The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 339: Tianxing Tiger Fist, defeat the enemy with one arrow, invincible in the Void Refining S

The people around them suddenly realized that Lin Changsheng and the Dugu brother and sister seemed to be having a bit of a holiday.

I saw a tall man in brocade clothes standing up slowly on the high seat.

"There must be some misunderstanding between the two of you. As the saying goes, we don't know each other without fighting. It can be regarded as a fate. For the sake of someone like me, how about we turn the hostility into friendship?"

The burly man said with a smile. It seemed that he didn't want to offend anyone.

After all, what we have to do down here is much more important than these petty fights. It is better to maintain the relationship between everyone.

Hou Kui seemed to hold a lot of weight in the eyes of everyone. As soon as he spoke, the anger in Duguyan's eyes immediately dissipated.

I don’t know if I am suppressing it now or if I have other plans.

"Since Uncle Hou said so, we will naturally obey!"

Duguyan said.

She knew that she was no match for Lin Changsheng now, and she would take revenge on him when she had the chance.

Hou Kui then looked at Lin Changsheng, as if asking what he meant.

"I have long since stopped taking this matter to heart. I wonder what the Master of the Hou family would do by inviting us here?"

Lin Changsheng asked bluntly.

He believed that there must be something, and it should be more important, otherwise he would not invite many of their young talents to gather together.

"Then let me tell you the truth. I invite you all here this time because I hope that many young talents will participate in the Talent List, so that I can help my son and enter the top three giant sects!"

"Of course, this is not free!"

Bang bang——

Hou Kui clapped his hands and saw the butler walking up with a plate of storage bags.

"Each of these storage bags contains tens of thousands of fairy crystals. Once this is done, my Hou family will still be grateful!"

Hou Kui looked at the many young talents and said.

His Hou family is indeed one of the richest in Kowloon City, and they also practice secret arts within the family, which is why Hou Shaojie has such terrifying cultivation at such a young age.

But it is precisely because his cultivation has reached the bottleneck that the Hou family can cultivate, so he hopes that Hou Shaojie can enter the big sect to practice.

And this time on the list of geniuses, it is undoubtedly not the best opportunity.

Hou Kui knew that the Talent List was not just a one-on-one competition to select geniuses, but was selected by three elimination mechanisms.

Therefore, it requires the cooperation of Lin Changsheng and others to make Hou Shaojie rank higher.


This actually surprised Lin Changsheng.

Then the inquiry immediately asked Jian Lao.

"This Fairyland Talent List is held every ten years. There are three rounds of elimination mechanisms. The first round is to select one hundred people, the second round is to compete for talent, and the third round is to compete for personal cultivation!"

Jian Lao said slowly.

Only then did Lin Changsheng understand more.

It just so happened that Lin Changsheng was going to participate in the Tianjiao List, and he would get the Ten Thousand Immortal Crystals for nothing.

"The Master of the Hou family is so interested, how could we refuse! I would rather obey your orders than be respectful!"

A plump-looking fat man said with a smile and took out a storage bag directly from the tray.

Then the rest of the staff stepped forward to get it one by one.

Most of their cultivations are in the stage of becoming gods, and it is simply impossible to get a higher ranking on the list of geniuses.

So being able to receive 10,000 Immortal Crystals as a reward is pretty good.

Then Lin Changsheng was not polite and stepped forward to get a storage bag.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hou, I will do my best to help you! If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Lin Changsheng cupped his hands and said.

"Brother Lin, please stay!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, Hou Shaojie shouted.

"Yesterday's battle with Brother Lin was a little unsatisfactory. I wonder if Brother Lin can reward me and fight again today? Of course, regardless of victory or defeat, I will give Fellow Daoist Lin a gift."

Hou Shaojie himself was a militant, and basically all the geniuses in Kowloon City were beaten up by him.

It's rare to meet someone with Lin Changsheng's level of cultivation, so he plans to have a showdown today.

Hearing Hou Shaojie's words, Lin Changsheng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. It happened that he had perfected the three great immortal arts, so he wanted to see how powerful they were?


Lin Changsheng decisively agreed, which surprised everyone around him.

"How dare this kid agree? Does he have the strength to fight Master Hou? Impossible, right?"

"Yes! Looking at his age, he seems to be a year or two younger than Mr. Hou! Could it be that he has been promoted to the Void Refining Stage?"

"You'll know just by looking at it. As long as you take action, you can tell the difference between high and low!"

"If this guy fights Master Hou, he will definitely be defeated within three moves!"

The young talents in the surrounding area immediately started talking, and they all felt that Lin Changsheng and Master Hou would be vulnerable if they tried to attack each other.

Even Dugu Yan on the side had a sneer on her lips, ready to watch Lin Changsheng make a fool of himself.


