The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 342: Breaking through the middle stage of Void Refining, Rakshasa Sect [Please subscribe! 】


Duguyan was angry, she didn't expect Zhou Chang to be such a timid person.

Since he was unwilling to take action to kill Lin Changsheng, he could only hire someone else after arriving at Lianxu Sect.

Lin Changsheng felt relieved when he saw Lingshan's flying boat leaving.

Fortunately, the other party didn't take action.

Otherwise, there will be another fierce battle, and even Hou Yutian may be affected.

"The difference in strength is too big, we need to improve our cultivation as soon as possible!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then his soul returned to its original form, so that he could break through with peace of mind.

There are indeed many powerful people emerging in the Immortal Realm. Not to mention the powerful people in the Mahayana stage, the monks in the combined stage alone are not something Lin Changsheng can deal with now.

You must seize the time to practice, otherwise you may fall into the hands of these strong men if you are not careful.

At this moment, without the Dugu brothers and sisters on the shuttle, everything became more stable.

Lin Changsheng believed that the Dugu brothers and sisters would definitely go to Lian Shen Sect, and they would meet again in Lian Shen Sect.

There is still a chance to kill the opponent.

They can escape on the first day of the junior high school but not on the fifteenth day of the junior high school.


With the breakthrough of all his body and mind, in just a quarter of an hour, an extremely majestic energy aura spread out from Lin Changsheng's body.

"Suddenly, a breakthrough?"

Hou Shaojie looked at the aura of Yuanli surging in Lin Changsheng's body. It was evident that it was an aura that could only be possessed in the middle stage of Void Refining.

It was obvious that Lin Changsheng had successfully broken through and was promoted to the middle stage of God Refining.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng had indeed broken through Haocheng and was promoted.

The physical body becomes more powerful under the nourishment of powerful Yuanli, and the blood, muscles, and bones have all been greatly strengthened.

Even the sea of ​​consciousness has expanded in a circle again, and the divine consciousness can reach a distance of 19,000 miles, and even a little less can spread to 20,000 miles.

It can be seen that the tyranny of this spiritual consciousness is far beyond what monks of the same level can match.

"Brother Lin, congratulations! You have broken through the middle stage of Void Refining!"

Hou Shaojie stepped forward to congratulate, and Lin Changsheng responded with a smile, and then said nothing more, waiting to arrive at the Lian Shen Sect so that he could participate in the Tianjiao List.

However, this journey was not so smooth. On the way to Lian Shen Sect, one had to pass through a boundary called Rakshasa River.

This Rakshasa River stretches for 20,000 miles and is home to a large force called the Rakshasa Sect.

Now is the day when the Tianjiao List is opened, and many sects have to pass through the Luosha River.

So the Rakshasa Cult decided that any sect passing through this place must leave some benefit behind.

At this moment, the front of the shuttle was blocked by a group of men in black.

Each of these men in black has extraordinary cultivation, the worst ones are in the late Nascent Soul stage, and the tyrannical ones are even in the combined state.

Unfortunately for Hou Yutian today, when he was passing by the Rakshasa River, he happened to encounter the leader of the Rakshasa Sect and his gang blocking the way.

There was even a thunder forbidden zone set up in front. Thunder and lightning roared in the sky ahead, and silver snakes rolled.

"Who broke into my Rakshasa cult's territory?"

The leader of the Rakshasa Cult is a one-eyed middle-aged man. He is standing in the sky with his hands behind his back, looking at the shuttle where Lin Changsheng and others are, and shouts with a cold and arrogant look.

Hou Yutian couldn't help but frown when he saw this.

It seems that the Rakshasa Cult has been setting up checkpoints here recently to rob passing sects.

They also know that the Tianjiao List will be opened soon, so there are many sects passing by, and they can rob one by one.

If you encounter a stronger sect, you will give way obediently; if you encounter a weaker sect, you will ask for treasures.

"Ziyang Sect, Hou Yutian, please take care of me, Master Wang!"

Hou Yutian said politely, "It's better to do less than to do more. It's best if you can say something nice."

He had also heard of the Rakshasa cult's reputation, so he knew the other party's name.

This Rakshasa sect consists of a total of three monks in the integration stage.

Barely considered an eighth-rate force.

"Care? That depends on whether you are on the road or not. If you don't have anything, how can our boss take care of you?"

Behind the one-eyed man Wang Yun, a tall and thick man shouted.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, to ask Hou Yutian to present the treasure.

If they didn't leave some treasure behind, they might not be able to get through today.

If we go around the Luosha River, we will be delayed for at least two days.

If you see that the other party doesn't get some benefits, you won't let it go.

Hou Yutian had no choice but to take out a long sword Lingbao and fight out.

However, after the other party took it, he just glanced at it and threw it to his disciples.

"Are you just sending us away to beg for food? You want to send us away with just one Lingbao? Without the Tongtian Lingbao, you wouldn't be able to cross the Rakshasa River today!"

