The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 336: Blood Demon Devouring God Skill, Immortal Realm Prodigy List [Please subscribe! 】

After escaping, Lin Changsheng did not dare to stop at all and rushed towards the Immortal Palace.

Only by arriving at the Immortal Palace and joining its sect can one be protected by the sect, and then one's life can be guaranteed.

And now there is one more enemy chasing Lin Changsheng, and that is the Blood Clothes Sect.

"It's such a pity. It would be great if we could also obtain the red blood python!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, if he also obtains the red-trained blood python, even if he becomes an enemy of the Blood Clothes Sect, there will be no worries.

Lin Changsheng learned from Jian Lao that the Blood-clothed Sect was not ranked at all in the Immortal Realm, and could only be considered a third-rate force at best.

The master's cultivation level will not exceed the Mahayana stage.

Compared with the top giant power Immortal Palace, it can be easily destroyed with all hands.

"Although the Void Refining Stage is enough to protect oneself against ordinary monks, it is still powerless to defend against strong ones!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but marvel at the number of powerful people in this world. The monks he encountered were all in the God Transformation and Void Refining stages, and the ones with a little status were all powerful combined warriors.

He felt that his cultivation level was still too low in the early stages of his cultivation.

Lin Changsheng directly took out a drop of blood jade essence from the storage space.

Although this blood jade spiritual marrow is bleeding red, it looks crystal clear, and bursts of rich spiritual energy continue to spread from it.

"Take a drop first and see the effect!"

Lin Changsheng raised his head and swallowed a drop of blood jade essence.

This blood jade spiritual essence gathered the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After entering the belly, a very strong spiritual energy spread out instantly.

Lin Changsheng only felt a cool feeling in his belly at first. However, as the spiritual energy spread more and more, Lin Changsheng felt a burning and tingling sensation in his body.

It seemed that even the physical body could not bear the aura of heaven and earth.

"A drop of blood jade spiritual essence has such powerful spiritual energy?"

This surprised Lin Changsheng.

However, it was too late to think too much at this moment, and he started to run the Taixu God King's final refining crazily.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng's physique is strong enough, and he has the existence of Taixu God King Art. Otherwise, if ordinary people use the spirit marrow method like this,

It will definitely be exploded by the spreading spiritual energy.

The refined Yuan Power wandered among the lilies in his limbs, giving Lin Changsheng a feeling of extreme comfort. It seemed that his whole body was bathed in clear spring water, and every pore was breathing crazily and greedily.

And Lin Changsheng's cultivation level also continued to improve crazily under the nourishment of spiritual energy. In just one stick of incense, Lin Changsheng had already broken through to the intermediate stage of the early stage of void refining, and then the spiritual energy in his spiritual marrow gradually became smaller. Until finally it all dissipates.

"Will one more drop reach the peak of the early stage of void refining?"

Lin Changsheng felt the changes all over his body and suddenly became ecstatic.

A drop of blood jade spiritual marrow has such an effect. How abnormal is the pool that Xiaobai absorbed?

And Xiaobai swallowed so much spiritual essence in one gulp and nothing happened?

This guy is such a monster.

There was no time to think too much, Lin Changsheng was now very eager for strength, he raised his head and swallowed another drop of blood jade spiritual marrow.

With the lessons learned from the past, it will be easier to absorb the blood jade spiritual essence this time.

The spiritual energy melted in Lin Changsheng's body again, and even though he felt burning discomfort, Lin Changsheng was no longer worried at all.

After another stick of incense had passed, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level had indeed successfully reached the peak of the early stage of Void Refining.

However, Lin Changsheng did not dare to take it anymore at this time, because he clearly felt that the increase of the blood jade spiritual marrow on him had gradually become smaller.

The last drop should be reserved for taking when you break through the deficiency refining stage. This can increase the chance of integration and avoid failure at the critical moment, which may be a small gain.

"Not bad, not bad. He has already reached the peak of the early stage of void refining at a young age. Compared to the entire Immortal Realm, he is considered a genius."

Jian Lao couldn't help but marvel when he saw Lin Changsheng's rapid improvement in cultivation.

This kid seems to be a cultivating evildoer. He is willing to accept any amount of spiritual energy that comes to him, and he can absorb any amount of spiritual energy that comes to him.

Jian Lao was wondering what kind of immortal method Lin Changsheng used to be so domineering?

"Oh? A wizard from the Immortal Realm is only in the Void Refining Stage?"

Lin Changsheng was curious.

But it's normal to think about it. Above the refining stage is the integration stage, and above the integration stage is the Mahayana stage.

Even in a giant sect like Immortal Palace, monks in the Mahayana stage can serve as elders.

Therefore, the cultivation level of the disciples is normal between transforming into gods and refining the void.

Of course, it is not excluded that some disciples who have been practicing for hundreds of years will enter the integration stage.

Therefore, at Lin Changsheng's age, being able to reach the Void Refining Stage is not far behind even compared to the disciples of the giant sect in the Immortal Realm.

