The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 340 Nine Directions God Plate, Set out to Refining the God Sect [Please subscribe! 】

"Brother Lin, you win!"

After Hou Shaojie landed and stabilized his body, he slowly spoke.

Even if he tried his best, he still couldn't defeat Lin Changsheng. It seemed that this guy's cultivation talent was indeed not simple.

Naturally, the Hou family wants to win over such a genius.

Even though Lin Changsheng was only in the early stage of Void Refining, his actual combat power was comparable to that in the late stage of Void Refining.

This discovery shocked Hou Shaojie.

"Master Hou actually lost? This, this is incredible!"

"Yes! You must know that Young Master Hou has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Xuefeng Refining. After bursting out with the Tiger Strengthening Technique, his physical body can even reach the late stage of Xuefeng Refining. Most geniuses cannot compare with him!"

"It's incredible that this kid has such strength!"

"It's really disgusting. He actually won?"

The many geniuses who were watching around him suddenly couldn't help but look high on Lin Changsheng.

I thought he was so inconspicuous at first, but I didn't expect his cultivation to be so impressive?

Even Hou Kui had to re-examine Lin Changsheng.

It seems that it is a bit unfair to let such a talented person escort Hou Shaojie to get a better ranking.

"Brother Hou, thank you for your praise. Your fists are also extremely domineering. If I hadn't been strong, I would have been defeated long ago!"

Lin Changsheng said modestly.


The next moment, Hou Kui removed the barrier of the formation and slowly walked onto the ring.

"It is true that heroes emerge from youth. Fellow Daoist Lin's cultivation really surprised us!"

Hou Kui said with a smile that they would not let go of such a talented person and would definitely establish a good relationship with him. Maybe he would become a dominating immortal in the future.

"Quinzi promised you just now that if you win, I will give you a gift. Let me deliver this gift! Please don't dislike it, Fellow Daoist Lin, please come with me!"

Hou Kui had already made a plan in his mind. This gift was too light and would definitely not win the other person's favor. If he wanted to give it, he would definitely give it something valuable.

Lin Changsheng wanted to refuse, but seeing the other party's kindness, he could only follow Hou Kui to an empty secret room.

This should be his daily practice place.

There are all kinds of weapons around, including swords, guns, clubs, halberds and so on.

There are also many magical secrets and formations among them.

No wonder Hou Shaojie was able to practice to such an extent at such an age. It must be closely related to the Hou family's immense wealth.

Hou Kui stepped forward and took down a roulette wheel that looked like Bagua.

"This object is called the Nine Directions God Plate. If you inject Yuan Li into it, you can feel the pressure of the Nine Directions Gods and use it to temper your body. I think fellow Taoist Lin can also strengthen the body, so this object may be useful to you. help!"

Hou Kui said with a smile, and then handed the Nine Directions Divine Plate to Lin Changsheng.

"This thing is so valuable, how can I get it?"

Lin Changsheng refused. It can be said that there is no reward for no merit. Once he gets it, they may ask him to do things, and it is difficult to refuse.

"It's not valuable. If you don't accept it, you are looking down on me, Hou. Besides, didn't Fellow Daoist Lin promise to help my son get a good ranking on the Tianjiao List? How can I express my gratitude with just 10,000 fairy crystals?"

Hou Kui continued.

Only then did Lin Changsheng have to accept it.

"In this case, I won't be polite!"

Lin Changsheng took away the Nine Directions God Plate. This thing really has a great effect on tempering the body.

Maybe it can really help me.

"We will set off for Lian Shen Sect at noon today, and we also invite fellow Daoist Lin to stay at Hou's house!"

Hou Kui said again.

Lin Changsheng nodded, naturally he had no objection.

Later, under the arrangement of the housekeeper, Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er were arranged to an elegant house.

Lin Changsheng couldn't wait to start studying the Nine Directions Divine Venerable Plate.


With the injection of Yuanli, the nine-direction divine disk suddenly flashed with a bright light, and then slowly started to rotate.

Only nine phantom gods appeared above the array.


Suddenly, Lin Changsheng felt a divine being pressing down on his body like a mountain.

He immediately frowned.

However, Lin Changsheng's physical body was very strong, and it would be difficult for him to suppress him.

So Lin Changsheng mobilized the power of another god to continue to suppress it.

In the end, Lin Changsheng's strength increased to the strength of four gods, which made Lin Changsheng feel a little strenuous.

It was not until he was finally tempered to exhaustion that Lin Changsheng took back his Yuan Power.

Only then did the Nine Directions Divine Venerable Pan return to its original state.

Lin Changsheng recovered after refining several fairy crystal spiritual energy.

"This is indeed a good thing. It feels like the physical body has been tempered once. Repeated tempering can indeed strengthen the physical body. No wonder Hou Shaojie's physical body is so strong!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

After all, Hou Shaojie has no sect, so it is incredible that he can develop such a physical body.

