The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 344 Integrating immortal skills, refining the Infinite Holy Pill, and killing powerful enemi

"What's going on, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

"Yes! Why are your movements so weird? Are you practicing some kind of skill?"

"How can there be such an evil technique, swinging a knife and punching at the same time, and looking up at the moon?"

"What else can you do besides practicing the exercises? Could it be that praying doesn't work?"

"No wonder Fellow Daoist Lin has such a strong cultivation base. It seems that his cultivation methods are different from others!"

Many young talents around him looked at Lin Changsheng's strange movements and immediately started talking, but no one dared to come forward and ask.

They now know how strong Lin Changsheng's cultivation is, and they are not afraid of facing strong men in the integration stage.

They can understand if their cultivation level is a little weird.

Zhao Shuang'er on the side seemed to have long been accustomed to Lin Changsheng's weird cultivation method, so he was unmoved.

Half a day has passed in a flash.

The day has turned into night, and the bright moon in the sky is extremely bright, illuminating everything around it as if it were daytime.

[The Heaven-breaking Moon Sword Technique is perfected! 】

[The Four Symbols Divine Fist is complete! 】

[The Divine Gang Shield is complete! 】

[The Wuji Holy Pill is perfect! 】

Finally, under Lin Changsheng's continuous hard training, the three major immortal arts and one elixir formula were finally cultivated to perfection.

[The Heaven-breaking Moon Sword Technique (Perfection) and the God's World-Destroying Slash (Perfection) have been detected. Are they integrated with each other? 】

[The Four Elephants Divine Fist (Perfection) and the Divine Dragon Breaking Heaven Fist (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated with each other? 】

Just when the two magic arts were completed, a prompt came out from the panel.


Lin Changsheng naturally chose fusion, because the magic after fusion would be more powerful.

[The Sky-breaking Moon Sword Technique (Perfection), the God-Destroying World-Destroying Slash (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion is in progress. The fusion is completed, you will get the New Immortal Jue Sky-breaking Moon Slash! 】

[Four Elephants Divine Fist (Perfection), Shenlong Breaking Heaven Fist (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the New Immortal Jue Four Elephants Divine Fist! 】

"The Sky Splits the Moon Slash? The Four Symbols Divine Fist?"

Lin Changsheng muttered something silently, the magical skills created by these two new combinations were not simple at first sight.

[The Heavenly Vault Splitting Moon Slash has been detected. Do you want to spend 55,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Four Elephants Divine Venerable Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment the prompt pops up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Vault Splitting the Moon Slash begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Sky Vault Splitting the Moon Slash == slashing the moon with a sword! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Four Elephant God’s Fist begins. The simplification is completed in the simplification. The Four Elephant God = punches the Four Elephants! 】

"Slash the moon with a sword? Hit the four elephants with a fist?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the bright full moon in the sky with a smile on his lips.

Isn't this just right?

So he immediately started slashing at the moon with his sword.

Sky Splitting Moon Slash experience value +1!

Sky Splitting Moon Slash experience value +1!

As expected, the experience value of Tianqiong Splitting Moon Slash is constantly increasing.

As for punching the four elephants, it is even easier. These four elephants are the green dragon, the white tiger, the red bird, and the Xuanwu, which correspond to the four ferocious beasts.

Lin Changsheng wrote four names on the paper and started beating them.

The experience value of the Four Elephant God Zun Fist +1!

The experience value of the Four Elephant God Zun Fist +1!

As the name of the Four Elephants continues to be beaten, the experience value of the Four Elephants Divine Venerable Fist continues to increase crazily.

"Brother, why do I feel that fellow Daoist Lin has gone too far in his practice? How can anyone practice like this?"

"Yeah! It's so weird, maybe he's gone crazy!"

"It looks like it to me. Even if you practice Kung Fu, there will be fluctuations in Yuan Power. I didn't feel any fluctuations in Yuan Power on him!"

"Should we stop him? Otherwise, it would be a pity that Fellow Daoist Lin died suddenly like this!"

"It's really a pity that such talented people are so obsessed with it and fall into madness!"

At first, the people around him thought Lin Changsheng was practicing Kung Fu, but as his movements became more and more weird.

The surrounding disciples immediately felt that what was right was that Lin Changsheng had gone crazy while practicing martial arts and fell into madness.

However, none of them dared to step forward to stop Lin Changsheng.

Because they still have some self-awareness and know that they are not Lin Changsheng's opponent.

Once Lin Changsheng goes crazy, no one will be able to stop them.

So he could only look at Hou Yutian on the side.

"Don't talk nonsense. Although Lin Xiaoyou's cultivation method is weird, the energy in his body is normal and there is no riot. There is no way he will go insane!"

Hou Yutian scolded sternly.

Only then did all the disciples give up.

They hoped that Lin Changsheng would go crazy, after all, Lin Changsheng surpassed them too much.