Hou Shaojie made an invitation gesture, and then led Lin Changsheng towards the backyard martial arts practice field.

The Hou family is extremely vast, with row upon row of buildings and countless pavilions and pavilions.

After passing through several corners and behind several courtyards, we finally came to a vast land for martial arts practice.

There is a stone platform here, which is more than thirty feet long and wide, and there are divine patterns around it.

Lin Changsheng knew at a glance that there was a formation here, probably a protective formation, which could block all the aftermath of the fighting inside and prevent it from spreading out.

Otherwise, if the monks fight with all their strength, this place will definitely be destroyed.

"Brother Lin, there is an isolation formation here that can block all attacks from the combined monks below, so there is no need to be restrained, just use it!"

Hou Shaojie said with a smile after getting on the stone platform.

"So good!"

Lin Changsheng also had a smile on his lips.

He was still worried that he wouldn't be able to use it, so he wouldn't hold back this time!

The other young talents also followed, and when they saw Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie on the stage, they immediately looked like they were watching a good show.

"Dad, please activate the formation. I want to fight Brother Lin again!"

Hou Shaojie said to Hou Kui.

Hou Kui didn't believe that Lin Changsheng had the power to fight with his son. Although Lin Changsheng's cultivation level made him a little confused, he felt that at such an age, it was absolutely impossible for him to have cultivation level above the Void Refining Stage.

After all, at his age, in the Void Refining Stage, even if placed in a giant sect, it would be a very dazzling existence.

But Lin Changsheng didn't have any sect.


Hou Kui agreed, and immediately placed a fairy crystal in each of the five formation eyes, and then activated the formation.


I saw a layer of white light rising from the edge of the arena, covering the entire arena like water waves.

"Brother Changsheng, be careful!"

Zhao Shuang'er couldn't help but worry, because she knew that Hou Shaojie's cultivation was extraordinary, and in the battle that day, the opponent did not fully unleash his cultivation.

The other side will definitely use their full strength today.

"Hey, you're sleeping in the same room, and you still call me Brother Changsheng? Shouldn't I call you Brother Good?"

Duguyan said sarcastically from the side.

It seemed that they had also launched an investigation into Lin Changsheng and already knew that Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er slept in the same room last night.

The lack of action was probably due to Lin Changsheng's cultivation.

After the formation was activated, Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie took action almost at the same time, punching each other.

This time, both sides have mobilized the energy in their bodies, making the fists much more domineering than yesterday, and the entire space became distorted.

What Lin Changsheng blasted out was the Divine Dragon Breaking Heaven Fist that he had just perfected yesterday. Divine dragons were entwined on the fist, and the power was astonishing. He punched out nine divine dragons with one punch.

What Hou Shaojie blasted out was the clan's secret technique, the Fierce Tiger Fierce Sun Fist. The light of the fist carried the power of the Fierce Sun, as well as the roaring sound.


The next moment, the two fists collided violently, causing a violent explosion.

The aftermath of the tyrannical force spread out, causing ripples in the surrounding formations.

If it weren't for the formation guard, the aftermath would probably be enough to level this place to the ground.

After the punch fell, the two men's attacks were evenly matched.

You must know that Hou Shaojie has the middle stage of cultivation, while Lin Changsheng only has the early stage of cultivation.

The two of them were evenly matched in their first confrontation.

This shocked everyone outside.

"This, this kid really has the strength to compete with Mr. Hou?"

"It seems like it can't be fake. Is this guy so tyrannical?"

"Incredible! It seems that it is not difficult for Mr. Hou to get a better ranking!"

"With such strength, this guy is actually willing to be Mr. Hou's companion?"

The people around him could see Lin Changsheng's extraordinary strength from the first collision between the two.

If Lin Changsheng was not strong enough, he would have been knocked away by Hou Shaojie's punch.

At this moment, the people around were shocked, but Duguyan looked unhappy.

I thought Lin Changsheng would be beaten to pieces, but he didn't expect his cultivation to be so powerful?

It seemed that he was really merciful to them yesterday. If he was not merciful, they would probably be seriously injured just like the mounts on his crotch.

In the shocked eyes of the people outside, the two collided again.

This time, Hou Shaojie used the Tianxing Tiger Fist. He punched out with thousands of punches and struck Lin Changsheng, making it impossible for Lin Changsheng to avoid it.

Lin Changsheng used the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods. He blasted out a palm and also made overwhelming palm prints that fell towards Hou Shaojie.

The palm prints are layered one after another, just like gods suppressing the mortal world.

Bang bang bang——

The two fists collided in the sky, and the sound of explosions was endless.

