The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 359: The Piaomiao Sect arouses public anger, yet defeats the enemy with one punch?

Although Hou Shaojie lost this battle and was only among the top ten, his performance was recognized by many sects.

Even without Lin Changsheng's help, it would definitely not be a problem for him to enter the top ten sects.

At this moment, many sects have begun to extend their olive branches to Hou Shaojie.

However, Hou Shaojie refused. He wanted to enter the same sect as Lin Changsheng so that they could practice together.

At this moment, disciples from both the Immortal Martial Palace and the Zhentian Sect took action, and the disciples from the Immortal Palace no longer waited, only to see a disciple dressed in white leap onto the platform.

The disciple who went up to the fighting platform was named Wang Huisheng. He was in the middle stage of cultivating the void, with a handsome face and a gentle appearance.

But the strength cannot be underestimated.

"The King of Immortal Palace will be born to challenge Wuji Immortal Sect Luoshan! Please give me some advice from fellow Taoists!"

Wang Huisheng took a look below, and finally fixed his gaze on the disciples of Wuji Immortal Sect.

The Wuji Immortal Sect disciples were not afraid at all and jumped onto the fighting platform.

As a disciple of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, Luo Shan also has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Void Refining, otherwise he would not have gone all the way to where he is now.

Luo Shan was tall and strong, and his strength was considerable. As soon as he got on the fighting platform, he took out the Tongtian Lingbao Fiery Spear.

The flames and cold light on the spear flashed at the same time, showing the extraordinary power of this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.


Luo Shan waved the spear in his hand in an offensive manner, with no fear on his face.

How could Wang Huisheng show mercy when he saw this?

He also directly summoned the Tongtian Lingbao Heaven-Breaking Sword and took it out. This knife was more than four feet long, and the blade was sharp and flashed with dazzling white light.

The two looked at each other, and the fighting platform was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

When Wang Huisheng was just ready, Luo Shan took the initiative to launch an attack.

I saw him waving the flaming spear in his hand, piercing out a stream of spear light and heading towards Wang Huisheng.

Wang Huisheng did not dare to be careless when he saw this. Although the ranking of the other sect was not as good as that of Immortal Palace, its cultivation should not be underestimated.

If they were defeated, it would definitely be a loss of face for the sect.


Wang Huisheng shouted angrily, and drew out the long knife in his hand. As the light of the knife bloomed, a hurricane blew across the entire space.

A huge sword slashed directly towards Luoshan.

When Luo Shan saw this, he did not retreat. He raised his spear gleam, and the spear gleam was exposed, as if it was going to pierce the entire sky, and he greeted the sword gleam that was slashing down from above.


The next moment, the sword light and the flaming gun shadow collided together, causing a violent roar.

The entire space was filled with thick flames.

If a mortal was shrouded in flames, they would probably be reduced to ashes in an instant.

But the monks have powerful physical bodies and vitality protection, so they are not afraid of the fierce flames.

After the flames dissipated, the two people on the fighting platform were seen sliding back several feet. It can be seen that the two people fought equally in the first blow.

"The cultivation level of Luoshan of Wuji Immortal Sect should not be underestimated! He is actually on par with the disciples of Immortal Palace!"

"Yes! It's hard to say who will win in this battle. It would be so embarrassing if the Immortal Palace disciples lose!"

"The Immortal Palace has not produced a peerless genius for many years. They have no hope of being ranked first this time!"

"Yes! I think Xianwu Palace has to take first place! Look at Yang Huaizhen's calm and calm look, it seems that the first place belongs to him!"

After seeing such a scene, the elders of the surrounding sects seemed not to be optimistic about the Immortal Palace.

Because among the disciples of Immortal Palace, there is not a genius who is in the late stage of Void Refining.

On the contrary, there is a genius in the late stage of Void Refining sitting in the Xianwu Palace.

"Ling Tian strikes!"

"The infinite spear light!"

On the fighting platform, the two people also knew that each other was not good for the other, and in the next moment, they used their strongest magic skills to collide.

I saw Wang Huisheng gathering all his energy on the sword light and slashing out with a powerful sword.

In an instant, the sky turned pale, and a sword beam dozens of feet long condensed in the sky, and finally came down towards Luoshan with the power of heaven and earth.

If the scope of the fighting platform were not limited, the scope covered by the sword light would be even wider.

On the opposite side, after Luo Shan saw Wang Huisheng using Ruchu's ultimate move, he did not hold back and directly used the Wuji Immortal Sect's strongest secret technique.

Luo Shan was seen waving the gun light in his hand, evolving into a series of gun shadows rising into the sky. Finally, the gun shadows condensed together to form a huge gun light, which collided with the sword light falling from the sky.


Once again, the two attacks collided violently, and the sound of explosion was shocking.

In this attack, the two of them still fought equally, and both of them suffered varying degrees of backlash, and there was a trace of blood in their mouths.