Compared with Lin Changsheng, they were like a spark competing against the bright moon, not worth mentioning.

While Lin Changsheng was constantly practicing hard to improve his strength.

The Rakshasa River now welcomed an uninvited guest.

I saw this man shrouded in a black robe, and his face could not be seen clearly.

There was a strong evil spirit exuding from the whole body.

At this moment, Wang Yun was overwhelmed by the news that his second brother had been killed. Anyone who passed by this place was not allowed to pass.

And he led dozens of powerful followers to chase in the direction where Lin Changsheng and others escaped.

Once they catch up with the opponent, they must kill Lin Changsheng and others.

"Who dares to break into our Rakshasa sect? Leave immediately!"

The Rakshasa cultists guarding the Luosha River scolded.

Hearing the commotion here, more than a hundred people from the surrounding area immediately gathered around.

However, what they don't know is what they are about to face!

I saw the man in black robe in front carrying a giant sword with an iron chain behind him, and a strong killing aura spread out from the giant sword.

Before the other party took action, these Rakshasa cult members could already feel the aura of death permeating the air.

I saw the man in black robe slowly lift off the black robe above his head, revealing a face with a ghostly face.


After seeing the ghost face, everyone in the Rakshasa Sect was frightened.

This ghost face is filled with an aura of death.

"He who sees the ghost face, die!"

Luo Shang said coldly, squeezed his palm, and the sword blade behind him exploded. Hundreds of sword lights suddenly spread out, tearing through the sky and shooting out in an instant.



In an instant, the bodies of hundreds of Rakshasa cult members were torn apart by various powerful sword energies, and they did not even have time to scream.

Some gang members were cut off from the head by the sword energy, some were cut off at the waist, and some were torn apart by several sword energy, leaving no intact corpses.

In an instant, the place was filled with blood and a bloody scene.

After killing everyone, Luo Shang slowly put on his black robe and walked into the air again, rushing directly into the restricted area of ​​​​the sky thunder.

And in another part of the Rakshasa River, a similar thing happened.

A man sitting on a Pegasus punched out, killing hundreds of Rakshasa cult members instantly.

The earth was shaken by the explosion, and there was a surge. It can be seen that the fist technique is so fierce that it is far from the Nascent Soul stage, and the gang members at the Transformation stage can withstand it.

Even strong men in the Void Refining Stage and Fusion Stage of the Rakshasa Cult probably wouldn’t be able to bear it.

"Things with no eyes dare to block my way!"

Gushan gave a disdainful sound and controlled Pegasus to leap into the restricted area of ​​​​the sky thunder.

Gushan met Luo Shang again in the Tianlei restricted area, but the two did not exchange any words.

They knew that the other party's cultivation level was equal to their own, and if they took action, both sides would lose.

There is currently no conflict of interest between the two of them, so it is natural that they should not disturb each other.

For experts like Gu Shan and Luo Shang, this thunder restricted area is no different from scratching an itch.

After a while, the two of them found a way to break the formation, resisted the power of the thunder, and finally broke out of the formation unscathed.

The two people left the formation one after another without exchanging a word, and continued to chase Lin Changsheng in the direction.

There are still 50,000 miles to reach the Shen Lian Sect, and he must not be allowed to arrive smoothly.

So both of them quickened their pace.

[The sky splits and the moon cuts to perfection! 】

[The Four Symbols God Zun Fist is complete! 】

Three hours later, the night was already dark, and Lin Changsheng finally perfected the two immortal arts through continuous hard training.

Lin Changsheng planned to see how powerful these two immortal arts were, so he planned to tell Hou Yutian about them.

"Elder Hou, I have gained some enlightenment after my breakthrough, and I plan to try out my newly learned magic. You go first, and I will be there soon!"

Lin Changsheng said.

Hou Yutian was worried at first whether Lin Changsheng would escape, but when he saw that Lin Changsheng had no intention of taking Zhao Shuang'er away, he immediately felt relieved.

With Zhao Shuang'er here, it's impossible for him not to come back.


Hou Yutian responded.

Lin Changsheng then jumped away from the shuttle, found an uninhabited land a hundred miles away, and planned to use the magical technique he had just perfected.

Lin Changsheng's energy gathered in his palm, and then he punched out quickly.

I saw that the divine dragon that was originally wrapped around the fist light now has three other ferocious beasts, including Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Suzaku.

Each one is majestic and fierce.

This makes the power of the fist even more powerful.

Among them, Xuanwu is powerful and heavy, which represents extremely strong defensive power, making it difficult for Quanmang to be defeated.

The white tiger is a symbol of ferocious beasts, which can make the power of the fist more powerful.

The Suzaku is an immortal fire bird, so the fist light is filled with the Suzaku divine flame.


The light of the fist fell on the ground three miles away, and the whole earth surged, the mountains collapsed, and a violent roar was heard a moment later.

