The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 354 Killing intention, breaking the formation, ranking first

After the ferocious beast formed by condensing the power of the formation took shape, it immediately started killing the surrounding disciples.

Some disciples are so powerful that they naturally don't take these ferocious beasts seriously.

However, these ferocious beasts are a devastating blow to the disciples in the transformation stage.


The sounds of screams continued to echo in the huge stone chamber.

In an instant, countless fairy trees and broken limbs flew around, and the bright red blood dyed the stone room red.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng did not participate in the battle. Instead, he opened the Divine Gang Shield in front of him to resist the attacks of the ferocious beasts, while his own consciousness was constantly exploring Xiangtian's whereabouts around him.

This kid is definitely around, unless he doesn't want to get out of here alive.

Sure enough, the hard work paid off, Lin Changsheng found Xiang Tian seriously injured in a passage. At this moment, he was not only severely injured, but his cultivation had also dropped to the late stage of divine transformation.

It probably has something to do with the black elixir he just took.

"finally found you!"

After Lin Changsheng determined the location, he suddenly opened his eyes and quickly chased towards the cave where Xiang Tian was.

Xiangtian's perception was also keen. After discovering that Lin Changsheng was chasing him, he immediately grabbed Zhao Shuang'er and continued running away.

However, how could he be as fast as Lin Changsheng?

Before escaping far, Lin Changsheng caught up with him.

"Don't come here. If you come here again, I will kill her!"

Xiang Tian grabbed Zhao Shuang'er with one hand and threatened Lin Changsheng.

Since Lin Changsheng dared to catch up, he was naturally not afraid of threats from the other party.

Because Lin Changsheng refined the Wuji Holy Pill, Zhao Shuang'er could be saved as long as he was still breathing.

"You think I care about her life?"

Lin Changsheng sneered.

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Tian was a little confused. If he didn't care about Zhao Shuang'er, why would he keep chasing him?

Is it because he can't kill himself?

"Okay, if you don't care, I will kill her!"

As Xiang Tian spoke, the strength in his hands increased even more, and Zhao Shuang'er's face showed pain as he pinched her.

But Xiangtian did not make a killing move, because if he really killed Zhao Shuang'er, he would lose even his last trump card, and the only thing left would be death.

So he was just pretending to scare Lin Changsheng.

However, Xiangtian could not see any nervous expression on Lin Changsheng's face.

"You should use more force! If you can't do it, I'll help you!"

Lin Changsheng summoned the divine thunder bow, and immediately pulled the bow, and thunder and lightning arrows were condensed.

Boo hoo hoo——

The next moment, dense arrows pierced the sky and penetrated towards Zhao Shuang'er and Xiang Tian.

"You crazy-"

Xiang Tian suddenly panicked. It seemed that Lin Changsheng really didn't care about Zhao Shuang'er's life at all!

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Xiang Tian had no choice but to knock Zhao Shuang'er away with one palm, so that she could use her body to block the arrows in front of him.



But unfortunately, how can the physical body withstand lightning arrows?

The sharp and domineering thunder and lightning arrows directly penetrated Zhao Shuang'er's body and continued to kill Xiangtian.

Xiangtian was at the end of his strength at this moment, and used his last bit of energy to form a shield in front of him.

However, how could this weak shield withstand lightning arrows?

Bang bang bang——

There were bursts of explosions, and the lightning arrows penetrated directly through the shield, hitting Xiangtian's body and sending him flying backwards.

Almost instantly, both Zhao Shuang'er and Xiang Tian were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The moment Zhao Shuang'er fell to the ground, Lin Changsheng looked anxious and worried.

He immediately put away the Thunder God Bow and rushed towards Zhao Shuang'er.

When Zhao Shuang'er saw Lin Changsheng's anxious expression, he felt that even if he died, he would be able to die with peace of mind.

"Chang, brother Changsheng, I, I can't accompany you anymore—"

Zhao Shuang'er said with blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, she never thought about letting Lin Changsheng fall into danger to save herself. This might be the best outcome.

After all, his own life was not as valuable as Lin Changsheng's.

He has received the inheritance from the gods, and his future achievements will be limitless.

"Stop talking and take this pill quickly!"

Lin Changsheng saw that Xiang Tian who was on the side was also severely injured by lightning arrows and was only breathing. He immediately took out the Wuji Holy Pill and gave it to Zhao Shuang'er.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng controlled the lightning arrow well and did not hit Zhao Shuang'er's heart, otherwise he might have been killed in one blow.

Zhao Shuang'er was also obedient, raised his head and took the elixir handed over by Lin Changsheng.

