The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 341: Taking advantage of the opportunity, the murderous intention arises, and the flying boa

During these five days, Lin Changsheng was not idle for a moment.

He has been using the Nine Directions God Plate to temper his physical body. Originally he could only withstand the pressure of the Four Directions Gods, but now he can withstand the pressure of the Six Directions Gods. His physical strength has been greatly improved.

Finally today, Lin Changsheng discovered that his body had reached the peak of the early stage of void refining, and there were signs of an imminent breakthrough.

"Are we actually going to break through?"

This surprised Lin Changsheng. He didn't expect that tempering the physical body could break through Hao Xie?

Sometimes when a monk reaches a bottleneck, he really needs to use other tools to break through.

But this time, Lin Changsheng used his physical body to loosen his grip, and had the potential to make a breakthrough.

"Then break it for me!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and immediately mobilized all the energy in his body to attack Haojue.

Seeing this scene, many young monks around were shocked.

"He, he is actually going to break through?"

"If the breakthrough is successful, wouldn't he have reached the middle stage of Void Refining?"

"Yes! A monk in the middle stage of Void Refining who is less than thirty years old can compete with the disciples of giant sects!"

"It's incredible! I wish I had such a talent!"

The people around him suddenly looked envious.

However, Dugu Yan and Dugu Yong looked unhappy.

The eyes that looked at Lin Changsheng were filled with coldness and resentment.

Because they already disliked Lin Changsheng. If they hadn't been concerned about his strength, they might have taken action against Lin Changsheng long ago.

And now if Lin Changsheng breaks through to the middle stage of Void Refining, it will be even more difficult for them to deal with Lin Changsheng in the future.

After Dugu Yan and Dugu Yong glanced at each other, Dugu Yong nodded slightly.

Even without using words, they knew what the other person was thinking.

Lin Changsheng's breakthrough at this moment is when he is weak. Isn't this the best opportunity for them to take action?

The two of them have been waiting for this moment. As long as Lin Changsheng breaks through with all his heart, he will not pay attention to them. When the time comes, he will be able to kill Lin Changsheng by surprise.

As Lin Changsheng devoted himself to breaking through, Haozhen became more and more relaxed.

Under the control of Lin Changsheng, Yuan Li continued to attack Haocheng again and again, until finally Lin Changsheng was sweating profusely, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

It can be seen that this breakthrough is not easy.

"There are people from Lingshan over there, and they are also rushing to Lian Shen Sect!"

At this moment, a young disciple's voice suddenly sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Not far away, I saw dozens of disciples standing on a huge flying boat.

This Lingshan Mountain is one of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm and has a large number of disciples. Therefore, there are no less than ten disciples who have broken through to the God Transformation stage and above, including early stage and even middle stage cultivators.

Following the disciple's words, many personnel looked sideways.

Even Hou Shaojie is no exception. It is rare to see such large sect elders and disciples.

And this time is the best time for Duguyan and Duguyong to attack.



Dugu Yong instantly pulled out the long sword in his hand, slashed out a sword energy, and killed Lin Changsheng directly.

Duguyan also swung the whip again and whipped Lin Changsheng.

The long whip broke through the air with a whistling sound, which showed how powerful it was.

If these two attacks hit Lin Changsheng, even if Lin Changsheng's physical body is strong, he will be severely injured even if he does not die.

"Brother Changsheng, be careful!"

Zhao Shuang'er had long been wary of the Dugu brothers and sisters, paying attention to their every move. At this moment when the other party attacked, Zhao Shuang'er was the first to react.

He immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Changsheng, using his palms to resist.

The palm seal is strong and powerful, with the potential to overwhelm mountains and seas.

But the Dugu brothers and sisters used their killing moves, and their cultivation level was still higher than that of Zhao Shuang'er.

It is obviously impossible for Zhao Shuang'er to resist the attack of the opponent's two spiritual treasures with his physical body.

Bang bang——

Under the two violent roars, Zhao Shuang'er's palms were instantly shattered by the sword energy and long whip.

The long whip and sword energy are still blasting forward with a powerful momentum that is as powerful as breaking a bamboo.

If Zhao Shuang'er didn't dodge, the two attacks would definitely fall on her.

She will definitely die by then.

If Zhao Shuang'er avoided it, Lin Changsheng would definitely be the one who got hurt.

Faced with the dilemma of choice, Zhao Shuang'er finally chose not to retreat.

He planned to use his body to resist the opponent's attacks to protect Lin Changsheng.


However, when he saw that the attack was about to fall on Zhao Shuang'er and was about to tear Zhao Shuang'er into pieces, the attack was destroyed by an extremely strong force in front of Zhao Shuang'er and flew away with a crash.

