Hearing this, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sneer.

Although he didn't kill Situ Wu with his own cultivation, at least he killed him through his own formation.

Isn't formation part of one's own strength?

He didn't attack the opponent sneakily.

However, Lin Changsheng did not intend to say too much about this dying man.

"After you die, you can ask Situ Wu how he died?"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he directly summoned the Divine Thunder Bow and the Evil-Breaking Knife.

Draw the bow with both arms and slash with one hand.

Two attacks suddenly broke out and headed toward the sky.

These two attacks were bursts of high-grade Tongtian spirit treasures, and their power was astonishing.

The power of the sky thunder on the divine thunder bow is extremely domineering, and the explosive attack destroys the sky and the earth, with a huge momentum, just like the anger of the thunder god.

The attack that broke out from the Evil-Breaking Blade was enough to cause the killing space to distort.

It can be seen that the sword light is extremely powerful.

Xiang Tian is also a skilled player who has experienced hundreds of battles. He knows that the attack unleashed by the Tongtian Lingbao in the opponent's hand is not easy. If he fights with it head-on, he will definitely be severely injured and may even be in danger of death.

So avoid it immediately.

However, the sword light is easy to dodge, but the thousands of thunder and lightning arrows are not so easy to dodge.

Thunder and lightning arrows poured out like raindrops, making it impossible to avoid Xiangtian.

In the end, he could only use a Yuanli shield in front of him to resist.


When the thunderbolt arrow collided with the Yuanli shield in front of Xiang Tian, ​​a violent explosion directly erupted.

Almost instantly, the Yuanli shield was penetrated by the thunder arrows, and the powerful impact blasted Xiangtian directly, hitting the wall in the distance heavily, creating a huge deep hole in the wall. pit, countless rocks rolled down.


After it hit the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted directly into the sky.

At this moment, there was a lagoon in front of him, which was obviously severely damaged by the thunder arrows.

The power of this divine thunder bow cannot even be resisted by ferocious beasts like the Fire Qilin, let alone a person like Xiang Tian who is in the early stage of Void Refining.

"What a domineering attack!"

Xiang Tian was shocked. Originally, there was only a small realm difference between him and Lin Changsheng, but he didn't expect that the attack unleashed by the other party left him unable to even fight back.

Lin Changsheng was like an insurmountable mountain in front of him, but he felt it was difficult to shake.


Lin Changsheng would not give Xiang Tian a chance to breathe. After the thunder and lightning arrows severely damaged Xiang Tian, ​​Lin Changsheng planned to blast out the World-Destroying Palm of the Gods again to kill him.

Xiang Tian also knew that if he didn't use the life-saving things, he would probably die here.

He took out a medicine bottle from his sleeve, and there was a strange black pill inside. Xiang Tian didn't think much about it, he raised his head and drank the pill.

The next moment, black runes suddenly spread all over his body, and his cultivation level suddenly increased wildly.


Xiangtian screamed in agony as if he was suffering tremendous pain.

In just two breaths, Xiangtian has directly crossed two small realms from the early stage of Xuefeng Refining to the late stage of Xuefong Refining.

The energy within the body became extremely surging.

This scene made Lin Changsheng a little surprised.

Is this pill so overbearing?

Can a monk be able to instantly improve two small realms in such a short period of time?

Bang bang bang——

The next moment, a series of palm seal attacks hit Xiang Tian, ​​but at this moment they were unable to seriously injure him. They just pushed him back three feet and stabilized his figure.

When Xiang Tian raised his head, his eyes became extremely dark, as if the powerful power of the elixir had swallowed up his mind.

"Kill, kill——"

Xiang Tian kept roaring, and the next moment he jumped up, punching out in mid-air and heading straight for Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng was unable to move at the critical moment to subdue the Fire Qilin. He could only use arrows, swords, and fists to resist the attacks towards the sky.

Although Xiang Tian's cultivation level has skyrocketed, he is not much better than Lin Changsheng, and he was knocked back by Lin Changsheng time and time again.

However, he was like a tireless ferocious beast, being repelled time and time again, rushing to kill again and again, and constantly attacking Lin Changsheng like crazy.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng possesses six-arm magic, and the extra four arms help him resist Xiang Tian, ​​otherwise he would be in trouble at this moment.

As time went by, even if Xiangtian obtained the increase in the God-killing Pill, there was nothing he could do against Lin Changsheng.

He was repelled time and time again by Lin Changsheng, and even received severe injuries on his arms and waist.

But under the effect of the God-killing Pill, he couldn't feel the pain.

However, there is a certain period of time for the increase in cultivation level.

