The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 358 The foundation of Xianwu Palace, the Thunder Hurricane Hammer [Please subscribe! 】

After Lin Changsheng killed Liu Chengfeng with one blow, he felt much relieved, as he had avenged Zhao Shuang'er.

As for the revenge in the blood-clothed door, Lin Changsheng didn't pay attention at all.

When he enters the integration stage, even without the protection of Gushan, the Blood Clothes Sect will never be able to do anything to him.

After winning, Lin Changsheng jumped off the stage, followed immediately by another talented disciple who came on stage to choose his opponent.

The current competition is a showdown between the top 50 geniuses from the Immortal Realm, and the fighting has become even more intense.

Various immortal arts and heaven-reaching spiritual treasures appear frequently, which shows that the sect has invested a lot of resources in cultivating its disciples in order to achieve better results.

As time goes by, all the disciples at the God Transformation stage have been eliminated, leaving only the geniuses at the Void Refining stage and above.

And Hou Shaojie also relied on the Tiger Strengthening Technique to successfully advance to the top 26 after a fierce fight.

Among the top 26, the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm account for the majority, and only a few people are the dark horses that stand out from the encirclement.

In addition to Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie, there were two other people whose battles were also very eye-catching.

One is Li Zhantian from the Ziyun Sect, and the other is Luo Xiao, a casual cultivator.

Ziyun Sect is a second-rate sect, and the cultivation of the sect leader is only in the Mahayana period. He can cultivate a genius in the middle stage of refining the void, which shows how talented this person is.

And Luo Xiao is a casual cultivator with no sect or sect. He can practice to the early stage of Void Refining, which shows that his talent is not simple.

Such talented disciples, without a sect, instantly received offers from major sects.

Regardless of whether he can enter the top ten, many sects are willing to do their best to cultivate him.

Luo Xiao also knew that his potential could not compare with Lin Changsheng, so before the battle was over, he chose to join Lingshan Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects.

This made Elder Lingshan very satisfied.

Except for these dark horses, the other winning talents are all disciples of the top ten Immortal Sects in the Immortal Realm.

Among them, all three disciples from the Xianwu Palace were on the list. Although one disciple from the Zhentian Sect was eliminated, there were still three others. There were only two disciples from the Immortal Palace, while many disciples from the Lingshan Piaomiao Sect won.

Now the challenge for the top thirteen begins.

In order to avoid a strong showdown, the stronger disciples would go on stage first to select their weaker opponents.

However, Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry.

After all, no matter who he faces, he is fully confident that he can win.

What's more, as long as the opponent is not stupid, he will basically not choose to challenge Lin Changsheng.

After all, Lin Changsheng's superficial cultivation level is at the middle stage of Void Refining, and there is no way of knowing how strong he really is. In this case, why not choose a disciple whose strength is only at the early stage of Void Refining to fight against him?

"Xianwu Palace, Yang Huaizhen! Challenge Junior Sister Piaomiao Sect!"

Yang Huaizhen was the first to get on the ring and speak.

Although he also wanted to challenge people from other sects, Yang Huaizhen was also very unhappy with the Piaomiao Sect's approach.

Plan to eliminate one of them.

And Yu Tingting is the weakest among them.

"Hmph, a good man doesn't fight with women, but you actually picked me, a woman of the same rank, and you're not afraid of jokes?"

Yu Tingting was very unhappy and knew that she was not Yang Huaizhen's opponent.

Plan to use your words to persuade the other party.

"There is no distinction between men and women in the competition. If Junior Sister Yu is afraid of getting hurt, she can admit defeat!"

Yang Huaizhen would not be frightened by Yu Tingting's words.


Seeing that the other party was not fooled, Yu Tingting was so angry that she could not speak. Then she exerted force on her feet and jumped onto the platform.

The Piaomiao Sect is a powerful force in the Immortal Realm after all. It would be too embarrassing to surrender without a fight.