Fortunately, the Immortal Palace disciples are blessed with powerful techniques, and their recovery speed is much faster than that of the Wuji Immortal Sect.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Huisheng attacked quickly again, which made Luo Shan a little exhausted and unable to defend himself.

Finally, under successive attacks, he was beaten and kept dodging. As soon as his momentum weakened, his defeat was determined.

After fighting for more than ten rounds, Luo Shan was kicked off the platform by Wang Huisheng without paying attention, and won the victory.

"It seems that the Immortal Palace disciples are better!"

"That's for sure! Otherwise, why should others be the third force?"

"Yes, there is no doubt about the strength of the top three in the Immortal Realm, but the subsequent rankings have no reference value!"

The surrounding disciples had different opinions, which also made Hou Shaojie very excited.

The first three forces are all very good. If you can join one of them, you will definitely be proud of your ancestors.

As Wang Huisheng jumped off the platform in victory, Piaomiao Sect Zhou Qibai jumped up.

He didn't want to make the last choice, otherwise he might have to face Lin Changsheng or Yang Huaizhen, and then he would suffer.

"Piaomiao Zong Zhou Qibai challenges Lingshan Qin Ming!"

After jumping onto the fighting platform, Zhou Qibai shouted, as if he already had a candidate in mind.

Among the remaining people, only Zhang Jinzhong from the May Sect and Qin Ming from the Yueling Mountain could choose. He did not want to choose the disciples of the top three forces in the Immortal Domain to challenge.

That's definitely asking for trouble.

In comparison, the probability of defeating the Lingshan disciples is still higher.

Qin Ming, a disciple of Lingshan, was not a soft persimmon. After hearing Zhou Qibai's challenge, he exerted force on his feet and jumped onto the platform.

"Brother Zhou, I've wanted to fight you for a long time, please!"

Qin Ming was also straightforward and said bluntly.

Qin Ming was also very unhappy because of Zhou Qibai's vicious attacks on other sect disciples.

I must definitely get rid of this scum.

Yet facts border on ideas.

Although Zhou Qibai is disgusting, his strength is not simple.

Qin Ming only made three moves with him, but he was already outnumbered. In the end, Zhou Qibai cut off one of his arms, punched him right in the center, and flew out of the fighting platform.

Qin Ming fainted immediately after landing.

This made everyone in the audience sigh.

And Lingshan Elder Zhou Chang was even more furious.

"Is this how your Piaomiao Sect disciplines its disciples? It's just a competition, but it's so harsh?"

Zhou Chang, the elder of Lingshan, scolded angrily, blowing his beard and staring in anger.

However, Zhou Qibai and the Piaomiao Sect elders looked indifferent.

"If you compete with swords without eyes, you will inevitably get injured! Forgive me!"

Zhou Qibai said nothing and returned to his seat. He was very satisfied to successfully enter the top ten.


"Elder Zhou, please don't be angry. I have a divine healing pill here that can help your beloved disciple rebuild his broken arm! Take it -"

Just when the elder of Lingshan was angry, Wu Kui, the elder of the Piaomiao Sect, took out a pill with his hand and threw it towards Zhou Chang.

The speed was so fast that if Elder Lingshan couldn't catch it, he might even be hit in the face.

However, as a Mahayana monk, how could Zhou Chang not be able to catch a pill.

With a wave of his hand, he took the elixir between his two fingers.

Zhou Chang's anger at Piaomiao Sect's pity not only did not subside, but even grew stronger.

Is this to bully them that there is no elixir to cure diseases and save lives in Lingshan?

Besides, it's not certain whether this elixir can have the effect Wu Kui said. Maybe the other party is just waiting to see his joke.

I saw Zhou Chang throwing the pill back directly, and a whistling sound was heard in the air.

The elixir hit directly in front of Wu Kui, shattering a stone slab and the elixir instantly shattered.

This made Wu Kui very angry.

"Zhou Chang, what do you mean? I kindly gave you the elixir to heal my apprentice. If you don't appreciate it, forget it. Why did you destroy my elixir?"

Wu Kui was furious and immediately stood up with a slap on the seat.

"If you are so kind, why not take some time to discipline your apprentice! It's just a pill, and you think I can't get it from Lingshan?"

Zhou Chang retorted.

Seeing that the two sides are at war with each other, the situation is full of gunpowder.

The great elder of Lian Shen Sect had to come out to make peace, otherwise the fight would be troublesome.

"OK OK!"

The Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect scolded.

"It is inevitable that swords have no eyes. This is just a competition. If you are not matched by strength, you have to admit defeat. If you are on a real battlefield, who will let you?"

The Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect said sharply.

Elder Lingshan immediately lost his temper.

The other party was telling the truth. He was not strong enough and had to endure the beatings.

If you want to avoid being bullied and humiliated, you must have enough cultivation to support it.

After hearing the words of the Lian Shen Sect, the elders of the two major sects retreated and stopped arguing.

But the following games were even more explosive.

The disciples of each sect fought with all their strength.

The roar of beatings was endless.

