The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 351 Fire Qilin? Battle against Tianming Sword Sect’s genius

I don't know how long this passage is. Lin Changsheng and others kept walking towards it, but they seemed to have no end.

"How is this going?"

Zhou Qibai couldn't help but ask, if he continues like this, who knows when he will end?

"Is this also a maze? Why do I feel like I'm going back and forth all the time?"

Hou Shaojie also raised questions because he found some places where he seemed to have walked.

This made Lin Changsheng a little confused.

Although he has studied formations to the basics, he knows a thing or two about large formations.

But it's not complete yet, and I can't fully understand this formation.

"Just mark it and you'll know!"

Yu Tingting waved her sword light on the stone wall nearby and directly cut out a symbol. Every time she advanced a certain distance, she would leave another mark.

However, after everyone left for half an hour, they found that they had returned to the same place.

"It seems that this place is really an illusory formation. It is not an easy thing to leave here!"

Zhou Qibai frowned.

The content of the first round of each Genius List is different, but the difficulty is certainly not small.

If it is very simple, how can we test who is the leader among the geniuses?

"This formation is an illusion. If you want to break the formation, you cannot use your eyes to see the way!"

Xiaobai's voice sounded in Lin Changsheng's mind.

The nine-tailed fox is also called the nine-tailed demon fox, so it is very familiar with this phantom formation.

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Lin Changsheng immediately asked everyone to close their eyes, and then used his spiritual consciousness to explore the way.

Lin Changsheng walked in the front, followed by Hou Shaojie and Zhao Shuang'er, followed by Zhou Qibai and Yu Tingting, and at the end were the other geniuses who followed.

At this moment, they are all led by Lin Changsheng, so they will not object to whatever Lin Changsheng says.

After all, they have no other choice.

After everyone closed their eyes and diffused their spiritual consciousness, the passage suddenly became different.

Lin Changsheng walked forward for about a hundred meters, and finally walked towards the stone wall.

Finally, when he was about to hit the stone wall, Lin Changsheng disappeared directly through the stone wall in a burst of ripples.

Then everyone passed through the stone wall from here and disappeared into the passage.

When Xiang Tian arrived here, there was no one around.

"Is it really a phantom formation?"

Xiang Tian's heart was shocked. It would be absolutely difficult for him to find a way to solve it here.

Didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be so smart?

Then Xiangtian also closed his eyes and began to use his spiritual consciousness to find the way.

Soon he also found a way out of the formation. After colliding with the wall, it caused ripples and disappeared.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Lin Changsheng discovered a huge stone chamber in front of him, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The rest of the people also opened their eyes.

This stone chamber is about the size of two football fields, with a huge stone platform in the center and a strange statue placed above the stone platform.

The statue is three feet high, with a head like a deer, horns like an ox, a tail like a fish, and claws like a dragon.

It is rare for people to see such a weird statue.

"This is the Qilin statue! Why does it appear here?"

Yu Tingting saw what this statue was!

"Don't be too curious. It will save you a lot of trouble. The passage is just on the other side. Everyone, follow us!"

Lin Changsheng discovered that there was an exit passage on the opposite side, and immediately planned to leave this place through the huge stone chamber.

No one knows if there are any formations or other dangers here.

So be careful with everything.

However, some young people did not take Lin Changsheng's words seriously and insisted on taking a close look at the statue, and even reached out to touch it.


As soon as a disciple's palm touched the Qilin statue, his palm was cut open by the sharp stone on the statue, and bright red blood flowed out.

Blood dripped on the statue, causing cracks to appear on the statue.

"What, what's going on?"

The disciple suddenly got up without knowing why. Isn't this a statue?

But is it a sealed living unicorn?

What he thought was indeed correct. This unicorn was indeed imprisoned here by the formation. Once awakened, it would be extremely ferocious and would kill all living creatures.

"Let's go!"

Lin Changsheng was speechless in his heart. He told him not to cause trouble, but to find some trouble for himself.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng was the first to rush towards the cave ahead.

The rest of the people also fled.

No one knows how strong this Qilin is. If it is too strong, they will probably be left here.


After just three breaths of time, all the stones covering Qilin's body fell off, revealing the Qilin's body.

This ferocious beast was three feet tall, its whole body was fiery red, and it also ignited a raging fire. It was a fire unicorn.

What dared to scratch the disciple's palm was not an ordinary stone, but the scales on the Fire Qilin's body.

These scales are as strong and sharp as dragon scales.


After Huo Qilin woke up, he roared angrily, seeming to vent his anger.

With the roar of the fire unicorn, the stone chamber shook violently.

Then the fire unicorn swooped out and pinned a disciple to the ground and tore him apart instantly.

