The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 353 Shocking killing of Dugu brother and sister, fierce formation from all directions [Pleas

At this moment, Dugu Yan had already attracted the talents of various major sects such as Jingang Sect, Luoyue Sect, Bengshan Sect, etc., and gathered a team of more than 20 people.

When they saw Lin Changsheng at this moment, their hearts were filled with murderous intent.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng was just one person, but there were many of them, including many geniuses in the mid-level Void Refining stage.

To kill Lin Changsheng is just a piece of cake.

"Bitch, your death has come!"

When Dugu Yong, who had lost his arm, saw Lin Changsheng, his eyes turned sinister.

His broken arm was cut off by Lin Changsheng, and this revenge must be avenged.

When several disciples from the Diamond Sect on the side saw Lin Changsheng, their eyes were extremely cold.

Because they felt that the disappearance of the elder had absolutely nothing to do with Lin Changsheng.

If he did it, he could avenge the elder. If not, he could kill him to vent his anger.

"Brother Dugu, this person has a lot of connections with our Vajra Sect. We must not let him leave alive today!"

Vajra Sect Wang Lei said angrily.

"That's natural!"

Duguyan waved the whip in her hand, as if she had thought of how to torture him.

"Boy, if you want to blame, it's your bad luck that offends Brother Dugu and Brother Wang! If you have any last words, please say them quickly, lest you lose your head and body soon!"

A strong man from Bengshan Sect said, looking very arrogant.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Lin Changsheng is, there is only one person, and it will be easy for a group of them to destroy him.

"Last words? I don't have any, because you may be the one who dies. If you want to warn me, I have one sentence: If you don't want to die, stand aside, so as not to harm innocent people! It will be too late to beg for mercy by then!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the ugly faces of the people in front of him, and he had murderous thoughts in his heart.

It's just that some people have no grudges against him, and he plans to give them a chance. If they persist, they can only kill them all.


However, after Lin Changsheng finished speaking, the disciples of the Diamond Sect, Luoyue Sect, Bengshan Sect and other talented disciples started laughing.

In their opinion, what Lin Changsheng said might just be a joke.

How many geniuses from their sects does he want to destroy on his own? Do you really think that you are a disciple of the top three forces in the Immortal Realm?

"This is probably the funniest joke I've ever heard. Boy, just die!"

After Bengshan Zong Gaowu's laughter fell, his eyes became cold.

"Everyone, if you have any grudges or grievances, you can wait until the game is over to resolve them. Why do you have to decide whether to live or die now? Can you give me the Piaomiao Sect some face?"

Zhou Qibai saw that the situation was tense and he immediately stepped forward and said.

In his opinion, although Lin Changsheng was extremely powerful, he could not defeat the alliance of geniuses from all major sects on his own.

Moreover, among these major sects, Bengshan Sect is one of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, and the strength of its disciples cannot be underestimated. The Gao Wu who spoke at this moment has a cultivation level in the middle stage of Void Refining.

In addition to him, there were six people in the early stage of Void Refining and more than ten people in the late stage of God Transformation.

How could Lin Changsheng resist on his own?

Zhou Qibai planned to persuade everyone to turn the conflict into friendship, and also sell Lin Changsheng a favor.

"It turns out he is Zhou Daoyou from the Piaomiao Sect. I also want to sell you the Piaomiao Sect's reputation, but it's a pity! I don't know how to praise him! If you can make him kneel down and admit his mistake, I might spare his life!"

Gao Wu, the genius of Bengshan Sect, responded and looked at Lin Changsheng with a look of ridicule.

He knew that Lin Changsheng would never suffer such humiliation.

"Piao Miao Peak, please don't interfere in this matter. Either he dies or I die today!"

Dugu Yong said with cold eyes.

Whoever dares to stop him from killing Lin Changsheng will definitely be remembered by the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

After hearing what Gao Wu and Dugu Yong said, Zhou Qibai couldn't say more. It was not worthwhile to offend all the major sects for Lin Changsheng.

And the top priority now is to leave the big formation in order to qualify for the next round of competition.

If someone gets injured in a fierce battle here, it will be very detrimental to the next game.

Lin Changsheng naturally would not expect Zhou Qibai to fight side by side with him. Although the people in the Immortal Realm are strong in cultivation, most of them are more self-interested.

They basically won't contribute a little bit to matters that have nothing to do with their own interests.

"Then let's fight! It's not certain who will die!"

Zhou Qibai did not intend to take action, but Hou Shaojie behind him did not want to sit idly by.

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, Hou Shaojie was not afraid of offending the major sects?

"Another clown? Killing one is killing, killing two is killing, then I will make it happen for you!"

Gao Wu said disdainfully.