So no matter what, Yu Tingting planned to have a few fights with Yang Huaizhen.

"Fistes and kicks are ruthless, Junior Sister Yu, be careful!"

Yang Huaizhen did not intend to use the Tongtian Lingbao against Yu Tingting. After all, he was already in a state to suppress the opponent. If he used the Tongtian Lingbao again, it would be too bullying.

"Senior Brother Yang, be careful, the sword has no eyes!"

The opponent used fists and kicks, but Yu Tingting did not intend to use fists and kicks, but directly summoned her Tongtian Lingbao.

This is a Qingfeng sword with a length of three feet and six inches.

The blade of the sword is sharp and slender, with a bit of cold light emitting from it, and its power is definitely not weak.

"The God of War controls the sky!"


Yang Huaizhen scolded angrily, and the energy in his body suddenly burst out, and golden light bloomed all over his body. As he scolded, a huge golden humanoid shadow appeared behind him, erupting with a powerful momentum.

The huge humanoid shadow appeared like a god, with golden light blooming and its eyes burning.

As Yang Huaizhen punched out, Martial God Xuying also punched Yu Tingting.

When Yu Tingting saw this, she didn't have time to think too much and immediately waved her sword to meet the enemy.

The Qingfeng sword came out, and the air was torn apart instantly with a roar.

The sword rays continued to attack the golden fist rays.


The next moment, the fist light and the sword energy suddenly collided together, and the sharp sword light was instantly shattered by the fist light.

Moreover, the power of his fist continued unabated and he directly attacked Yu Tingting.

Yu Tingting's pupils widened when she saw this. Is this the difference between the early stage of refining the void and the late stage of refining the void?

"I surrender!"

Yu Tingting felt bad and immediately gave up.

Seeing that the opponent had given up, Yang Huaizhen stopped exerting any force, and the light of his fist stayed three feet in front of Tingting.

"Admitted it!"

Yang Huaizhen said as he removed the Martial God's shadow.


Yu Tingting jumped off the platform angrily. This guy was obviously bullying them.

This scene also made Zhou Qibai quite unhappy.

If it weren't for the other party's tyrannical cultivation, Zhou Qibai would never let him go.

At this moment, with the elimination of Yu Tingting, only Zhou Qibai is left in their Piaomiao Sect.

Zhou Qibai did not dare to challenge the genius of Xianwu Palace, so in the end he could only find a soft persimmon who was in the early stage of Void Refining, and finally advanced successfully.

Lin Changsheng had no target to suppress, so he was not in a hurry to take action.

After all, the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Diamond Sect, the Blood Clothes Sect, the Tianming Sword Sect and other sects have all been eliminated.

Soon, the competition for the top 13 came to an end.

The strength displayed by many geniuses made many sects look at them with admiration.

At this moment, only Lin Changsheng, Hou Shaojie, and two other players were left.

At this moment, no one is willing to take the stage to challenge.

Lin Changsheng had no choice but to jump up and stand on the platform.

The remaining two contestants were both in the early stages of cultivating the void, so no wonder they were reluctant to take the stage.

Lin Changsheng came on stage and chose someone.

After this person learned about Lin Changsheng's cultivation level, he was very afraid of him.

"Lingshan, Hua Shaoling!"

"Lin Changsheng!"

The two of them reported their family connections.

The reason why Lin Changsheng chose Lingshan to challenge.

First, because this person's cultivation seemed to be stronger, Lin Changsheng wanted to leave the weaker opponent to Hou Shaojie.

The second reason is that Lin Changsheng was a little unhappy because Lingshan rescued the Dugu brothers and sisters some time ago.

After announcing his home, Lin Changsheng did not delay, he also punched out, and the powerful fist light rushed out with the power of the four elephants, showing an unstoppable momentum.

Hua Shaoling seemed to know that he could not withstand the blow, so he ducked to avoid it.