"Exactly, at your age, even a wizard from the Immortal Realm can only reach the Void Refining Stage. Only those who have practiced for hundreds of years can reach the Integrated Stage."

Jian Lao said, this is exactly what Lin Changsheng thought.

But compared to his disciples, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is not much weaker, but compared to the powerful ones, it is not at all weak.

Especially the strong men from the Tianming Sword Sect and the Gu family.

Lin Changsheng was very sure that these two major forces would definitely send strong men to hunt him down.

As soon as he stops, they will catch up to him soon.

"Even so, we can't slack off!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, then stopped talking and began to read the fairy books in the storage bag.

"Desolate Sky Overlord Body Technique (remnant chapter)! Heavenly Star Transformation Technique! World-shattering palms of gods, sky-shaking earth-shaking fists!"

Lin Changsheng looked through it and planned to practice these four immortal arts first.

The Huang Tian Ba ​​Ti Technique (remnant chapter) and the Tian Xing Face Changing Technique are obtained from Guji's storage bag.

This Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique can temporarily improve your cultivation level, and when refined, it can be integrated with the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique.

Maybe after the fusion, the cultivation level that can be improved will be even more.

Lin Changsheng also plans to practice the Heavenly Star Appearance Changing Technique so that it can be integrated with the method of rebirth so that the appearance change will not be easily noticed.

As for the remaining palm skills and boxing skills, Lin Changsheng feels that they are his weaknesses. Once he does not use Lingbao, his hand-to-hand combat ability will become a shortcoming. If he plans to practice the two major immortal skills to perfection, he will be able to compete with the original boxing skills and palm skills. law fusion.

This way the melee combat ability will be a bit stronger.

[Introduction to the Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique (Remnant Chapter)! 】

[Introduction to the Star Face Transformation Technique! 】

[Introduction to the World-shattering Palm of the Gods! 】

[Introduction to the Heavenly Vault Earthshaking Fist! 】

Four hours later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the four immortal arts.

[The Desolate Heaven Tyrant Body Art (remnant) has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Star Face Changing Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 2500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The World-Shattering Palm of the Gods has been detected. Do you want to spend 4,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Vault Earthshaking Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 3500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt pops up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng now had a lot of immortal crystals in his hands, so he naturally chose to simplify without hesitation.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Huangtian Ba ​​Ti Jue (the remaining part) begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Huang Tian Ba ​​Ti Jue (the fragment) == being beaten! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Star Transformation Technique begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Star Transformation Technique == stargazing! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the World-Shattering Palm of the Gods begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed, the World-Shattering Palm of the Gods == wave your hand! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Vault Earthshaking Fist begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Heavenly Vault Earthshaking Fist == punch! 】

"Being beaten? Stargazing? Waving hands? Pumping fists?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the results of simplifying the Four Immortal Techniques, but it was a bit difficult to get beaten.

But the next moment, Lin Changsheng saw Zhao Shuang'er beside him, wouldn't he just ask her to hit him?

This panel doesn't say how heavy it is to be beaten. Doesn't beating yourself on the back count as being beaten?

"Brother Changsheng, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhao Shuang'er suddenly blushed when Lin Changsheng stared at him.

He couldn't help but lower his head shyly.

At this age, she has never been alone with the opposite sex, so it is inevitable that she will start to bump into each other.

"Shuang'er, what do you think of me treating you?"

Lin Changsheng asked in a provocative manner.

"Brother Changsheng is of course very kind to me, and even more so to the Demon God Tribe for saving his life. I'm afraid my two sons will never be able to repay this kindness in their lifetime!"

Zhao Shuang'er lowered his head and held the corner of his clothes with his hands as he said, but his heart was beating like "bang bang". Could this elder brother Chang Sheng be thinking?

"In that case, it shouldn't be difficult for you to help me pat my back! My back has been feeling a little uncomfortable lately!"

Lin Changsheng saw that Zhao Shuang'er had said this, so he moved his shoulders and said.

Only then did Zhao Shuang'er come out of his fantasy. It turned out to be a slap on the back?

It seems that I really think too much.

If Brother Changsheng really wanted to do that, she probably wouldn't object.

After all, Lin Changsheng is the genius she admires most now, comparable to a god.

"Of course, no problem!"

Zhao Shuang'er raised his head and exclaimed in surprise, then tiptoed behind Lin Changsheng and started to beat Lin Changsheng's back.

[Desolate Heaven Tyrant Body Technique (remnant chapter) experience value +1! 】

[Desolate Heaven Tyrant Body Technique (remnant chapter) experience value +1! 】

The next moment, his proficiency in the Huangtian Ba ​​Body Technique began to increase crazily!

"Sure enough!"

Lin Changsheng was overjoyed.

Now that the method of gaining proficiency in the Wild Sky Tyrant Technique has been solved, it will be much easier to watch the stars, wave your hands, and pump your fists.

Lin Changsheng drew some stars on the paper and started watching them.

Then his two hands were not idle, one hand punched and the other waved his palm.