In the end, the power of the palm print was even stronger, shattering all the fist lights, and the remaining palm prints continued to fall on Hou Shaojie.

This shocked Hou Shaojie.

I didn’t expect that I could crush Lin Changsheng’s cultivation level by one step, and that I could not even be hostile to him?

Is this boy's magic so powerful? Where did it come from?

Naturally, Hou Shaojie didn't know that any of Lin Changsheng's immortal skills were a combination of many kinds of immortal arts, and their power was extremely domineering.

That's why we can achieve a level difference between Hou Shaojie and Hou Shaojie, and we can fight regardless of high or low, even faintly overshadowing one.

"Possessed by a tiger!"

Hou Shaojie scolded, and his whole body swelled up again, his muscles became extremely tight, and his body became a little taller.

Facing the palm prints falling from the sky, Hou Shaojie used his physical body to resist them all one by one.

"Later stage of virtual refining?"

After using the Tiger Body Strengthening Technique this time, Lin Changsheng clearly felt that Hou Shaojie's physical strength had increased even more than the last time, and his physical body had suddenly reached the late stage of Void Refining. This physical body was almost invincible in the Void Refining Stage.

Therefore, it was almost impossible for Lin Changsheng to hurt him.

But fortunately, Lin Changsheng was not without methods to strengthen his body.

"The power of the dragon!"

Lin Changsheng didn't rely on others and directly used the power of the dragon.


A roar of dragons was heard, deafening.

After the Dragon God fell into Lin Changsheng's body, Lin Changsheng's physical body also received a huge increase, directly rising to the peak of the middle stage of Void Refining.

If it's just a little bit different, you can break through to the later stage.

After his physical body was upgraded, Lin Changsheng was not done yet and once again released the Blood Demon Devouring God Technique.

Lin Changsheng wanted to see how powerful this immortal technique he had just perfected was?

With the operation of the Blood Demon Devouring God Art, the blood in Lin Changsheng's body seemed to flow faster, and his entire cultivation level increased crazily.

Everyone around was shocked when they saw this scene.

"Is this, is this magic power successful?"

"This technique seems to consume one's own blood and lifespan to increase one's fortune and cultivation. It is simply overbearing!"

"Yes! Most people would never use it unless absolutely necessary. I didn't expect that he would use such overbearing skills just to compete with Mr. Hou!"

"This guy is really crazy!"

The surrounding people were talking a lot.

With the consumption of blood energy and longevity, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level has reached the peak of the middle stage of Void Refining.

Compared with Hou Shaojie's cultivation level, it is much stronger.

It's just that the physical body is slightly weaker than it.

"It only consumes a drop of blood and ten years of life. It's just a drop in the bucket!"

Lin Changsheng sensed his own consumption and found that the consumption of the Blood Demon Devouring Technique became much smaller after the fusion.

In the past, every time the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God method was used, it would consume decades of life.

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

Hou Shaojie reminded him and struck Lin Changsheng straight away with a palm strike.

With the blessing of the tiger, this palm is as broad as a tiger's palm and has amazing power.

The space was shaken with a whirring sound.

"Brother Hou, be careful!"

Lin Changsheng also reminded him.

He had no intention of confronting the opponent head-on now, because the opponent's physical strength was obviously slightly stronger than Lin Changsheng's.

When it comes to physical strength, Lin Changsheng may not have the upper hand.

Compare with magic.

"Force field!"

Lin Changsheng directly exploded the force field field.

Suppressed by the powerful force field, Hou Shaojie's movements became a little slower.

And there are roots growing on the soles of the feet, making even running very difficult.

Lin Changsheng then used the Ghost Shadow Sky Step to avoid Hou Shaojie's palm attack by turning sideways.

After closing the distance, Lin Changsheng instantly summoned the divine thunder bow, bent the bow and set an arrow.

Boo hoo hoo——

Thunder and lightning arrows shot straight towards Hou Shaojie in an instant.

Hou Shaojie was shocked when he saw this.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng could also master the field of force field and archery?

This is something he has never done.

Faced with Lin Changsheng's force field suppression, Hou Shaojie's speed dropped sharply.

The arrows were coming so fiercely that he could not avoid them.

He could only block it with a punch.

However, the power of the arrow was so overbearing that it directly shattered the light of his fist, and the power of thunder and lightning suddenly landed on Hou Shaojie's chest.


With the explosion, Hou Shaojie was directly blown away.

And the shattered fist light also hit Lin Changsheng.

Although Lin Changsheng was not elegant, he also stepped back symbolically.

Save the other person from embarrassment.

After a rough test, Lin Changsheng discovered that he was basically invincible in the realm of the Void Refining Stage.

Of course, it would be safer to break through to the middle stage of Void Refining. (End of chapter)

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