The one-eyed man said coldly.

This made Hou Yutian frown, and he asked for the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure as soon as he opened his mouth. The other party's tone was quite serious!

Even the Tongtian Lingbao in Hou Yutian's hand only has one handle, and it is not easy to get it.

It is absolutely impossible to hand it over.

"You still want the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure? Are you worthy enough?"

Hou Yutian also became angry immediately. These beasts still wanted the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure. They were simply wishful thinking and would not be able to fight.

"I'm not worthy? Are you worthy? I think you're toasting instead of eating the fine wine. Give it to me and kill them!"

The one-eyed man scolded, and immediately had thoughts of killing. If the other party was unwilling to hand it over, then it would be the same to kill them and seize the treasure.

Following the roar of the one-eyed man, many Rakshasa cult members in the surrounding area immediately rushed towards the shuttle.

The leader of the Rakshasa Sect is in the middle stage of the Fusion Stage. With the help of the Heavenly Thunder Formation, he can fight against the monks in the late stage of Fusion Stage, so he is not afraid of facing the monks in the Fusion Stage.

If the other party is unwilling to hand over the treasure, then there is only death.

Looking at the many Rakshasa cult members rushing forward, the young talents on the shuttle suddenly panicked. They had rarely experienced such bloody battles.

Many young people were so frightened that they abandoned the ship and fled.

However, Lin Changsheng remained motionless. He had just reached the middle stage of Void Refining and wanted to see how strong he was?

"Everyone, sit tight and break through the minefield to cross the river!"

Hou Yutian gave an order and immediately controlled the shuttle to rush forward.

The dozen or so monks who gathered in front became the dead souls of Hou Yutian's sword and were killed on the spot.

Watching the shuttle enter the minefield, the one-eyed man raised his hand to signal that everyone did not need to break in together.

If they enter like this, they are seeking death.

"There's no need to chase them. Even if they don't die in the minefield, there are still dicks guarding the other side of the river. They will only die in the end!"

The one-eyed man said confidently.

It seemed that Hou Yutian and others were certain to die.

"Boss, we have gained quite a lot in the past few days! We have directly obtained six heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, plus some top-quality alchemy items. The interval between the ten-year Talent List is really too long. If it were held once a year , let’s just send it!”

The strong man next to the one-eyed man laughed.

"Once a year? I wish it would be once a month. In this way, within a hundred years, we can break into the seventh-rate force, or even the sixth-rate force!"

Wang Yun said happily.

In the past few days, they had robbed various sects and seized many immortal crystal treasures.

Little did they know, they were not far from a catastrophe.

Within the formation.

After the shuttle entered the thunderous formation, the entire sky became filled with lightning and thunder, and there were strong winds around it.

"Elder Hou, this is a big formation. You can't leave the big formation if you keep moving forward!"

Lin Changsheng saw the mystery of this formation and said immediately.

He has specialized in large formations for many years and is quite familiar with them.

"Then how can we break the formation?"

Hou Yutian asked immediately. Although his cultivation level was stronger than Lin Changsheng's, his understanding of the battle method was not as good as Lin Changsheng's.

Lin Changsheng looked at the sky where thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

"If you want to break the formation, you have to break through the thunder area in the sky!"

When Lin Changsheng said these words, all the disciples on the shuttle were immediately shocked.

The power of the sky thunder is no joke. Once it is hit, the immortal will be severely injured.

Compared with the Heavenly Thunder World-Destroying Formation in the vicious land, this formation was nothing to mention. Lin Changsheng could see the flaw in this formation at a glance.

If you want to break the formation, you not only have to move forward, but you also have to contend with the sky thunder and break through the sky thunder restricted area to break the formation.

Some formations are like this. The more dangerous the place, the more exit there is.

Exits often pretend to be very dangerous to confuse the enemy.


After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Hou Yutian hesitated for a moment.

What's the difference between breaking into the thunder zone and dying?

Therefore, Hou Yutian did not adopt Lin Changsheng's suggestion immediately and continued to speed forward.

Too late——

Thunder and lightning in the sky began to fall continuously, some struck around the shuttle, while others struck on the shuttle.

There was a violent tremor that killed the entire shuttle.

Fortunately, the flying shuttle is a large spiritual treasure and is extremely strong. If it were an ordinary magical weapon, it would be instantly shattered by thunder.

But even so, when some thunder struck the disciples, they were instantly killed into a bloody mess.

The power of this sky thunder is blessed by the formation, and its power is extremely powerful.


As the sky thunder fell one after another, the young disciples on the shuttle were continuously hit, and some even began to die.

Hou Yutian saw that the shuttle had been flying for more than half an hour and could not reach the other side of the river. He immediately believed Lin Changsheng's statement. It seemed that he could not break the formation if he kept moving forward.

Maybe you can only get out by breaking through the minefield.