"Brother Changsheng, do we really want to go with Duguyan and the others?"

Zhao Shuang'er felt dissatisfied when he saw Lin Changsheng opening his eyes after practicing.

Not dissatisfied with Lin Changsheng, but dissatisfied with the Duguyan brothers and sisters.

These two people were like venomous snakes, making her very uncomfortable when they were entangled around her. She felt that if there was an opportunity, they would take advantage of her.

"Shuang'er, these two people don't pose much of a threat to us. If they dare to make any small moves, they will be seeking death!"

Lin Changsheng comforted him.

Since he has agreed to the other party, they must set off together.

Otherwise, if they separate, others will definitely think that he got the benefits and ran away.

When Zhao Shuang'er saw Lin Changsheng saying this, he couldn't say any more.

Half a day passed by in a flash.


Hou Kui waited for his second brother Hou Yutian.

Hou Yutiannai serves as an elder in Ziyang Sect.

He happened to rush to Lian Shen Sect with two sect geniuses to participate in the genius list.

This Ziyang Sect is only a fifth-rate sect in the Immortal Realm, and cannot compare with the giants.

Otherwise, Hou Shaojie would have followed his second uncle to Ziyang Sect.

The scorching sun was shining brightly at noon, and I saw a shuttle flying over the Hou family, covered by clouds.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Kowloon City.

"This shuttle is so big. Who is this?"

"You don't even know this? This is Hou Yutian, the younger brother of the head of the Hou family. He is the third elder of the Ziyang Sect! His status is extremely noble!"

"He probably came back this time for the sake of the Genius List!"

"Absolutely! The Tianjiao List plays an important role in the Immortal Realm. Who wouldn't want to participate as a young monk who has entered the stage of becoming a god? Once you get a good ranking, your future achievements will be limitless!"

"I really envy these monks! They can fly in the sky and escape on the earth, and are omnipotent! If only I could wield a sword and travel around the world!"

"Who doesn't want to? It all depends on fate. Who can you blame if you don't have this spiritual root?"

The people around him were talking a lot, with envy in their eyes towards the powerful monk.


Hou Yutian jumped off the shuttle and arrived at the Hou family hall.

Hou Yutian looks to be in his early forties, with an elegant appearance and a sharp edge between his eyebrows.

Lin Changsheng sensed this person and found that his cultivation was in the early stage of integration.

It seems that the Ziyang Sect and the Blood Clothes Sect should have the same status.

"Second brother, be careful when you go this time!"

Hou Kui was extremely happy when he saw Hou Yutian arriving.

This list of geniuses is at the beginning of their career in the Hou family, so there must be no mistakes.

"Don't worry! Even if you sacrifice me, Shaojie won't make any mistakes!"

Hou Yutian patted his chest and promised.

"Thank you everyone!"

Hou Kui said politely to Lin Changsheng and others.

Then everyone jumped on the shuttle one by one and headed to the Shen Lian Sect together.

"Be careful all the way!"

Hou Kui warned until the shuttle disappeared at the end of the world.

The flying speed of the shuttle cannot be said to be fast, but it is not slow either.

You can travel eight thousand miles in a day.

It takes exactly thirteen days to reach the Shen Lian Sect, which is one hundred thousand miles away.

That's just enough time to sign up.

Lin Changsheng sat on the shuttle, keeping a distance from the young talents who were going forward, practicing alone.

Hou Shaojie watched Lin Changsheng practicing and did not come to disturb him.

But someone discovered Lin Changsheng's powerful cultivation and immediately came to flatter him.

"Brother, are you from that sect? Your cultivation is so great. My name is Luo Xiaoshan. You can call me Luo Xiaopang. Nice to meet you!"

Among the many young talents, a chubby little man stepped forward to say hello to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng opened his eyes and looked at the chubby little fat man in front of him, feeling a little want to laugh in his heart.

Because he does look very cheerful.

It is really rare for a monk to be so fat.

"Lin Changsheng, from the Immortal Relics Land, nice to meet you!"

Lin Changsheng responded that he did not feel it was a shame that he came from the Immortal Land.

If the other party feels embarrassed, the worst they can do is stop interacting with them.

"Abandoned Land?"

Luo Xiaopang was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be so powerful and come from the Abandoned Land?

When could such a genius be born in the Abandoned Land?

"has a problem?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"No, no problem, I'm just very surprised. I didn't expect you, brother, to be so talented. You can practice to such an extent in the abandoned land. If you practice in the fairyland, you can't be like a fish in water, but you can fly to the nine heavens!"

Luo Xiaopang looked envious.

His cultivation level cannot be compared with Lin Changsheng.

He is just a casual cultivator, almost twenty-eight years old, and only in the middle stage of becoming a god.