However, what surprised Hua Shaoling was that just as he was about to dodge, he found that the surrounding force field had become stronger, making the movement of his feet extremely slow.

"Force field?"

Hua Shaoling's pupils opened wide, and he immediately exploded all his energy to form a shield in front of him to resist.


The next moment, Lin Changsheng's fist burst out and violently hit the shield in front of Hua Shaoling. He directly punched him away, fell to the fighting platform, and won with another punch.

Not to mention that the other party's cultivation level was only at the early stage of Xuefeng Refining, even at the middle stage of Xuefong Refining, he was on par with Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng was completely sure of winning.

Defeating the enemy with one punch at this moment is normal and can no longer be normal.

"He, what he just used was domain power?"

"Looking like this, I really didn't expect it! At his age, he actually understood the power of the field? His future achievements are simply incalculable. I don't know which sect will be lucky enough to get this genius!"

"Yes! The power of the domain is not something that ordinary people can comprehend!"

Many elders around him began to talk about it, and they looked at Lin Changsheng with admiration.

However, what they don't know is that this is just the tip of the iceberg that Lin Changsheng has shown. His true strength has not yet exploded.

Lin Changsheng now feels that the one who is a little bit troublesome is Yang Huaizhen, the first genius of Xianwu Palace. This person has the late stage cultivation of Void Refining, and has endless immortal magic powers. It is estimated that he still has some trump cards that he has not used yet.

After defeating the enemy with one punch, Lin Changsheng jumped off the platform, and then it was Hou Shaojie's turn to fight against the disciples of the Wuyue Sect.

This disciple of the Five Sacred Mountains Sect is also in the early stage of cultivating the void.

The Wuyue Sect is famous for its palm skills. The power of one palm can be as strong as the suppression of the Wuyue Mountains, which shows how powerful the power is.

However, facing this disciple of the Five Mountains Sect, Hou Shaojie was not afraid at all.

"Five Mountains Sect, Sun Lei!"

"Hou Shaojie, please enlighten me!"

The two met and said hello, and then started a violent collision.

Before Hou Shaojie used the Tiger Strengthening Technique, the two of them fought back and forth.

However, after Hou Shaojie used the Tiger Strengthening Technique, his physical strength increased to the middle stage of Void Refining, and the opponent was obviously unable to withstand it.

The two fought for more than a hundred rounds, and in the end Hou Shaojie won with his physical strength.

This made Lin Changsheng never expect that Hou Shaojie would be able to enter the top thirteen of the Tianjiao List with his own strength.

The top thirteen are Yang Huaizhen and Liu Qi of Xianwu Palace.

Li Hu and Yang Ao of Zhentian Sect.

Wang Huisheng of Immortal Palace, Liu Yaoyue.

Piaomiao Zong Zhou Qibai.

Zhang Jinzhong of the Five Mountains Sect.

Qin Ming of Lingshan.

Luo Shan of Wuji Immortal Sect.

Together with Lin Changsheng and Hou Shaojie, who have no sect, and Luo Xiao, who has just joined Lingshan.

Among these people, Lin Changsheng felt that his only opponent was Yang Huaizhen.

This person has achieved success through cultivation and should not be underestimated.

As for the other geniuses, Lin Changsheng is completely sure of winning.

"This year's Talent List is really exciting! There are actually three dark horses who have fought all the way to this point. I don't know how many of them will be able to stop in the end!"

"Yes! Especially Lin Changsheng, I feel like he can be among the top three!"

"Yes, I am very optimistic about him. Apart from Yang Huaizhen of Xianwu Palace, there are probably not many people who will be his opponents!"

"Don't have too much hope. I think he is just showing up. It's okay to bully the weaker disciples. But compared to the top three geniuses, everything is unknown!"

When many elders in the surrounding area saw the birth of the top thirteen, they immediately started talking about it. Many elders were very optimistic about Lin Changsheng.

