The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 338 Ten Thousand Beasts Gate, the Hou family invites each other, and the road between enemie

With the change of clothes, Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er attracted the attention of many people along the way.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way -"

Just as the two were wandering on the street admiring the beautiful scenery around them, a roar came out, and a huge armored beast appeared in everyone's sight.

This armored beast is three feet tall and extremely huge, somewhat resembling a rhinoceros.

At this moment, the armored beast was rampaging on the street, trampling the ground into pieces.

Lin Changsheng found two people standing on the back of the armored beast, a man and a woman.

The man was in his early twenties and quite handsome.

The woman is in her late teens and looks very pretty, but both of them have a look of arrogance between their eyebrows, which makes people very unhappy.

The scolding came from the man's mouth. It seemed that if these people refused to get out of the way, they deserved to be trampled to death by the armored beast.

"not good!"

Zhao Shuang'er discovered that on the path of the armored beast, a four or five-year-old boy was playing on the street, and did not notice the arrival of the armored beast at all.

Once you are stepped on or even kicked down, you will definitely die.

Zhao Shuang'er immediately stepped forward and punched the armored beast, trying to resist it.

Even though Zhao Shuang'er is thin, his cultivation level is not weak, it is enough to reach the early stage of becoming a god.

This punch was thrown out with such force and force that the space exploded.


Under the violent collision, the armored beast was directly hit by the punch and was knocked back several steps. It stumbled and almost threw the two people off its back.

After repelling the armored beast, Zhao Shuang'er took the child to a safe area.

"Where did you come from, a dead girl, who dares to block my mount? I think you are impatient. Do you know who I am?"

The man sitting on the armored beast shouted angrily, as if his status was very noble.

"I don't care who you are. You are running around on a monster in the city, and you are not afraid of hurting the people? I think you are no different from the beast you were praised for."

Zhao Shuang'er also looked displeased and said angrily, "These people rely on their own cultivation and have no regard for the lives of others. They are simply more hateful than monsters."


The man was so angry at Zhao Shuang'er that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Are these ants considered living beings? If you kneel down and admit your mistake, I might be happy and spare your life!"

The woman beside her raised her snow-white neck and wrote lightly.

He didn't care at all about the life and death of these civilians. As soon as he said these words, there was a burst of abuse from the surrounding area.

"Who are these two people? Are you so arrogant? Do you think riding an armored beast is enough to be powerful?"

"You don't know these two people? They are the sons and daughters of the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The male is named Dugu Yong, and the female is named Dugu Yan. They are both at the stage of becoming gods and above. They may be on the list of geniuses. !”

"Children of the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect? These two people seem to have some background!"

"No, his mount's cultivation level is not simple, and ordinary monks are no match for it!"

"Then wouldn't it be terrible for this little girl to provoke the other party?"

"Hey, what a pity. This girl means well, but she offends someone she shouldn't offend!"

People around him suddenly started talking.

"You want me to admit my mistake to you? That's just wishful thinking!"

It was naturally impossible for Zhao Shuang'er to admit his mistake.

"Okay, then let me teach you a lesson!"

A cold light flashed in Duguyan's eyes, intending to teach this ignorant person a lesson.


As soon as he finished speaking, Duguyan waved the long whip in his hand and whipped it towards Zhao Shuang'er.

The long whips made a crashing sound in the air. Most people's eardrums could not withstand such a roar, and they would become deaf in both ears.

However, Zhao Shuang'er was not afraid at all. He watched the long whip attack and planned to compete with the opponent.

It's a pity that the opponent's cultivation level is not only much higher than that of Zhao Shuang'er, but he also has a spiritual treasure in his hand to support him.

After a few moves, Zhao Shuang'er was at a disadvantage.


Seeing that Zhao Shuang'er was defeated, Dugu Yan immediately became murderous and swung her long whip to strike again.

If Zhao Shuang'er was hit by this blow, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.


However, the next moment, when the whip was about to hit Zhao Shuang'er, a figure stood in front of him and directly caught the whip with his palm.

This figure was like a towering mountain, blocking everything in front of it.

This person is none other than Lin Changsheng.

After discovering that Zhao Shuang'er was outmatched, Lin Changsheng was naturally the first to step forward.

Lin Changsheng relied on his physical strength to stretch out his arm and directly catch the long whip drawn by the opponent.

This made Duguyan's pupils widen involuntarily.

Knowing that this person's cultivation level is much stronger than him, he can do this.

"Who are you?"

Duguyan was filled with anger.