She was already prepared to die, and she didn't dare to take any other pills.

However, what surprised Zhao Shuang'er was that after the elixir entered her abdomen, a warm current melted in her body, and then surged to her limbs, bones, and even the top of her head.

It gave her the comfort of being bathed in the spring breeze, and the severe pain she felt just now disappeared immediately.

At the same time, Zhao Shuang'er's wound from the arrow was also healing quickly.

Zhao Shuang'er was hit by four arrows in total, one in the thigh, one in the abdomen, one in the right side of the heart, and one in the shoulder.

Although these wounds looked bloody, they were not fatal.

Under the nourishment of the elixir, Zhao Shuang'er's flesh and blood in these injured parts grew crazily, and the last few breaths returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

After recovering from his injuries, Zhao Shuang'er suddenly felt no pain at all, and even vaguely felt that he was showing signs of a breakthrough.

"This is incredible!"

Zhao Shuang'er looked at Lin Changsheng in surprise. This was the first time she had seen such a magical elixir that could bring people back to life.

"You beast, you, you lied to me——"

Xiang Tian suddenly realized that he had been deceived by Lin Changsheng.

He just pretended not to care about Zhao Shuang'er, but in fact he had such a domineering life-saving elixir.

If he had known this earlier, he should have sent Zhao Shuang'er on his way first, so that Lin Changsheng would regret it for the rest of his life.

"So what if I lied to you? Let's get on the road!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to talk nonsense to Xiang Tian, ​​so he stepped forward and shattered his heart with a kick.


He bowed his body toward the sky and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Finally, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground.


The next moment, a primordial spirit flew out of Xiangtian's body. Lin Changsheng tried to catch it with the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, but failed in the end, allowing Xiangtian's primordial spirit to escape.

"We must strengthen the Ten Thousand Soul Banners!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, this Ten Thousand Soul Banner can collect the souls and Yuanying from the abandoned land, but the Yuanshen cannot be included in it.

"Brother Changsheng, I thought I was going to die -"

Zhao Shuang'er looked at Lin Changsheng with tearful eyes, making Lin Changsheng regret that he had just injured her with the divine thunder bow.

"No, how could Brother Changsheng let you die! Let's go! It's time for us to go out, otherwise it will be even more dangerous if we stay!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then led Zhao Shuang'er towards the formation in the central area.


However, when Lin Changsheng arrived here, not only were the ferocious beasts here not wiped out, but as the formation continued to condense, there were more and more ferocious beasts.

"Brother Lin, break the formation quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Zhou Qibai said anxiously when he saw Lin Changsheng appearing.

Lin Changsheng no longer had a good impression of Zhou Qibai. He always stood by and stood by at critical moments and asked for help when he was needed.

"Brother Zhou, you have to ask for your own blessings! You rely on others for everything, don't you need my help for the bridal chamber flowers and candles?"

Lin Changsheng mocked.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding disciples immediately laughed.


Zhou Qibai was so angry at Lin Changsheng's words that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


Not far away, Hou Shaojie knocked away a tiger with one punch and quickly came to Lin Changsheng's side.

"Have you found a way out yet?"

Hou Shaojie saw that Lin Changsheng was so calm and calm, so he must have a way to get out.

"I have already found the way to break the formation, I just need to wait for the opportunity!"

Lin Changsheng said confidently.

This formation is not difficult for him. In this ten-direction ferocious formation, only when the patterns on the ten stone platforms are the same, there is only one stone platform that can be left. If the patterns of the fused stone platforms are different, they are all killing formations.

It can be said that this formation is only accessible to beginners. It is impossible to trap Lin Changsheng.

The only ones who can be trapped are those who know nothing about the formation.

When Hou Shaojie saw Lin Changsheng being so confident, he immediately let go of the stone hanging in his heart. When the time comes, he will not make any mistakes if he follows him closely!

As the two of them were talking, a ferocious tiger rushed towards Lin Changsheng. However, Lin Changsheng did not take a step back. He punched it out and killed it on the spot, causing it to turn into little stars and dissipate.

This ferocious beast in the early stage of void refining was vulnerable to Lin Changsheng.

The disciples from the Xianwu Palace not far away immediately jumped over after seeing Lin Changsheng's strength.

"This brother is very powerful, why not join our Xianwu Palace? Our Xianwu Palace has outstanding ability to create immortals. I believe that under the cultivation of Xianwu Palace, my brother will be able to step into the realm of immortals that countless monks envy in the future!"

Yang Huaizhen said with a friendly smile.

Lin Changsheng's strength is undoubtedly outstanding in this experience.

