The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 343: Join forces to kill the strong men in the integration stage, and gain a lot

Wang Tong was only in the early stage of integration, and his strength was comparable to Hou Yutian. If Hou Yutian hadn't been hit in the arm by a thunderbolt, his combat power would probably have been above him.

How could it be his turn to be so arrogant?

"First see if you can leave alive!"

Lin Changsheng had murderous intentions towards Wang Tong.

It would be absolutely difficult for him to kill the powerful combined force by himself.

But there is Hou Yutian at this moment.

With his assistance, it is not impossible to kill Wang Tong.

Wang Tong shouted angrily, and immediately swung the long knife in his hand and slashed at Lin Changsheng's position.

Lin Changsheng saw the sword light coming and knew that it was extremely powerful. Even if he could resist it, he would still be injured.

So I chose to retreat immediately.


The tyrannical sword light fell to the ground and chopped the earth into pieces.

Lin Changsheng, on the other hand, used the Ghost Sky Step and had already ducked over a hundred feet away without being affected at all.

"A little bug dares to disturb Tai Sui's head, he simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

When Wang Tong saw Lin Changsheng retreating from the edge, he immediately gave a cold shout.

He thought the other party was afraid of him.


The next moment, a dragon roar erupted from Lin Changsheng's body, and a divine dragon rose into the sky. After circling in the sky, it instantly swooped down and fell into Lin Changsheng's body.

With the blessing of the divine dragon's power, Lin Changsheng's physical strength suddenly increased dramatically.


The sound of expansion can be clearly heard in the muscles and bones.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Changsheng's physical body had broken through to the late stage of Void Refining.

The physical body has been raised to a small level.

"Force field!"

After Lin Changsheng received the blessing of the divine dragon's power, he directly exploded the force field field.

This force field can suppress everything within a ten-mile radius.

Even Wang Tong's combined period is no exception.

Although he couldn't be suppressed to the point of immobility, it was enough to restrict his movement.

"It actually increased to ten times the gravity?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that as his cultivation and physical body improved, the pressure from the force field he unleashed became more powerful.

The original five times the gravity has been increased to ten times the gravity.

Even for a strong man in the integration stage, ten times the gravity is not fatal, but it can greatly limit his speed and movement.

"Elder Hou, it's up to you, they are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust!"

Lin Changsheng said to Hou Yutian.

Of course, the task of killing Wang Tong must be left to Hou Yutian. Although Lin Changsheng has broken through to the middle stage of Xuefengxing, it is basically impossible to kill the strong fusion with the middle stage of Xurenqiang.

Hou Yutian didn't want to enmity with the Rakshasa Cult at first, but now that the other party has pushed them to this point, and because the formation killed many of their talented young people, the score has to be settled.


Hou Yutian shouted loudly, and the sword in his hand glowed brightly as the energy was injected into it.

Hou Yutian swung his sword and sent out thousands of sword lights, making it impossible for Wang Tong to avoid it.

"Break it for me!"

When Wang Tong saw the sword rays tearing through the sky and attacking in front of him, he immediately shouted angrily, swung the long knife in his hand, and struck out with one blow.

Immediately, the sword light evolved into a huge sword shadow a hundred feet long and wide in the sky, and it slashed down towards thousands of sword lights.

Lin Changsheng saw the opportunity, summoned the divine thunder bow in an instant, pulled the divine bow quickly, and burst out nine divine thunder arrows to attack Wang Tong's back.

"How brave!"

Wang Tong sensed Lin Changsheng's movements and became even more furious.

This kid is only in the Void Refining Stage and actually wants to hurt himself?

This is simply not taking him seriously.

With an angry shout, Wang Tong immediately used part of his Yuan Power on his back to block Lin Changsheng's lightning arrows that penetrated the sky.


Bang bang bang——

The next moment, countless sword lights and sword lights in the sky collided violently, erupting into a roar that resounded across the sky.

Behind Wang Tong, bursts of explosions also erupted.

Wang Tong originally thought that Lin Changsheng's attack was not worth mentioning, but to his surprise, Lin Changsheng's attack turned out to be very domineering.

Seven lightning arrows shattered his Yuanli shield.

Two more blasts hit his back directly.

The arrows erupted from this divine thunder bow are extraordinary and extremely powerful.

If Wang Tong hadn't been in the Fusion stage, he would have been shattered by the thunder arrows.

However, even so, his back was a bloody mess from the thunder arrows.

"This, is this a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao?"

Wang Tong was shocked. He did not expect that Lin Changsheng would have a high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure in his hands.

This is not a treasure that ordinary monks can obtain!

The next level up, there are all the immortal treasures that reach the sky. This is a treasure that can only be possessed by those in the Mahayana stage and even those who have overcome the tribulation.