But they didn't dare to attack Lin Changsheng at will, for fear of offending someone they couldn't afford to offend.

"Are you worthy of knowing my name?"

Lin Changsheng used his palm force and directly snatched the long whip from the opponent's hand.

Then he waved the long whip in his hand and drew it out repeatedly.

Whatever the other party had just done to Zhao Shuang'er, he would take it back.

Seeing the long whip coming, Dugu Yong and Dugu Yan did not dare to be careless and immediately retreated.

The long whip struck the armored beast, causing it to scream.

Even if the armored animal's hide and flesh were thick, it couldn't withstand the power that Lin Changsheng unleashed.

In the end, the armored beast was beaten to the ground, dying.

"You dare to hurt my mount?"

Duguyan looked at Lin Changsheng and yelled angrily.

"This is the first and last time. If you dare to see you riding a monster beast in the city next time, you will be like this monster beast!"

Lin Changsheng threw out the whip in his hand and was too lazy to continue arguing with them.

Lin Changsheng already has enough enemies. If he kills these two people, he may offend the people of Wanshou Sect.

Although they made mistakes, their sins did not lead to death.

If the other party still refused to give up, he wouldn't mind sending them both on their way.


"Little sister, forget it, we are no match for this man, let's find out his identity first!"

Dugu Yong persuaded Dugu Yan that if the other party really came from a giant force, they really couldn't afford to offend him.

Judging from the strength exploded by the opponent, this guy is at least in the Void Refining Stage.

Such cultivation at this age is not something that ordinary forces can cultivate.

"Hmph, don't let me meet him next time, otherwise I won't let him go easily!"

Duguyan felt a little unable to swallow this breath, and felt very unhappy.

However, there is no way at this moment.

Because the two of them were indeed no match for Lin Changsheng.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er disappeared into the crowd.

And their armored beast was injured, so they probably had to use their feet when they rushed to Lian Shen Sect.

"Brother Changsheng, have I caused trouble for you?"

On the way back, Zhao Shuang'er felt a little sorry for Lin Changsheng.

He got him into trouble again.

In front was Hou Shaojie, and now is the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

"You did nothing wrong. You can do this to save people, which is already amazing! Brother Changsheng is proud of you!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and comforted Zhao Shuang'er.

It is precisely because she has such a simple idea that her eyes are so clear and simple!

Then on the way back, both of them stopped talking, and the atmosphere became awkward.

"The two guest officers are really talented and beautiful, a perfect match!"

Just after returning to the inn, the waiter flattered Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er when he saw them.

Because after changing clothes, the two of them changed so much that the waiter almost didn't recognize them.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Shuang'er's face turned red and he ran back to the room.

"Brother Changsheng, thank you!"

After returning to the room, Zhao Shuang'er's face turned red with embarrassment and he did not dare to look up at Lin Changsheng.


This is what Lin Changsheng has been waiting for. He can't do without Zhao Shuang'er to improve his proficiency!

Now is a good time to speak.

"Shuang'er, can you do me a favor?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Zhao Shuang'er and said.

Lin Changsheng simplified the magic of immortality, and one of them wanted to watch beautiful women. Isn't this Zhao Shuang'er ready-made?

Is it possible that he ran out to find someone else?

"Chang, brother Changsheng, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will promise you!"

Zhao Shuang'er's face turned red with embarrassment, but Lin Changsheng didn't notice it.

"I have reached a bottleneck in practicing a certain skill. I need to see beautiful things to gain opportunities for breakthroughs. I wonder if you would like to let me watch them for a while!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.


This made Zhao Shuang'er a little unexpected. He thought it would be

The result is just watching yourself?

"Don't worry, just watch as usual!"

Lin Changsheng thought that Zhao Shuang'er had misunderstood, so he immediately explained.

"Brother Changsheng is kind to me, don't tell me, it's just natural, no problem!"

Zhao Shuang'er naturally would not refuse and agreed directly.

Seeing that Zhao Shuang'er agreed, Lin Changsheng asked her to sit on the bed and put a drop of blood between her eyebrows. This way she could not only look at the person, but also the blood.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Blood Demon God Devouring Skill experience value +1!

The experience value of the Star Shift Disguise Technique is +1!

As Lin Changsheng watched beautiful women and watched blood, the two major magical arts continued to grow crazily.

While watching, Lin Changsheng kept clapping his hands, as if he was admiring a piece of art.

The experience value of the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods +1!

The experience value of the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods +1!