In the fifth battle, Yang Ao of Zhentian Sect fought against Zhang Jinzhong of Wuyue Mountain. The two fought back and forth.

After fighting for more than a hundred rounds, it was still difficult to tell the difference between the two. In the end, it turned out that both of them were a little weak and could not tell the difference.

The final decision was a draw.

In the sixth battle, Lin Changsheng was left with Liu Jiayue from the Immortal Palace and Yang Huaizhen from the Xianwu Palace.

Lin Changsheng didn't even have time to jump onto the platform.

On the contrary, Liu Yaoyue from the Immortal Palace jumped up and stood on the platform.

In the end, among Yang Huaizhen and Lin Changsheng, Lin Changsheng was chosen.

"Liu Yueyue of Immortal Palace challenges Fellow Daoist Lin, can you go on stage to discuss things?"

Liu Yaoyue said with her red lips slightly parted.

Liu Yaoyue's appearance is not that outstanding, but her figure is very well-proportioned, with red lips and white teeth, a slender waist, a round front, and beautiful hands.

Coupled with her heroic appearance, many male disciples admire her.

But Lin Changsheng didn't come here to admire the other party's figure.

Use your feet and jump up.

"Junior sister Liu, be careful, don't be careless!"

Wang Huisheng frowned slightly when he saw Junior Sister Liu challenging Lin Changsheng. He knew that no matter who Liu Yaoyue challenged, it would be quite difficult.

Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is still puzzling to this day.

After all, all the disciples who fought with him were defeated by Lin Changsheng with one punch.

"Senior Brother Wang, don't worry!"

Liu Yaoyue looked back and smiled, seemingly confident in her own strength.


Lin Changsheng made a gesture of invitation, but still had no intention of summoning the weapon, which made Liu Yuoyue feel a little unhappy.

The other party obviously looked down on her, and he didn't even use a weapon?

However, Liu Yaoyue was too lazy to talk to Lin Changsheng and directly swung his sharp sword and slashed out with sword rays.

Lin Changsheng saw this and remained motionless, once again condensing the Divine Gang Shield in front of him.

Bang bang bang——

A series of sword energy fell on the Shengang Shield, making roaring sounds, but it was unable to break the shield in front of Lin Changsheng.

This shocked Liu Yaoyue.

What kind of secret is this? The defense is so amazing?

However, Lin Changsheng didn't care what Liu Yueyue thought, he had done his best to give in to her.

Then he punched out, and the Four Elephants Divine Fist exploded again.



Above the fist light, four ferocious beasts surrounded it, making the fist light become extremely domineering.

Seeing the powerful punch coming, Liu Yueyue didn't even retreat.

If she retreats, doesn't it mean that she is defeated by Lin Changsheng?

This would bring disgrace to the Immortal Palace.

"Ten thousand swords unite!"

Liu Yaoyue refused to admit defeat and slashed out her sword with all her strength, hoping to break Lin Changsheng's punch, but the result was not so satisfactory.

Because Lin Changsheng's Four Elephants Divine Fist is a fusion of many immortal skills, it is not an ordinary boxing technique. To crush it, you must at least have a cultivation level beyond the middle stage of Void Refining.

It is almost impossible to be broken in the same realm.


The domineering fist light and sword energy collided, erupting into bursts of roaring sounds.

However, when the sword energy encountered the fist light, it seemed to be vulnerable to a blow and was shattered one by one by the fist light.


This made Liu Yaoyue never expect that even though he tried his best, he still lost to the opponent?

How strong is the other party?


In the end, the fist's power was not reduced and it hit directly in front of Liu Yueyue, knocking him away with one punch and causing him to fall off the platform.

After landing, Liu Yaoyue was still a little dissatisfied. She felt that she was defeated by Lin Changsheng's punch because of her carelessness.

"Junior sister Liu, are you okay?"

Upon seeing this, Wang Huisheng immediately stepped forward to check.

I saw Liu Yaoyue shaking her head, but she was afraid.

However, there was an explosion underneath the fighting platform.

Defeat the enemy with one punch again?

This made everyone in the audience gasp.

There were a lot of people paying attention to this match. I thought the two would be very close to each other, and it would take at least fifty rounds to decide the winner.

However, he didn't expect that Liu Yaoyue, as a monk in the middle stage of Void Refining, could not be defeated by Lin Changsheng's punch? This left many people around him confused.

"What kind of cultivation level is this Lin Changsheng? Why are all the disciples in the middle stage of Void Refining unable to defeat his punch?"

"Yeah! Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense! Even if you are in the same realm and want to win, you can't defeat the opponent with just one move!"

"That's right, this Lin Changsheng can't cheat, right?"

"Cheating? This is the list of geniuses? Who dares to cheat? I guess Lin Changsheng may have a late-stage cultivation of Xu, but he hid his cultivation! Otherwise, it makes no sense!"

Many elders and disciples in the surrounding area were puzzled and started talking one after another.

Looking at Lin Changsheng was like looking at a monster. (End of chapter)

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