There was no time for Wang Tong to think too much at this moment.

If the back is like this, the front is even more terrible.

Although Wang Tong's killing sword was powerful, it defeated a lot of Hou Yutian's sword energy.

But Hou Yutian's sword energy was so dense that it was impossible to defeat them all.

Under the control of Hou Yutian, the undefeated sword energy changed direction and fell on Wang Tong like dense raindrops.


Wang Tong's pupils suddenly widened, and it was too late to escape at this moment.

After all, he was suppressed by the ten times gravity used by Lin Changsheng. Although he was not suppressed to the point of being unable to move, his movement speed was greatly reduced.

Wang Tong could only raise his hands to avoid harm as much as possible.


The next moment, countless sword energy fell on Wang Tong.

There was a huge explosion, and the entire ground was shaking.

Countless sand and gravel splashed, and dust flew everywhere.

After everything settled, a huge pit with a depth of dozens of feet appeared directly on the ground.

But Wang Tong was seriously injured in the deep pit.

His clothes were in tatters, and drops of blood were constantly flowing out of his body. There was almost no intact place around him at this moment.

His back was killed by Lin Changsheng's lightning arrows, and his front was injured by Hou Yutian's sword light.

"Impossible, impossible, how could I lose to you——"

Wang Tong shouted unwillingly, but when he wanted to escape from the pit, Lin Changsheng and Hou Yutian's attacks from outside came down again.

What Lin Changsheng shot this time was no longer nine lightning arrows, but thousands of arrows.

And Hou Yutian condensed a huge sword light of a hundred feet, directly sealed the entrance of the cave and drove it into the deep pit.

"Divine Shield!"

Seeing countless attacks coming, Wang Tong had no time to attack, so he could only use his Yuan Power to immediately burst out a Yuan Power shield to resist.

Bang bang bang——

Countless thunder and lightning arrows struck the Shengang Shield, just like raindrops hitting a tent. They did not have much effect and only caused a ripple.

This is the difference between the Void Refining Stage and the Combination Stage.

If Hou Yutian hadn't attacked from the front and attracted most of Wang Tong's attention just now, Lin Changsheng would have never had the chance to take advantage of the situation and wound Wang Tong.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning arrows could not hurt Wang Tong, but the huge sword light erupted by Hou Yutian was completely different.

Because this is not just the sword light, what is wrapped in the center of the sword light is Hou Yutian's heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.


The moment the huge sword light collided with Wang Tong's Divine Gang Shield, it once again erupted with a strong impact, causing the ground to explode and countless rocks to fly.

The next moment, he saw the sharp sword light slowly piercing Wang Tong's divine shield, approaching his body bit by bit.


Feeling the threat to his life, Wang Tong shouted angrily unwillingly.

However, no matter how much he roared, he was defeated.

How could he, who had been severely injured, be the opponent of Hou Yutian and Lin Changsheng?


The sword light shattered Wang Tong's Shengang Shield and hit the ground directly, followed by thunder and lightning arrows falling from the sky.

After the dust cleared, Wang Tong was pinned to the ground by the sword light controlled by Hou Yutian, and countless arrows killed him beyond recognition.


The next moment, Wang Tong's soul flew out. Lin Changsheng and Hou Yutian tried to stop it but couldn't.

Even if Lin Changsheng used the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, he couldn't get it into it anymore.

"It seems that the power of the soul is too strong, and the Ten Thousand Soul Flag has lost its effect!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, it seems that the strength of the Ten Thousand Soul Banners needs to be fused.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to kill the enemy and the soul to escape in the future.

"The combined powerhouse is truly extraordinary! We must improve our cultivation as soon as possible!"

This time, Lin Changsheng felt how terrifying the combined power was.

Even if he is in the middle stage of Void Refining, he is no match for the combined monk.

It was thanks to Hou Yutian that Wang Tong was able to be killed this time.

Now that Wang Tong is dead, they can be regarded as enmity with the Rakshasa Cult.


Hou Yutian saw Wang Tong's death and his soul fled. If his elder brother Wang Yun knew about it, he would definitely send people to surround him and kill him. He could not stay here for long.

So he immediately called Lin Changsheng and planned to run away.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put Wang Tong's body and storage bag into his bag, then jumped onto the shuttle and quickly left the place.

This Wang Tong is a combined monk, how can there be less treasures in the storage bag?

"Thank you, Elder Hou, for taking the initiative!"

Lin Changsheng said slowly after absorbing the Immortal Crystal and restoring his Yuan Power to its peak state.

The Immortal Realm is extremely dangerous, and you have to be in peak condition anytime and anywhere, so that you have the possibility of survival when encountering danger.

