The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 337 Tiger Strengthening Technique? The romantic prodigy Hou Shaojie [Please order! 】

"All major sects will be there by then?"

Lin Changsheng made some calculations in his mind.

Since all the major sects will go there, Immortal Palace will definitely be there by then. Why do I bother rushing to Immortal Palace so much?

Wouldn't it be better to directly participate in the Genius List?

It's possible that if you perform well, you can gain the respect of the No. 1 force.

"A few immortal masters are staying here. I just heard you say that the Genius List is about to be launched. I wonder where I can participate?"

Lin Changsheng walked forward quickly and asked the people who had just spoken.

These people looked Lin Changsheng up and down, as if looking at a country bumpkin.

This guy is dressed in ordinary clothes. There is no way he is a disciple of a big family, let alone the genius of the sect. He actually wants to participate in the genius list? What a joke.

"Brother, the Tianjiao List is not something ordinary people can participate in. There is no divine transformation stage in your cultivation. If you go, it will be in vain. You should go back and practice hard!"

One of the young men ridiculed that in his opinion, Lin Changsheng could not be a monk in the Divine Transformation stage at all. It would be great to have a Golden Core stage or Nascent Soul stage.

However, Lin Changsheng was not angry and directly took out two fairy crystals from the storage bag.

"If you are willing to tell me, I will give you two fairy crystals with both hands!"

Lin Changsheng knew that these people were a bit contemptuous of others, and sacrificing two fairy crystals in order to obtain information was nothing.

When several people saw the fairy crystal, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"I said, I said, this year's Tianjiao List will be held in the Lian Shen Sect!"

A young man spoke first, and then snatched the two immortal crystals from Lin Changsheng's hand.

"Where is the God Refining Sect? How far is it from here?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

"Almost 100,000 miles to the south! Brother, I should be able to speed up the pace in time!"

The monk who obtained the Immortal Crystal immediately responded, seeming to know everything at the moment.

After Lin Changsheng learned the main news, he left with Zhao Shuang'er.

For Lin Changsheng now, one hundred thousand miles is just a few days.

It's not like rushing to the Liuyun Immortal Sect in the Land of Immortal Relics, which took more than a year.

Since there is still some time, Lin Changsheng will not waste it. He plans to practice his immortal skills and try to break through to the middle stage of virtual refining before the start of the competition.

In this way, when competing with the genius of the Immortal Realm, you can have an extra chance of winning.

"Isn't it? They're all full?"

Lin Changsheng took Zhao Shuang'er to find several inns and found that they were all full.

It is estimated that because of the Tianjiao List, many monks rushed to Lian Shen Sect, so there were not enough rooms.

"Boy, check out!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave with Zhao Shuang'er, he heard a man's loud shout.

A man hugged two women and slowly walked out.

The man was dressed very gorgeously, with particularly dazzling blond hair, a high nose, and handsome appearance.

When Lin Changsheng saw the other person, the man also saw Lin Changsheng.

However, Lin Changsheng's plain clothes did not arouse the other party's interest at all.

"Mr. Hou, since you are enjoying yourself so much, how about we watch the lanterns tonight?"

A woman said coquettishly.

"Anything goes, anything goes!"

The man agreed readily.

Then he took the refund and passed Lin Changsheng.

However, when the other party saw Zhao Shuang'er, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"What a pure girl——"

Hou Shaojie stopped and looked at Zhao Shuang'er with clear eyes. This was the first time he had seen such clear eyes.

Because Zhao Shuang'er had always lived in a dangerous place before, he had never seen such a prosperous scene, so his face was clear and longing.

Hou Shaojie was immediately infatuated with this look in his eyes and his inexperienced expression.

"Girl, how about spending a night with me for a hundred immortal coins?"

Hou Shaojie looked directly at Zhao Shuang'er and directly offered a price of one hundred immortal coins.

In the Immortal Realm, what monks circulate is Immortal Crystal.

What mortals circulate is fairy coins.

Under the fairy coins there are gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

One hundred immortal coins is not a small amount, which shows that Hou Shaojie is generous.

However, after hearing these words, Zhao Shuang'er's eyes suddenly turned cold and filled with murderous intent.

This guy actually humiliated himself like this?

"What? Don't want to? Then five hundred immortal coins are fine, right?"

Hou Shaojie continued.

Although he also saw Zhao Shuang'er's eyes turning cold, he didn't believe that Zhao Shuang'er could pose much of a threat to him.

After saying this, Hou Shaojie planned to grab Zhao Shuang'er's hand.

However, Lin Changsheng grabbed his hand halfway.

Lin Changsheng exerted force on his palm slightly, wanting to teach the other party a lesson, but he did not expect that the other party's cultivation level was not weak, and he was also a monk in the Void Refining Stage.