First, he relied on his own strength to fight against the geniuses of various sects, and in just a few breaths, he killed them all.

And now it only takes one punch to kill the ferocious beast, which shows that his full strength is more than that, and he is estimated to be able to compete with these geniuses in the late stage of Void Refining.

"I appreciate this fellow Taoist's good intentions. I will have to go out and ask before I can answer this!"

Lin Changsheng said perfunctorily, neither refusing nor agreeing.

Because the Xianwu Palace cannot provide shelter, just like the academy, it only provides training.

There is still no reality from the sect.

In the sect, every genius disciple is a huge treasure to the sect. The sect will not only cultivate them with all their strength, but also protect them.

"Okay, then I'm waiting for the good news from my brother!"

Yang Huaizhen was slightly disappointed.

If these geniuses join other sects, it will definitely be a loss for Xianwu Palace.

"Smug guy, I want to see how strong you are in the next game?"

Zhou Qibai watched the people from Xianwu Palace trying to win over Lin Changsheng, and he suddenly began to resent him.

"Senior Brother Zhou, how do we break the formation?"

Yu Tingting followed Zhou Qibai and suddenly became worried.

Because Senior Brother Zhou has been indulging in cultivation, it can be said that he knows nothing about the formation.

Although she had done some research, she did not dare to try it rashly with such a large formation.

Once you make the wrong choice, you will have to pay the price with your life.

"Wait, I still don't believe they would rather die here than try!"

Zhou Qibai has a mid-level cultivation of Void Refining, so he can withstand the attacks of ferocious beasts, but other disciples don't have it so easy.

So when they can't bear it anymore, they will definitely go to the top of the stone platform to try their luck.

Maybe you can save a life if you make the right choice.

If someone makes the right choice, they can just follow.

Yu Tingting looked at Lin Changsheng, who looked confident and calm, and couldn't help but feel envious.

He was looking at his senior brother, looking clueless.

The two men formed a sharp contrast.


Finally, after a few minutes of fierce fighting, the formation changed again.

Some people began to become eager to try.

As soon as the formation was settled, some people started to try. However, they were not so lucky and were suppressed and torn apart again.

"Brother Lin, didn't you say that if the formation pattern is the same, you can go out? Why -"

Hou Shaojie suddenly became a little puzzled when he saw that the pattern on the stone platform was the same, but there were still people who got up and were torn apart by the formation.

“Not every stone platform can be exited!”

Lin Changsheng responded simply.

He waited until the formation was about to change again before setting off, so that others would not be able to leave with him.

When the formation pattern is the same, only one stone platform can leave.

The rest are all killing arrays.

Several people died instantly after trying it, and no one dared to try again.

I think the changed formation this time is also a killing formation.

As time passed by, more and more disciples died.


Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Changsheng whispered and left with only Hou Shaojie and Zhao Shuang'er.

As for the others, they have nothing to do with Lin Changsheng. Whether they can come out depends on their luck.

"He, they're gone!"

When Yu Tingting saw Lin Changsheng's arrival, she immediately wanted to follow him.

After all, Lin Changsheng would not do anything he was unsure of.

However, when Yu Tingting was about to leave, she was stopped by Zhou Qibai.

"They are going to die. Didn't you see what happened to those disciples just now? This is the death formation! If you go up there, you will definitely die!"

Zhou Qibai persuaded in a self-righteous manner.

However, what happened next made him widen his eyes.

Lin Changsheng and the others were seen landing on the stone platform to the east unharmed, but they did not trigger the killing array.

This made Zhou Qibai feel incredible.

The rest of the staff were also dumbfounded.

"This, how is this possible?"

Zhou Qibai's eyes were full of shock.


The next moment, a ray of white light enveloped Lin Changsheng and the others and instantly teleported them out, disappearing on the stone platform.

"This is the only way out, hurry up, hurry up -"

When the other disciples saw Lin Changsheng and others leaving, they immediately knew that this was the only way to survive, and they immediately rushed towards the stone platform.

Some disciples even resorted to aggressive measures to compete for position.

In order to fight for this only chance to leave alive, they all resorted to death.

Many disciples did not die in the mouths of vicious beasts, but died in the hands of other sects.


However, to everyone's disappointment, before they could gain a firm foothold, the stone platform began to slowly rotate again.

The formation changed again.

"not good--"

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes as the formation turned again, and could only fly back.

Otherwise, if it falls on the stone platform, it will definitely die without a complete body.

Sure enough, just as Zhou Qibai retreated, the disciple who landed on the stone platform was trapped in the formation and was instantly torn apart by the formation. (End of chapter)

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