"I should say this. If you hadn't understood the formation, we might all have perished in the thunder formation."

After Hou Yutian nursed back to health, the injury on his arm also recovered to some extent.

Although the power of the sky thunder is tyrannical, it is not easy to seriously injure a powerful person.

Lin Changsheng glanced at the remaining personnel. At this moment, there were less than half of the number at the beginning.

There were more than twenty young talents at the beginning, but now there are only seven or eight people except Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie.

The rest either fled or died.

It can be seen that in the Immortal Realm, even the genius is extremely frustrated if he wants to grow up.

The birth of a strong man is unique.

"Elder Hou is serious, shall we divide the contents of Wang Tong's storage bag? There are a lot of fairy crystals in it, which can help everyone practice!"

Lin Changsheng is not a solitary person. There are 80,000 fairy crystals in Wang Tong's storage bag. If Lin Changsheng ate them all by himself, Hou Yutian would probably feel unbalanced.

After all, he used his greatest strength to kill Wang Tong.


Hou Yutian responded that he had already broken up with the Rakshasa sect anyway, and if he didn’t take it, it would be for nothing.

Then the two of them split the Immortal Crystal equally.

Wang Tong's low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Lin Changsheng was also given to Hou Yutian, but Hou Yutian refused at first.

Later, Lin Changsheng said that the Tongtian Lingbao would be given to them, but the rest of the medicinal materials and immortal arts would not be given to them, so they would not need it.

In this way, no one would suffer, so Hou Yutian agreed.

"Shaojie, do you like this long knife?"

Hou Yutian handed the long knife to Hou Shaojie.

This long sword is a low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, and its power is naturally extraordinary.

However, Hou Shaojie took a look but didn't like it, so Hou Yutian could only keep it for himself.

As for the medicinal materials in Wang Tong's storage bag, Lin Changsheng owns the magic.

Although he lacked a low-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, Lin Changsheng got three books of immortal arts and some medicinal materials for alchemy. Lin Changsheng felt that he was not at a loss.

In particular, these medicinal materials happen to contain all the medicinal materials needed to refine Wuji Shengyuan Dan.

This Wuji Shengyuan Dan is a good thing, and it can be obtained from Guji's storage bag.

Because he had never found the medicinal materials for refining, Lin Changsheng never simplified it.

This time, the required medicinal materials were found in Wang Tong's storage bag, so it would be best to refine them.

The power of this elixir is extraordinary. With just one breath, it can bring the dead back to life.

It can also restore one's own Yuan Power to a great extent. One pill can instantly restore four levels of Yuan Power.

This shows how powerful the pill is.

At a critical moment, a pill might be able to influence a life-and-death battle.

As for the three immortal arts, Lin Changsheng can use them. One is called Tianqiong Shaoyue Sword Technique, one is called Four Elephants Divine Fist, and one is called Shengang Shield.

Now you won't be bored on the road anymore. You can practice the three great immortal arts and Yidan prescription to perfection, and you can also enhance your own strength a lot.

[Introduction to the Sky-breaking Moon Sword Technique! 】

[Introduction to the Four Elephants Divine Fist! 】

[Introduction to Shengang Shield! 】

[Introduction to Wuji Shengdan Danfang! 】

Five hours later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the three major immortal arts and one alchemy to the basic level.

[The Heaven-breaking Moon Sword Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 3500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Four Elephants Divine Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 3000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Divine Gang Shield has been detected. Do you want to spend 3000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Promise Holy Pill has been detected. Do you want to spend 3500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt came out from the panel.


Lin Changsheng is not short of Immortal Crystals now, so he decisively chooses to simplify everything.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Sky Vault Moon-Breaking Sword Technique has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Sky Vault Moon-Breaking Sword Technique==swinging the knife at the moon! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Four Elephants Divine Fist begins...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Four Elephants Divine Fist==punch! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Shengang Shield has begun...simplification is in progress...simplification completed, Shengang Shield==hold your breath! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Wuji Holy Pill begins...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Wuji Holy Pill==Watch the elixir! 】

"Swinging a knife at the moon? Swinging a fist? Holding your breath? Watching the elixir?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this is indeed a simplification, very simple!

And you can practice at the same time.

So Lin Changsheng didn't care what the people around him thought of him. He held a knife in one hand and waved it towards the sky, and made a fist with the other hand and kept punching. He still held a breath in his mouth and stared at the elixir he took out.

Sky-breaking Moon Sword Technique experience value +1!

Four Elephants Divine Fist experience value +1!

Divine Gang Shield experience value +1!

The experience value of Wuji Holy Pill +1!

Following Lin Changsheng's actions, the experience points of the three major immortal arts and one elixir prescription continued to increase crazily.

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