands, and a bracelet of ten thousand blood in one hand.


Lin Changsheng shouted and immediately launched three attacks.

The strongest one is an unstoppable sword light in front, followed closely by dense lightning arrows with the power of flames attached to them.

The last thing that rushed out was a bloody bracelet as tall as a mountain.


In an instant, three attacks suddenly landed in the forest in the distance, and bursts of explosions erupted.

The first thing to fall to the ground was the huge sword light.

The sword light evolved into a half-moon posture, and blasted to the ground with an invincible and powerful momentum, directly cutting the mountain in half, revealing the smooth mountain body, and then suddenly tilted and collapsed.

And when the sword light fell to the ground, it directly cut out a huge bottomless ravine. The rocks above were flying and the ancient trees were broken. The power was very terrifying.

Then thousands of thunder rockets fell to the ground. Each thunder rocket hit the ground like a meteorite impact, creating huge pits. The flames in the pits continued for a long time, killing the ground. The whole thing was scorched black.

In terms of impact, the Ten Thousand Blood Bracelet was the most powerful. Any mountain that dared to block the Ten Thousand Blood Bracelet was instantly blasted away.

Wherever they passed, rocks collapsed and vegetation was destroyed, presenting a scene of destruction.

Almost instantly, the land ten miles ahead was reduced to rubble by Lin Changsheng.

If there were people here, Lin Changsheng's move could wipe out tens of thousands of people.

If he were to fight Black Tiger Hall again, he would be able to instantly kill the opponent without using a large formation.

"That's right! Now I have the ability to protect myself when encountering ordinary monks from the Immortal Realm, but if I'm dealing with a strong person, I'm afraid it's still not enough!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the fighting power that exploded at this moment.

Although he still has some magic skills that he can learn from the leaders of Black Tiger Hall.

But now is not the time to study, you must rush to the fairy palace without stopping.

Once you reach Asgard, you will be considered safe.

Otherwise, if he encounters masters from the Tianming Sword Sect and the Gu family on the road, Lin Changsheng may die.

Because there are so many powerful people in the Immortal Realm, in the Void Refining Stage, they are just bigger ants, still vulnerable to a single blow.

Just like the World-Destroying Buddha, a powerful man who might already be a semi-immortal would die, let alone him.

Be careful to sail the ten-thousand-year boat, Lin Changsheng does not dare to take his own life as a joke.

A real man must be able to bend and stretch.

"Brother Changsheng, where did you learn this magical power?"

Zhao Shuang'er was shocked when he saw that Lin Changsheng actually had six arms.

Because she had heard from the older generation that there used to be a great god in a dangerous land who saved the human race.

This god has six arms and is extremely powerful. His whole body is shrouded in golden light, and no one has ever seen his face clearly.

Zhao Shuang'er thought it was a fake at first, but he didn't expect that the six arms he saw from Lin Changsheng were real.

In this way, the gods mentioned by the older generation definitely exist.

Lin Changsheng might have received such magical powers because he had received the inheritance from the gods.

"To be honest, this is a dangerous place. I accidentally obtained the inheritance from a senior, so I can use such magical powers!"

Lin Changsheng did not need to hide Zhao Shuang'er, after all, this was not a secret.

"Is this legend true? Great, brother Changsheng, you will definitely become a god-like and powerful person in the future!"

Zhao Shuang'er said excitedly.

This made Lin Changsheng a little overwhelmed. He didn't dare to ask for anything from the gods.

As long as you have the strength to protect yourself, that's enough.

"I hope so! Shuang'er, let's go on our way, we can't stay here for long!"

Lin Changsheng removed the six-arm magic, put away the treasure and responded.

Then he waved his hand to summon the Lightning and Thunder Eagle. Riding on the Lightning and Thunder Eagle would definitely be more comfortable than traveling by himself.

Moreover, the Lightning and Thunder Eagle is extremely fast and can travel tens of thousands of miles in a day. If you are lucky, you can reach the Immortal Palace in one month.

"Yeah! Listen to Brother Changsheng!"

Zhao Shuang'er nodded obediently, facing Lin Changsheng's words, she had no resistance at all.

At this moment, she already regarded Lin Changsheng as a god. (End of chapter)

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