When Zhao Shuang'er opened his eyes, he miraculously found that he was safe and sound.

Looking back, he found Lin Changsheng standing behind him, with his palm on her back.

This is not Lin Changsheng's true body, but a primordial spirit body that bursts out from Lin Changsheng.

"Brother Changsheng, if you break through and release the primordial spirit body at the same time, you will be counterattacked——"

Zhao Shuang'er was shocked when he saw Lin Changsheng.

In order for a monk to break through, he must keep his soul intact. Lin Changsheng exploded his primordial spirit body at this moment. Wouldn't it be impossible for him to break through? This would cause backlash.

"Silly girl, you don't even want your life. What does this backlash mean?"

Lin Changsheng was moved by Zhao Shuang'er's actions. He didn't expect that Zhao Shuang'er, who they had just met not long ago, could actually protect him from fatal injuries.

Lin Changsheng himself didn't expect this.

"Lin Changsheng, you are very courageous! You dare to leave your body when you break through. I think you are going to die!"

Dugu Yong immediately scolded Lin Changsheng when he saw that he dared to leave his body.

In fact, he is also very scared now.

If Lin Changsheng really killed them regardless of the cost to himself, then their lives would probably be hard to save today.

Because Lin Changsheng is a Void-Refining cultivator, it is very easy to kill them.

"I think it's you who are risking your life!"

Lin Changsheng protected Zhao Shuang'er behind him and looked at Dugu Yan and Dugu Yong coldly. The two men let them go once, but they didn't expect to give up.

Then I will definitely not be able to keep them today.

"What a joke, I am the son of the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. If you dare to kill me, I, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, will cut you into pieces!"

Dugu Yong directly moved the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate out, hoping to suppress Lin Changsheng.

However, these words had no effect on Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng is not even afraid of giants like the Tianming Sword Sect, so how can he be afraid of a Ten Thousand Beast Sect?

"act recklessly!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes turned cold and he was too lazy to say anything to the other party.

Then he punched out.


Nine golden dragons twine around the fist, making the fist extremely powerful.

When Dugu Yong saw that Lin Changsheng was not afraid of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and wanted to kill him, he was so frightened that he backed away.

However, in the blink of an eye, he was about to retreat to the edge of the shuttle. Dugu Yong knew that he had no way to avoid it, so he could only slash out with the sword in his hand.


The sword light and fist light suddenly clashed together, causing a loud noise.

With the explosion, the fist light instantly shattered Dugu Yong's sword light, and still hit Dugu Yong's shoulders and arms with a devastating force.

This punch not only knocked Dugu Yong out of the shuttle, but also shattered his entire right arm, causing a splash of blood.


When Dugu Yan saw Dugu Yong being injured, she immediately whipped out her long whip, wrapped it around Dugu Yong who flew out of the shuttle, and used all her strength to pull him back.

Otherwise, Dugu Yong, who would have fallen thousands of feet into the sky and suffered severe injuries, would probably die.

"Yan'er, hurry up and go back and tell your father that you must avenge me!"

Dugu Yong was unwilling to give up, but knowing that he had no way to escape today, he could only hope that Dugu Yan could escape and tell his father about the matter.

To be able to avenge him.

"Brother, you'll be fine. I'll take you away right now!"

Duguyan jumped up with her eldest brother in her arms, planning to escape from the shuttle.

"Did you escape?"

Lin Changsheng was not going to let these two people go. Since they had murderous intentions towards him, they must be eradicated, otherwise they would definitely be a trouble in the future.

Lin Changsheng saw Yuan Power gathering on his palm, and he immediately made a palm print, and the entire sky was filled with golden palm prints.

This palm is the world-destroying palm of the gods.

The palm print shot out with a blast, as brilliant as a meteor streaking across the sky.

"What a domineering attack. What are the Dugu brothers and sisters doing to provoke him? Isn't this asking for death?"

"Yes! Now the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, Dugu Fangfang, is going to be furious!"

"This Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is not a kind person. He deserves the death of his children!"

"That's right, being alone is really not a good thing. He takes advantage of his own strength and dominates! The death of both his children is the retribution he deserves!"

Many young people around saw Lin Changsheng brutally killing the Dugu brothers and sisters, but no one stopped them.

This shows how unpleasant the Dugu brothers and sisters are in their eyes, and they wish they would die soon.

“If you have to be merciful, please be merciful!”

However, just as the palm prints were about to hit Dugu Yan and Dugu Yong, a voice sounded like a bell.

Following the sound, an extremely powerful impact spread from the flying boat not far away.

This sound wave impact actually instantly defeated the palm prints made by Lin Changsheng.

As light as a clump of leaves dispersed by a river.

"A strong person in the Mahayana stage?"

Lin Changsheng sensed it and found that there were many people standing on the flying boat not far away.