How much waves can a little monk in the early stage of cultivating the void make?

After the words fell, Gao Wu's energy gathered in his body and he already had the intention to take action.

Lin Changsheng was not used to him either, and the energy in his body was also gathering, "You will know who the clown is in a moment!"

"Take the move!"

Gao Wu roared angrily, then he galloped out with all his strength, and struck Lin Changsheng directly in the face with a palm strike.

The palm prints were so menacing that they formed several phantoms of beasts in mid-air.

Gao Wu didn't even summon the Tongtian Lingbao to attack immediately, which showed that he didn't take Lin Changsheng seriously at all.

However, his act of trusting others will cost him his life.

"The gods will destroy the world!"

Lin Changsheng also blasted out with a palm, and his palm prints turned into a sea of ​​fire and rushed towards the palm prints of many beasts in front.

Lin Changsheng added immortal dragon flames to this palm, greatly increasing its power.

At the same time that Lin Changsheng and Gao Wu took action, Duguyan also swung his long whip at Lin Changsheng, hoping to avenge his shame.

This guy has humiliated her over and over again, and he will definitely not let him go this time.

He must be willing to live and not die.

Dugu Yong also attacked with swordsmanship, hoping to avenge his broken arm.

Faced with many attacks on Lin Changsheng, Hou Shaojie was naturally no better.

What he faced were the disciples of the Vajra Sect and the Luoyue Sect.

Hou Shaojie didn't dare to be too big, so he directly used the Tiger Strengthening Technique, which caused his physical body to increase to the middle stage of Void Refining, and then rushed into the crowd to mingle.


In the blink of an eye, Lin Changsheng's palm print collided with Gao Wu's attack, causing a huge explosion.

The violent roar instantly attracted the attention of all the talented disciples in the entire stone room.

"Who is fighting with whom?"

"I don't know! It seems that the more are bullying the less! More than twenty people are bullying two people? How shameless!"

"They are from the Diamond Sect, Luoyue Sect, Bengshan Sect and Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

"Do they have a grudge? They are trapped in the formation and don't think about how to break it, but they still have the energy to fight?"

Many disciples around him talked about it.

However, after the violent roar fell, everyone's thoughts changed dramatically.

Lin Changsheng smashed Gao Wu's attack with a palm.


Gao Wu's pupils widened when he saw this.

Lin Changsheng actually has such a tyrannical cultivation level?

You must know that he is in the middle stage of Void Refining!

Even if Lin Changsheng is in the middle stage of Void Refining, the best he can do is to be on par with him?

Why are his attacks so much more domineering than his own?

It seems that the person he is facing is not a person with cultivation in the middle stage of refining the void, but more like a person in the late stage of refining the void?

Gao Wu didn't have much time to think about it, as Lin Changsheng's powerful palm print of flames exploded and killed Gao Wu's body in an instant.


With the explosion, Gao Wu was knocked upside down and flew more than ten feet before landing. After landing, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Moreover, the front of his body was covered with flames, which directly devoured the flesh and blood of his body instantly.

No matter how hard he slapped it, it showed no sign of going out.

"Ah - help, save me -"

Gao Wu shouted in panic, but it was rare for everyone to see such a domineering Lie Yan, and no one dared to step forward.

Before anyone could react, Gao Wu was burned into a skeleton by the flames amidst screams.

This made everyone exclaim.

The sword light that Dugu Yong slashed was avoided by Lin Changsheng, and the whip drawn by Dugu Yan was directly caught by Lin Changsheng with his physical body.

The two attacks were unable to harm Lin Changsheng at all.

Lin Changsheng exerted his strength and directly pulled Duguyan over, reaching out and grabbing her snow-white neck.

"Let, let me go—"

Duguyan struggled hard, but Lin Changsheng's palm was like an indestructible dragon's claw, tightly pinching her neck, making it impossible for her to break free, and she instantly felt difficulty breathing.

At the same time that Gao Wu died tragically and Dugu Yan was arrested.

Hou Shaojie was already facing Wang Lei from the Vajra Sect. Wang Lei was instantly knocked away by Hou Shaojie's punch, and his entire arm was broken off.

Suddenly he was rolling on the ground with his arms folded.

The rest of the staff were no match for Hou Shaojie, and were beaten back two consecutive times.

"This, how is this possible?"

Dugu Yong suddenly felt timid.

Just now he was clamoring to kill Lin Changsheng.

However, the person with the strongest cultivation level had just taken action, but one of them was killed and the other injured. His sister was also captured by Lin Changsheng, and the situation turned around instantly.

They are all like this, let alone the rest of the staff.

None of the other disciples could withstand a single move from Hou Shaojie, and they were all killed with one palm!