However, some elders felt that Lin Changsheng was just a fluke.

"Take a break and let the game continue!"

The Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect shouted loudly and gave all the competing disciples a break of one stick of incense so that they could recover their consumed energy.

Lin Changsheng looked at Yang Huaizhen, and Yang Huaizhen sensed Lin Changsheng's gaze and looked over.

The two looked at each other, but Yang Huaizhen smiled slightly.

Lin Changsheng also smiled in response.

However, there is much more in this smile.

They all know that their strongest opponent may be the other party.

Until the end, the two will never collide easily.

"If you lose, you will admit defeat. If you suffer a heavy blow, the gain will outweigh the loss. If I can join a good sect, I will definitely take you with me!"

Lin Changsheng said to Hou Shaojie.

This Hou Shaojie can be regarded as a very loyal person. If Lin Changsheng finds a good sect and can bring Hou Shaojie together, he will naturally not leave him behind.

"Good brother, if you can join the first three sects, you will be my big brother from now on! You say go to the left, but I will never go to the right!"

Hou Shaojie said with a smile.


Lin Changsheng smiled, and Hou Shaojie also chuckled.

The time of a stick of incense passed quickly, and many disciples took elixirs to replenish their energy consumption.

It seemed that Yang Huaizhen was named by the elders and told him not to take action at will, so Yang Huaizhen was not the first to take the stage this time.

On the contrary, a disciple named Liu Qi from Xianwu Hall jumped onto the fighting platform.

"Xianwu Palace Liu Qi, challenge fellow Taoist Luo Xiao!"

Liu Qi shouted after taking the stage.

Luo Xiao was only a casual cultivator, so he was very lucky to be among the top thirteen.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for Liu Qi to challenge him.

"I surrender!"

Luo Xiao seemed to know that he was no match for Liu Qi, so he admitted defeat directly.

After all, he has joined Lingshan now and will have no shortage of resources for his future practice.

If he was seriously injured at this moment, the gain would outweigh the loss. Maybe Lingshan would give up on him.

Seeing his opponent admit defeat, Liu Qi won instantly.

Then Li Hu of the Suppressing Heaven Sect jumped onto the fighting platform and his eyes fell on Hou Shaojie.

"Brother Hou, can you come on stage to have a discussion?"

Hou Shaojie also knew that he might not be his opponent, but he also wanted to see how powerful the opponent's cultivation was, so he decisively chose to challenge him.

"Brother Hou is really impressive. Even if you lose, I still admire you for being a man!"

Li Hu's rude words sounded.

Facing Li Hu, Hou Shaojie did not dare to be careless, "It is an honor for me to fight against a genius like Brother Li! Please!"

After Hou Shaojie finished speaking, he directly used the Tiger Strengthening Technique. He did not dare to be careless in the face of the Tianjiao disciple who was in the middle stage of refining the void.

If you are careless, you may be defeated or even seriously injured.

"What a way to strengthen your body! But it's useless here! Thunder and hurricane hammer!"

Li Hu scolded angrily, summoned a giant hammer, and began to attack Hou Shaojie fiercely.

No matter how strong Hou Shaojie's body was, he could not withstand the double attack of the opponent's giant hammer and thunder.

After persisting for ten times, he was beaten to the edge of the fighting platform and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"I surrender!"

Hou Shaojie decisively chose to admit defeat.

The opponent's cultivation level is indeed much more powerful than his.

He is worthy of being a disciple of the second-largest sect in the Immortal Realm, and his strength is extremely domineering.

"If you can last ten rounds in my hands, you are considered the strongest in the early stage of void refining! If you are at the same level as me, I might be the loser!"

Li Hu smiled and praised Hou Shaojie.

It seems that Hou Shaojie's performance has been recognized by Li Hu.

Not only Li Hu, the other elders also recognized Hou Shaojie's strength and felt that he was a genius worth cultivating. (End of chapter)

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