This punch would not only destroy the sky, but it would definitely destroy the earth.

The power of the fist light spread for ten miles before it stopped.

Within the scope covered by the fist light, the earth was in a mess.

Even everyone on the shuttle a hundred miles away felt the terrifying power of this punch.

"Is this an attack from Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Hou Shaojie couldn't believe it.

Lin Changsheng, who was able to fight with him back and forth a few days ago, has now crushed him too much.

Although the two of them were at the same level of cultivation, the other's combat effectiveness was much higher than his.

"It shouldn't be too bad. This man is extremely talented and his achievements in the future will be limitless. Young Master, you can't compete with him!"

Hou Yutian explained.

If you compete with this person, you must nip him in the cradle. Otherwise, once he grows up, it will be an absolutely devastating disaster.

Hou Shaojie nodded heavily. He originally thought that he was already a genius in the fairyland.

Unexpectedly, after meeting Lin Changsheng, he found that his genius was somewhat overshadowed.

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the power of the Four Elephants Divine Fist.

Then he summoned the Evil-Breaking Sword, and wanted to test the power of the Sky-Splitting Moon Slash?

This Taoist magic also integrates a variety of magical powers, and its power cannot be underestimated.


Lin Changsheng poured his energy into the blade, then waved his hand and slashed out.

I saw the light of the sword piercing the sky and killing people in the distance.

The place where the sword light passes is unrivaled.

The mountains in the distance were chopped down like tofu by the light of the sword.

The vegetation on the ground was destroyed, and even the air roared with pain.

Bang bang bang——

The sword light at the front flew a full twenty miles away, and finally after being defeated on a mountain, its power dissipated without a trace.

Such a powerful sword light is enough to destroy a city with one sword, let alone cut off rivers and destroy mountains.


Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied. The previous sword light could only destroy a range of several hundred feet.

But at this moment, the sword light of the Sky Splitting Moon Slash has reached a distance of twenty miles.

If it were to be swept out with one sword, an entire city would be razed to the ground.

After roughly understanding the power of the sword light, Lin Changsheng put away the evil-breaking knife, and then began to use the divine shield.

This Shengang Shield is much stronger than the Yuanli Shield.

It is a special magic that gathers energy to form a shield.

It is somewhat similar to the previous diamond shield, but more sophisticated.

At the same level, it is basically impossible for the opponent to break through the defense of the Perfect Level Divine Gang Shield.


Lin Changsheng displayed the Divine Gang Shield.

I saw that the whole body formed a defense with no blind spots at 360 degrees.

It was like a circular shield that completely enveloped him.

This divine shield may not be of much help against an enemy that is too powerful, but when fighting against an enemy of the same level or even slightly weaker than yourself, I am afraid that the opponent will not be able to break through his defense, and it will be useless no matter how much he uses.

"I'm afraid Wang Tong has only cultivated to the entry level, so his defense is far behind!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then removed the divine shield.

"Refining some elixirs first and then on the way!"

Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry to catch up with the flying shuttle because he had the Lightning and Thunder Eagle. This ferocious bird was so fast that he could catch up with Hou Yutian's flying shuttle in one day even if it took him two days to run ahead.

After all, the Lightning and Thunder Eagle can travel thirty thousand miles in a day.

But the shuttle can only travel thousands of miles a day.

Lin Changsheng always carries the alchemy furnace with him. As for the flames, it is even simpler. Lin Changsheng already controls the immortal fireworks. If you throw some on the ground, they will be immortal for a long time.

With a perfect level of alchemy in his hands, Lin Changsheng had more than 70% chance of making an elixir even if the conditions for alchemy were rudimentary.

Wash the cauldron, use it as medicine, transform medicine, and condense elixir.

The steps for making alchemy are exactly the same.

After just one hour, Lin Changsheng refined a furnace of Wuji Holy Pill.

However, after opening the furnace, only seven of the ten elixirs in the cauldron were condensed, which was a pity.

If other alchemists knew that Lin Changsheng could make seven pills by refining Wuji Holy Land for the first time, they would probably be shocked.

Ordinary alchemists do not have such a high chance of forming an elixir.

Lin Changsheng didn't care about the three waste pills and threw them away directly.

Anyway, he got a lot of medicinal materials from Wang Tong's storage bag, enough for him to refine ten furnaces of Wuji Holy Pill.

Lin Changsheng then put in the medicinal materials and continued to refine the elixir.

Another three hours passed in a flash.

Lin Changsheng became more and more proficient in refining, and finally the chance of becoming a pill was 90%.

There is only one waste elixir.

"That's right. If the conditions for refining the pills weren't a little poor, a furnace of ten pills could all turn into pills!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

"Huh? You caught up so quickly?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly noticed that there were more than ten tyrannical auras rushing towards this side.

Some of the smells are very familiar.

After checking with his spiritual sense, he discovered that it was actually Wang Yun and others.

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