Otherwise, the Rakshasa River is only thirty miles wide. According to the speed of the shuttle, it can be crossed in the blink of an eye, and it is impossible to take such a long time.

It means that they are trapped in the formation.

"Everyone, pay attention, we have passed through the thunder area!"

Hou Yutian shouted loudly, and then controlled the shuttle to rush towards the minefield in the sky.

Boom boom boom——

As one gets closer to the minefield, thunder falls more frequently.

Unfortunately, two disciples were struck by thunder and fell directly into the formation.


Hou Yutian saw a bolt of thunder falling towards Hou Shaojie, and immediately stepped forward and slapped it away with his palm.

However, he was indeed hit by the thunder in the arm, and his entire arm was instantly burnt black by the power of the thunder.

Visibly traumatized.

On the contrary, Lin Changsheng was at peace when he arrived, and all the thunder seemed to avoid him, with none of them falling on him.

Even if it falls on him, Lin Changsheng is not afraid at all.

Because he already possesses the power of thunder.


The next moment, the shuttle finally broke through the Tianlei restricted area, broke through the formation, and appeared at the other end of the Luosha River.

However, just as Lin Changsheng and others broke through the formation, a group of hundreds of Raksha River gang members surrounded them again.

This is the second leader of the Rakshasa Sect, Wang Tong.

"Oh, I really didn't expect it! There are still people who can leave the Thunder Formation, but even so, you can't even think of leaving this place."

Wang Tong sneered and said, he is Wang Yun's younger brother, and his cultivation is in the early stage of integration.

Stationed on the other side of the Rakshasa River.

Judging from the damage trend of the opponent at this moment, Hou Yutian was hit by the thunder and his strength dropped sharply.

Even if the opponent's cultivation level is equal to his, it is absolutely easy to kill him.

The scene at this moment made Hou Yutian extremely surprised. He thought that he could leave after breaking through the Tianlei restricted area. Unexpectedly, the Rakshasa Cult also arranged manpower on the other side of the river. It seemed that it was really difficult for them to leave.

"I can break through big formations, let alone you? If you want the treasure, just come and get it yourself!"

Hou Yutian was also unyielding even before death.

If he can't fight to the end, he won't hand over the Heavenly Spirit Treasure easily.

"If you don't cry until you see the coffin, kill me!"

Wang Tong scolded, and hundreds of Rakshasa cult members immediately surrounded and killed Lin Changsheng and others.

At this time, Lin Changsheng was no longer waiting. He immediately burst out with the energy in his body and punched out.


As soon as this fist came out, the light of the fist was extremely fierce, and there were nine divine dragons entwining around it.


With one punch, seven or eight Rakshasa cult members were killed instantly.

"You little beast, I'll kill you!"

After Wang Tong saw Lin Changsheng's explosive strength, he was shocked and planned to kill Lin Changsheng first.

However, Hou Yutian blocked Lin Changsheng.

Although he was struck by thunder, it did not mean that he lost all his fighting power.

Just traumatized.

"Elder Hou, hold on, we will come to help you after we kill the rest of the gang!"

Lin Changsheng said.

He is not afraid of these gangs, but these gangs can threaten the lives of other young disciples.

It's better to kill it first.

"The gods will destroy the world!"

Lin Changsheng blasted out with a palm, and golden light flashed in the sky, as if a huge phantom of a god or Buddha appeared.

The god and Buddha made a palm print, making tens of thousands of palm prints, and blasted down towards the front.

This attack was so majestic that it seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

The people in the Rakshasa Sect in front were all frightened when they saw this.

Not everyone has the cultivation level to be in the second master's integration period.

Most of them are in the Nascent Soul and Transformation stage.

Lin Changsheng's palm shocked them deeply.

"Quick, run away!"

As a shout came out, all the Rakshasa cult members immediately ran away frantically.

However, how could their escape speed be as fast as the palm print blast?


The next moment, ten thousand palm prints suddenly landed on the ground, directly killing all the Rakshasa cult members in mid-air.

This blow instantly killed hundreds of monks from the Rakshasa Sect.

Even those who survived fell to the ground and were severely injured, losing their fighting ability.

Almost instantly, among the many members of the Rakshasa Cult, only Wang Tongyi was left.

This blow also shocked Hou Yutian. He didn't expect Lin Changsheng's cultivation to be so terrifying.

Perhaps Hou Shaojie had already seen Lin Changsheng's strength, so he didn't show too much shock at this moment.

Because Lin Changsheng was able to defeat him in the early stage of Xu refining, but now that Lin Changsheng has reached the middle stage of Xu refining, he is no longer Lin Changsheng's opponent.

Hou Shaojie had already been mentally prepared for the opponent's palm to be so powerful.

"You little beast, I'll kill you!"

When Wang Tong saw such a scene, he shouted angrily again and wanted to kill Lin Changsheng. This man killed their followers as easily as he killed pigs and sheep, which made him furious.

But is Lin Changsheng so easy to kill?

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