After a moment of burning incense, the black light in Xiangtian's eyes slowly faded, allowing him to regain some sense.

He knew that he could no longer stay here, and the effect of the God-killing Pill he had unleashed could not affect Lin Changsheng. Then after the effect of the drug wore off, wouldn't he have no choice but to wait for death?

So Xiangtian immediately escaped towards the cave ahead.

If Lin Changsheng's contract hadn't been completed, he would have hunted him down and left Xiang Tian behind.

At this moment, I can only watch him escape.

[The contract is signed and completed! 】

After about half a stick of incense, Lin Changsheng finally signed a master-servant contract with Huo Qilin.

Lin Changsheng opened the panel to check and found that he had received a five-hundred-year lifespan increase and Qilin fireworks.

It may be that the Fire Qilin possesses flames, so it obtained the Qilin Fireworks.

Just like the Lightning and Thunder Eagle possesses the power of thunder and lightning, Lin Changsheng gained the power of thunder after signing a contract with the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

[Qilin fireworks detected, are they merged with the immortal fireworks? 】

The next moment, Lin Changsheng discovered that a prompt popped up on the panel.

"Fire can actually fuse?"

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng.

However, even weapons can be fused, and it is normal for flames to be fused.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion without hesitation.

[The fusion of Qilin Fireworks and Eternal Fireworks has begun. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, and you will obtain the Immortal Dragon Flame! 】

"Immortal Dragon Flame?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this name sounded domineering when he heard it.

This unicorn also has the blood of a dragon, so it makes sense to fuse it into immortal dragon flames.

Anyway, the power of the flame after the fusion will be much stronger than at the beginning.

"I want to see where you can escape to?"

Lin Changsheng didn't have time to check the power of this immortal dragon flame. After signing the contract with Huo Qilin, he immediately chased towards the place where he escaped to the sky.

Xiangtian has been seriously injured and will definitely not be able to escape.

And Zhao Shuang'er, Hou Shaojie and others who had just left not far ahead encountered trouble again.

I thought the red light in front would be the exit, but I didn't expect that there were densely packed fire bats resting here.

When these fire bats discovered the intruder, they immediately attacked Zhao Shuang'er, Zhou Qibai and others.

The attack and defense of these fire bats are not very strong, but they carry poison and fire.

The poison is extremely corrosive. Once it touches someone, it will turn into a pool of blood, and the flames can directly burn the monks into white bones. The power is not much worse than the immortal flame.


Zhou Qibai slashed out with his sword, directly cutting into two pieces a group of fire bats rushing in front.

However, the fire bats that he split fell on the disciples on both sides, causing their bodies to burst into flames instantly.


The disciples who were burned by the flames screamed, but no one dared to come forward to help. These fire bats were not very powerful, but the flames and poison were very terrifying.

In just three breaths, the two disciples lost their vital signs and were slowly burned into a pile of bones by the flames.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes and saw that he couldn't get through here, so he could only turn around and walk back, hoping that Lin Changsheng had surrendered the Fire Qilin, otherwise they would be in trouble if they went back.

However, not far after they turned back, a figure rushed towards them.

Before anyone could see who this person was, Zhao Shuang'er accidentally caught him in his hands and strangled him by the neck.

"Who are you? Let her go!"

Hou Shaojie immediately scolded.

This woman is Lin Changsheng's maid. If something goes wrong, Lin Changsheng will probably be angry.

"He is a disciple of the Tianming Sword Sect! You have been following us all the way, right?"

Zhou Qibai could tell at a glance that this person was from the Tianming Sword Sect.

And he had already noticed someone following him, but he didn't point it out, but he didn't expect it to appear at this moment.

"Tell Lin Changsheng that if you don't want her to die, come to my Tianming Sword Sect, otherwise I will kill her!"

Throwing a word to the sky, he directly grabbed Zhao Shuang'er and rushed towards the group of fire bats.

He followed Lin Changsheng and others all the way, and naturally discovered that Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er had an unusual relationship.

That's why he chose to capture Zhao Shuang'er, so that even if he met Lin Changsheng again, he would have a bargaining chip.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Hou Shaojie was shocked as he watched Xiang Tian capture Zhao Shuang'er and disappear among the fire bats.

Isn't he afraid of fire bat attacks?

"Let's go!"

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes as he saw the fire bats attacking and immediately retreated.

After running away for two or three miles, the fire bats stopped chasing them.

Everyone rested here for a while before Lin Changsheng chased them here. When he learned that Zhao Shuang'er had been captured by Xiang Tian, ​​Lin Changsheng was furious.

"He's seriously injured, and so many of you can't stop him? Are you letting him take Shuang'er away?"