The human body in the transformation stage is like paper in front of it, vulnerable to a blow.

"Soul-Splitting Martial Seal Palm!"

"Wuji Collapse Mountain Fist!"

"The wave of swords surges into the sky!"

Upon seeing this, the other disciples burst out with tyrannical magic and began to fight against the Fire Qilin.


Countless attacks landed on Fire Qilin, causing violent roars. In the end, they only shook Fire Qilin back a few steps, but did not suffer any real damage.

"This Fire Qilin is at least in the late stage of Void Refining and is not something you can fight against. Run away!"

Zhou Qibai reminded him.

This is because the formation suppressed the Fire Qilin's cultivation, otherwise the Fire Qilin in its heyday would definitely have more than this level of cultivation.

After all, this is a descendant of a dragon, and its physical defense and strength can be imagined.


Just as the reminder sounded, two more disciples were torn to pieces by Huo Qilin, and one was burned to ashes by the flames spewed from Huo Qilin's mouth.

"You go first, I'll stop him!"

Lin Changsheng realized that it was too late to escape at this moment, so he could only fight with all his strength.

Otherwise, even if he could escape, Zhao Shuang'er, Hou Shaojie and others would not be able to escape either.

Wouldn't it be better to fight with all our strength to defeat the Fire Qilin and surrender it?

Lin Changsheng didn't want them to discover all of his cultivation, so he let them go first!

"Brother Changsheng, I'll stay and help you!"

Zhao Shuang'er wanted to stay and fight with Lin Changsheng against Huo Qilin, and was worried about Lin Changsheng's safety.

However, her staying would only make Lin Changsheng intimidated.

"If you go with them, not only will you not be able to help me if you stay, you will also tie me up!"

Lin Changsheng did not hide anything and spoke truthfully.

When Zhao Shuang'er saw this, he stopped saying anything and quickly left with Zhou Qibai and others.

Zhou Qibai knew that Lin Changsheng's cultivation was not simple, and it should be possible to block the fire unicorn for a while, so he immediately fled here with Yu Tingting.

Hou Shaojie and the other geniuses also left quickly.

After seeing everyone leave, Lin Changsheng stopped covering up. He didn't stay to resist Fire Qilin.

But to subdue this monster.

Every time Lin Changsheng subdues a monster, he will gain some abilities and longevity.

This fire unicorn is not simple at first glance, and its cultivation has been suppressed by the formation. How long will it take if we don't conquer it now?


Lin Changsheng burst out with the power of the divine dragon, and a loud roar of dragons suddenly resounded throughout the stone chamber.

The power of the Shenlong is not even half weaker than that of the Fire Qilin, and can even overwhelm the Fire Qilin.

A dragon soul rose into the sky, then circled around the stone chamber before falling into Lin Changsheng's body.

Lin Changsheng's physical body was seen growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it reached the late stage of refining the void and then slowly stopped.

After his physical body reached the late stage of Void Refining, Lin Changsheng once again used the Blood Demon Devouring God Technique.

This technique can consume a drop of blood to increase your cultivation level dramatically.

A strong smell of blood spread out, and Lin Changsheng felt that the energy in his body suddenly boiled and surged wildly. In just a short moment, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level also improved to the late stage of Void Refining.

With the dual improvement of his Yuan Power and physical body, Lin Changsheng was not inferior at all against the Fire Qilin.

"Submit to me obediently, and you will avoid physical pain!"

Lin Changsheng's words echoed in the stone chamber.

After hearing these words, Huo Qilin glared at each other. He was a descendant of the noble dragon clan. How could he be surrendered by a small human being?


The fire unicorn roared, spitting out large flames from its mouth and blasting towards Lin Changsheng.

"court death!"

Lin Changsheng summoned the Evil-Breaking Blade and slashed it out.

call out--

The powerful sword light shot out of the air, directly tearing apart the space and causing the space to become distorted.

When the sword light met the flame, the powerful flames were instantly torn apart by the sword light.


The tyrannical sword light struck fiercely at Huo Qilin's head and chest.

He directly slashed it away.

If it weren't for the extremely strong unicorn armor around it, it would have been split into two pieces by Lin Changsheng's sword.

However, it was not feeling well at this moment. The Linjia in front of it was shattered in an instant, and bright red blood flowed out.

"What a powerful sword light!"

Xiang Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, felt his heart tremble when he saw such a terrifying attack unleashed by Lin Changsheng.

No wonder the Sixth Elder told him not to take action rashly. It seems that this kid is indeed not simple.

On the surface, he only has cultivation in the middle stage of Void Refining, but after bursting out the secret technique, he can be promoted to the late stage of Void Refining.

This was more than he could handle.