Lin Changsheng, who looked younger than him, was able to defeat Hou Shaojie who was in the middle stage of Xu Lianxing, which showed how talented he was.

"You are a monk in the Immortal Realm, so you should know a lot about the Immortal Realm, right? If you don't mind, can you tell me about the major forces in the Immortal Realm?"

Lin Changsheng also accepted everyone who came, and did not reject Luo Xiaopang much, so he asked.

In his opinion, one more friend is always better than one more enemy.

Even if this person's cultivation level is lower than yours, he will always have areas that you don't know about or are not good at.

Just like now, Luo Xiaopang is a casual cultivator in the Immortal Realm, and his understanding of the Immortal Realm must be clearer than Lin Changsheng.

"Of course it's no problem, but what I know is limited, so Brother Lin just listens!"

"There are so many forces in the Immortal Realm that we can't even count them. However, the three strongest forces are the holy land for cultivating immortals that many monks dream of! The first among them is the Immortal Martial Palace, and the second is Zhentian. Sect, the third one is Immortal Mansion, and the rest of the forces after the top three cannot be ranked, but their background is also unfathomable."

"Based on Fellow Daoist Lin's talent, it shouldn't be a problem to join the top three giants!"

"However, although the Immortal Martial Palace is powerful, it is a neutral force and does not participate in any sect disputes. Once a disciple offends any major sect, he will not be protected by the sect."

"The Suppressing Heaven Sect and the Immortal Mansion are really good. When the Suppressing Heaven Sect was at its most powerful, there were three great immortals in charge. Although one of them has died now, no one can shake its status. The Immortal Mansion has abundant cultivation resources and the ability to build strong men. Strong, Fellow Daoist Lin can consider it carefully."

Luo Xiaopang told everything he knew, and also described the advantages and disadvantages of the major forces, which shows that he does have more knowledge than the average person.

Although this Immortal Martial Palace is the largest force in the Immortal Domain, it is a fairly neutral force.

Lin Changsheng didn't like it very much, and he couldn't get protection from the sect yet.

As for the Suppressing Heaven Sect, although there are many powerful people, they may be prejudiced against Lin Changsheng, a person from this abandoned place, and they will be restrained in everything.

It seemed that only the Immortal Mansion was Lin Changsheng's best choice.

Lin Changsheng made some mental calculations.

"Okay, I will seriously consider it!"

Lin Changsheng responded and continued, "There are quite a few geniuses who should go to the Genius List this time, right? What is the approximate cultivation level of the strongest genius?"

"This is not very clear. It is estimated that the strongest ones are in the late stage of refining the void. As for the combined stage, it is probably impossible to appear. How can there be a combined stage under the age of thirty?"

Luo Xiaopang said with certainty.

"Okay, thank you, Fellow Taoist Luo, for letting me know. I want to meditate for a while first!"

Lin Changsheng said slowly.

Luo Xiaopang also knew what was going on. After saying goodbye politely, he went to chat with other monks.

Lin Changsheng then continued to use the Nine Directions Divine Plate to temper his body.

Time flies, and five days have passed.

Although the shuttle was traveling at high speed in the sky, many cultivators who also rode the shuttle met on the road.

The purpose of these people is the same, they all rush to Lian Shen Sect to participate in the Tianjiao List.

Just five days after Lin Changsheng left Kowloon City, a man shrouded in black robes and carrying a ghost face arrived here.

As he followed, he discovered that the direction Lin Changsheng was going was actually the Shen Lian Sect, which made the man in black robe look solemn.

"If this boy joins the list of geniuses, gets a higher ranking, and is recruited by powerful forces, it will be difficult to kill him!"

Luo Shang secretly thought that he must kill the opponent before he joins the list of geniuses.


Just when Luo Shang was chasing Lin Changsheng, a white Pegasus galloped across the sky.

On the back of the white Pegasus, a strong man squatted.

"Why do people from the Futianzhou Gu family appear here?"

Luo Shang was a little surprised, but then he stopped thinking and continued to follow Lin Changsheng's footsteps.

I hope to kill Lin Changsheng before he joins the list of geniuses.

At this moment, the ancient mountain on the Pegasus' back also looked grim.

Because he also discovered that the direction Lin Changsheng was going was the Shenlian Sect.

In less than ten days, the Tianjiao List will be launched in Lian Shen Sect. If Lin Changsheng goes to Lian Shen Sect to participate in the Tianjiao List, with his strength, he might really become a blockbuster.

After all, after exploring Gushan, he discovered that Lin Changsheng was not only capable of large formations, but also had extraordinary strength.

Even compared to the genius of the Immortal Realm, it is not too much.

Therefore, we must speed up and kill the opponent before he joins the list of geniuses.

Gushan didn't even stop at Kowloon City at this moment, he just flew past without daring to delay for a moment. (End of chapter)

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