As major sects continued to arrive, the audience seats were quickly filled.

The disciples who need to compete stand in the center of the square.

Lin Changsheng looked sideways and saw a swarm of black crows, with no heads in sight, at least a thousand people.

A gathering of geniuses has brought together so many young talents, which shows that the Immortal Realm is rich in resources. No wonder everyone wants to practice in the Immortal Realm.

This is indeed a monk's paradise.

"Elder Liao of the Suppressing Heaven Sect has arrived with his disciples!"

Following a high-pitched shout, a group of people slowly walked over under the eyes of everyone.

The leader in front was an elegant-looking middle-aged man, followed by five young disciples in the back.

Among these five young disciples, there are three men and two women, each with extraordinary abilities.

"This Tianzhen Sect is indeed one of the top three forces in the Immortal Realm. During yesterday's test, among their five disciples, one was in the late stage of Void Refining, three were in the middle stage of Void Refining, and one was in the early stage of Void Refining!"

"So awesome! Then they have a high chance of winning first place this time!"

"No, the top talent of every session is born from the three major forces, and this session is no exception!"

"No! But unfortunately, I heard that there are only four people coming to the Immortal Palace this time. They are all in the middle stage of Void Refining. Without the late stage of Void Refining, I think they have no hope of winning the ranking!"

"Yes! Immortal Palace has been left far behind by Xianwu Palace and Tianzhen Sect!"

Many people in the surrounding area immediately started talking after seeing the great geniuses of Zhentian Sect.

Many young people are only at the Golden Core Stage at their age, while the Tianjiao have already reached the late stage of Void Refining and are about to merge.

Is this the difference between geniuses and ordinary people?

"Senior Brother Bufan, this list of geniuses is really lively!"

Liu Yun, the last female disciple of Zhentian Sect, was immediately excited after looking at the many young talents.

Liu Yun has a sweet appearance and a well-proportioned figure. She is one of the most talented girls in Zhentian Sect.

She has been cultivating in Zhentian Sect for more than 20 years and rarely leaves the sect, so she was quite excited to see so many geniuses this time.

As everyone knows, this is no ordinary gathering, but a competition of experience and strength.

Those who lose can range from serious injuries to death.

Entering the big game is no joke.

"Junior sister Liu, this competition is no joke. Remember to follow us and don't fall behind!"

Wei Bufan responded that those who can participate in the competition are not ordinary people.

There was no shortage of powerful opponents among them, and even he did not dare to look down on everyone.

"I know, Senior Brother Bufan!"

Liu Yun stuck out her tongue and responded obediently.

"Look, look over there, the people from the Immortal Palace are here too!"

As the surrounding crowd became restless, not far away, an old man dressed in white with white hair and a white beard was seen walking towards with four disciples.

There is a word "immortal" carved on the chest of their clothes.

It makes them look even more extraordinary, as if they have their own halo.

Lin Changsheng looked around and found that the cultivation levels of the four geniuses in the Immortal Palace were all in the middle stage of Void Refining, and they did not pose much of a threat to him.

The most important ones are the geniuses of Xianwu Palace and Zhentian Sect!

"Huh? Is that a disciple of the Tianming Sword Sect?"

Lin Changsheng also discovered the disciples of the Tianming Sword Sect not far away, and there were actually two elders who led them there.

One of them, Lin Changsheng, couldn't see his face clearly, but his figure looked so familiar.

"It's him!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his figure and realized that this person was the elder of the Tianming Sect who had been chasing him a few days ago.

If he hadn't taken advantage of Gushan, his life would have been in danger.

I didn't expect that this person would also sneak into this place. It seems that he is unwilling to kill himself!

But here, the other party would never dare to attack him rashly.

Lin Changsheng then looked away and continued to look at the opponents with stronger cultivation among these geniuses.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Just after Lin Changsheng changed his gaze, Luo Shang pulled a burly disciple aside.

"What is the order from the Sixth Elder?"

The burly disciple asked Luo Shang.

"Xiangtian, I have found the person who killed Elder Situ, and he is the man in front of me!"

Luo Shang pointed out Lin Changsheng, which made Xiang Tian frown slightly.

Didn't expect that he is still alive now? And also participated in the Genius List?

How could an ant from the lower realm be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with their genius from the Immortal Realm?

"But he is now participating in the Genius List, so I can't take action. This person has cultivated a lot and has many opportunities. If there is a chance to kill him in the competition, you can take action. If there is no chance, you have to wait!"

Luo Shang said seriously.