Even his cultivation level is obviously higher than that of Lin Changsheng, and he has reached the middle stage of Void Refining.

"If you don't get out, I'll let you come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes were also very unkind.

When this kid bullies Zhao Shuang'er, he is ignoring himself.

"Oh? I want to see how you let me go out sideways!"

After saying that, Hou Shaojie pushed away the two women beside him and planned to fight Lin Changsheng.

"Two guests, how can this small shop stand up to your fight? Peace is more important than peace!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao'er quickly came out to persuade him, but how could Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie pay attention to him?

Hou Shaojie was the first to attack, punching Lin Changsheng directly in the face.

Lin Changsheng was also very agile in defense and directly used a palm to resist.


With the sound of a solid collision, both of them took a few steps back.

Although the two of them didn't say much, they both unanimously did not use their Yuan Power.

After the move fell, Lin Changsheng no longer passively suffered the enemy, and flew forward directly to blast out a punch, which was the powerful and heavy Shenlong Sky-breaking Fist.

The power of this punch should not be underestimated. The opponent was obviously unable to withstand it, and was beaten back repeatedly by this punch.

"What a strong fist!"

Hou Shaojie didn't seem to expect that Lin Changsheng had such a strong body and could even compete with him.

Although he had only passed two moves, he could still tell that the other party was extremely powerful.

Hou Shaojie liked this kind of powerful young talent. He immediately squeezed his fists, and an extremely tyrannical force burst out. His whole aura changed drastically, his body became muscular, and a head appeared behind his back. The shadow of a tiger.

"If you can catch my punch with your body, do you think I lose?"

Hou Shaojie seemed to be very confident in his physical strength and smiled immediately.

"Immortal magic to strengthen your body?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, he didn't expect that the Immortal Realm also has a way to strengthen the body? I don’t dare to be careless at this moment.

"Okay, then I want to see how strong your physical body is?"

Lin Changsheng agreed, and then directly exploded the power of the dragon.


A dragon roar sounded deafening, and then a dragon shadow fell into Lin Changsheng's body.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng's physical body increased like crazy.

"The power of the Dragon God?"

This scene made Hou Shaojie dumbfounded.

What is the origin of the other party? There is actually the power of a divine dragon?

However, at this moment, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired. Hou Shaojie had no choice but to punch out.

This punch was blasted out, and the air was roaring.

One can imagine how powerful this punch is.

If you use your original energy, this punch is enough to shake mountains and seas.

Facing the powerful punch, Lin Changsheng did not evade at all, but also punched forward.


A powerful roar came out.

It seems that the shadows of dragons and tigers can be seen behind the two of them.

It lasted for three full breaths, neither of them took a step back, and they were evenly matched.

"Okay, I lose!"

Hou Shaojie stopped his hand, folded his fists and admitted defeat.

The opponent's physical strength is indeed not weaker than him at all.

"Brother is so good at cultivation, but I, Hou Shaojie, was the one who made the mistake!"

Hou Shaojie immediately changed his face to a kind one, which surprised Lin Changsheng.

Hou Shaojie likes young talents. If Lin Changsheng is not strong enough, he will definitely sneer at him.

But the other party's cultivation level is comparable to his. He may not be able to defeat him even if he fights with all his strength, so he will naturally treat him with courtesy.

The other party apologized, and Lin Changsheng was also unkind and unforgiving.

"that's humble!"

Lin Changsheng responded simply.

"Brother, what a blessing! I have something to do today, so I won't apologize. I'll see you another day, and I'll definitely keep you company!"

As he spoke, Hou Shaojie glanced at Zhao Shuang'er, then left with the two young girls in his arms.

In Hou Shaojie's opinion, Zhao Shuang'er must be Lin Changsheng's little girlfriend, which made his mouth water.

Such an innocent little girl must be very interesting.

"Let's go Shuang'er!"

Lin Changsheng saw Hou Shaojie leaving, and he also planned to change to another inn.

"Guest, Guest, they just checked out, and there happens to be a couple's room. Can't you guys stay? Other inns are basically full now! If you miss it, you may have to sleep on the road!"

When the waiter saw Lin Changsheng was about to leave, he immediately stepped forward and said.

He also knew that the two of them had reserved their hands in the fight just now, otherwise their inn would definitely be in danger.

"Couple room? This"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster when he heard about the couple's room. Is it appropriate for him and Zhao Shuang'er to sleep in the couple's room?

"Brother Changsheng, since it's full, let's stay here, right?"

Zhao Shuang'er lowered his head and spoke, but his cheeks were already very red.

Since Zhao Shuang'er said so, how could he, a grown man, refuse.

"Okay, open one!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"Okay, six gold coins per night for a couple's room, and a deposit of ten gold coins!"