As Lin Changsheng clapped his hands, the experience value of the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods continued to increase crazily!

As for the final Shenlong Heaven-breaking Fist, Lin Changsheng couldn't use his hands to fight the dragon, so he could only practice it later.

This is already very good. I believe that in a few hours, the three great immortal arts will be perfected and will be even more powerful.

Even if he fights against Hou Shaojie physically, it will not be a draw.

However, although Lin Changsheng is practicing immortality.

But when the waiter passing by outside heard the noise coming from the room, he was filled with envy.

Because the sound of clapping hands is really similar to that sound.

I thought Lin Changsheng was having an in-depth exchange with Zhao Shuang'er.

"I'm so envious!"

The waiter murmured and left slowly.

[The Blood Demon Devouring God Skill is completed! 】

[The art of disguise is completed! 】

[The world-destroying palms of the gods are completed! 】

Time flies, three hours have passed, and the night is already dark.

Lin Changsheng finally cultivated the three immortal arts to perfection.

However, he did not use it immediately, but continued to practice Shenlong Tiansha Fist.

Lin Changsheng drew a dragon on the paper, and then beat it with his fists.

Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist experience value +1!

Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist experience value +1!

The next moment, the experience value of Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist continued to increase crazily.

Although Lin Changsheng's movements were a bit weird, Zhao Shuang'er didn't ask any more questions.

She knew what Lin Changsheng wanted to tell her, so she would naturally say it.

If she didn't want to say anything, it would be rude for her to ask.

So I waited obediently until I couldn't stand it any longer and fell asleep.

[The Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist is complete! 】

Another hour later, the Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist was finally completed.

The moon was directly overhead outside.

Looking at Zhao Shuang'er sleeping deeply, Lin Changsheng missed Yu Wenjing very much for a moment. I wonder if she is doing well now?

Lin Changsheng planned to go back and take a look after he stabilized.

After all, he has the Taixu Temple in his hand and can take it as he pleases.

Then Lin Changsheng stopped thinking and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice.

With the operation of the Taixu God King Art, all the spiritual energy in a ten-mile radius was absorbed by Lin Changsheng in an instant, and became very thin.

This Taixu God King Jue is not an ordinary Immortal Sect technique, and its training speed is terrifying.

A night of silence.

Even after a night's practice, Lin Changsheng still failed to break through the early stage of void refining and enter the middle stage of void refining.

It seems that the opportunity is not yet available.

Dong dong dong——

Early that morning, there was a knock on the door. Lin Changsheng stepped forward to check. Unexpectedly, it was the waiter who came.

"Guest sir, Master Hou invites you to visit the Hou family!"

The waiter conveyed.

Because someone came to the Hou family early in the morning and said that Lin Changsheng needed to be notified immediately after he woke up.

The sooner the better, the waiter doesn't dare to delay.

So he knocked on the door early, fearing that he would be late. If Lin Changsheng left, he would be in great trouble.

"The Hou family? Is he the one who used the Tiger Strengthening Technique yesterday?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"Exactly, that body-strengthening method is the Hou family's secret method! Ordinary people can't learn it!"

The waiter said.


Lin Changsheng responded, and then planned to call Zhao Shuang'er to go together.

Otherwise, Lin Changsheng would not worry if Zhao Shuang'er was left alone in the inn.

Because they offended the Wanshou Sect two people last night, they might have a grudge and come to visit them.


Lin Changsheng woke up Shuang'er, and then after washing up, the two went out.

The Hou family seems to be very famous and has an extraordinary status in Kowloon City.

It is located in the center of the city and covers an extremely wide area.

There are monks guarding the door, and two huge stone lions look extremely majestic.

Perhaps Hou Shaojie had already given the instructions, so the journey into Hou's house was smooth.

It wasn't until he arrived at the Hou family's main hall that Lin Changsheng discovered that there were actually many young talents gathered here, all of whom were above the divine transformation stage.

Among them, the two people from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect who met last night were actually among them. This made Lin Changsheng frown. It seemed like enemies really didn't get together!

"It's you?"

After Dugu Yan saw Lin Changsheng, her eyes suddenly turned cold.

This guy was actually invited by the Hou family?

"Do you know each other?"

This actually surprised Hou Shaojie. He didn't expect that Duguyan and the others actually knew each other?

"More than just acquaintance? We even had a spar last night!"

Lin Changsheng said calmly, not taking the other party seriously at all.

He just came to see if Hou Shaojie was okay. If not, he would leave.

I'm not here to chat with these two people. (End of chapter)

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