Although Xiang Tian is the number one genius of their Tianming Sword Sect, his cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Void Refining, which is comparable to Lin Changsheng's cultivation level. It is estimated that it will be difficult to kill the opponent with Xiang Tian.

So you need to wait for the opportunity.


Xiang Tian nodded in agreement, and then planned to leave.

However, Luo Shang pulled Xiang Tian and took out a bottle from his sleeve.

There is a black elixir in the bottle.

"This thing is called the God-killing Pill. It can improve your cultivation level in a short time after taking it. It should not be taken unless absolutely necessary."

Luo Shang confessed and disappeared into the crowd again.

However, there were two things he didn't tell Xiang Tian.

First, Lin Changsheng may be a generation of strong men who have been reborn and have extraordinary strength. Don't make a hasty move without complete assurance.

Second, after taking this god-killing pill, although the strength can skyrocket in a short period of time, it will cause irreversible damage.

In order to kill Lin Changsheng, Luo Shang no longer had so many worries at this moment.

Because Lin Changsheng made him feel vaguely uneasy.

If Lin Changsheng survives, he may cause an uproar in their fairyland in the future.

As the major sects gather together, more and more people gather.

This place is already crowded.

The leader of the Shen Lian Sect nodded to the great elder when he saw everyone had arrived.

The Great Elder understood and jumped onto the stone platform in front, looking down at everyone from a high position.

"Everyone, be quiet——"

As the great elder finished speaking, everyone under the stone platform slowly stopped.

"Today, all the major sects gather here, which is a great honor for our Shen Refining Sect. Anyone who comes here can get a hundred fairy crystals. In addition, the contestants, regardless of winning or losing, can get the unique formula of our Shen Refining Sect. A magic pill."

When the great elder of the Lian Shen Sect finished speaking, the crowd below immediately became restless.

Immortal crystals and the others are not in short supply. After all, they are the geniuses of all major sects.

But this divine refining pill is extraordinary. It is said that taking one can temper your divine consciousness and make it stronger.

This is a rare treasure!

"In addition, this year's Tianjiao List will be divided into two rounds of competitions! A duel will determine the top ten of this year."

"The top ten will not only receive generous fairy crystal rewards, but also magical arts, heavenly treasures, etc. I hope everyone can unleash all their potential!"

"The first round of competition is a training session for the Demon Cave!"

After the great elder of the Lian Shen Sect finished speaking, he stretched his hand behind him.

I saw a huge cave on the rock wall behind. This cave was ten feet high and extremely huge.

It was as dark as an abyss, and seemed capable of swallowing up all living things.

“It used to be a three-round competition, but now it’s changed to two rounds?”

"Yes! Every competition changes, and the location of the first round also changes. This devil's cave is not simple at first glance. It must be extremely dangerous inside!"

"If every competition is the same, can it be called practice? I'm afraid I won't participate!"

"Even a person who has no experience deserves to be called Tianjiao?"

Many geniuses around him suddenly started talking about it.

Some people feel that the Demon Cave is extremely dangerous, while others are waiting to see what happens.

"The rules of the first round of competition are that the first 100 players who came out of the Demon Cave will advance, and the rest will be eliminated. There is one chance to give up the game before the game. If someone gives up the game, they can quit now. After all, it is dangerous in the Demon Cave Heavy!"

The great elder reminded kindly.

Many disciples looked around.

Indeed, many disciples chose to quit after seeing the horror of the Demon Cave.

"Brother Lin, it's up to you this time!"

Hou Shaojie said from behind Lin Changsheng.

Among them, Lin Changsheng has the strongest cultivation level.

"We'd better go in and don't wander around after entering!"

Lin Changsheng warned.

"Why go in last?"

Zhou Qibai was a little confused.

Not the first 100 people to come out win?

If he arrives late, he won't have the upper hand!

"If you are not afraid of being attacked from both sides, you can set off first!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

In the devil's cave, what Lin Changsheng was afraid of was not the danger inside, but the black hands from the monks behind him.

Who knows who is friend or foe?

If someone was behind it, he wouldn't even know how he died.

Going in last, although you missed the opportunity, is definitely the safest choice to save your life.

In addition, even if there is danger in the devil's cave, the disciple who enters first can still explore.

"Then, okay!"

Zhou Qibai had no choice but to agree, after all, they had agreed to go all the way.

It would be somewhat inappropriate if they left first now.

"Open the Demon Cave!"

Following the great elder's loud shout, the array of formations shimmered with light.

The restrictions outside the Demon Cave were opened.

Seeing the Demon Cave open, many disciples immediately rushed towards the Demon Cave without saying a word.