The waiter registered Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng didn't have any gold coins in his hand, so he could only take out a fairy crystal.

"Should we use this head office?"

Lin Changsheng placed the Immortal Crystal on the table.

When the waiter saw that it was Xianjing, his eyes widened.

Immortal crystals are more valuable than immortal coins! Not to mention gold coins.

One fairy crystal is comparable to a hundred fairy coins or ten thousand gold coins.

The spiritual energy in the Immortal Crystal is extremely rich, which cannot be compared with Immortal Coin.

"Sir, we can't find him here!"

The child looked bitter and had an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Keep the change, please!"

Lin Changsheng still has a lot of fairy crystals in his hand, and one fairy crystal is neither painful nor itchy for him.


The child immediately happily welcomed the two of them to the third floor.

The rooms on the third floor have not been completely cleaned yet.

Lin Changsheng just took a look and found that it was terrible inside.

The bedding in the room was in a mess, water from the pool was spilled outside, and there were countless rose petals on the ground.

It can be seen that Hou Shaojie had a lot of fun with the two girls just now.

It took about as long as a stick of incense was spent to tidy up the inside before it was completely clean.

Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er just stepped into it.

This is indeed a couple's room, and the atmosphere of ambiguity is fully present inside.

The floor is paved with rose petals, the bed is covered with light gauze, and the bedding is patterned with mandarin ducks.

The pools on the side are all shaped like hearts.

"One, a bed?"

Lin Changsheng felt helpless when he saw that there was only one bed in the room. Wouldn't it mean that the two of them had to sleep together at night?

Although if you practice to a certain level, you can meditate at night instead of sleeping, but you can’t sit on the ground or a chair, right?

The two of them still have to be in the same bed.

If something happens to this dry fire, Lin Changsheng can't guarantee it.

"Brother Changsheng, I'm going to take a shower first!"

Zhao Shuang'er said nothing and ran directly to wash up, which made Lin Changsheng even more confused.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng knew the meditation mantra and recited it a dozen times before he calmed down.

After washing, Zhao Shuang'er became purer, with her wet hair showing her delicate posture.

"Shuang'er, let me take you out for a walk! I heard that there is a Lantern Festival tonight, we just want to go and enjoy it!"

Lin Changsheng felt that staying in the room all the time was a test for him, so he planned to go outside for a walk.


Zhao Shuang'er was very happy when he heard that he could go out for a walk.

After simply tidying up, Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er went outside to watch the lanterns.

The lanterns include ancient Kongming lanterns and water lanterns.

Kongming lanterns are placed in the sky, while water lanterns are placed in the water, flowing downward along the river. I don’t know where it will flow.

"Sir, miss, would you like to put out lanterns? One silver coin for each lantern!"

A woman selling lanterns immediately stepped forward and said after seeing Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er.

Lin Changsheng saw Zhao Shuang'er's longing look and immediately bought two.

When he went out, Lin Changsheng asked the waiter to exchange some gold and silver coins, so he would not be in the awkward situation of not having gold coins again.

Otherwise, if he kept using fairy crystals to buy things, even Lin Changsheng wouldn't be able to afford it.

"It is said that making wishes is most effective when putting out lanterns. Shuang'er, if you have any wish, you can try it!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the lanterns that Zhao Shuang'er was about to release and said.

Zhao Shuang'er immediately believed it was true. After releasing the lanterns, he began to close his eyes, clasped his hands together and made a wish.

It took a while before I opened my eyes.

"What wish did you make?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously.

Zhao Shuang'er's face turned red when he heard Lin Changsheng's question.

"My wish won't work if I say it!"

After the words fell, Zhao Shuang'er ran away.

"This girl is still pretending to be mysterious!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Then he bought two sets of suitable clothes for himself and Zhao Shuang'er on the street.

You can't always dress so shabbily, otherwise others will look down upon you.

This man relies on clothes, horses and saddles, and it is true that he relies on clothes.

After Lin Changsheng bought new clothes for Zhao Shuang'er, his whole person looked completely new again, even with a bit of fairy spirit, just like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

This is the advantage of having a good-looking face.

Even a skinny figure cannot hide the beauty of her face.

Although Zhao Shuang'er is a little thin now, as long as his nutrition keeps up, he will become plump in just a few days.

After all, Zhao Shuang'er is also a monk, so he can't be that fat.

Lin Changsheng believed that Zhao Shuang'er would definitely be a great beauty in the future.

Lin Changsheng also changed into a set of brocade clothes, and his overall temperament improved a lot.

Once you practice the Dou Zhuan Xing Shi Disguise Technique to perfection at night, you can change your appearance.

At that time, it will be difficult for the Blood Clothes Sect to find him and take revenge. (End of chapter)

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