Dugu Yong saw something bad and immediately turned around and ran away!

But how could Lin Changsheng let him escape again at this moment?

If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet Elder Lingshan last time, Dugu Yong would have died last time.


Lin Changsheng stepped on the ground and directly exploded the force field. The suppression of ten times gravity made Dugu Yong's figure become extremely slow.

"I let you escape last time, but you won't be so lucky this time!"

Lin Changsheng grabbed Dugu Yan and rushed forward, punching out. When Dugu Yong had a frightened look on his face when he was just about to beg for mercy, he smashed his head and killed him with one move.

How much sparks does an ant in the transformation stage want to make?

I simply think my life is too long!

"Don't, don't kill me, I can do whatever you want, please, please -"

Seeing how ruthless Lin Changsheng was, Dugu Yan directly killed Dugu Yong. Her legs trembled with fear and she begged for mercy.

"Anything is okay?"

Lin Changsheng sneered.

"Yes, as long as you don't kill me, I can do anything you want! Please spare my life!"

Duguyan seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

But how could Lin Changsheng fall in love with her? The strength in his hands increased even more.

"What you need to do is disappear from this world!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he directly used force to break Dugu Yan's neck.

Dugu Yan tilted his head and died instantly.

Lin Changsheng's killing of her was as simple as squeezing an insect to death. He let her go again and again, but the other party didn't appreciate it, so there was only death.

The leader killed the remaining disciples of the Vajra Sect, the Luoyue Sect, and the Bengshan Sect, and only then did they think of escaping.

But it was too late.

Under Lin Changsheng's ten times gravity, there was no possibility for them to escape.

In just a few breaths, they were all shocked to death, and the ground was dyed red with blood.

Let this place seem to have turned into a Shura field.

Their corpses and storage bags were still somewhat useful, so Lin Changsheng collected them all.

"If I had known this, I should have helped!"

Zhou Qibai secretly thought that Lin Changsheng would not be a match for these, but he did not expect that Lin Changsheng's strength far exceeded his imagination.

Killing a monk in the middle stage of Void Refining is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. It seems that he is no match for him.

It looks like a dark horse will emerge from this year's list of geniuses.

"Which sect disciple is this? Is he so powerful?"

"I don't know! It seems that he is not a disciple of a large sect!"

"This is not nonsense. Who among the disciples of the sect doesn't know this?"

"It seems like I've watched some of the games at the end of this year's Talent List!"

The Tianjiao disciples around him talked about it one after another.

Among the young people who can enter this place, which one is not the most talented person in the sect?

However, these people were like trash in front of Lin Changsheng, vulnerable to a single blow.

In just a few breaths, more than twenty geniuses were killed by Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie.

This scene surprised everyone in the Xianwu Palace who had just arrived not far away.

"This kid looks like he's not simple, we have to find a way to win him over!"

Senior brother Yang Huaizhen of Xianwu Palace had to pay attention to geniuses like Lin Changsheng.

Even if he doesn't get better results in the subsequent competitions, his talent is still very impressive, and it will definitely be extraordinary if he can be cultivated in the future.


Just when Lin Changsheng was killing the geniuses of all major sects.

The divine patterns on the ten stone platforms began to slowly rotate again.

"Quick, look, the formation has changed!"

Following the disciples' loud shouts, everyone's eyes turned to the stone platform.

After the sound of turning ended, some brave disciples jumped up directly, intending to rely on luck to leave this place.

Bang bang——

However, the result was not very satisfactory. The disciple who had just landed on the stone platform felt a huge pressure coming on him, and then exploded and died, turning into a pool of blood.

After that, no disciple dared to come on stage again.

"This is a fierce formation in ten directions. Only one stone platform can be the gate of life under certain circumstances, so the probability of being selected is less than one percent. Don't blindly go on stage!"

Just as everyone was panicking, several disciples in white clothes from the Immortal Palace slowly walked over.

What they said was almost the same as Yu Tingting's. It seems that this formation is indeed like this.

If Zhao Shuang'er had not been caught, Lin Changsheng would have been able to study this formation.

However, Zhao Shuang'er has not been found yet, leaving Lin Changsheng unable to concentrate on his research.



The next moment, the roars of beasts were heard on the ten stone platforms.

I saw all kinds of ferocious beasts condensed on the ten stone platforms.

Among them are the Diaoqing White Tiger, the Wild Emperor Snake, the Purple Lightning Thunder Leopard, the Sky Vulture Purple Lightning Eagle, etc...

The strength of these ferocious beasts is not weak, and they are all in the void refining stage.

It seems that there is no way to break the formation. This formation will continuously condense various ferocious beasts. By then, it will not be as simple as being trapped here, but life will be in danger. (End of chapter)

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