It would be difficult for a monk in the late stage of Void Refining to injure the Fire Qilin, but the weapon in Lin Changsheng's hand was a top-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure.

This fire unicorn is also extremely fierce. Even if it was killed by a high-grade Tongtian spirit treasure, it did not fall to the ground.

After shaking his body for a while, he slowly stood up again.


Huo Qilin roared angrily, seeming to vent his dissatisfaction.

After the roar fell, he flew towards Lin Changsheng again, seemingly intending to tear Lin Changsheng into pieces with his tyrannical body.

Lin Changsheng's physical body was no joke. He put away the Evil-Breaking Sword and immediately punched out.


The fist light blasted out, and the four divine beasts followed each other, erupting into bursts of roars.

The four beasts are Qinglong, Zhuque, Xuanwu and White Tiger.

This boxing is none other than the Four Elephant Divine Lord Boxing.


The powerful fist light collided with the fire unicorn's dragon claw at a distance.

The two people were in a deadlock for an instant.

But Lin Changsheng didn't just have one arm, he punched out again with the other hand, hitting Huo Qilin's injured heart.

This punch knocked the fire unicorn away again.

Since the fire unicorn doesn't want to surrender, let's wait until it is convinced.

Lin Changsheng summoned the divine thunder bow, and thunder and lightning wrapped around the bow.

Too late——

Roads of thunder flashed above.

Boo hoo hoo——

Lin Changsheng released his bow, and countless thunder and lightning arrows swept towards the Fire Qilin.

Where can the Fire Qilin escape after being traumatized again?

Bang bang bang——

The arrows struck all around the Fire Qilin, bursting out with roars, directly smashing the armor around the Fire Qilin into pieces, and the whole body was scorched black.

After being injured, Huo Qilin lost the domineering spirit he had at the beginning and seemed to be on the verge of death.

In front of two high-grade spiritual treasures, even ferocious beasts like Fire Qilin had to lose.

This is the powerful power of the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

After all, it is just a little bit close to becoming a weapon at the level of a heaven-reaching fairy treasure. How can it be weak in power?

"I told you a long time ago that if you surrender obediently, you won't have to suffer physical pain. If you don't listen, this is what will happen!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward, looked at the dying Huo Qilin, then cut his palm, drained the blood and planned to sign a soul contract with Huo Qilin.

However, Huo Qilin was extremely arrogant and unwilling to become Lin Changsheng's puppet, and kept struggling wildly.

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng could only cut his palm again, put his hands on the top of Huo Qilin's head, and used the Soul Contract Technique crazily.

not far away.

Xiangtian saw Lin Changsheng using the contract technique to sign a contract with Huo Qilin, and immediately felt that an opportunity had come.

He directly took off the giant sword from behind, then exerted force on his feet, jumped up, and the sword light went straight towards Lin Changsheng.

call out--

Lin Changsheng felt a powerful sword light falling from above his head.

This was the critical moment for him to sign the contract. If he stopped, Lin Changsheng's consciousness would also suffer backlash.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng did not intend to stop.

"court death!"

Lin Changsheng roared angrily and unleashed his six-arm magic. In the next moment, Lin Changsheng grew four arms again.

He stretched out an arm and directly used his physical strength to catch the giant blade that was slashing towards the sky.

The other arm quickly blasted out a punch, attacking Xiang Tian's abdomen.


Xiang Tian never expected that Lin Changsheng could practice such a weird method and grow arms, and he was immediately shocked.

However, looking at the attacking fist light at this moment, he had no extra time to think about it and turned over to avoid it.

It's a pity that the giant sword in his hand fell into Lin Changsheng's hand.

It has to be said that not everyone has the ability to fight beyond the level.

Lin Changsheng is currently in the late stage of cultivation, while Xiangtian is only in the early stage of cultivation.

Even with a sneak attack, it would be difficult to hurt Lin Changsheng.


The fist light struck the wall in the distance, and a violent roar suddenly erupted, causing rocks to roll down.

If this place hadn't been blessed by a large formation, I'm afraid it would have collapsed under the light of the fist.

"The genius of Tianming Sword Sect can only attack from behind?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

On his hand, he was speeding up the signing of the contract with Fire Qilin.

Now that this guy has taken action, he must not be left alone.

After all, this person is also the genius of the Tianming Sword Sect, and his future achievements will be limitless.

And Lin Changsheng is an enemy of the Tianming Sword Sect.

"So what? Didn't you attack Elder Situ in a sneak attack in the lower realm? Otherwise, how could you have killed him with your own strength?"

Not a word of dissatisfaction to the sky.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng definitely used despicable means to kill Situ Wu. (End of chapter)

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