[Experience value of Heavenly Star Face Changing Technique +1! 】

[Experience value of Gods’ World-Shattering Palm +1! 】

[The experience value of Tianqiong Earthshaking Fist +1! 】

With Lin Changsheng's movements, the proficiency of the remaining three major immortal arts also increased crazily.

Zhao Shuang'er saw that Lin Changsheng did not forget to practice while on the road, and he admired Lin Changsheng even more.

As time goes by, the sun sets soon.

[Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique (Remnant Chapter) Completed! 】

【The Heavenly Star Face Changing Technique is Complete! 】

[The world-shattering palms of the gods are complete! 】

[The sky-shaking earth-shaking fist is complete! 】

At this time, Lin Changsheng had finally mastered the four great immortal arts to perfection.

[The Desolate Heaven Tyrant Body Technique (Fragment) (Perfection) and the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated with each other? 】

[It has been detected that the Heavenly Star Transformation Technique (Perfection) and the Rebirth Technique (Perfection) are integrated with each other? 】

[The world-shattering palms of the gods (consummation), and the coming of ten thousand Buddhas (consummation), are they integrated with each other? 】

[Tianqiong Earthshaking Fist (Perfection), Skyshaking Dragon Fist (Perfection), are they integrated with each other? 】

The panel finally popped up a fusion prompt.


Lin Changsheng was waiting for this moment, so naturally they all chose to merge.

[Desolate Sky Tyrant Body Technique (Fragment) (Complete), Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique (Complete), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, obtain the new immortal technique Blood Demon Devouring God Technique! 】

[The Heavenly Star Transformation Technique (Perfection), the Rebirth Technique (Perfection), the fusion has begun. The fusion is in progress. The fusion is completed, and you will obtain the new Immortal Technique Dou Zhuan Star Transformation Disguise Technique! 】

[The World-Destroying Palm of the Gods (Perfection), Ten Thousand Buddhas Come to the Palace (Perfection), Fusion Begins. Fusion is in Progress. Fusion is Completed, Obtain the New Immortal Technique The World-Destroying Palm of the Gods! 】

[The Sky-shaking Earth-shaking Fist is completed, the Sky-shaking Divine Dragon Fist is completed, the fusion begins. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, and you get the new immortal technique Dragon God Breaking Heaven Fist! 】

"The Blood Demon Devouring God Technique? The Star Transformation Technique? The World-Destroying Palm of the Gods? The Divine Dragon's Heaven-Shattering Fist?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the fused magic.

[The Blood Demon Devouring God Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 4,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Star Transformation Disguise Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 4500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The World-Destroying Palm of the Gods has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Dragon God Breaking Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The panel prompts again.

Sure enough, the more powerful the magic, the more fairy crystals it needs to be simplified.


Lin Changsheng once again chose to simplify.

Fortunately, he obtained a lot of immortal crystals from Black Tiger Hall, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to withstand such consumption.

It can easily be simplified by tens of thousands of immortal crystals.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Blood Demon Devouring God Technique begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Blood Demon Devouring God Technique == Blood Observation! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Star-shifting Disguise Technique begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Star-shifting Disguise Technique == watch the beauties! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed. The World-Destroying Palm of the Gods == clap! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Dragon God’s Heaven-breaking Fist begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. Dragon God’s Heaven-breaking Fist == Fighting the Dragon! 】

"Watching blood? Watching beauties? Clapping your hands? Fighting dragons?"

Lin Changsheng thought for a moment, could these four simplifications be carried out together?

It seems to work too.

But Zhao Shuang'er needs to be sacrificed again.

"Brother Changsheng, it's so lively down there!"

Zhao Shuang'er looked at a city below, and the streets were busy and lively, and he suddenly said with joy.

Lin Changsheng saw the yearning look on Zhao Shuang'er's face and couldn't help but sigh. Zhao Shuang'er was born in a dangerous place. He had never seen such a prosperous scene.

"It's getting late, why don't we stay here for one night and show you around? We'll be on our way tomorrow!"

Lin Changsheng suggested.

"Really? That's great!"

Zhao Shuang'er was very happy when he heard that he was going to stay here for one night.

Lin Changsheng then controlled the Lightning and Thunder Eagle to land outside the city, put it into the spirit beast bag, and the two of them walked into the city side by side.

"Have you heard that the Fairyland Talent Ranking will be held in half a month? All young talents under the age of thirty can participate. Once they get a better ranking, they can get the respect of all the giant sects. !”

"Yes! I've heard about it too. It's said that all the top sects will come to watch it. Once there is a talented person, they will offer an olive branch to win over him!"

"This is a good opportunity for ordinary people to show their talents!"

"This is not an opportunity for ordinary people to show off their skills, but for the great geniuses to show off their skills. It is said that their cultivation has not reached the stage of becoming a god, and they are not even qualified to participate!"

"God Transformation Stage? This requirement is too high!"

As soon as Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er entered the city, they heard a group of monks walking past, saying three words that were inseparable from the "Third Talent List"! (End of chapter)

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