How could this not make Lin Changqi angry?

Although Zhao Shuang'er did not come from the abandoned land with him, he was also sincere towards Lin Changsheng.

How could Lin Changsheng not care about her life or death?

"Brother Lin, it's my fault. I didn't protect Shuang'er well. But that kid probably hasn't left here yet. There's still a chance to catch him!"

Hou Shaojie said.

It is not easy to leave this place, so Hou Shaojie believes that it is not impossible to rescue Zhao Shuang'er before leaving here!

Otherwise, once the other party catches him and goes to the Tianming Sword Sect, things will become difficult.

After all, the Tianming Sword Sect is one of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, and it would be difficult to get people from them.

Lin Changsheng naturally knew this, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry.

Before he has established a firm foothold in the Immortal Realm, he cannot compete with the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm.

We can only hope to save Zhao Shuang'er before the other party escapes from the devil's cave.

Lin Changsheng then rushed forward without saying a word.

After a while, Lin Changsheng arrived not far from the cave filled with fire bats.

A battle had just broken out here, and there were still many bodies lying on the ground.

Some were melted into a pool of blood by the venom, while others were burned into a pile of bones by the flames.

Lin Changsheng hoped that Zhao Shuang'er would not be among them.

After walking forward for a certain distance, I found that there were more and more fire bats, and they were also emitting bursts of scorching heat.

I think what Hou Shaojie and others said was right, there are indeed many fire bats here.

But these fire bats were nothing to Lin Changsheng.

The opponent has fire attacks, doesn't Lin Changsheng have one?

He just wanted to try out the power of the immortal dragon flame he just obtained?


When Lin Changsheng approached the cave for a certain distance, he found that the entire passage was filled with fire bats, and there were still fire bats flying around, making piercing screams.


As Lin Changsheng's footsteps approached, countless fire bats were instantly attacked, and then they all rose into the air, turning into a large ball of flames and charging toward Lin Changsheng.


Lin Changsheng struck out with a palm, and the powerful palm print contained the power of immortal dragon flames.

The flames directly turned the palm print into a giant palm of raging flames, and the flames even carried the powerful aura of the divine dragon.


But when the flames touched countless fire bats, these fire bats were instantly engulfed by the immortal dragon flames, turning into dots of fire and dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Not even a corpse was left behind.

"What a domineering Long Yan!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, the power of this dragon flame is enough to wipe out all living beings, leaving no trace behind.

However, the original immortal fireworks could only slowly pierce through the living beings.

Lin Changsheng's palm directly killed most of the fire bats. Although the other fire bats attacked Lin Changsheng from time to time, they were all burned to the ground by the flames that Lin Changsheng burst out.

Without the obstruction of the fire bat, Lin Changsheng continued to rush forward.

Soon after passing through a long and narrow passage, Lin Changsheng appeared in a vast space, which was as bright as day.

Many disciples have gathered here, presumably coming out of other passages.

Each disciple is more or less injured, which shows that it is very difficult to pass through every passage in this devil's cave.

There must be many demonic beasts inside to hinder it.

Lin Changsheng looked around but found no trace of Xiang Tian and Zhao Shuang'er.

It is estimated that after the opponent was severely injured, he knew that he was not Lin Changsheng's opponent. Once he was found, he would definitely die, so he hid.

Lin Changsheng had no choice but to look at this space first.

This space is extremely vast, the size of five football fields, and can accommodate thousands of people.

Above the stone chamber, there are countless luminous pearl-like gems inlaid, making this place as bright as day.

But below there are ten stone platforms of the same size. There are different mysterious patterns on the stone platforms, and the patterns change from time to time.

There is a lot of blood on these stone platforms, and it is estimated that some disciples have died on them.

As a result, no one dares to climb onto the stone platform easily.

"Array within array!"

Zhou Qibai and others then walked out of the passage. When he saw the appearance of this place, he discovered that this place was also a formation.

It seems that if you want to leave this place, you can only have a chance of survival if you crack the formation in front of you.

"I heard an uncle say about this formation before. It's called the Nine Death Formation. Among the ten stone platforms, only one stone platform is the gate of life. Within a specific period of time, it will be teleported out. The rest of the time, it will be with the other stone platforms. Once someone steps on it, it will be torn apart by the power of the formation!"

Yu Tingting also told what she knew.

Lin Changsheng naturally knew this.

It is not difficult to break this formation.

Lin Changsheng is now more anxious about Zhao Shuang'er's safety.

While Lin Changsheng was looking around, he found the Dugu brothers and sisters walking slowly towards this side with a group of people sneering. (End of chapter)

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