Among them, an old man with white hair and white beard, who looked like a wind immortal, stood at the front.

Lin Changsheng sensed the opponent's aura and found that he was indeed a strong man in the Mahayana stage. No wonder the sound waves that could be erupted with just one sentence were enough to disperse his attack.

The gap between the two can be imagined.

"Senior Zhou, it's me, Duguyan of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

When Duguyan saw that the other party was Zhou Chang, the elder of Lingshan, she immediately smiled charmingly.

Because they still had a relationship with Zhou Chang.

They had seen this when Zhou Chang led his disciples to the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate to choose mounts.

"Dugu niece?"

Zhou Chang was also a little surprised after seeing Dugu Yan.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the daughter of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

"Senior Zhou, it's me. This beast teased me. My elder brother tried to teach me a lesson but was severely injured. Now he wants to kill us and silence us. You must uphold justice for us!"

Duguyan pretended to be pitiful and said.

Lin Changsheng felt a chill when he heard this.

Teasing her yourself? Are you blind, or are you a pervert?

Isn't Zhao Shuang'er ten times more beautiful than her?

"Is this really happening?"

Zhou Chang looked at Hou Yutian. Among the other shuttlers, only Hou Yutian had the strongest cultivation. Naturally, he wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Senior, this is absolutely not the case. On the contrary, they took the opportunity to sneak attack on the disciple who was making a breakthrough, so they were severely injured! If I tell a lie, I will be struck by lightning and die!"

Hou Yutian was also a little speechless at this moment. He had seen shameless people before, but he didn't expect Dugu Yan to be so shameless.

I thought it was just a small fight, but I didn't expect that even the elders of Lingshan would be involved this time.

"Who made the breakthrough?"

Zhou Chang was still a little unwilling. If the opponent's cultivation level was average, he could just slap him to death. In the future, he might go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate to ask for a mount, and the opponent could give it to him for free.

Why not do such an adult and beautiful thing.

I saw that Lin Changsheng was not afraid. He took two steps forward from Yuanshenfa and said, "If you beat the younger one, will the older one stand up for justice?"

Lin Changsheng smiled coldly, he would not beg for mercy.

What if you face a strong person from the Mahayana stage?

It would not be easy for the other party to kill him.

Lin Changsheng already held the ancient bronze mirror in his hands at this moment. Once the opponent attacked.

He can use the swallowing and rebounding functions of the ancient bronze mirror to resist, and then use the secret method of space to escape.

After arriving at Lian Shen Sect, how dare the other party take action casually?

"Early stage of virtual refining?"

After seeing Lin Changsheng, Zhou Chang was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that there would be such a talented person on top of this shuttle.

Seeing that Lin Changsheng is only thirty years old, his cultivation is enough to compare with the top geniuses in Lingshan?

This guy is very talented! Your future achievements are limitless.

And he just heard that the other party was making a breakthrough, which meant that this kid was about to break through to the middle stage of Void Refining, which was even more remarkable.

"Is this boy a disciple of your sect?"

Zhou Chang asked again.

This actually made Hou Yutian a little embarrassed.

He was afraid that if he said otherwise, Lin Changsheng would be forcibly lured to Lingshan.

If he doesn't want to, the other party can take action to kill him. Who will seek justice for Lin Changsheng then?

If you say so, you are worried that if the other party is angry, even their Ziyang Sect will suffer.


Finally, after much hesitation, Hou Yutian finally admitted.

He's gambling.

Bet that the other party will not attack because Duguyong was hurt.

After all, Zhou Chang and Lone Yong didn't have a deep friendship.

If you offend a great talent for Dugu Yong, you have to think carefully about it.

After all, Lin Changsheng went there this time to participate in the Tianjiao List.

Once you get a better ranking, you will definitely be appreciated by the giant sect, and you may be able to join a sect that is stronger than theirs in Lingshan.

If you think about it this way, the price of offending a genius is high.

Zhou Chang naturally knew this, so he thought quickly in his mind.

Making a choice between killing or not killing, in the end I chose to give up.

"Since I am a disciple of your sect, I need to be under strict supervision. The journey to Lianxu Sect is long, so be careful!"

Zhou Chang dropped a slightly threatening word and left with his disciples.

"Senior Zhou, why don't you—"

"No need to say more!"

Duguyan wondered why Zhou Chang didn't kill Lin Changsheng, but let him go instead.

You must know that Zhou Chang is a strong man in the Mahayana period!

Isn't it easy to kill a monk in the Void Refining stage?

However, Zhou Chang naturally had his own ideas.

He felt that there was no need to offend a genius for Dugu Yong.

Maybe the other party has been spotted by a big force behind his back. Once he is killed by you, he may be killed.

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