Only the top 100 disciples will have the opportunity to participate in the second round, and they will not miss this opportunity.

However, Lin Changsheng and others remained motionless, watching quietly as these disciples rushed into it.

"Are these people stupid? They don't move. Are they trying to quit?"

"I think they were probably scared to death and wanted to give up the game!"

"Yes! If you are timid, don't participate. If you participate, you dare not enter the Devil's Cave. It's really ridiculous!"

The disciples who passed by Lin Changsheng immediately started mocking him.

But how could they know what Lin Changsheng was thinking?

Lin Changsheng's main focus is to have a dog, plus a stability.

It doesn't matter whether you can win the top 100, there will always be opportunities when you have the opportunity.

Saving one's life is the most important thing.

Of course, who says those who enter last will have no hope?

"What medicine is this guy selling in his gourd?"

When the Dugu brothers and sisters saw Lin Changsheng motionless, they suddenly felt confused about what Lin Changsheng was thinking.

They believed that Lin Changsheng had traveled thousands of miles to not participate in the competition, so they planned to enter the devil's cave to wait for him.

Now the Dugu brothers and sisters have gathered the forces of the five major sects.

As long as Lin Changsheng and others dare to enter the Demon Cave, Lin Changsheng will definitely die.

In addition to the Dugu brothers and sisters who want to kill Lin Changsheng, there are also disciples of the Vajra Sect.

With the disappearance of the elders of the Vajra Sect, the disciples of the Vajra Sect know that this matter must be related to Lin Changsheng, so the disciples of the Vajra Sect also unite with other sects and will never let go if they encounter Lin Changsheng.

Finally, there is Xiang Tian of Tianming Sword Sect.

After taking a look at Lin Changsheng, he jumped into the devil's cave.

Soon, everyone had entered it.


Lin Changsheng saw that it was almost done, so he led everyone in last.

After entering the Demon Cave, the interior space is completely opposite to what you see outside.

Not only is it not dark inside, but it is bright.

"Grand formation?"

This was Lin Changsheng's first feeling. As soon as they entered the devil's cave, they entered the formation.

At this moment, they were in an extremely empty cave with dozens of passages around it.

I don't know where these passages lead.

"Which way to go?"

Hou Shaojie asked.

Because he and his disciples had already entered the passage and disappeared.

Lin Changsheng did not rush to try his luck and choose one at random. Instead, he released his spiritual consciousness first and planned to explore which exit was the best.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that his spiritual consciousness could spread to a distance of nearly 20,000 miles, enough to clearly explore these passages.

However, after Lin Changsheng spread all his spiritual consciousness, he found that this passage was still unexplored.

And the twists and turns of the passage made Lin Changsheng feel dizzy.

Lin Changsheng then withdrew his consciousness.

It seems that using spiritual consciousness to find a way out is not the way.

And not everyone who enters the passage appears in this cave.

This formation is the Jiuyiguida formation.

Once you enter the formation, you will appear in nine different places. There are twenty-four different passages in the nine stone chambers.

There is only one passage leading to the center of the formation, which is Jiujiu Guiyi.

Only when you reach the center of the formation can you hope to break the formation and leave.

Therefore, the Dugu brothers and sisters who had just entered the formation thought that they could wait until Lin Changsheng appeared, but in the end they returned disappointed.

I can only choose a channel to explore at random.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was proficient in the grand formation. Seeing that his spiritual consciousness could not find the answer, he began to study the grand formation.

[Introduction to the Jiuyigui Formation! 】

Two hours later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the formation to the beginning.

On the side, Zhou Qibai, Yu Tingting and others had already been waiting impatiently.

"This formation is so exquisite! Go this way."

After finding the correct passage, Lin Changsheng immediately led everyone towards an inconspicuous passage ahead.

However, not long after Lin Changsheng and others left, a figure walked out of another passage.

"I want to see how capable your kid is?"

A smile appeared on Xiangtian's lips.

There are five disciples from Tianming Sword Sect coming this time, and Xiang Tian has asked the other disciples to set off first.

He was waiting for Lin Changsheng here.

I didn't expect that he would be touched in the end.

Then see for yourself whether he is really capable or just pretending.

When the opponent clears a path for him, he can follow behind and break through the formation effortlessly.

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he had naturally sensed Xiangtian's existence a long time ago.

I just didn't pay attention to him, after all, the other party was only at the middle stage of Xuzhou Refining.

The main thing now is to find a way to break the formation. If the other party doesn't take action, then he will pretend not to know.

If he takes action, he will send him on his way. (End of chapter)

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